Yellow Journalism Archive

Blasphemy law, Kamran Khan ke sath – by John Bosco: It doesn’t look good that we should start our 1st day of the year with the same problems and issues that we have been dealing for over 2 decades. Please find herewith web link of a programme telecast on “Aaj

Charter of irresponsible journalism in Pakistan in 2011: “Responsible optimism” is the catchy title of an article that I read today in my ‘favourite’ newspaper, The News (of Jang Group!). According to the byline, Mr Mosharraf Zaidi, the author of the article, “advises governments, donors and NGOs

In appreciation of Malik Riaz Hussain, General Aslam Beg and Saudi dates – by Javed Chaudhry: Related articles: LUBP archive on Javed Chaudhry LUBP archive on Malik Riaz Thanks to Mohammed Hanif (@Twitter) for pointing towards this perfect Urdu column: Malik Riaz great+ General Beg greater+ secret Cardio cures+ Saudi dates+ nuke india+ pray for

Dawn: A “cracker” of a job confusing the public with euphemisms – by Qudsia Siddiqui: Related article: Attack on Shia students in Karachi: An ISI-Sipah-e-Sahaba production After receiving the news of the blast at Karachi University, I quickly checked the news coverage including the “Breaking News” section of DAWN. Here is how they reported

On Sadruddin Hashwani: Dr Shahid Masood’s new financier: Related article: Disgracefully dismissed: Dr Shahid Masood fired from ARY TV ……. Dr Shahid Masood flattering Hashwani I am pleased to announce that I will be a colleague and a co-worker with some of you very soon in my

Benazir Bhutto’s murder: Whose narrative is Mubashir Lucman propagating? – by Shaista Aazar: Mubashir Lucman (weird spelling) is a very strange figure in term of political affiliation, his sympathies and criticism, his praise and hunt for various political figures. He was part of General Musharraf’s interim cabinet and unlike his other friends, he

An (unofficial) ISI spokesperson writes on former CIA head in Islamabad: مفرور سی آئی اے چیف احمد قریشی پاکستان کو سی آئی اے کے ایجنٹوں سے پاک صاف کرنے کا عمل شروع ہوچکا ہے اور ان کے ساتھ ساتھ ہی حکومت میں موجود ایسے عناصر کی بھی چھانٹی کی جارہی

On Ejaz Haider and his kudos to Pakistan army: The dominant narrative in the (ISI and JI dominated) Pakistani media is to congratulate each other, security agencies (police, rangers, army) in particular, on their ‘success’ in preventing terrorist attacks during the Ashura of Muharram. Once against the official

Top Secret: ISI Media Roll of Dishonour: Disclaimer: This post is based on my personal research and understanding of the military establishment’s strategies and tactics in Pakistani media, which I am publishing for the information and well being of the Pakistani nation. However, the post does

The ISI media’s two pronged strategy: From Ahmed Quraishi to Azhar Abbas: The front end: the ISI strikes back Recently, the LUBP wrote an article titled “Pakistan Army owns up the ISI man on a suicide attack mission in India”. ‘Renowned’ nationalist, patriot, and ‘asset’, Ahmed Quraishi, took exception to our

Foreign journalists in Pakistan: Embedded in the narratives of military establishment and urban elite: Through LUBP, we have been successfully confronting and exposing the pro-military establishment and pro-urban middle class narratives of the Pakistani print and electronic media (including Pakistani blogs). (see some examples here, here and here) However, the role of foreign

Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks VS Mir Shakil ur Rahman’s Mickeyleaks: Related article: A glaring example of how ISI dictates Pakistani newspapers: The case of a missing WikiLeak cable Let Us Build Pakistan rightly claims that ‘Jang group’ is inherently biased against democratic politics, is continuously propagating misconceptions about Pakistan

Zafar Hilaly’s ‘hate India’ op-ed in service of his masters in the ISI: Related article: A glaring example of how ISI dictates Pakistani newspapers: The case of a missing WikiLeak cable No conspiracy theories, please by Zafar Hilaly Talking to Time Magazine on July 28, 1958, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt confessed:

Asif Zardari’s corruption in French submarine deal: Agosta submarine deal – Benazir, Zardari not involved: ex-naval spy chief Former director-general of Naval Intelligence Commodore (retd ) Shahid Ashraf has said that President Asif Ali Zardari and former prime minister Benazir Bhutto were not involved in the

A glaring example of how ISI dictates Pakistani newspapers: The case of a missing WikiLeak cable: Related articles: Mohsin Baig’s Online-International News Network: A news ‘agency’ you can trust! Zafar Hilaly’s ‘hate India’ op-ed in service of his masters in the ISI Here is an excellent investigative article by our fellow bloggers at Cafe Pyala

Jang’s new dictionary: Anti-corruption Day = Anti-terrorism Day: In its obsession with politicians’ corruption, Jang has equated bad-unwani (corruption) with dehshat-gardi (terrorism). The following news item was most probably a joint production of Muhammad Saleh Zaafir and Ahmad Noorani, both of them members of the extremist Deobandi

Wikileaks prove that Dr Shahid Masood’s analysis was so right!: اک کہانی سنو سویرے سویرے نذیر ناجی وکی لیکس میں 2008ء اور 2009ء کے حوالے سے فوجی بغاوت کی جو خبریں‘ تجزیئے‘ حتیٰ کہ جنرل کیانی کا نام لے کر کھلی دعوتیں کہ وہ آگے بڑھ کر اقتدار پر

Nawa-i-Waqt is promoting religious extremism – by Muhammad Amjad Rashid: Related article: Extremist Deobandi mullah offers a reward for anyone who kills Aasia Bibi: Nawaiwaqt joins the jihad Nawaiwaqt is a pet of Nawaz Sharif – by Muhammad Amjad Rashid In daily Nawa-i-Waqt, on the left above corner of

Blasphemy law and the attitude of journalists and anchors – by John Bosco: I watched a programme on Asia Bibi and the amendments in Blasphemy Law on 30th November at News Beat and the programme host was Mehar Bukhari of Samaa TV. It is interesting to note that she has invited 2
![Rich [Irresponsible] Media, Poor Democracy](
Rich [Irresponsible] Media, Poor Democracy: Robert McChesney argues in his book, “Rich Media, Poor Democracy”that the media, far from providing bedrock for freedom and democracy, have become a significant antidemocratic force in the United States and, to varying degrees, worldwide. Rich Media, Poor Democracy

Media’s view on political alliances – by Sikandar Mehdi: We don't need to be a rocket scientist to see what media is trying to do.Media has its own interest in the fall of the government. They along with their Taliban sympathizers will have a field day. They want

Investigating the corruption of politicians — by Hassan Iftikhar: Investigating in dark alleys —Hassan Iftikhar Sometimes, investigative journalism in Pakistan remains merely a case of whole-scale copying of files handed out by aggrieved bureaucrats whose only bone of contention lies in being on the losing end of the

Arundhati Roy’s Statement on media and mob justice: There is too much similarities between Pakistani and Indian right wing media, both are inciting hatred and violence among the country’s citizens and especially against those having unpopular views and thoughts. Indian media was present around Arundhati Roy’s house with live coverage facilities

Cable operators’ press conference against Geo TV and Jang Group: As predicated by Naheed Khan (reported in Hamid Mir’s op-ed today), the Tsunami came, however, its direction was towards the dirtiest ever CEO of a Pakistani media group, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman, who has broken his own past records of yellow

Toon Talk: Yellow Journalists pale further – by M. Ali: In simple words…second loss in one week.

Finalization of APNS-CPNE Media Codes Urged: Related Articles: “Ethical Codes for Media: Yes or No?” Free, independent and responsible media -by Farhad Jarral QUETTA: All Pakistan Newspapers Society (APNS) and Council of Pakistan Newspapers Editors (CPNE) would have to play their role to curb non-professionalism in media

Shame on you Talat Hussain!: Related article On Syed Talat Hussain, Angelina Jolie and Pakistan’s pseudo-liberals Syed Talat Hussain ‘was’ an esteemed columnist, television host and journalist of Pakistan, until today when he targeted someone for following their own harmless cultural norms. In his

Ansar Abbasi says: Nawaz Sharif must refrain from political reconciliation with the PPP: From LUBP old website: Ansar Abbasi advises Nawaz Sharif to refrain from reconciliation. He suggests that politics of reconciliation can be devastating for the country. Really? Good bye, democracy. Welcome, military dictatorship. Whose agenda are you serving Mr. Abbasi?

Pakistani (pro-establishment) media’s war on politicians: Here is a valuable excerpt cross posted from Pakistan Media Watch: Let us review some recent incidents in our own media that have gone without even the slightest reprimand. On 7 October, a reporter for The Nation, Syed Fawad Ali

Demand for polygraph: In June earlier this year, I came across a news item which was very funny: A Barrister Iqbal Jafri had demanded a polygraph test of Nawaz Sharif. We covered the point and had it posted on LUBP. Surprisingly, the

Breaking News: The News (Jang Group) removes its 19 January 2010 false story to escape legal action: Here is something which the critical readers of the LUBP would love to read: Watch Abbas Ather’s conversation with Asma Jahangir in today’s Column Kaar (16 October 2010). At about 8:00 minutes in the above video, Abbas Ather

The night when judges could not sleep: An example of the ‘Geo-Judge alliance’ against Pakistan: Geo TV’s rumour mongering The Supreme Court’s “restraining order” to stop government functionaries from any moves to undermine the judiciary have brought to the fore the unsavoury role being played by a section of the electronic media [i.e., Jang

Talking knees: How to be a successful TV anchor and talk show host in Pakistan – by Nadeem Paracha: Want to be a successful TV anchor and talk show host in Bakistan? The following is what you need to know … Amreeka A modern-day Babylon. Run by evil men whose bloodlines are linked to epic, evil characters such

The News’ psychic powers, Access to Agencies and Ansar Abbasi’s worries – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: The News and Jang Group are the evangelists without whom Pakistan cannot survive or so it seems. The News knows it all. It has sources everywhere and its investigative powers are much stronger than even the top sleuths in

What really happened at Nasdaq? By Shibil Siddiqi: A news story doing round on Geo TV is of a “Missed Opportunity” by Pakistan’s Consul General in New York to present the case of Pakistan at the Nasdaq. Sami Ibrahim of Geo TV can be heard saying, while

The alleged Plot to kill Justice Sharif: A wishful thinking of Ansar Abbasi (part 2) – by Fawad Manzoor: Related article: Part 1 Our society has many different ways of insulting other individual. It varies from class to class profession to profession and most probably family to family. Modes of insulting might be different but one thing is

The Price of EU Trade Concessions: So many people complained when Zardari continued his trip to EU despite the flooding. There are valid arguments that he could have brought some relief by being with the people in their time of suffering, but even that would

Floods, Fanatics, and Fault Lines: Raza Rumi’s column in today’s Express Tribune should never need to be written. A tragedy of the proportions we are facing is a time to put aside petty differences and work to heal our wounds and move our nation forward. But

Syeda Shehla Raza’s facebook status-shame to yellow journalism: Syeda Shehla Raza deputy speaker Sindh assembly posted her current facebook status as saying: “My visit to RAZZK ABAD camp I saw a unike incidence the repoter of GEO arranged a man who according to his directions gave a statement that