ISI Archive

The Roots of Terrorism: Saudi Arabia – by Rusty Walker: The roots of terrorism are derived from a single, draconian ideology that has its source traced from a depraved interpretation of the Quran by the theologian and self-appointed “reformer,” Sheikh Ibn Taymiyya. In the United States the 9/11 hijackers

اداریہ تعمیر پاکستان : پاکستان سعودی عرب کے داخلی انتشار سے سبق سیکھے: سعودی عرب میں آل سعود کے اندر اقتدار کی رسا کشی کے بحران نے شدت اختیار کرلی ہے۔اور شاہی فرمانروا شاہ سلمان کے لڑکے محمد بن سلمان کی ہوس اقتدار اور اختیارات کو اپنے گرد مرتکز رکھنے کا جنون

Sellouts like Hillary have been lying about everything from Iraq to Syria: So it turns out that “Ayatullah” Putin and “His Wikileaks” were right – once Again. The corrupt corporatist sellout elites of the DNC agreed to be the money laundering end for Hillary’s campaign when they kicked back 99.5% of

Nawaz Sharif is the only choice of Military establishment – by Pejamistri: A lot of ISI tout liberal journalist have been trying to portray Nawaz Sharif as the biggest bet for democracy and the real threat against military generals. And they do so at the expense of Imran Khan by

The Real Story of Jibran Nasir’s Anti-Red Mosque Activism and Khurram Zaki’s Martyrdom: There are barely any organisations that are completely monolithic. Lobbies, groups, hierarchies and layers exist in all organisations. And like any other organisation, there are such lobbies within Pakistan’s ISI as well. Within ISI there are small and weak

Myths and Realities of Terrorism – by Rusty Walker: Myths and Realities of Terrorism: Territorial Claims No captured land in an on-going war belongs to Taliban in Afghanistan. Neither Taliban nor ISIS should be negotiated with. No ISIS-claimed territory belongs to ISIS in an on-going war. The recently absurd claim

Taliban sold Indian spy to Pakistani intelligence: Senior German diplomat: The Taliban sold an Indian spy to Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), says a high-ranking German diplomat. The former German ambassador in Bahrain, Kuwait, and Syria, Gunter Mulack, made the claim while giving a speech in Karachi, The Hindu English-language Indian

Why is the PML N government abandoning civil society against notorious Lal Masjid terrorists: While some civil society activists have taken a brave and clear stance against the notorious, ISIS-affiliated Lal Masjid mullahs, where is the PML N government? Why is the PML N government allowing Pro Taliban ministers such as Chaudhry Nisar

Malala Revisited: Perhaps a potential future Leader, still Maligned by her own Country, Update by Rusty Walker: I published this two years ago and have found that it still applies. Pakistan has a born leader that it does not recognize. You may have another Benazir Bhutto that you can protect this time (unlike the brilliant martyr

“Do not kill women, children, the old, or the infirm…” words “From your mouth to Heaven’s Door,” by Rusty Walker: It is the terrorists that are responsible for the death of this child. Not the drowning, not the fleeing of this child’s homeland. Culpability lies on the blood-soaked hands of the Takfiri Salafist invaders- Daesh who set off the chain of

Its Declan Walsh yet again – anyone got a panadol please? – Mubasher Lucman: This man Declan Walsh never ceases to amaze me. He comes up with the most atrocious stories on Pakistan, its institutions and those who have any stature here. Not surprisingly he got kicked out of this country after

نجم سیٹھی کا سابق آئی ایس آئی چیف اور کور کمانڈرز پر حکومت اور آرمی چیف کے خلاف سازش کا سنگین الزام۔ خرم زکی: نجم سیٹھی نے جنرل ظہیرالاسلام اور آرمی کے کور کمانڈرز پر نہ صرف منتخب حکومت بلکہ سٹنگ آرمی چیف کے خلاف بغاوت اور سازش کا الزام لگایا ہے۔ اگر سیٹھی صاحب کے الزامات کو درست مان لیا جائے تو

Appeal to General Raheel Sharif: Investigate Najam Sethi’s extremely serious charges against Pakistan army and ISI: In his talk show on Jang Group’s Geo News TV (1 Aug 15), journalist Najam Sethi alleged that Pakistan army, ISI in particular, was involved in a conspiracy to dislodge PM Nawaz Sharif and army chief General Raheel Sharif.

Ridding Islamophobia is as simple and as difficult as Educating the Public – by Rusty Walker: The following is my response to my friend’s article, Dr. Danusha Goska’s, “Pushing the “Islamophobia” Myth on National Public Radio,” published in “Jihad Watch,” July 27, 2015. All panels that I have witnessed on Islamophobia seem to share a

ISIS is not an Islamic State: It is an un-Islamic coral snake disguised in our midst – by Rusty Walker: Where is Daesh? Everywhere. An Islamic State? Hardly. These self-appointed gatekeepers to the faithful, variously referred to as ISIS/ISIL/Daesh are merely a murdering terrorist group in Iraq and Syria, while hiding in plain sight elsewhere, recruiting our youth. They

Brig Usman Khalid informed CIA of Osama’s presence in Abbottabad – Amir Mir: ISLAMABAD: Pulitzer prize winning American journalist Seymour Hersh’s most recent claim that a former Pakistani intelligence official had actually informed the Americans about the Abbottabad hideout of al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden (OBL), has given credence to

A comment on Seymour Hersh’s report on the Abbottabad raid on the Bin Laden compound – by Ayaz Amir: Source: The grandmother of all embarrassments Even when we suspected the worst but did not know all the facts, the Abbottabad raid on the Bin Laden compound was the mother of all embarrassments…for the army and the ISI,

بن لادن ایبٹ آباد میں برسوں کس کا “مہمان” رہا.؟؟ – تنویر اختر: دور حاضر کے سب سے بڑے دہشت گرد اور عالمی سطح پر سب سے زیادہ مطلوب مجرم اسامہ بن لادن کی امریکی سیلرز کے ہاتھوں “کریا کرم” کی چوتھی سالگرہ پر گذشتہ روز یہی سوال دن بهر میرے ذہن

PTI in Karachi: It is Punjabi business as usual – Laleen Ahmad: Other than the gullible idealists, upper middle class fops, and Ivy League dandies, everyone knew that Imran Khan’s “New Pakistan” was a metonym for the Punjabi Army-directed political stage show as usual. It was a clever ploy hatched and

Osama bin Laden’s Files: Saudi backed Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif wanted to cut deal with Al Qaeda: Quote by C. Christine Fair A few things to note:1. The interlocutors between Al Qaeda (AQ) and the State is NOT Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) or JuD; rather, the Deobandis (ASWJ, LeJ and Taliban). I make this point because some folks

“The ISI’s connection with Mumbai’s underworld”: Geo’s whispering campaign against Pakistan Army – by Muhammad Saeed Qadri: Editor’s note: We are pleased to introduce a Sufi Sunni, a Brelvi Muslim. He will be contributing to LUBP. The readers are welcome to respond to his articles. He can be contacted via Editor LUBP. If you go to

As the music burns, along with Jordanian pilots, the U.S. President denies the destruction has roots in Deobandi and Salafi Islam – by Rusty Walker: The Islamic State’s Islamic roots, within the Wahhabi Salafi and Deobandi hate cults, are being denied by U.S. President Obama. As the music burns, along with Jordanian pilots, and beheaded Coptic Christians, the term Islamic is absent in Obama

کیا پاکستانی فوج میں چھپے ہوۓ تکفیری دیوبندی گروہ نے کرم ایجنسی میں شیعہ نسل کشی کا منصوبہ بنا لیا ہے؟ – شفقت حسین طوری: کرم ایجنسی کی شیعہ آبادی، غیرتمند پشتون طوری بنگش شیعہ اور سنی صوفی مسلمانوں کو تکفیری دیوبندی طالبان کے ہاتھوں نسل کشی کا خطرہ ہے – پاکستان کی حکومت، فوج اور فاٹا سیکرٹریٹ نے کرم ایجنسی کے عوام کو

While the Shia Pashtuns of Kurram are asked to disarm, schoolteachers in KP are being trained by the military to use automatic weapons – Dr Taqi: Note: While there is no trace of Shia blood in Pakistani society and legal system, sadly in this article (despite its value), there is no trace of Deobandi identity of the ASWJ, TTP, LeJ, Ahrar, Jundallah and other terrorists

ISI cultivated Taliban to counter Indian action against Pakistan: Musharraf: Former military ruler Gen (retd) Pervez Musharraf has called for an end to militant proxies in neighbouring Afghanistan, said a report published on The Guardian. In the interview, Musharraf admitted that during his tenure as the head of state, Pakistan

Test case for General Raheel Sharif: Punjabi Taliban chief Asmatullah Moavia Deobandi unlikely to be tried in military court? – by Amir Mir: ISLAMABAD: Despite the Pakistani ruling elite’s repeated resolve after the Peshawar school massacre not to show any distinction between ‘good’ or ‘bad’ Taliban, the Ameer of the Punjabi Taliban, Commander Asmatullah Moavia, seems to have been granted amnesty after

Not unlike Benizar Bhutto, Salmaan Taseer was assassinated for his belief in a pluralistic and democratic Pakistan: About the author: Rusty Walker is an educator, author, political commentator, ex-military, from a military family, retired college professor, former Provost (Collins College, U.S.A.), artist, musician and family man. Rusty Walker is an ardent supporter of Pakistan. The Tragic

ڈی جی آئی ایس پی آر کی پریس کانفرنس اور دیوبندی تکفیری طالبان کے حمایتی – از نور درویش: کل شام ڈی جی آئی ایس پی آر عاصم باجوہ کی بریس کانفرنس کے بعد صحافیوں کی جانب سے مختلف سوال پوچھے گئے۔ ان میں سے چند ایک سوالات خصوصی توجہ کے حامل ھیں۔ سوال: تحریک طالبان کی لیڈر

The Imran Khan phenomenon is much more than Aabpara – by Shiraz Paracha: Imran Khan is said to be the latest product of Aabpara Factory in Islamabad, which has been manufacturing leaders for Pakistan since 1977. However, only Aabpara and its allied media are not behind Imran’s success. There are other factors,

راجہ گدھ کے بچے -از عمار کاظمی: ايک عرصہ سے بول ٹی وی کی دھوم مارکیٹ میں سنای دے رہی ہے۔ تاہم اس کے پيچھے کون ہے يا اس کے مالکان کون ہیں؟ یہ بات ابھی تک ايک معمہ ہی ہے۔ ايک سينير صحافی، اور قابل

I prayed for your success during Haj, ex-ISI chief told PM: ISLAMABAD: “Sir, I take it an opportunity to tell you that I had prayed for you and your success during Haj,” former ISI Director General Lt. Gen. Zaheerul Islam told Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif during his farewell

Deobandi ASWJ militants gun down Pakistan’s top Shia cleric Allama Nawaz Irfani in Islamabad: On Wed, 26 Nov 2014, Deobandi ASWJ militants gunned down Pakistan’s top Shia cleric Allama Nawaz Irfani in Islamabad. Allama Irfani was famous in Shia and Sunni Sufi circles of Kurram Agency due to his strong opposition to the

Not Fit to Print: An Insider Account of Pakistani Censorship: Imran [Khan], [Tahir ul] Qadri, and the ISI [Inter-Services Intelligence] are our best friends,” our weekly editorial meeting at Pakistan’s Express Tribune was (jokingly) told on Aug. 13, 2014, a day before the two political leaders began their

Abu Khalid, Major (retd) Adil killed in drone strike: AQIS spokesman: ISLAMABAD: Spokesman of al-Qaeda in the Indian Sub-continent (AQIS), Osama Mahmood on Thursday confirmed that his organization’s 2 key leaders Major (retd) Adil Abdul Quddus, Dr Sarbuland alias Abu Khalid and his two sons were killed in a

Battle is On – Pejamistri: I am firm believer in Tolstoy’s theory that it is the masses who define the course of battle (and history). The leaders are like 10 years boy sitting the horse cart, holding the reins and thinking that he is guiding

آئی ایس آئی کا کیا دوش ؟ – وسعت اللہ خان: اگر سب ٹھیک رہا تو لیفٹیننٹ جنرل رضوان اختر اکتوبر سنہ 2017 تک آئی ایس آئی کے اکیسویں ڈائریکٹر جنرل کے طور پر کام کریں گے۔ کہنے کو تو آئی ایس آئی انٹر سروسز انٹیلی جینس یعنی

Why did US tag Deobandi cleric Maulana Fazlur Rehman Khalil a global terrorist? – by Amir Mir: ISLAMABAD: Tagged as “specially designated global terrorist” on September 30, 2014 by the US State Department, the Rawalpindi-based ameer of Deobandi Harkatul Mujahideen (HuM) Maulana Fazlur Rehman Khalil Deobandi is the same person whose services were hired by

عمران خان ، طاہر القادری ، عوامی تحریک اور آئی ایس آیی کی حمایت کی کہانیاں – از ایاز امیر: Source:

Open letter to new ISI Chief Lt. General Rizwan Akhtar: To: Lt. General Rizwan Akhtar, new DG ISI On the continued progress of the Zarb-e-Azb operation, which resulted in the death of a senior Taliban terrorist this weekend, we congratulate the appointment of Lt. General Rizwan Akhtar to the

Humanity: where is your consciousness -by Gerok Belushi: Our mother land Baluchistan is being occupied, our school and holy places are being demolished and burned, our peoples are abducted, tortured, killed and dumped, our natural possessions are being exploited and stolen, our basic human rights are