Disinformation Cell Archive

علی دایان حسن -جعلی لبرل میں نیا اضافہ—-تو مجھے مولوی کہہ ،میں تجھے حاجی: ہیومن رائٹس واچ کے پاکستان میں سابق ڈائریکٹر علی دایان حسن نے بی بی سی اردو ویب سائٹ پر ایک آرٹیکل لکھا ہے جس میں انھوں نے رضا رومی پر ہونے والے حملے کے حوالے سے حملہ کرنے والوں

Pakistan’s march to theocracy – by Ayesha Siddiqa: It was a quick call from my editor’s office in Karachi informing me not to bother writing anymore about the Tehreek Taliban Pakistan (TTP) or any other militant outfit, religious party or even the cricketer-turned-politician’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI). I

حکیم اللہ محسود کی ہلاکت اور اردو کالم نگار: اردو صحافت اور کالم نگار عامر حسینی جیسا کہ میں نے اپنے فیچر “جہادی صحافت “میں اردو پرنٹ اور الیکٹرانک میڈیا کے حکیم اللہ محسود کی ہلاکت پر جہادی صحافیوں کی آہ و بکاء پر خاصا تفصیل سے لکھا

Exposed: Raza Rumi and Rezaul Hasan Laskar behind the fake story about Bilawal’s tiff with Zardari: The fake story about Bilawal’s differences with Asif Zardari published by Indian journalist Rezaul Hasan Laskar (of the Press Trust of Inida) and Raza Rumi (of The Friday Times) is much more dangerous and vicious than what it might seem. In

Ethan Casey all praise to you for protecting the killers, ASWJ-LEJ-TTP, by not naming them – by Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: I must commend Good Liberal Ethan Casey for not mentioned ASWJ-LeJ-TTP even once in his article on Pakistani Christains. As for muslims in America, everyone knows how fearful they are of their lives there. In New York City

Malik Jarrar Hussain’s assassination: The double whammy of being a Shia and a human rights activist – by Shazia Najmi: Last week when the Human Rights Watch report pointed out Pakistan Army’s complicity in the assassination campaigns against the Shias, the Baloch political activists, and religious minorities such as the Ahmadis, the Christians, and the Hindus, it was apparent

Protecting the killers: A response to Dawn blog on confining religious processions – by Sabah Hasan: Related post: What can Pakistan and the entire world learn from Pakistani Shias? Text of the blog published on Dawn.com Low-key Ashura 22 November 2012In a week since the commencement of Muharram, at least 16 lives have been lost

Islamist bigots circulating fake pictures of drone victims to deflect attention from Taliban’s attack on Malala: Since the past two days a picture of a young girl has been circulating on facebook and twitter saying that the girl did not get any coverage because she was injured in a drone attack. Majority of those circulating

WEF appraisal of PPP govt’s performance: The World Economic Forum has released its annual Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013 which assesses the business environment in individual countries and domestic conditions that improve or impede it. “The Global Competitiveness Report 2012-2013 assesses the competitiveness landscape of 144 economies, providing

Urgently required: Holocaust deniers for obscuring propaganda about Shia genocide in Pakistan – by Riaz Malik Hujjaji: Dear Ghairatmands, We urgently require good quality Holocaust Deniers. The powerful liberal fascist lobby is doing its best to spread propaganda that there is a Shia Genocide going on in Pakistan. Look at this baseless article: Is Shia genocide

Extremism and Solution – by Ali Taj: What is the bigger sin? Dancing (or watching dance) in a private party within one’s four walls – or beheading someone? This is a question asked by a christian friend after reading this news: Taliban behead 17 caught dancing

Is Shia genocide in Pakistan an outcome of Saudi-Iran proxy war?: Editor’s Note: The following debate took place on a facebook forum that highlights the nature and reasons of Shia genocide in Pakistan. The conversation was initiated by a repetition of oft-repeated theories that are deeply insensitive to the victims in

Happy Independence Day Collection – by Ali Taj: A SOMEWHAT IRONIC COMMENT ON FACEBOOK: Pakistan will remain a moth eaten country in perpetual conflict if its Constitution ,Muslim terrorists supported by Khaki’s and Education System is not revamped to keep up with the times. The country needs

God is a weapon—they worship death – A poem by Habib Sulemani: God is a weapon—they worship death – A poem by Habib Sulemani Satan and other evil characters’ve come out of the Holly Scriptures to rule my land as ruthless tyrants! They crush flowers under their boots, deface beauty, hate

Media Exoneration Commission, the JJJ (Journalist, Judiciary, Jernail) – by Ali Taj: More than a third of US population thinks President Obama is a Muslim, about the same number believe that he falsified his birth certificate to get into office. These are obviously malicious lies but no one in the American Administration is

LUBP Special: Interview with US Congressman Keith Ellison: Western policy makers should also consult alternative media of Pakistan The following is an interview conducted by Ali Abbas Taj with US Congressman Keith Ellison (D). Keith Ellison the first Muslim Congressman in United States House of Representatives. The interview

Muslim killings in Burma: Islamist parties spread fake pictures – by Faraz Ahmed: In now a days, certain people are posting pictures with captions like Muslim massacre in Burma, Muslims slaughtered by Buddhists in Burma. I have tried to check the reality of some of the pics shared frequently by the activists and sympathizers of

Raja Rental? Pakistan’s new PM Raja Pervez Ashraf is guilty until proven guilty – by Ravez Junejo: Related posts: #IftikharMental: Pakistan social media abuzz with insult for country’s top judge Five facts which go in favour of Pakistan’s new PM Raja Pervez Ashraf – by Ali Tahir On June 24, the newly elected Prime Minister of

We condemn ISI-sponsored defamation campaign against AHRC: We condemn harassment of Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) by the ISI (Pakistan army’s spy agency). In contrast to the shameful silence of the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), Amnesty International (AI) and other human rights groups on

He has returned!: President Zardari has returned so to say that he escaped was wrong. Most analysts were quick to conclude different results and media spread not only rumors but also manufactured news which were aimed to confuse the public, Zardari again

On Najam Sethi’s Punjabi ethnocentric, pro-establishment propaganda: Related Post: Najam Sethi parrots Deep State’s lies by equating Pashtuns with Taliban – by Salma Jafar A manufactured perspective about the Pakistani media is that the sauve English speaking types are somehow more objective in their reporting and

Make mine spicy – by Sindhyar Talpur: I once went to dine out with this Gentleman, an acquaintance of mine. He advised that due to his health condition, he was only able to dine on soup. I agreed and we went to a place, reputed

Google, youtube and Rehman Malik: For the past two days there is an uproar in Pakistan’s social and mainstream media about the Government of Pakistan’s alleged plan to block google, youtube etc if they did not assist the GoP in criminal investigations against terrorists.

Book Review: Maleeha Lodhi Juggling a Dream – By Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: Source Maleeha Lodhi’s edited volume is one of the few books that Pakistan military’s Inter-Services Public Relations’ head Maj. General Athar Abbas recommends to his visitors. The value of this book for Pakistan’s armed forces and establishment is

Silence of the Liberal Lambs – By Dr. Taqi: Editor’s Note: In cross-posting Dr. Taqi’s article from Outlook India, we at LUBP stand vindicated on our blunt stance in exposing Fake Civil Society (FCS). This group of candle-holding Tweeples and urban elites have failed miserably in even confronting the bigotry of the

The Pakistani Taliban’s media jihad: The piece examines the TTP’s media productions and the movement’s shift toward having its media distributed to jihadi-takfiri Internet forums via the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF), a long-established jihadi-takfiri media and translation network. The writer argues that this

The Disappearance of S. Saleem Shahzad, Bureau Chief of Asia Times Online: Editor’s note: As bloggers, we are deeply concerned about the disapperance of Syed Saleem Shahzad. The following note below has been submitted to us by a valued contributer and supporter. This event could be seen in the light of

Pakistan: The narratives come home to roost – By Omar Ali: Editor’s Note: The following post by Omar Ali (cross posted from 3 Quarks Daily) is a timely reminder of how the security establishment has run the country into the ground. Unable to protect their own sensitive installations that are

Is the security establishment ready to abandon its undemocratic policies -by Arshad Mahmood: Originally published in the ‘Daily Aajkal’

Dr Johnson’s Pakistan —by Abbas Zaidi: General Zia — a murderer, tyrant, usurper and a monument of moral bankruptcy — was the greatest patriot during his 11 years of misrule During my time as a student of English Literature at Government College, Lahore, my most

Pakistan’s jihadi section of media mourns Osama bin Laden: by Shoaib Adil Originally published in the ‘Daily AajKal’

Press: In chains of another kind -by Waseem Altaf: The first attempt on media and free speech in Pakistan was made by Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan and associates when they tried to black out some passages of the Aug. 11, 1947 speech of Mohammad Ali Jinnah before the

Caught Red Handed -by Arshad Mahmood: This article was originally published in the ‘Daily AajKal’

For some Pakistani media, Bin Laden a ‘Martyr’ -by Bashir Ahmad Gwakh: Osama bin Laden was living in a compound just a few hundred meters from Pakistan’s leading military academy for years before U.S. forces killed him. But despite the massive evidence suggesting Pakistani complicity in his hiding, much of the

How to identify (fake) liberal proxies of Pakistan army in mainstream and social media?: Preamble Commenting on the state of pro-establishment journalism in Pakistan, Ayesha Siddiqa once said: Today, we face a state of military hegemony: political, economic and intellectual control. Today, there is not a single university in Pakistan or a young

Investigating corruption – By Zohra Yusuf, Express Tribune: Editor’s Note: In the following article for Express Tribune, Zohra Yusuf deconstructs media bias towards corruption. The selective and unsubstantiated lynching of some politicians has not made our society any better; rather it has made us far more hypocritical

Top Secret: ISI Media Roll of Dishonour: Disclaimer: This post is based on my personal research and understanding of the military establishment’s strategies and tactics in Pakistani media, which I am publishing for the information and well being of the Pakistani nation. However, the post does

Foreign journalists in Pakistan: Embedded in the narratives of military establishment and urban elite: Through LUBP, we have been successfully confronting and exposing the pro-military establishment and pro-urban middle class narratives of the Pakistani print and electronic media (including Pakistani blogs). (see some examples here, here and here) However, the role of foreign

Story of a spy agency’s news agency – by Aamer Ahmed Khan: Related articles: Mohsin Baig’s Online-International News Network: A news ‘agency’ you can trust! A glaring example of how ISI dictates Pakistani newspapers: The case of a missing WikiLeak cable Can’t they just be spies? The fake WikiLeaks story that