Rehman Malik Archive

Our spoilt brats – by Irfan Husain: IT’S easy to spot the entitled Pakistani VIP from a mile away: his head, sitting on a stiff neck, is tilted up so his gaze doesn’t have to linger on the poverty around him; an underling carries his

In the name of the people: Rehman Malik has been off loaded – by A Z: There was minor incident today (15th September, 2014) that warmed the cockles of my heart. It was encouraging to see common man rising spontaneously against his/her own exploitation. Today (15-9-2014), Mr Rehman Malik kept PK-370 delayed for 2 hours

کراچی میں علی اکبر کمیلی کا قتل اور پیپلز پارٹی کے سنیٹر رحمان ملک کا شرمناک بیان – خالد نورانی: رحمان ملک صاحب، شرم تم کو مگر نہیں آتی ؟ سندھ میں حکومتی پارٹی پیپلز پارٹی کا رہنما رحمن ملک کل سینٹر عباس کمیلی کے گھر گیا جن کے جوان بیٹے کو دیوبندی سپاہ صحابہ کے دہشت گردوں نے

Senator Rehman Malik exposes corruption by Sharif Brothers: Senator Rehman Malik’s press conference on Sharif Brothers and corruption/Money laundering. [youtube id=”CyhN5rjGmy8″] LAHORE: Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) leader, Rehman Malik on Monday exposed modus operandi of corruption how Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif’s family multipled their wealth. Mr.

Saudi-sponsored ISI using Takfiri Deobandi militants to hijack Pakistan elections: PPP, ANP and MQM’s press conference: KARACHI (30 April 2013): The political parties, which are being targeted by the Pakistani Taliban for having ‘secular views,’ late on Tuesday (30 April) said the coming May 11 polls are being hijacked by “local and international establishment,” DawnNews

#ShiaGenocide: Rehman Malik’s vs Shahbaz Sharif’s discourse on banned terrorist outfits ASWJ-LeJ-Taliban: Interior Minister Rehman Malik holds ASWJ-LeJ (aka Sipah-e-Sahaba) responsible for Shia genocide in Pakistan – کراچی: وفاقی وزیر داخلہ رحمٰن ملک نے ایک بار پھر پنجاب حکومت پر کالعدم لشکر جھنگوی کیخلاف کارروائی نہ کرنے کا الزام لگایا ہے

A poem on Rehman Malik’s utterings about low cost of human life – by Zulfiqar Ali: LIKE THIS If anyone asks you, How the prefect satisfaction, Of all our minorities’ wanting Will look? Lift you gun. And say, ‘Like this’ When someone mentions the gracefulness, Of education, Show him Malala. Climb upon the

Hakimullah Mehsud slaps Rehman Malik: New video of Taliban (Pakistan branch) chief Hakimullah Mehsud shows his deputy Wali-ur Rehman discussing killing of ANP leader Bashir Ahmad Bilour. In a related recent picture, Hakeemullah Mehsud’s deputy Waliur-Rehman and spokesman Ihsanullah Ihasan are shaking hands with

طالبان ملک یعنی پیپلز پارٹی کا مسعود محمود ثانی – Rehman Malik is PPP’s Masood Mahmood 2: تاریخ میں کچھ ایسے لوگ بھی گزرے ہیں جن کو پاکستانی عوام اور پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے کارکن ملک اور عوام کے غداروں کی حیثیت سے یاد کریں گے ان میں ایک ایسا کردار مسعود محمود ہے جس کو

Two saviours of Rimsha, the blasphemy accused Christian girl: Saviour 1: Hafiz Khalid Chishti, local Sunni cleric Hafiz Mohammed Khalid Chishti, the imam of the mosque who allegedly issued a decree on his mosque’s loudspeaker to burn Christians of Mehrabadi village alive in the aftermath of 11-year-old Rimsha

Zardari’s complicity and hypocrisy will bring him the fate of his hypocritical, heartless father-in-law: Ikhtiar Hussain When in my previous article ( I called Zaradari “Yazidi,” every liberal blogger of note went mad denouncing me for saying so. I would not have cared despite the countless abusive e-mails that I got. I live

Interior Minister Rehman Malik’s bold and courageous speech – by Syed Ahsan Abbas Rizvi: In his last speech in Senate, Interior Minister Rehman Malik told the Upper House that 14 organizations are operating in Balochistan and both friends and enemies of Pakistan were financing and encouraging them for uprising. He subtly provided the

“Get’em through Interpol”, whispers Beena Sarwar to Rehman Malik – by Ismail Effendi: Recently, two Pakistani bloggers who are based in North America have informed me that noted “liberal” activist and coordinator of Jang Group’s Aman Ki Asha project, Beena Sarwar, is running a concerted campaign to locate and harass bloggers associated

President Zardari must break his silence on Shia genocide: Personally I disagree with a harsh word used for Asif Zardari which in my opinion compromised the otherwise valid arguments presented in Ikhtiar Hussain’s post (now voluntarily edited by the author). But that’s my personal opinion. Every author has

Extremists using Shia Genocide to defame and destroy Government and Pakistan – by Farhad Jarral: Related post: Asif Zardari and the Shia genocide – by Ikhtiar Hussain No doubt the genocide of Shia community in Pakistan is an alarming situation for all Pakistanis who are patriotic, who respect religions or believe in Inter-faith Harmony

Regulation to curb militancy in social media: Social media is an emerging territory where citizens are communicating and they have access to alternative sources of information such as blogs, online search engines and social networking sitess. The social media offers a wide array of opportunities of

Rehman Malik threatened a journalist?: In the world of cricket, spinners are known for spinning the ball on pitches and twisting, just like washing machines twisters which wash clothes perfectly. In Pakistan such techniques are used on the Media Pitch by Journalistic Machine who

Mehran Bank Scandal: Rehman Malik provides evidence to media: Interior Minister Rehman Malik proved that PML-N Chief Nawaz Sharif was involved in money laundering. He gave evidence against Nawaz Sharif would be placed before the Supreme Court and National Accountability Bureau (NAB) for alleged corruption of $32

Rehman Malik must resign: It is now abundantly clearly that the PPP government’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik has failed to protect innocent Pakistani citizens, particularly ethnic and sect-based target killing in Karachi, Baloch massacre in Balochistan, Pashtun massacre in FATA and Khyper Pakhtunkhwa,

Rehman Malik’s shameful lies on Difa-e-Pakistan and Sipah-e-Sahaba: Urgent: Please sign and widely distribute this petition: Ban the Difa-e-Pakistan Council For the last several weeks, the Difa-e-Pakistan Council (Defence of Pakistan Council – DPC), a union mainly comprising two banned militant organizations Siaphe-Sahaba Pakistan (aka Lashkar-e-Jhangvi or

Shame on PPP govt for rewarding Lal Masjid terrorists: Jamia Hafsa allotted 40 times larger land than the original site: Related post: The mysterious connection between Malik Riaz of Bahria Town and jihadi terrorists: A call from Hunza We express our deepest displeasure on the federal government’s decision to reward the pro-Taliban, pro-Sipah-e-Sahaba religious extremists of Islamabad’s Lal Masjid

… Meanwhile in the Land of the Pure – by Nadeem F. Paracha: * Photo illustrations by Nadeem F. Paracha Source: Dawn

Did someone say “Dr General-CMLA Ziaul Haq” too? — by Abbas Zaidi: Ninety-nine percent of Pakistani (electronic and print) media (Urdu as well as English) is right wing, and 100 percent of it has run amok in fury over an honorary doctorate awarded to Interior Minister Rehman Malik by Governor Sindh

I want the Baloch to get back the true Meaning of Life! Do you? – by Salma Jafar: Cross-posed from Pakistan Blogzine A topic so close to my heart that it’s hard to write on, but on Laibaah’s request here is a take on the issue of Balochistan and in particular the issue of missing persons which

Google, youtube and Rehman Malik: For the past two days there is an uproar in Pakistan’s social and mainstream media about the Government of Pakistan’s alleged plan to block google, youtube etc if they did not assist the GoP in criminal investigations against terrorists.

Nazir Naji on Zulfiqar Mirza: سیاسی دھماکہ ہمارے ہاں سیاست کم اور سیاسی دھماکے زیادہ ہوتے ہیں۔ الیکشن کے فوراً بعد ججوں کی بحالی کا معاہدہ ہوا۔ وہ ٹوٹا تو سیاسی دھماکہ ہو گیا۔ مسلم لیگ (ن) نے پہلے وفاقی کابینہ میں شامل ہو

Who needs a foreign minister? -by Abdul Samad: How many countries function without a Foreign Minister at a time of diplomatic turbulence, when relations with its main ally, United States, stoop to a new low? Well, Pakistan does. In all the drama that has followed Osama’s execution,

Utter shame PM Gilani and Rehman Malik: It is utter shame how Prime Minister Gilani and Rehman Malik have been behaving like a ‘Devil’s Advocate’. More than two hundred young men from Parachinar have been camping outside the National Press Club in Islamabad for the past

People of Parachinar can not believe Rehman Malik any more: رحمان ملک کے ٹل پاراچنار روڈ کھولنے کے جھوٹے وعدوں پر یقین نہیں کیا جا سکتا، یوتھ آف پاراچنار اسلام آباد:اسلام ٹائمز۔ پاراچنار کرم ایجنسی کے عوام رحمان ملک کے مزید جھوٹے وعدوں اور بیانات سے دھوکے میں نہیں

Are you there Mr President? – By Ayesha Siddiqa: Rehman Malik has yet again scattered his pearls of illogic by saying that the interior ministry was planning to impose restrictions on artists, journalists and students on scholarships travelling to India. They will now have to seek a no-objection

Rehman Malik: The Civilian Face of Pakistan’s Military Establishment – by Imtiaz Baloch: Pakistan’s Interior Minister Rehman Malik, the civilian face of the country’s powerful military establishment is a continuation of the former dictator General Pervez Musharraf’s policies in Balochistan. He is the one who sanctioned and devised the policies of empowering

Not everyone who criticizes the PPP is pro-establishment – by European: Editor’s note: There are some very valuable points in the following article, which deserve to be considered and openly debated. The LUBP is open to criticism; while some of us may disagree with some of the arguments presented in

An open letter to Rehman Malik – by Sana Saleem: Related post: Focus on religious madrassahs and their mentors instead of Rehman Malik – by Dr. Saifurrehman Cross-posted from The Dawn Blog Dear Mr. Rehman Malik, I recently found out that you have decided to take action (aka, block,
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