A glaring example of how ISI dictates Pakistani newspapers: The case of a missing WikiLeak cable
Related articles:
Mohsin Baig’s Online-International News Network: A news ‘agency’ you can trust!
Zafar Hilaly’s ‘hate India’ op-ed in service of his masters in the ISI
Here is an excellent investigative article by our fellow bloggers at Cafe Pyala who are very ably and bravely exposing the ISI’s investment in Pakistan’s print and electronic media.
Previously Cafe Pyala had written an excellent piece (also cross posted at LUBP) highlighting the ISI’s investment in Pakistani blogs and websites.
The following post may be read in conjunction with a recent post by Laila Ebadi in which she discusses how General Kayani dictated talking points to free media a few days ago. Also, of interest is the LUBP archive on Teen Jeem (the Judge, Journalist, and Journail alliance against democracy).
Leaking Away
Source: Cafe Pyala
Reading through the top story in today’s The News andJang, my eyes grew progressively wider and wider. Not so much from the latest Wikileaks revelations aboutIndia as from sheer incredulity.
Titled “Enough evidence of Indian involvement in Waziristan, Balochistan” (aside: how much is ‘enough’?) inThe News, the main story deals with a slew of information allegedly from US diplomatic cables sent from Delhi as well as other missions around the world about India. They confirm everything Pakistanis (or at least certain types of Pakistanis) always said about India: it’s direct involvement of India in the anti-state activities in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and Balochistan, the weakness of the Indian dossier on Ajmal Kassab, the manipulated nature of Indian evidence about the ISI’s involvement in the Mumbai attacks, the sissyness of India’s generals who do things out of personal ego and petulance rather than well-thought-out strategy, the internal rifts in the Indian army, the similarity of the situation in Kashmir with that in Bosnia in the 1990s, the involvement of Indian intelligence in promoting Hindu extremists to conduct false flag attacks against India itself to implicate the ISI and Indian Muslims etc etc etc.
But I think where my incredulity reached a tipping point was when the cables claimed well regarded Indian policeman Hemant Karkare – who had been following leads about the involvement of Indian right-wing Hindutva organizations in the Samjhota Expressbombing and about whose death there has already been plenty of controversy within India – was “eliminated in apre-planned ambush during the Mumbai attacks”, the implication being ‘by the covert operatives of the Indian army.’ According to the report in The News:
“The cable suggested that Hemant Karkare held a secret meeting with a senior US diplomat in New Delhi during the national day reception of a friendly country and briefed him about the gravity and the growing depth of the nexus between top Indian Army leadership and the militant Hindu fanatic groups. Karkare sought security for him and his family from the said American diplomat as he feared that the army and establishment would eliminate him as he intended to move further to expose the network. He had further briefed the said US diplomat that a former commander-in-chief of the Central Command of the Indian army, Lt Gen PN Hoon, was heading the militancy wing of the Hindu extremists and was getting full tactical, logistic and financial support from senior army officers. The day, Karkare was eliminated in a pre-planned ambush during the Mumbai attacks, a cable sent to the US read “we have lost an important link and a vital evidence”.”
This was HUGE. This was BEYOND huge! Surely the world would be going mad with this new revelation!
Imagine my bewilderment then, when I turned to other papers and discovered that there seemed to be nomention of this story anywhere in any other Pakistani paper… not Dawn, not Express Tribune, not the Daily Times et al (Okay, so The Nation and Nawai Waqt did have it, but who believes anything they run?). Did the Jang Group and Majid Nizami’s vanity projects just scoop everyone else? So I went online to check the Indian papers. No mention. Cowards. But what was really strange was that I couldn’t seem to find these incredibly incriminating cables anywhere on the Guardian Wikileaks website or even mentioned anywhere in a Google News search.
In fact, the only other place which seemed to have the story were those redoubts of journalistic integrity, Rupee News and the Daily Mail Post type sites. Ah. And this absurd plant is your top story, Jang Group? Really?
Small wonder The News and Jang give the source of the report as “Agencies.”
Question: How stupid do the “Agencies” really think Pakistanis are?
: : : UPDATE : : :
So, the Express Tribune did in fact run a similar story. On page 8. Datelined Washington and sourced from the wire agency Online. I had mistakenly thought they had had better sense but it seems they didn’t have much faith in the revelations to put them on the front page or somewhere else more prominent. Which of course begs the question, then why run them at all?
Incidentally, here is a link to the cheerleader Ahmed Quraishi‘s page, making the most of his imagination. And here is the Daily Mail Post basking in his reflected glory. Thanks to @Rezhasan and Shahid Saeed for the links.
Further update:
An invisible single-column tardeed by Jang, instead of owning up and apologizing for being a convenient mouthpiece of the ISI, Jang have blamed the Online news agency:

Geo TV and its team of Goebbels – by Irfan Urfi
LUBP Forum:
Yellow Journalism by Jang group.
Bolshevik’s observation at Cafe Pyala:
Also, notice how The News ki story, which appeared today (Dec 9) quotes this story, which was posted YESTESRDAY (Dec 8) on RupeeNews almost verbatim.
I was hearing news on ARY yesterday and I seemed to have missed it in the newspaper. It was a detailed news a sort of Press Release which detailed the meeting between President Zardari and all services chiefs. The news report talked about observing the “diplomatic protocol” in letter and spirit by all the government officials.
I am trying to find out the complete news as well as source of this news (whether it is the presidential house or is it ISPR).
Anybody can help…
Zardari, Service Chiefs discuss WikiLeaks
ISLAMABAD,Dec08: Services Chiefs including Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman and Vice Chief of Naval Staff held a meeting with President Asif Ali Zardari Wednesday in the President House.
Reports said they discussed disclosures of US diplomatic cables by whistleblower WikiLeaks in the key meeting.
Sources said it was decided in the meeting that Pakistani official, especially the high-ups of armed forces, would assure the implementation on protocols in their meetings with diplomats.
Meanwhile, Zardari at a ceremony in Aiwan-e-Sadr conferred Nishan-i-Imtiaz (military) on the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Khalid Shameem Wynne “in recognition of his long meritorious services”.
Federal ministers and high ranking civilian military officers and Services Chiefs including army chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman and Vice Chief of Naval Staff attended the ceremony.
General Khalid Shameem Wynne assumed the charge of his office on Oct 8 this year.
President confers Nishan-i-Imtiaz (M) on CJCSC
ISLAMABAD – 8th December 2010
President Asif Ali Zardari on Wednesday at a ceremony here at the Aiwan-e-Sadr conferred Nishan-i-Imtiaz (military) on the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee General Khalid Shameem Wynne “in recognition of his long meritorious services”.
Federal ministers and high ranking civil an military officers and Services Chiefs including Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman and Vice Chief of Naval Staff attended the impressive ceremony.
General Khalid Shameem Wynne assumed the charge of his office on Oct 8 this year.
President Zardari later joined the guests at a reception.
@sarah khan
Thank you very much.
This is a very intriguing news item , initially thought perhaps I heard this news in my dream :)… since it is not in the major newspapers , I am assuming that it was coming from President’s house.
It seems to me that Kayani’s position have somehow been weakened by the wikileaks. It will be interesting to keep an eye on all the reports coming from or about Kyani in the next few weeks.
thanks again.
Yes, it becomes all the more interesting when read in the context of these two news items:
ISI on the run, refuses to explain its role in drone attacks!
and also this one:
پاکستان کے خفیہ اداروں آئی ایس آئی اور ایم آئی نے جمعرات کے روز سپریم کورٹ کو بتایا ہے کہ راولپنڈی کی اڈیالہ جیل سے رہائی کے بعد لاپتہ ہونے والے گیارہ افراد ان کی تحویل میں ہیں۔
یہ بیان خفیہ ایجنسیوں اور وفاق کے وکیل راجہ ارشاد نے جمعرات کو چیف جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدری کی سربراہی میں سپریم کورٹ کے تین رکنی بینچ کے سامنے دیا۔
یاد رہے کہ گزشتہ سماعت کے دوران اس سے قبل ان اداروں نے عدالت میں ایک بیان داخل کرایا گیا تھا جس میں انہوں نے موقف اختیار کیا تھا کہ یہ افراد ان کی تحویل میں نہیں ہیں۔
The story now reported in Guardian:
Pakistani media publish fake WikiLeaks cables attacking India
Comments alleged to be from WikiLeaks US embassy cables say Indian generals are genocidal and New Delhi backs militants
Declan Walsh in Islamabad
guardian.co.uk, Thursday 9 December 2010 16.29 GMT
They read like the most extraordinary revelations. Citing the WikiLeaks cables, major Pakistani newspapers this morning carried stories that purported to detail eye-popping American assessments of India’s military and civilian leaders.
According to the reports, US diplomats described senior Indian generals as vain, egotistical and genocidal; they said India’s government is secretly allied with Hindu fundamentalists; and they claimed Indian spies are covertly supporting Islamist militants in Pakistan’s tribal belt and Balochistan.
“Enough evidence of Indian involvement in Waziristan, Balochistan,” read the front-page story in the News; an almost identical story appeared in the Urdu-language Jang, Pakistan’s bestselling daily.
If accurate, the disclosures would confirm the worst fears of Pakistani nationalist hawks and threaten relations between Washington and New Delhi. But they are not accurate.
An extensive search of the WikiLeaks database by the Guardian by date, name and keyword failed to locate any of the incendiary allegations. It suggests this is the first case of WikiLeaks being exploited for propaganda purposes.
The controversial claims, published in four Pakistani national papers, were credited to the Online Agency, an Islamabad-based news service that has frequently run pro-army stories in the past. No journalist is bylined.
Shaheen Sehbai, group editor at the News, described the story as “agencies’ copy” and said he would investigate its origins.
The incident fits in with the wider Pakistani reaction to WikiLeaks since the first cables emerged.
In the west, reports have focused on US worries for the safety of Pakistan’s nuclear stockpile, or the army’s support for Islamist militants such as the Afghan Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba, the group blamed for the Mumbai attack.
But Pakistan’s media has given a wide berth to stories casting the military in a negative light, focusing instead on the foibles of the country’s notoriously weak politicians.
Editors have pushed stories that focus on president Asif Ali Zardari’s preoccupation with his death, prime minister Yousaf Raza Gilani’s secret support for CIA drone strikes and tales of a bearded religious firebrand cosying up to the US ambassador.
Among ordinary citizens, the coverage has hardened perceptions that Pakistani leaders are in thrall to American power.
Pakistan has become “the world’s biggest banana republic”, wrote retired diplomat Asif Ezdi last week.
Military and political leaders, portrayed as dangerously divided in the cables, have banded together to downplay the assessment.
“Don’t trust WikiLeaks,” Gilani told reporters in Kabul last weekend. Beside him president Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, also tarred in the dispatches, nodded solemnly.
On Saturday the army, having stayed silent all week, denied claims that army chief General Ashfaq Kayani “distrusted” the opposition leader Nawaz Sharif. Kayani “holds all political leaders in esteem”, a spokesman said.
Meanwhile conspiracy theorists, including some journalists, insist Washington secretly leaked the cables in an effort to discredit the Muslim world; the Saudi ambassador described them as propaganda.
But senior judges favour their publication. Dismissing an attempt to block WikiLeaks last week, justice Sheikh Azmat Saeed said the cables “may cause trouble for some personalities” but would be “good for the progress of the nation in the long run”.
The lopsided media coverage highlights the strong influence of Pakistan’s army over an otherwise vigorous free press.
This morning’s stories disparaging Indian generals – one is said to be “rather a geek”, another to be responsible for “genocide” and compared to Slobodan Milosevic – is counterbalanced by accounts of gushing American praise for Pakistan’s top generals.
The actual WikiLeaks cables carry a more nuanced portraits of a close, if often uneasy, relationship between the US and Pakistan’s military.
But the real cables do contain allegations of Indian support for Baloch separatists, largely sourced to British intelligence assessments.
Pakistan’s press is generally cautious in reporting about its own army. But some internet commentators said the latest WikiLeaks story was a bridge too far.
Noting that the story was bylined to “agencies” – a term that in Pakistan means both a news agency and a spy outfit – the blogger Cafe Pyala asked: “How stupid do the ‘Agencies’ really think Pakistanis are?”
Express Tribune
WikiLeaks: A missing cable and a dinner for Prince Charles
9 December 2010
Here are some interesting nuggets that much of the world press hasn’t reported upon, and isn’t likely to either, because they don’t make for ‘sexy’ reading/content.
The case of the missing cable
The News – and Jang – of December 9 had a lead story which, quite unbelievably I must say, quoted a cable from the US embassy in Islamabad saying all the things that the establishment in Pakistan would want the world to think about:
a) India
b) India’s army
c) India’s chauvinist Hindu parties and
d) Hamid Karzai.
Intriguingly enough – or perhaps worryingly – when I scoured the WikiLeaks website on the evening of December 9 for this cable I couldn’t find it. Lest I be accused of not looking hard enough, cables can be searched by embassy location and by date.
The report (which has also been carried in Ahmed Quraishi’s blog and websites like Daily Mail News) said many things, including that a former Indian army chief was considered a “geek” and a “bad combat commander”, that the current Indian army chief was a braggart and egotistical and that the Americans were of the view that the Hindu right wing parties posed a far greater threat to regional stability than the Taliban, al Qaeda or the Lashkar-e-Taiba.
As Café Pyala has already pointed out, this is BIG news, so why didn’t more papers (other than The News and Jang) carry it? Perhaps the reason for that may have to do with the fact that this cable cannot really be found on the website of WikiLeaks – at least not as of 6 pm December 9. So where is this missing cable? When will it be released?
The News and Jang credited “agencies” with this, so which news agency had it? Apparently one of them is Online, and if publications were fooled into carrying it perhaps they should issue a correction. Is this cable authentic and real and if so why can’t it be found on the WikiLeaks website? Or is it the handiwork of some elements (let’s not name them) who, knowing that papers are awash with leaked cables every day, thought of introducing some of their own ‘leaks’?
suprem court summoned ppp mpa uzma bokhari for remarks against jang group.look at the alliance of jang group and judiciary.if you say something against jang group sc will call you and ask you not to say anything against jang group even if you are a member of parliament and said something in assembly. wah bai wah.you are not allowed to say something against jang group they are protected by sc.
Actual news item published in The News.
Enough evidence of Indian involvement in Balochistan, Waziristan
Thursday, December 09, 2010
WASHINGTON: A cable from US Embassy in Islamabad leaked by whistle-blower website WikiLeaks disclosed that there were enough evidences of Indian involvement in Waziristan and other tribal areas of Pakistan as well as Balochistan.
The Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Ahmed Shuja Pasha’s extension in services was termed as a good omen in one such cable and it was added that his further presence on the scene would enhance the agency’s abilities to combat anti-terror war.
An earlier cable ruled out any direct or indirect involvement of ISI in 26/11 under Pasha’s command while Mumbai’s dossier, based on prime accused Ajmal Kasab’s confessional statement was termed funny and “shockingly immature”.
WikiLeaks revealed that a cable sent from a US mission in India termed former Indian Army chief General Deepak Kapoor as an incompetent combat leader and rather a geek.
His war doctrine, suggesting eliminating China and Pakistan in a simultaneous war front was termed as “much far from reality”. Another cable indicates that General Kapoor was dubbed as a general who was least bothered about security challenges to the country but was more concerned about making personal assets and strengthening his own cult in the army. The cable also suggested that a tug-of-war between Kapoor and the current Indian Army chief had divided the Indian Army into two groups.
General Singh has also been described as “Pakistan, China centric”, with an added aggression towards China. The cable mentioned General Singh as an egotist, self-obsessed, petulant and idiosyncratic general, a braggadocio and a show-off, who has been disliked (and barely tolerated) by all his subordinates.
An earlier cable described Indian Army involved in gross human rights violations in Indian-held Kashmir while some Lt Gen HS Panag, the then GOC-in-Chief of the Northern Command of the Indian Army, was equated with General Milosevic of Bosnia with regard to butchering Muslims through war crimes.
The cable urged Washington to secretly divert UN attention towards the genocide of innocent civilians in held Kashmir at the hands of Indian Army and also suggested that US should avoid holding any joint drill with Indian Army until it stops inhuman activities in Kashmir. The cable termed one Lt Col AK Mathur as “devil’s advocate” at Srinagar.
Another cable indicated involvement of top Indian Army leadership in engaging Hindu extremist militants to carry out certain terror operations to keep Indian Muslims on the back foot and to keep pressure on neighbouring Pakistan’s Army and intelligence agencies, particularly the Inter-Services Intelligence.
The cable confirmed the active presence of ISI in India but it refused to confirm any involvement of ISI in any terror incident across India and did confirm intelligence collection by its agents and operatives. Another cable confirmed that there was a nexus of top Indian Army officials and extremist Hindu outfits. This cable suggested that an Indian police officer, a counter-terror specialist with the name of Hemant Karkare, had exposed this nexus to some extent when he arrested a serving colonel of Indian army, Lt Colonel Purohit, for blazing a Pakistan bound train (Samjhota Express).
The cable suggested that Hemant Karkare held a secret meeting with a senior US diplomat in New Delhi during the national day reception of a friendly country and briefed him about the gravity and the growing depth of the nexus between top Indian Army leadership and the militant Hindu fanatic groups. Karkare sought security for him and his family from the said American diplomat as he feared that the army and establishment would eliminate him as he intended to move further to expose the network. He had further briefed the said US diplomat that a former commander-in-chief of the Central Command of the Indian army, Lt Gen PN Hoon, was heading the militancy wing of the Hindu extremists and was getting full tactical, logistic and financial support from senior army officers. The day, Karkare was eliminated in a pre-planned ambush during the Mumbai attacks, a cable sent to the US read “we have lost an important link and a vital evidence”.
Another cable sent to Washington termed Hindutva brotherhood in general and Shiv Sena in particular, as ticking time bombs with regard to militancy and terrorism. It was suggested that fundraisers like Hindu Students Council of America etc should be banned to raise funds as they were generating funds for the Hindu militant outfits under the garb of charity. Another file dubs Hindutva Brotherhood as a far bigger threat to regional and global peace than Taliban, al-Qaeda and LeT and the later three were declared as “peanuts” if equated with Hindutva Brotherhood and Sangh Parivaar and Washington was urged to take up the issue with New Delhi. Another cable expressed grave concern over the Indian government’s ability to handle Naxal insurgency movement as 80 per cent of Indian nuclear and missile facilities were present in the insurgency hit areas of India while the Indian security forces were totally helpless in ensuring the writ of the government in that particular area, known as the “Red Corridor of India”.
A cable sent from Israel described the then Israeli Military Intelligence chief, Major General Amos Yadlin as an aggressive general. He was quoted in the cable as a dire seeker of “annihilation” of Islamic Republic of Iran. In a meeting with an American diplomat, General Yadlin dubbed Iranian, Syrian and Hezbollah’s weapons as “tools of terrorism” and not war weapons. He also showed immense eagerness to attack Syrian nuclear facilities.
General Yadlin also told American diplomat that timeframe of Iran nuclear weapons preparation and timeframe to attack Iran were to be totally different issues. He also differed with Americans over the ability of Iran to prepare nuclear weapons and instead said that Iran had sufficient enriched uranium to manufacture a single nuclear device and may soon have enough for making another bomb.
Iran is busy setting up two new nuclear installations, Yadlin told the US diplomat adding that M-I has indications that work has began on the installations, but did not comment on the sources. Yadlin, who was later-on replaced by Brigadier General Aviv Kochav, also spoke of Iran as the greatest threat facing Israel, not only in the nuclear respect. “Iran is sending its long arms to aid anyone who is working against Israel,” Yadlin said. “Such assessments are undoubtedly weighing on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s mind as he considers the possible need for an Israeli pre-emptive strike on Iran,” the cable said.
Mossad chief Meir Dagan very proudly told Americans that his special team had eliminated Hamas top military strategist Izzadin Sheikh Khalil through a terror plot. The cable informed Washington that in fact Dagan had established a number of “hit teams” through which he was getting engaged in non-intelligence operations and also used these hit men for certain personal vendettas as well.
Dagan, in a meeting with US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, William Burns, proposed Americans a five point agenda to fix Iran. The focus of the agenda was to change the regime at Tehran and to launch an ethnic movement throughout Iran to destabilise the country before launching the final attack.
A cable from Kabul termed Afghan President as the “patron-in-chief” of the Afghan drug mafia. The cable, citing certain verified UNODC figures, stated that Karzai was living at the mercy of Afghan warlords who, with the passage of time, had transformed into drug lords. The cable stated that there was an annual drug trade of 3 trillion dollars from Pakistan while the Karzai administration was keeping mum over the same.
Another cable stated that Indian involvement in Afghanistan was increasing considerably and all was going on with the consent and knowledge of President Karzai and his administration. The cable further reads that growing Indian influence and presence in Afghanistan was focused towards Pakistan and China, both simultaneously.
Saudi Arabia proposed setting up an Arab force to fight Hezbollah militants in Lebanon with the help of the US, UN and Nato, according to a leaked document. In a meeting in May 2008 with a US diplomat in Iraq, David Satterfield, Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal said a “security response” was needed to the “military challenge” posed to Beirut by the Iran-backed militants.
The Saudi prince feared a Hezbollah victory against the Lebanese government, led by then prime minister Fuad Siniora, would eventually lead to Iran’s takeover of the country.
There was a need for an “Arab force” to create and maintain order in and around Beirut, he argued, saying the Lebanese army was “too fragile to bear more pressure,” according to the cable from the US embassy in Riyadh.
Such a force would be aided by UNIFIL troops deployed in southern Lebanon, while the “US and Nato would need to provide movement and logistic support, as well as naval and air cover,” the cable added.
According to a leaked document, Saudi armed forces killed Yemeni civilians when fighting Shia rebels in a brief border war despite assurances that only rebel targets were hit.
Saudi Arabia fought Yemeni rebels for several months in a border war that ended with a ceasefire in February.
In public statements during the fighting, Saudi Arabia said that only rebel positions in the border area were attacked. But the leaked cables suggest civilians died.
“Obviously some civilians died, though we wish that this did not happen,” the prince, who is also assistant defence minister, said in the meeting requested by the ambassador to relay US concerns about civilian casualties in the conflict.
Prince Khaled confirmed that Saudi forces hit a building the United States believed to be a clinic but the Saudis thought it was being used as a base by rebels.
He also said the Yemeni military had helped recommend rebel targets, the cable said.The Saudi military used “massively disproportionate force” in a campaign last year against guerrillas seen by the army as “embarrassingly long,” according to another leaked cable.
“Day and night aerial bombardment and artillery shelling have been the main instruments of what is increasingly regarded within the Saudi military as an embarrassingly long campaign,” said the memo from the US embassy in Riyadh.
The three-month operation against the lightly armed Huthi guerrillas on the border areas with Yemen was also seen as “poorly planned and executed” and “brought unexpectedly high Saudi casualties”.
“Nonetheless, the conflict has been carefully spun as a heroic and successful struggle to protect Saudi sovereignty,” the memo added.
Britain faced threats from Libya of dire consequences if the ailing Lockerbie bomber died in a Scottish prison. Threats included the cessation of all British commercial activity in Libya and demonstrations against British facilities, as well as suggestions Britons in the country could be put at risk, according to the cables.
And despite London’s attempts to publicly distance itself from the decision to release Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi — which was made by the devolved Scottish government — the cables show enormous British relief at the move.
Libyan officials warned their British counterparts that “consequences for the UK-Libya bilateral relationship would be dire were al-Megrahi to die in Scottish prison,” read one dispatch from the US ambassador to Tripoli in January 2009.
And if Washington publicly opposed the release, “the US Embassy and private Americans in Libya could face similar consequences,” read the cable from the ambassador, Gene A Cretz.
Megrahi was the only person ever convicted over the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am Jumbo jet over Lockerbie, Scotland, which killed 270 people, most of them US nationals.
He was released in August, 2009, on compassionate grounds after doctors diagnosed him with prostate cancer and gave him just three months to live, sparking outrage in the United States. More than a year later he remains alive in Tripoli, however, renewing anger in the US.
One cable showed Britain’s then justice minister, Jack Straw, told US diplomats that although Megrahi might have up to five years to live, the Scottish government appeared inclined to release him. “Megrahi could have as long as five years to live,” said the correspondence, cited in Britain’s Guardian newspaper.
Zafar Hilaly’s ‘hate India’ op-ed in service of his masters in the ISI
The following news could have made headlines if it were not the internal rift between the military mafia. It is important to note that Chemical Tariq was one who was the incharge of Lal Masjid disaster.
This is also pertinent to note that the news is published in “The Jang” and in reality there is no urgency alarm from both Chemical Tariq and media on this. I am sure that the “negotiations” between “Al-Qaeda” and “ISI” will be successful.
Now posted at:
General Tariq Majid’s son-in-law kidnapped by extremist Deobandis
Pakistan media retract fake WikiLeaks story
ISI tout sticks to his baseless/ISI planted story !!!
“””The Guardian newspaper is claiming this report is ‘fake’. Here is why you should disregard Guardian’s claim for being biased:
WikiLeaks is not saying this. UK’s Guardian newspaper is. It’s one of 4 or 5 newspapers that have been selectively… releasing the Wiki cables. About 1,200 have been released so far out of 251,000 or so. Guardian and others have manipulated the leaks to release material that supports US policy on Pakistan, specifically on Pakistani nukes and Pak policy on Afghanistan, India and Kashmir. Now there is this story and The Guardian is horrified that there is someone else practicing manipulation besides us. All I can say is that substantial parts of the story in Pakistani media is correct. It’s only that The Guardian & Co. are misleading the world public opinion by selective focus on the things they want. So here is WikiLeaks doing a good job of exposing US bully diplomacy, and here comes NYT, Guardian and 2 or 3 other ‘partner’ newspapers of WikiLeaks to selectively release the material to suit US policy objectives.”””
The language of the story suggests that it is probably written by great Khalifa Zaida Tracker. Due to this great service, ISI had given him full two days with Dr. Saazish Barood on ARY. Over the last few months Khalifa Zaid Tracker was almost out of business.
The Nation and Nawaiwaqt did not offer any apology. Jang offered an invisible apology.
India’s true face
Published: December 10, 2010
The whistleblower website WikiLeaks, which has ruffled many a feather for exposing the inner feelings of important personalities on the world’s political stage, has put its seal of confirmation on the genocide of the people of Kashmir, struggling to get out of the stranglehold of India’s illegal occupation of their homeland. Leaders of the liberation struggle in Held Kashmir, in particular APHC Chairman Syed Ali Geelani, have been raising a hue and cry against the inhumanities the Indian security forces are committing freely to suppress the voice of freedom. Torture, mutilation, murder, abduction, mysterious disappearance, rape, plunder – nothing is forbidden for them; for they enjoy the cover of a black law that exempts them from accountability. Human rights have been so brutally violated that Lt-General H. S. Panag, who was GOC-in-Chief of the Northern Command of the Indian army, has been equated with General Milosevic of Bosnia, in one of the cables sent by an American diplomat from New Delhi. Yet, the self-styled leader of the civilised world has been so insensitive and hypocritical that it turned a blind eye to the sufferings of the helpless Kashmiris and opted, instead, for befriending the Indians in the hope of drawing economic and strategic benefits.
Washington’s hypocrisy did not end at the borders of Held Kashmir. It knew very well that the Indians were stoking the fires its war on terror had lit in FATA and were helping the disaffected people of Balochistan to rise against Pakistan. Cables received from its officials testified to their involvement in these troubled regions. However, the Americans never tried to pull up its real strategic partner to save it from public humiliation. On the other hand, Pakistan, the “key ally” in the war on terror, was always pressed to “do more” and eliminate the sanctuaries of the so-called Quetta Shura in the province’s capital. Besides, WikiLeaks’ evidence confirms that the US has hardly been serious in eradicating terrorism; for its functionaries in India had termed the Hindu militant groups – RSS and its ilk – which were working in unison with the Indian army, even more lethal than Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. Yet, one does not recall hearing any criticism of, or planning action against, them from Washington.
Isn’t this a crime??? They are actually spreading disinformation, the government should promptly use this opportunity and slap heavy fines on all these news channels and papers simultaneously pursuing criminal charges against them.
Oonth pahar ke neeche khara hai, sirf aik dhakay ki zarurat hai.
My post would be against the trend here but let me say this anyway for the benefit of the readers here. Stories are regularly planted in the Media and it is practiced everywhere in the world.
The newspaper of Record NYT, published a totally fake story about the Iraqi WMD that actually substantiated the US hoax claim that the Iraq possessed huge stockpiles of WMD and is a threat to the world.The story was used to justify attack on Iraq.
Here is the link to the story:
Jay Rosen commenting on the story wrote:
“This was the nadir. This was when the watchdog press fell completely apart: On that Sunday when Bush Administration officials peddling bad information anonymously put the imprimatur of the New York Times on a story that allowed other Bush Administration officials to dissemble about the tubes and manipulate fears of a nuclear nightmare on television, even as they knew they were going to war anyway.
The government had closed circle on the press, laundering its own manipulated intelligence through the by-lines of two experienced reporters, smuggling the deed past layers of editors, and then marching it like a trained dog onto the Sunday talk shows to perform in a lurid doomsday act.”
Just remember while the whole Pakistani blogsphere and Pakistanis on Facebook are condemning the story in some newspapers in Pakistan, hardly any blog or newspaper called the NYT story a Hoax in the US. The Electronic media in the US went berserk and quoted the above story while encouraging the Bush admin to attack Iraq.
I can quote many other stories in the Western media that were completely fake and planted for specific purpose.
Since the US government so successfully manipulated the US media in its run up to the Iraq war and is still doing it in the wikileaks matter, manipulating the Pakistani media by some agencies is not really such a big deal it is making out to be.
The link to Jay Rosen write up:
جنگ گروپ کی جماعتی اور طالبانی مافیا کے لئے ڈوب مرنے کا مقا م ہے
Thank you for writing against the trend.
However, by stating that “stories are regularly planted in the Media and it is practiced everywhere in the world”, I hope you did not mean to justify it as a good practice.
Powerful agencies and groups do plant stories in the media in every country, however, such stories MUST be confronted instead of being accepted and propagated.
Further I think your claim is a bit exaggerated that no blog or section of media in the US or West contested the Iraq’s WMD story.
From Guardian:
The fake files debacle provoked soul-searching in the usually vigorous Pakistan news media, which has exploded in size in recent years with the advent of dozens of new TV channels.
“This is a very sorry state of affairs,” said Afzal Khan, a former director of the state news service, Associated Press of Pakistan.
“Any editor should have seen that this was very obviously a planted story.”
Addressing the papers caught out, media commentator Nadeem Farooq Paracha tweeted: “Sirs, your flies are open.”
But several rightwing media outlets appeared to be trapped in denial. The Nation, a small English language daily, published an editorial today saying the report exposed the “true face” of India.
And Ahmed Quraishi, a pro-military Pakistani TV personality who had also been caught out, accused the Guardian, New York Times and Der Spiegel of also peddling propaganda, describing the papers as “establishment publications par excellence”.
The top Urdu language papers, Jang and Nawa-e-Waqt, which sell many more copies than English publications, also declined to retract the story.
Last weekend Nawa-e-Waqt supported calls by a Muslim cleric for a Christian woman accused of blasphemy to be killed.
“Further I think your claim is a bit exaggerated that no blog or section of media in the US or West contested the Iraq’s WMD story.”
I would sure like to know how many did? Many did after the war had already started and no WMD were to be found anywhere. But the Judith Miller story was never contested by any main stream media outlet or even in any big name blogs or webzines at that time.
Sure, it is okay to challenge the hoax and my point merely was that stories are regularly planted and that involves all parties and it is not a one way street only.
WikiLeaks fake cables – Pakistani newspapers admit they were hoaxed
Papers apologise to readers for publishing anti-Indian comments alleged to have been said by US officials
Two leading Pakistani papers admitted today they had been hoaxed by a fake account of the WikiLeaks cables that portrayed Indian generals as vain, “geeky” and engaged in a “genocide” against Muslims in Kashmir.
The News admitted the story “was dubious and may have been planted”. The left-leaning Express Tribune, which is published in co-operation with the International Herald Tribune, offered “profuse” apologies to readers.
The bogus story – a laundry list of Pakistani nationalist accusations against archrival India – may be the first use of the WikiLeaks revelations for propaganda purposes, and underscores the depth of hostility between hardliners in the two countries.
According to the reports, American diplomats issued withering portrayals of top Indian generals, calling one “self-obsessed, petulant and idiosyncratic”.
There were also accounts of covert Indian intelligence funding for Islamist militants in Pakistan’s tribal belt, and for Hindu extremists inside India.
The fake files also carried accounts of US officials heaping praise on Pakistan’s top generals and exonerating the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency of any involvement in the 2008 Mumbai attacks.
A search of unpublished cables in the WikiLeaks database proved the claims to be entirely baseless, and by this morning two of the five papers that published the story hurriedly retracted it. The exact source of the claims is murky.
The News, a major English language newspaper, said the story had been written by Online, a small Islamabad-based news agency. The story quoted Online owner Mohsin Baig saying that his staff “were themselves unclear about the source of the story”.
Later the editor of Online, Siddique Sajid, said his reporters had “lifted the news” following a Google search of WikiLeaks stories.
The absurdity of the fake story is heightened by the fact that the real WikiLeaks contradict some of the more outlandish claims.
The fake claims say the US believes that Hemant Karkare, a police investigator killed in the 2008 Mumbai attacks, was secretly targeted by his own government to stop a probe of Hindu extremist groups.
But in late 2008 the US ambassador to New Delhi wrote that such a suggestion was “completely unsubstantiated”, “outrageous” and “outlandish”. In stiff criticism of a Congress party minister who supported the idea, David Mulford accused the party of “pandering to Muslims’ fears”.
He wrote: “Crass political opportunism swayed the thinking of some Congress party leaders.”
An account of US diplomats describing the Indian army chief, General Deepak Kapoor, as an “incompetent combat leader” and “rather a geek”, is also unfounded.
The WikiLeaks files contain at least four references to Kapoor, none of which used such language. Instead they show the Indian general as an implacable opponent of Pakistan.
In June 2009, Kapoor used a meeting with US national security adviser Jim Jones to claim that Pakistan was home to 43 “terrorist camps”, while rejecting suggestions of engaging in fresh peace talks.
“There’s a trust deficit between the US and Pakistan but there’s also one between India and Pakistan,” Kapoor reportedly said.
The fake files debacle provoked soul-searching in the usually vigorous Pakistan news media, which has exploded in size in recent years with the advent of dozens of new TV channels.
“This is a very sorry state of affairs,” said Afzal Khan, a former director of the state news service, Associated Press of Pakistan.
“Any editor should have seen that this was very obviously a planted story.”
Addressing the papers caught out, media commentator Nadeem Farooq Paracha tweeted: “Sirs, your flies are open.”
But several rightwing media outlets appeared to be trapped in denial. The Nation, a small English language daily, published an editorial today saying the report exposed the “true face” of India.
And Ahmed Quraishi, a pro-military Pakistani TV personality who had also been caught out, accused the Guardian, New York Times and Der Spiegel of also peddling propaganda, describing the papers as “establishment publications par excellence”.
The top Urdu language papers, Jang and Nawa-e-Waqt, which sell many more copies than English publications, also declined to retract the story.
Last weekend Nawa-e-Waqt supported calls by a Muslim cleric for a Christian woman accused of blasphemy to be killed.
Some bloggers said the furore also contained lessons for WikiLeaks.
Writing in Foreign Policy, Joshua Keating said the piecemeal manner in which WikiLeaks has released the cables – only a tiny fraction of the 251,000 files have been published – made it “easy to just make up cables to serve your political agenda”.
He added: “It’s actually surprising this hasn’t happened yet.”
There were only a few voices, Counter Currents were one of them if I accurately recall.
However I agree with you that hoaxes are regularly planted in the media, which in my view makes it all the more important to scrutinize and challenge dubious stories.
Lies, damned lies
The writer is an Islamabad-based journalist whose reports frequently appear in The New York Times [email protected]
A news report carried on December 9 in several national newspapers including The News, Jang and The Express Tribune that purportedly mentioned cables sent out of the American embassy in India — and disclosed by WikiLeaks — has turned out to be completely fabricated and concocted. The News and Jang were forced to retract the news report after carrying it as their lead story in December 9’s edition.
The fictitious cables seemed to have validated and substantiated every allegation and insinuation that rightwing nationalists and hawks of the military-intelligence apparatus harbour against India. But the revelations contained in these cables failed all tests of veracity and dampened any celebrations planned by those who penned them down and the right-wing, nationalist gallery the cables were intended for.
The fingers of blame are being pointed at the Online news agency, thought to have links to the country’s ‘powerful’ intelligence agencies. It is hard to exactly point at the origins of these fake cables. Was it done at the behest of some officer of the spy agency or some overzealous employee of the news agency, pretending to be a journalist? It is hard to tell. I am quite sure that there would be no denial or mea culpa and a predictable silence would be maintained by those who thought of and cooked up such a fanciful set of lies.
It is clear that this was a botched and very shoddy attempt at trying to extract any benefit from all the negative fallout of the WikiLeaks disclosures. The effort was bound to fall flat but the temerity of those who penned these fake cables is quite astounding. Did it not cross their mind that their imaginary cables would eventually be exposed for being fake after scrutiny by a vigilant and aggressive media and blogosphere? It appears such a thought, if at all did exist, was shunned away at the cost of expediency and taking one chance in hell.
I am surprised but not shocked. Sometimes officials here just don’t seem to think things through. I am reminded of several incidents but for now would cite one briefing by the Strategic Planning Division in early 2008. Initially, the organisers had said that the briefing was a backgrounder. But as soon as the general finished the briefing, a female journalist and a few others pestered him as to why the briefing couldn’t be ‘on-the-record’. “Ok, fine, it is all on the record”, the general replied in a rather generous mood. Almost immediately, all journalists took out their BlackBerrys and filed to their newsrooms and editors. About half an hour later, officials from the Inter-Services Public Relations started calling the participants, pressing them not to mention the name of the general in their reports and to take out the reference from their online stories. Obviously, it was not possible, and too late as well, as the name of the general had already been circulated all over the web.
Our intelligence agencies often exhibit behaviour that defies logic and common sense. An indication of this can be gleaned from what transpired in the Supreme Court on December 9 when it was revealed by a lawyer for the intelligence agencies that 11 alleged terrorists were indeed in the military’s custody, even though for months the government had claimed otherwise in front of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. Why deny for so long when eventually you admit to the contrary?
The reason lies in the prevalent culture in the country that lacks transparency and accountability. Intelligence and spy organisations make the most of this pervasive malaise as they operate in a grey and opaque environment, used to flouting normal legal procedures and dismiss and discard any hindrance to their desired goals. The methods deployed to achieve their goals have often been crude and unrefined.
But in this age of fast and easy digital communication, they would have to be more imaginative and sophisticated to either silence their critics or put forward their own agendas. Crude and brutal ways such as the torture of journalists like Umar Cheema, who was abducted and tortured in September, or simply stupid attempts like the fake cables would achieve nothing but ignominy.
Published in The Express
The Express Tribune, December 11th, 2010.
Is veteran journalist, author and media commentator, late Zamir Niazi’s fear and warnings about the Pakistani media becoming a chaotic hub of agency men who are amorally willing to lie and cheat to protect even the most atrocious ways of their patrons in the figurative establishment be true? Perhaps.
The liars collective: Pakistani media in service of the ISI – by Nadeem F. Paracha
Hamid Mir admits the role of the (military) establishment in planting this story (Times Now TV, India):
Leading Pakistani newspapers acknowledged that they were hoaxed into publishing reports based on fake WikiLeaks cables that contained stories of factionalism in Indian army and accused New Delhi of sponsoring militant groups. The reports splashed prominently in several papers including The News and The Express Tribune, a partner of the International Herald Tribune, quoting alleged US diplomatic cables to confirm bias Pakistani views and conspiracy theories about India particularly about Jammu and Kashmir. The two papers today carried prominent apologies on their front pages regarding the report they had published yesterday on alleged disclosures in purported diplomaticcables from the US embassy in Delhi about Indian Army generals and the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. TIMES NOW’s Editor-in-Chief Arnab Goswami debates the issue with Maroof Raza, TIMES NOW Strategic Affairs Expert; Farrukh Dhondy, Author and Former Commissioning Editor, Channel 4 and Hamid Mir, Executive Editor, Geo TV.
arrabbiato said via pkpolitics:
وزیرستان کے طالبان ،پاکستان کا میڈیا ،فوج کے لوگ ،اور جماعتی اپس میں مضبوط رابطوں میں ہیں اور ہر محاذ پر اپنا پروپگنڈہ جاری رکھے ہوئے ہیں ، جس دن ممبئی حملہ ہوا اس کے دوسرے دن طالبان کمانڈر نے بیان دیا کے ہم پاکستان کے لئے فوج کے ساتھ لڑیں گے اور جماعتی مافیا میڈیا پر اکر کہنے لگی کے یہ ایک ڈرامہ ہے اور اگر جنگ ہوئے تو ہم ،طالبان اور فوج ساتھ لڑیں گے .اصل میں ممبئی حملہ کرنا طالبان مافیا کی طرف سے پاکستان اور انڈیا کی جنگ کروانا تھا تاکے پاکستان میں طالبان اور جماعتی مافیا کو ایک نجات دہندہ اور محب وطن کے طور پر سامنے لانا تھا
جماعتی اور طالبانی مافیا ایک طرف سوات کے طالبانوں کی حمایت کرتی رہی دوسری طرف یہ بھی کہتی رہی کے سوات میں سرے دھماکے انڈیا کر وہ رہا ہے یعنی ایک تیر سے دو شکار
آج بھی ہر ٹاک شو میں ایک نہ ایک جماعتی صحافی یا جماعت اسلامی والا ضرور موجود ہوتا ہے جو اصل میں آی ایس آی ضیاء ال حق گروپ کی طرف سے ہوتا ہے
اوریہ مقبول جان،عرفان صدیقی ،حمد میر ،شاہد مسعود ،کاشف عباسی ،ہاروں رشید سب جماعتی اور طالبانی مکتبہ فکر کے لوگ ہیں
جماعت اسلامی کو لوگ ووٹ نہی دیتے اور نہ ہی ان کی اسمبلی میں کوئی نمائندگی ہے ،بیس کروڑ لوگوں میں یہ صرف تیس ہزار ہیں ،پر پھر بھی یہ لوگ ہر ٹاک شوو میں موجود ہوتے ہیں
ISI-JI joined Propaganda
وکی لیکس نے بھارتی دہشتگردی کو بے نقاب کردیا۔ سید منور حسن
لاہور(نمائندہ جسارت)امیرجماعت اسلامی پاکستان سید منو رحسن نے کہاہے کہ وکی لیکس نے سیکولرازم کے نام پر دھوکا دینے والے بھارت کااصل چہرہ بے نقاب کردیا ہے‘بھارت نے پاکستان سمیت خطہ کے دیگر ہمسایہ ممالک کو اپنی دہشت گردی کا نشانہ بنا رکھا ہے‘ بلوچستان اور خیبرپختونخوا میں بھارتی مداخلت کے ناقابل تردید ثبوت دنیا کے سامنے آ گئے ہیں ۔ان خیالات کااظہار انہوں نے جامع مسجد منصورہ میںجمعہ کے اجتماع سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کیا۔سید منور حسن نے کہاکہ بھارت اقلیتوں پر مظالم، انسانی حقوق کی خلاف ورزی میں سرفہرست ہے اور اس کی افواج کشمیر میں نسل کشی کی مرتکب ہیں۔ مسلمانوں کے خلاف ہندو انتہاپسندوں اور فوج کا گٹھ جوڑ سامنے آگیا ہے۔ دہشت گرد سیاسی جماعتوں کی صورت میں منظم ہیں۔ انہوںنے کہا کہ بھارت نیممبئی واقعے کو بنیاد بنا کر پاکستان کو دہشت گرد ثابت کرنے کے لیے دنیا بھر میں مہم چلائی۔ اب ثابت ہو گیا ہے کہ بھارت بلوچستان اور فاٹا میں دہشت گردی کا مرتکب ہے اور افغانستان میں بیٹھ کر پاکستان میں اسلحہ اور پیسہ تقسیم کررہا ہے اور یہاں تخریب کار بھیج رہا ہی، پاکستانی حکومت عالمی برادری کے سامنے بھارت کے دہشت گردے چہرے کو بے نقاب کرنے میں ناکام رہی ہے۔ پاکستان کی بقا کے لیے ضروری ہے کہ حکمران بھارت کے توسیع پسندانہ عزائم اور بھارتی افواج کے مظالم سے دنیا کو آگاہ کریں اور کشمیریوں کے حق خود ارادیت کے مقدمے کو اقوام عالم کے سامنے پیش کرنے کے لیے کسی مصلحت کو خاطر میں نہ لائیں ۔ انہوں نے کہاکہ کشمیری عوام سید علی گیلانی کی قیادت میں آزادی کے مطالبے اور اپنے حق خود ارادیت کے بنیادی مو¿قف سے کبھی دستبردار نہیں ہوں گے ۔انہوںنے کہا کہ وکی لیکس کے انکشافات نے بھارت کے متعلق ہماری معلومات میں کوئی اضافہ نہیں کیا لیکن ہمارے موقف پر کا ن نہ دھرنے والوں کو اب یقین کر لینا چاہیے کہ بھارت ہٹ دھرمی اور توسیع پسندی کے عزائم کی وجہ سے خطے کے امن کو شدید خطرات لاحق ہو چکے ہیں، بھارت جنگی جنون میں مبتلا ہے اور اسلحہ کے انبار لگا کر اپنی بالادستی قائم کرنے کی ناکام کوشش کر رہاہے۔
Jang group is a habitual liar and has crossed all limits of sanity.
In Asma’s words. ” JANG Joot bolta hay,Joot likhta hay”.
What else can you expect from this angel’s brigade.
Excellent comment at RJE blog:
While the ISI is large and apparently fairly innovative, it does not have a reputation as the most competent intelligence agency in the world. Part of me wonders if MI6, SDECE, the Mossad or Shin Bet have already modified the cables released in Wikileaks, but have been skilled enough to remain undetected. Another part of me wonders if the fake Pakistani cables will get more publicity, in an attempt to discredit the Wikileaks. The absurdist part of me is wondering if eventually we will see leaks from the CIA intended to discredit the DIA, and vice versa, being investigated by the FBI.
For what it is worth, in my view we need to be cautious in believing leaks, especially the ones that tell us what we want to hear. Wikileaks have made a big enough splash for intelligence agencies to be figuring out how to exploit them, and also a big enough splash to get intelligence agencies interested in neutralizing them. So these fake Wikileaks being published in Pakistan may be just the cutting edge of a new trend, and the next implementation in that trend may be more competent.
Fasi Zaka:
The Wiki conspiracy that wasn’t
But the best reaction has to be Ahmad Quraishi’s — a sometime-blogger for this newspaper’s website — in “Guardian Uses WikiLeaks For Propaganda, Pakistani Media Can’t?” (or, it’s ok for us to lie to our own people and take their trust for a ride because I think others do it too), and then, inexplicably, state he is not an ISI mouthpiece.
Published in The Express Tribune, December 14th, 2010.
Ahmed Quraish’s comment:
Thanks Fasi for mentioning my commentary piece. I never thought I’d ever say this to you: Please read before you comment. Your interpretation of the title of my article is totally off the mark. It doesn’t take a genius to know it’s real meaing. Just read the article and you will know.
The title of my piece, ‘Guardian Uses WikiLeaks For Propaganda, Pakistani Media Can’t?’ is translated this way: ‘Guardian has selectively released US secret cables and used them to write biased stories targeting specific countries, like Russia and Pakistan. Likewise, we too have the right to use data in those cables and interpret them in ways that suit our interests as a nation.’
I fail to understand how you reached the conclusion, ‘it’s ok to lie to our people because others do it too’!
As for the ISI remark, again you indulge in deliberate misquoting. The remark was part of an example about how some of our writers in our media can push conspiracy theories about our intelligence agencies remote-controlling mouthpieces in the media. I was not referring to you, but to the late US syndicated columnist Robert Novak who ‘revealed’ this stunning piece of information about me in Washington Post based on feedback from a very well known US diplomat that served in Islamabad. Apparently conspiracy theorists can exist in diplomacy as well as journalism.
Wow. The Pakistani military is also using social media for propaganda warfare? I thought it was only the US military that was investing millions and millions of dollars to manipulate public opinion online…
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