Wishful Journalism: Rehman Malik Fired!
Thanks: Pakistan Media Watch
President Zardari is not the only government official in the sights of our Wishful Journalists. If one were to believe these pseudo-reporters, Interior Minister Rehman Malik has been preparing to leave his position for several months. Only problem is, he won’t leave no matter how hard these journalists wish for him to do so.
In November, Syed Saleem Shahzad, Pakistan Bureau Chief of Asia Times Online, wrote that Rehman Malik was at the top of a list of names that the military asked Zardari to remove from office following the publication of American journalist Seymour Hersh’s article about Pakistan’s nuclear aresenal.
The military establishment has seized the moment to hand over a list of names to Zardari of people it believes should be immediately replaced. At the top of the list is the ambassador to Washington, Husain Haqqani, whom the army has always regarded as a foe for being too close to the American administration. Minister of the Interior Rahman Malik is second in line.
Neither Haqqani nor Malik were replaced. But that didn’t stop the Wishful Journalists. In January of this y ear, Ansar Abbasi wrote in The News that “Rehman Malik may be the first to face the axe” as a result of the NRO decision.
Interior Minister Rehman Malik is faced with an immediate threat of disqualification as member of the Parliament and the federal cabinet and is also liable to be put behind the bars if the Supreme Court judgment on NRO is implemented by the government.
As it turns out, of course, Rehman Malik may have been the first – but not to face the axe. Actually, Mr. Malik was acquitted of charges and remains Interior Minister.
According to the judgment, through the scrutiny of record it transpired that no cogent or convincing evidence had been brought on record by the prosecution against the applicant/ accused in support of the allegations levelled against him in the subject reference.
Once again, the pattern plays out the same way: a Wishful Journalist writes his wish; if it doesn’t come true, the Wishful Journalists wait a few months and wish again. It seems that too many of our prominent journalists spent their time writing out their wishes rather than simply reporting facts.
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“Yellow journalism” or journalism just to create sensationalism is a disgrace to a profound profession. Lobbyism is something which must be avoided in all critical institutions because it tends to put you off the just track.
Just one impartial voice about Fox news in the Tv show. He still carries a really tough immigration plan. He managed to graduate on the Harvard Collage. At this moment he provides the a single Airwaves Show. He could not similar to any U . s citizens president.