Disinformation Cell Archive

Ansar Abbasi Out LBW (Learn Before Writing!): Thanks: Pakistan Media Watch Poor Mr. Ansar Abbasi – he does not know how to quit while he is ahead. After his very poor showing on Friday, Mr. Abbasi has decided to have another go at writing his “news analysis”

“Real workers of PPP can never support Zardari.” Really? – by Khalid Wasti: نیا جال ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ پرانے شکاری ======================== پیپلز پارٹی کو ختم کرنے کی کوششیں اس کے قیام کے ساتھ ہی شروع ہوگئی تھیں – قیام پاکستان سے لیکر پیپلز پارٹی کے معرض وجود میں آنے تک جو طاقتیں مسلسل اقتدار

Exclusive Interview with Daniel Zapelli, the Attorney General of Geneva. Don’t Miss: The has been much speculation over the reopening of the Swiss Cases which could never be substantiated with concrete proves in the last ten years. Primarily targeted at President Asif Ali Zardari, the Swiss Cases are begin used as

Towards a government of pious Muslims in Pakistan – by Khalid Wasti: تمام مسائل کا حل —– صالح قیادت کا قیام ========================= پاکستان آزاد ہو جانے کے بعد بھی غلام ہے امریکہ کا ، ورلڈ بینک ،آئی۔ایم ایف اور عالمی استعمار کا ہماری پالیسیاں واشنگٹن میں بنتی ہیں ، پینٹاگون سے

A comment on Dr Shahid Masood’s meray mutabiq – by Khalid Wasti: ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود کا ٹاک شو “ میرے مطابق “ مورخہ چار اپریل سننے کے بعد خاکسار نے اس پروگرام پر جو کمینٹس دئیے وہ ارسال خدمت ہیں =============== ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود- تعصب میں اتنی دور تک نہ جائیں کہ

Who is Shakeel Anjum, the author of ‘Who assassinated Benazir Bhutto’?: Related post: Shamsul Anwar’s fraudulent story has a few lessons for us Ansar Abbasi, as critical readers of Pakistani media and politics know, is a loyalist of (a certain sub-section of) a spy agency. Ansar Abbasi is notorious for

Ansar Abbasi’s “Truth” Problem: Cross-posted from Pakistan Media Watch Just this week I posted about Jang Group’s problem with facts. Now, as if to prove my point, Ansar Abbasi writes an article filled with so many problems and errors that it’s hard to keep

Moral policing the internet – by Sana Saleem: How many of you have come across content claiming to ‘expose’ or tell the ‘truth’ about a certain someone? More importantly how many of you have shared such content? If you’re one of those who hits forward without thinking,

Hypocrisy unlimited: FATA parliamentarians’ scanning at US airport: In the last few days, we have witnessed a pseudo-nationalist hype in Pakistani media, newspaper columns and TV talk-shows alike, in which a matter of ‘great national honour’ (ghairat) was highlighted. The matter pertained to the alleged insult of

Dr Shahid Masood’s letter to Shaheen Sehbai – by Qais Anwar: مارچ کب ہو گا؟ میرے پیارے شاہین صہبائی میرا یہ خط جس وقت تمہاری نظروں سے گزرنے گا مارچ کی پندرہ تاریخ ہو چکی ہوگی ، مطلب یہ کھ آدھا مارچ گزر گیا ہو گا بغیر کسی مارچ کے.

Wishful Journalism: Rehman Malik Fired!: Thanks: Pakistan Media Watch President Zardari is not the only government official in the sights of our Wishful Journalists. If one were to believe these pseudo-reporters, Interior Minister Rehman Malik has been preparing to leave his position for several

Did Governor Slaman Taseer forge a political alliance with Sipah-e-Sahaba?: We at LUBP are pleased to post the following “press release” by the DGPR (Director General Public Relations) of the PML-N’s Government in Punjab, which was published in The News: Leader of defunct outfit speaks at Taseer’s election rally

The End of the Zardari Government is Near: Courtesy: Pakistan Media Watch This is the first post in a series on ‘Wishful Journalism’ – an unfortunate practice that seems to be taking place more than actual reporting in some parts of the media. There is a difference between

Anjum Niaz, Raza Rabbani and the virus of yellow journalism – by Abdul Nishapuri: According to her ‘official’ profile at Naseeb Vibes: Anjum Niaz is the first Pakistani woman to qualify under US Government Immigration as possessing Extraordinary Ability in Journalism. She works as a correspondent for Dawn, has been editor of Dawn

Zaid Hamid’s conspiracy theories — by Ishtiaq Ahmed: Conspiracy theories and theorists Conspiracy theories and their authors become a cause for concern when they begin to hallucinate and can no longer distinguish between their own flights of imagination and the world around them. When they hijack a

A media academy for the PPP — by Elf Habib: The objective at the academy should be to groom a team with the cutting edge expertise to expose the extent and inanity of the propaganda against the party leaders and their policies and emphasise the need and effectiveness of

Pakistani Taliban apologists – by Gulmina Bilal Ahmad: It is baffling to note how anyone can support and justify the TTP while at the same time proclaim to be champions of democracy, rule of law, equality before the law and most of all justice. Or do they

Zardari bashing reaches ABC News blog – by Sarah Khan: It was saddening to see how an engineered video clip defaming President Asif Zardari made its way to ABC News blog. Here is the article which inspired me to write this post particularly because I was in the audience

The doctrine of necessity and the judicial saints – by Usama Bhutto: “The system is heading towards a disaster. Someone will have to interfere”. The Supreme Court of Pakistan. We have had a troubled history. Ever since its first elected Prime Minister gave Pakistan a unanimous constitution in 1973, the countries’

The SMS war against Zardari – by Kaleem Butt: Day in and day out, PPP and President Zardari has to contend with an onslaught of negative propaganda on air waves, in print media and in cyber space. The enemy is media savvy and knows the impact of psychological

Planned hype against President Zardari – by Dr Masooda Bano: The crisis mode created around President Zardari’s speech has an air of planned maneuvering around it. Zardari is not without his weaknesses but the air of tension being created after his speech on the second anniversary of Benazir Bhutto’s

A citizen’s perspective on TV anchors in Pakistan – by Naseer Ahmed: Naseer Ahmed offers a critical perspective on TV anchors in Pakistan, suggesting that journalists, including TV anchors, cannot indefinitely escape from accountability. The day will soon come when many of them will be held accountable for their yellow journalism

The New Media Jihadis – by Ayaz Amir: Thanks: Khaleej Times There is no such thing as positive journalism, a notion put about, mostly in a whining manner, by government information departments. Journalism is at its most responsible when it is explosive and incendiary, shaking people out

Speculative stories and the PPP – by Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi: The increased role of the intelligence agencies, especially the ISI and the MI, in the political domain from the mid-1980s onwards caused distortions in politics and made it easy to float speculative reports about civilian political leaders An interesting

‘EC refused to move against Benazir, Zardari despite pressure’: The NAB had urged the Election Commission in 2005 to take action against the former prime minister and her spouse for allegedly providing false information about their assets.

GEO Banned-I – Guest post by Aal e Hashmat: In the last week of November 2009, the transmissions of GEO concerning ‘Merey Mutabiq’ of Dr Shahid Masood were banned allegedly on the pretext that propaganda against the presidency was being sent on air without due scrutiny, care and

Gilani frustrates the opponents of President Zardari.: Agents of the anti-democracy establishment in Pakistani media and politics are indeed frustrated by the failure of their plans to create a rift between President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani. Here is an excerpt of

Some facts about the Swiss Case Scandal: The Facts about the ‘Swiss Case’ By Maj Gen (Retd) Ahsan Ahmed THE NATION – June 18, 2005 “We will use these twelve million dollars ob-tained from Benazir Bhutto & Asif Ali Zardari on the rehabilitation of rain victims”,

Zardari, Geo TV and the Swiss case evidence: Who is Dr Javed Kanwal?: Geo TV correspondent, Dr Javed Kanwal, has recently filed a story in Geo TV and The News in which he claimed that the Pakistan government has succeeded in removing from a lawyer’s office evidence of the cases against influential

Local Goebbels, Foreign Masters, and the Balkanisation of Pakistan: A thought provoking op-ed by Asadullah Ghalib in which he exposes the real plans of the anti-democracy campaign by certain agents in Pakistani media and their foreign masters. This is followed by an op-ed by Mehmood Sham along the

Dr Shahid Masood: Theft, Slander, Lies and Phobia, all in one – An analysis by Qais Anwar: By Qais Anwar I wrote the following article for LUBP (Let us build Pakistan) but , after watching the yesterday’s Meray Mutabiq, I could not stop myself from posting it on [another website]. ….. now more and more right

Announcement: Pakistan Ignoble Award for Journalism (PIAJ): Let Us Build Pakistan proudly announces the establishment of Pakistan Ignoble Award for Journalism (PIAJ). It will be awarded annually to a Pakistani journalist who has flouted all the norms of journalistic decency, objectivity, and fair play. Every December

In defense of Nawaz Sharif: Are our politicians corrupt? Is Pakistan Army a sacred cow?: Rauf Klasra reveals some interesting details of the alleged 60 million dollar corruption by Nawaz Sharif.

Geo: journalism without conscience: Pakistan’s conspiracy theories stifle debate Ahmed Rashid Switch on any of the dozens of satellite news channels now available in Pakistan.You will be bombarded with talk show hosts who are mostly obsessed with demonising the elected government, trying to

Accountability of Zardari and beyond: A critical analysis by Asadullah Ghalib on the NRO Tabla and the anti-Zardari campaign

Sindhis responsible for 97% of corruption in Pakistan: NRO’s message: By Abdul Nishapuri Once again, it would appear that the rules are different for peoples from Sindh whereas politicians, bureaucrats and military personnel from Punjab and elsewhere are angels who do not have a spot of corruption on their

PPP is losing popularity: Myths of the Electronic Media – by Imran Kureshi: The ruling party’s sweeping victory in Gilgit should be an eye-opener to our ‘holier than the electorate’ media-men. They should realise that no party or leader is losing or gaining significant popularity despite their best efforts Political programmes on

Charge sheet against Zardari: Enemies of democracy and supporters of Taliban taunt President Zardari for what they term as his cowardice to refrain from exposing himself in public meetings. The main aim of the Mullah Media Alliance here is to help their foot-soldiers

‘Goebbels Eleven’, minus-one brigade and Nawaz Sharif: Here are three columns on this topic: The first one is by Ayaz Amir (a PML-N MNA) who terms the minus-one brigade (Shahid Masood, Ansar Abbasi, Shaheen Sehabi etc) as media galdiators. The second column is by Asadullah Ghalib

Where are all the KLB bashers?: Ibrahim Sajid Malick Do you wonder why have the Pakistani pundits stopped complaining about imperialist tyranny and exposing the onerous conditions of Kerry-Lugar Bill? Why all of a sudden KLB is a non-issue? I was curious and I spend