Yellow Journalism Archive

Audit of secret fund exposes anomalies in ministry – by Nasir Iqbal: ISLAMABAD, July 6: The audit of the information ministry’s special publicity funds, popularly known as List A, carried out by the Directorate General of Audit has exposed weak internal controls and expenditures made without adhering to legal procedures.

Misuse of taxpayer money: Raza Rumi, Saleh Zaafir among corrupt Pakistani journalists who gained from secret fund: ISLAMABAD (22 April 2013): The list of the 282 journalists who received payments and gifts from the secret fund of the information ministry was made public following a Supreme Court order. The complete list can be viewed as a PDF here. The list

Saudi funding and radicalization (Wahhabisation) in N. America and Europe: It has been proven beyond a shadow of doubt the a vast majority of terrorists acts in the world can be attributed to Wahhabi Salfists terrorists, in Pakistan they are called Takfiri Deobandis. Not all Wahhabis/Salafis are terrorists but the data

A Pakistani paradigm shift may be in order: A step forward in an election year – by Rusty Walker: Your true liberty, you, as a person living in a nation of a diversified people, can only be assured personal freedoms through a massive election turn-out, bent on a

Princess and the Playboy: Zardari and Benazir Bhutto were partners in corruption – by Najam Sethi: Najam Sethi was (caretaker) Prime Minister’s Adviser on Political Affairs and Accountability as a member of the ISI-installed caretaker government in 1996 after Farooq Leghari dismissed Benazir Bhutto’s second government. During 1990s, he (consistent with the agendas of Pakistan

Exposed: Raza Rumi and Rezaul Hasan Laskar behind the fake story about Bilawal’s tiff with Zardari: The fake story about Bilawal’s differences with Asif Zardari published by Indian journalist Rezaul Hasan Laskar (of the Press Trust of Inida) and Raza Rumi (of The Friday Times) is much more dangerous and vicious than what it might seem. In

Sethi-Rumi minions exonerate Deobandi militants from Parveen Rehman’s murder in Karachi and attack on Christians in Lahore: The apparent purpose of Dar ul Uloom Sethia Rumi Town is to graduate obfuscation specialists. These writers will say anything but correctly point out the culprits or take them to task. They will refute or simply ignore any evidence

Zaheer Kidvai’s insensitive comments in Tehelka on #ShiaGenocide: Zaheer Kidvai’s insensitive comments in Tehelka on Shia genocide in Pakistan are a perfect example of why the world community is so misinformed about this issue. His comments reek of subconscious sectarian bigotry. They highlight that instead of informing

Criticism on Ludhianvi’s interview in TFT: Najam Sethi & co shoot the messenger: Recently, The Friday Times (owned and edited by Najam Sethi and co-edited by Raza Rumi) published a very distasteful interview with Ahmed Ludhianvi Deobandi, head of banned terrorist group Sipah-e-Sahaba (aka ASWJ-LeJ). In addition to three posts on LUBP,

US govt should blacklist Pakistan’s Geo TV: Attack on Christians in Lahore – by Mahpara Qalandar: In the afternoon of 9 March, a mob of 3,000 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (ASWJ/LEJ) and PML-N activists destroyed the entire neighborhood of Joseph Colony, Badami Bagh, in Lahore. The destruction was carried out when a rumor was deliberately spread by

Pakistani anchor Gharidah Farooqi promotes banned Deobandi terror ouftit ASWJ – by Ali Taj: Gharidah Farooqi of Samaa TV shamelessly invited ASWJ’s General Secretary Dr. Khadim Dhillon Deobandi to her talk show, then also continued to tweet as ASWJ’s spokesperson and promoter. She seems to be on her way to join the pro

Exposing the lies and fabrication: Al Jazeera’s program on #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan – by A Z: For as long as any of us can remember, in Pakistan we have lived in a world of injustice, ruled by an incestuous elite on an agenda to perpetuate their rule and line their own pockets, while 80 per

Incompetence or glee over bloodshed? A comment on Christian Caryl’s article on #ShiaGenocide – by Ali Taj: This article is in response to Christian Caryl’s article titled“Not About Us” published in Foreign Policy Magazine on February 20th in 2013. The author is either completely unaware of the ground realities of Shia Genocide in Pakistan or is simply rejoicing

Hasil Bizenjo and Abdul Qadir Baloch discuss Pakistan Army’s role in Shia Genocide – by Ali Taj: This is a must watch video clip based on reflections by two leading Baloch politicians Mir Hasil Bizenjo and General (retired) Abdul Qadir Baloch on Shia genocide in Balochistan and wider Pakistan. For the past four years, LUBP has

Pakistan must learn from its Ahmadi Muslims – by Zakir Ahmad: Pakistan Must Learn from its Ahmadi Muslims. It was most heartening to see the support of the Ahmadiyah Muslim community and human rights activists during the recent protests and campaigns against the ongoing Shia Genocide in Pakistan. Aside from Ahmadi

BBC Urdu: Chori aur seena zori – mediocrity at its best – by Fattu Lohar: The issue of using the correct nomenclature to describe the systematic extermination of the Shia in Pakistan has been debated for some years now. While the Takifiri terrorists have been killing the Pakistani Shia relentlessly many in the media,

آخر اہلِ درد ہے کون؟ از محصورِ غم: عجب ذہنی کشمکش اور تذبذب میں مبتلا ہوں۔ سوچتا ہوں کہ کوئٹہ کی جلی کٹی سر بریدہ لاشوں پر نوحہ لکھوں یا صرف آنسو بہاتا رہوں؟ظلم کی اس داستان کو کیسے ضبطِ تحریر میں لاؤں۔۔۔؟ جہاں پر شیر خوار

Shia-hunter Malik Ishaq gets free airtime on the BBC Urdu – by Sidq Maqaal: Question: So what is the LeJ’s Founder (currently vice president of ASWJ) Malik Ishaq Deobandi doing when he is not whipping up passions, to kill Shias, with incendiary hate speeches? Answer: He is giving interviews to respectable international channels

“Throw the Shias out of the fold of Islam!” Ansar Abbasi justifies #ShiaGenocide through his column in Jang: Author: Mahpara Qalandar In his column of 21 February 2013 published in Urdu daily Jang, Ansar Abbasi (pro-Taliban journalist) has continued his subtle justification of the Shia genocide at the hands of Takrifi Deobandi groups such as the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi

Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji condemns LUBP for challenging Najam Sethi’s obfuscation of #ShiaGenocide: Everyone knows that the situation in Pakistan is due to an Iran proxy war between the verses of Hafiz and Saadi. It is a war between Hazara and Pashtun female students who want us to cry about them while

An Open Letter to the World Press: How mainstream media obfuscates Jihadist violence in Pakistan – by Rusty Walker: An Open Letter to the World Press Dear Sir and Madam of the Press Corps: I am writing this letter by way of introduction to tell you about Let Us Build Pakistan (LUBP). LUBP is operated and managed by

Ahmad Noorani mischaracterizes Zardari statements, contradicts own newspaper: Ahmad Noorani, journalist or political operative? Ahmad Noorani writes a ‘top story’ in The News today that is an example of yellow journalism at its worst. The article, “President confuses PPP Jialas and the nation“, is a political ‘hit job’ and

Protecting the killers: A response to Dawn blog on confining religious processions – by Sabah Hasan: Related post: What can Pakistan and the entire world learn from Pakistani Shias? Text of the blog published on Low-key Ashura 22 November 2012In a week since the commencement of Muharram, at least 16 lives have been lost

A Pakistani liberal blogger Ali Chishti praises ASWJ’s Ludhianvi, wants tighter blasphemy laws against Shia Muslims: Related posts: ISI-sponsored anchors are promoting Takfiri terrorists to boost Shia genocide in Muharram Let’s deflect tattoo scandal from Deobandis to Shias: Liberal blogger Ali Chishti and Sipah Sahaba in action Onward march of an agency-connected propagandist A few

Pro-estab anchors are promoting Takfiri Deobandi terrorists to boost Shia genocide in Muharram: Related post: A Pakistani liberal blogger Ali Chishti wants tighter blasphemy laws against Shia Muslims In the last few weeks, quite a few (yellow) journalists, columnists and TV anchors have been activated by Pakistan’s military establishment, ISI and ISPR

Ansar Abbasi’s desperation and the upcoming media obituary notice – by Arbab Zaheer: When I looked at page 3 of November 8, 2012’s Jang, I saw an article written by Sindh Information Minister, Sharjeel Inam Memom. Titled “Propaganda mayn bhee quality ka khayal rakhna zaroori hota hay” or “It’s important to remember

Geo TV anchor Kamran Khan was on Pakistan Army’s payroll at Rs. 7000 per month: Related: Top-secret: ISI Media Roll of Dishonour Former Military Intelligence (MI) officer Brigadier Hamid Saeed has revealed that Karman Khan, senior journalist of The News (Jang Group) and anchor of Jang Group’s Geo News TV, was on payroll of

CJ Chaudhry activates right wing lobby in the media against Senator Faisal Raza Abidi – by Ali Asad: There are ample signs that Pakistan’s cotroversial Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry (and his sponsors in Aabpara) have activated right wing lobby in the media against his critics, particularly against Senator Faisal Raza Abidi. Usman Manzoor, a dubious reporter of

Threatened or bribed? Express Tribune removes report on PML-N’s alliance with Sipah-e-Sahaba: Related posts: A comment on PML-N’s electoral alliance with Takfiri militans of Sipah-e-Sahaba The cat is finally out of the bag: PML-N in formal alliance with Sipah-e-Sahaba (LeJ-ASWJ)

For Ansar Abbasi and Jang, every day is an April Fools Day! – by Arbab Zaheer: For Ansar Abbasi and Jang, every day is an April Fools Day! That’s what I thought when I read his out of context note on Thursday, September 27, 2012 titled “CJ kay khilaf aik aur ‘dhamakay’ kee sazish!” in

Extremism and Solution – by Ali Taj: What is the bigger sin? Dancing (or watching dance) in a private party within one’s four walls – or beheading someone? This is a question asked by a christian friend after reading this news: Taliban behead 17 caught dancing

An example of how Pakistan’s English press blindly follows foreign news agencies: LUBP has previously reported that, barring one or two exceptions, the quality of foreign correspondent in Pakistan is really disappointing. We explained that many foreign correspondents in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi etc remain surrounded and influenced by a tight club

Media blacks out Shia suffering in its Eid coverage: Ikhtiar Hussain One of the rituals Pakistani media does on every Eid is to give coverage to those who for some reason cannot celebrate the festival of Eid like other Pakistanis. This year too, the media showed a few

On Altafism, Sufi folklore and Nadeem Paracha’s adoration of the MQM: Nadeem Farooq Paracha, noted left-liberal Pakistani columnist and satirist, is viewed by some in Pakistan’s limited English speaking circles as a prominent authority on the history of Pakistani culture and society. For the younger generation, Mr Paracha came into

#ShameBBCUrdu: An account of BBC Urdu’s misrepresentation of Shia genocide in Pakistan: BBC Urdu claims to be objective and transparent in its coverage of issues related to the world, particularly related to Pakistan. However, with very few exceptions, its coverage of massacres and persecution of Shia Muslims in Pakistan is generally

Letter from a from a friend in Pakistan – by Ali Taj: These 22 people, some were going home for eid with gifts for their kids and families were taken off three buses, identified and slaughtered. The place is somewhere near Lalusar, after Naran, KPK, en route to GB. I think

Urgently needed: A camera for Express Tribune to cover Shia genocide in Gilgit Baltistan: Recently a few friends have objected to LUBP’s criticism of Express Tribune’s (ET) alleged bias against Shia Muslims. Our fellow bloggers at Pakistan Blogzine (PB) have previously highlighted how an op-ed published on ET blatantly insulted Shia Muslims and

Express Tribune’s Shia-phobia: Misreports massacre of 30 Shias of Gilgit-Baltistan as Sunni massacre: Related posts: Urgently needed: A camera for Express Tribune to cover Shia genocide in Gilgit Baltistan Shia genocide continues unabated: Passenger buses in Naran attacked, scores dead Express Tribune (ET) has a consistent pattern of insulting Shia Muslims, ridiculing

Breaking the Arab News: Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera have lowered their journalistic standards in their coverage of Syria – by Sultan Al Qassemi: While civil war rages on the Syrian battlefield between regime loyalists and myriad rebel factions, another battle is taking place in the media world. Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera, the two Gulf-based channels that dominate the Arabic news business, have moved

Media Exoneration Commission, the JJJ (Journalist, Judiciary, Jernail) – by Ali Taj: More than a third of US population thinks President Obama is a Muslim, about the same number believe that he falsified his birth certificate to get into office. These are obviously malicious lies but no one in the American Administration is