Ansar Abbasi Archive

Deobandi Taliban terrorists kill over 100 children in Peshawar Army School: 130 innocent schoold children killed. Another day, another tragedy in Pakistan where 90 % of such horrible terrorists acts are committed by Deobandi terrorist organisations. The time for condemnations and mourning is long, long past! There are no good

Why did Tahir ul Qadri end his sit-in in Islamabad – Haider Javed Syed: Why did Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri end the sit-in in Islamabad? What exactly is his new strategy? Was that decision made by Dr Qadri without consulting his allies? Who is behind the table news stories on this topic maligning Dr Qadri?

Taliban Khan title: Najam Sethi ducks Imran Khan bouncer and dumps on LUBP: By shifting the blame on LUBP for the “Taliban Khan” label, Najam Sethi proved his spinelessness to the rest of the world. This is typical of the sort of journalism expected from Mr. Sethi where he mixes truth with

ہم انصار عباسی اور طالبان کی تکفیری دیوبندی خارجی شریعت کو جوتے کی نوک پر رکھتے ہیں: بدنام زمانہ روزنامہ جنگ میں بد نام زمانہ طالبان پرست صحافی انصار عباسی دیوبندی نے اس سوال پر کہ کس فرقہ کی شریعت نافذ کریں اپنے کالم میں طالبان کی کھلی حمایت کرتے ہوۓ کہا ہے کہ شریعت صرف

Imran Khan and illusion of a Messiah: Up till now I always thought very harshly of Imran Khan, my opinion of him was that of a simpleton who lacked any political acumen. His public appearances are usually crass and full of vulgarities in which he often

Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy: In pursuit of ratings, Dunya TV is pandering to the extremist right wing: LUBP is publishing Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy’s letter, in which he briefly summarizes the whole episode of Kamran Shahid’s planted show. Because some facts are being widely misinterpreted, I would like to set the record straight. 1. The anchor, Kamran

Jang Group’s Mir Shakil threatens State Bank Governor: Will CJ Iftikhar Chauhdry take notice?: Just as we mentioned in our report “Will Jang Group’s Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman turn against the Nawaz govt now – JS Bank fails to acquire regulatory approval for HSBC Pakistan” published on 25th October, 2013, Jang Group has begun its

A polarized society – by Bahadar Ali Khan: Editorial note: “LUBP stands in solidarity with Professor Hoodbhoy. It was not just troubling to see Ansar Abbasi’s disgusting and nonsensical diatribe against Professor Hoodbhoy – there was also a sense of irony. After all this is the same

عمران خان کی طالبان کودفتر کھولنے کی پیشکش پرکامران شفیع کا تبصرہ: معروف تجزیہ کار کامران شفیع نےکہا کہ عمران خان ان دہشت گردوں سے مذاکرات کی بات کررہے ہیں جنہوں نے پاک فوج کے بارہ جوانوں کے گلے کاٹے، جنرل ثنااللہ کو شہید کیا، لاہوراور کراچی میں دھماکے کیے کوئٹہ

Taliban Spokesman Ansar Abbasi on a mission!: Pakistan’s chief Taliban spokesman in mainstream media, Ansar Abbasi in his “Analysis” published simultaneously in The News and Jang on Monday, August 19, 2013 has suggested that the PML-N government should use the opportunity of suspending indefinitely the execution

Another Quetta blast: More than a thousand Shia Hazara killed by deep state sponsored Takfiri Deobandis: #SHIAGENOCIDE Suicide blast in Ali Abad, Hazara Town, Quetta. Thirty-five dead already as the toll continues to rise. Many more injured. In the last ten years more than one thousand Shia Hazaras have been killed and several times more

دیوبندی علما کی جانب سے شیعہ مسلمانوں کی تکفیر – آگ سے کھیلنے کے مترادف ہے – از صباح حسن: میں کوئی مذہبی دانشور یا شخصیت نہیں ہوں لیکن بطور عام مسلمان میرا یہ ماننا ہے کہ انسان کے ایمان و عقیدہ کی سچائی کا تعین کرنا صرف اور صرف الله کا کام ہے یا اس کے چنے ہوے

Takfeer of Shia Muslims by Deobandi clerics: Playing with fire – by Sabah Hasan: دار العلوم دیوبند کی جانب سے سنی بریلوی اور شیعہ مسلمانوں کے خلاف نفرت انگیز فتاویٰ – Deobandi fatwa against Sunni & Shia – See more at: I am no religious scholar, but as an ordinary Muslim I

Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman ki Cheel aur Chirya mey Jhagra – by Danial Lakhnavi: میر شکیل الرحمن کی چیل اور چڑیا میں جھگڑا یوں لگتا ہے کہ میر شکیل الرحمان کی سیاسی قسمتیں لکھنے کی خواہش پورے مک میں ناکامی کا منہ دیکھنے کے بعد بالآخر پنجاب میں بارآور ہوگئی ہے اور ان

Shahbaz Sharif reinserts Sunni Islamist chapters in school curricula after joint protest by Ansar Abbasi and Sipah-e-Sahaba: We regret to announce that in response to a joint protest by Deobandi militants of the Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ) and their right-wing lackeys in the Jang Group (led by Ansar Abbasi Deobandi), PML-N led Punjab government has decided to cancel

درویش استاد سبط جعفر دیوبندی دہشت گردوں کے ہاتھوں شہید: پوری پاکستانی قوم بلخصوص پاکستانی شیعہ مکتبہ فکر ، دیوبندی دہشت گردوں اہل سنت ول جماعت جس کا پرانا نام سپاہ صحابہ تھا کےہاتھوں ایک اور بہت بڑے سانحے سے گزر رہے ہیں مشہور شاعر،ادیب اور دانشور سید سبط جعفر

صحافیوں کی نگران حکومت: ندیم سعید کا کالم: Related post: The future government of Pakistan – by Nazir Naji پاکستان کی موجودہ اسمبلیاں اپنی مدت پوری کر رہی ہیں، بے یقینی کی کیفیت میں نئے انتخابات کی تاریخ کا اعلان ہوا ہی چاہتا ہے اور ساتھ ہی

آخر اہلِ درد ہے کون؟ از محصورِ غم: عجب ذہنی کشمکش اور تذبذب میں مبتلا ہوں۔ سوچتا ہوں کہ کوئٹہ کی جلی کٹی سر بریدہ لاشوں پر نوحہ لکھوں یا صرف آنسو بہاتا رہوں؟ظلم کی اس داستان کو کیسے ضبطِ تحریر میں لاؤں۔۔۔؟ جہاں پر شیر خوار

“Throw the Shias out of the fold of Islam!” Ansar Abbasi justifies #ShiaGenocide through his column in Jang: Author: Mahpara Qalandar In his column of 21 February 2013 published in Urdu daily Jang, Ansar Abbasi (pro-Taliban journalist) has continued his subtle justification of the Shia genocide at the hands of Takrifi Deobandi groups such as the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi

Pakistan’s Supreme Kangaroo Court once again shows its disdain for the law: ……under clause (3) of Article 66 of the Constitution, the committee had powers vested in civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 (Act V of 1908) to enforce the attendance of any person and compel the production

Ansar Abbasi’s desperation and the upcoming media obituary notice – by Arbab Zaheer: When I looked at page 3 of November 8, 2012’s Jang, I saw an article written by Sindh Information Minister, Sharjeel Inam Memom. Titled “Propaganda mayn bhee quality ka khayal rakhna zaroori hota hay” or “It’s important to remember

Usual suspects activate Zaid Hamid and Ansar Abbasi to misrepresent Nawab Akbar Bugti’s murder: It is a historical fact that oppressive regimes often try to rationalize, hide or misrepresent their heinous crimes against innocent people. For example, the Umayyad Caliphs used a large number of sell out historians and narrators to misrepresent and

For Ansar Abbasi and Jang, every day is an April Fools Day! – by Arbab Zaheer: For Ansar Abbasi and Jang, every day is an April Fools Day! That’s what I thought when I read his out of context note on Thursday, September 27, 2012 titled “CJ kay khilaf aik aur ‘dhamakay’ kee sazish!” in

CJ Gate: Innocent Chaudhry, guilty Dogar and great Pakistani reptilian Ansar Abbasi – by Raza Baloch: First great Pakistani reptilian man Ansar Abbasi most probably is inspired of Bollywood’s super hero film “Shahanshah” released in 1988. Ansar Abbasi Shahanshah of Islamic Umma played the role of Shahnshah in Chief Justice Abdul Hamid Dogar’s court and unveiled

Ansar Abbasi’s bachay ki dua: In his incomparable poem, “Bachay ki dua” or a “Child’s supplication”, (Baang-e-Dara) Iqbal presented in 12 lines what should be the mission of any child from his early life. We have read this poem all our lives and without

Cajoling a “Decent Lady” – Ansar Abbasi shows his flirty side: Ansar Abbasi, the right wing journalist known for his love for the Taliban, Osama Bin Ladin, Hafiz Saeed, Islamic Revolutions, Chief Justice of Pakistan, ISI and Army Chiefs and for his hatred for anyone and anything PPP, has made

Well done Latif Chaudhry – by Ahsan Abbas: Dear Mr Latif Chaudhry I am very pleased to read your column in daily Express in which you exposed the hypocrisy of notorious Taliban apologist Ansar Abbasi of the Jang Group (Jang/The News/Geo). The so called “Jihad” of Ansar

The excitement of PML-N backed journalists: Ansar Abbasi who is known for his rabid attacks on the PPP and those who are its allies, is known to have a soft corner for the PML-N. He is on record saying that PML-N is leading a good

Oh, those relentless liars!: In our childhood, whenever we told a lie and were caught, our elders gave us a piece of advice “Aik jhoot sabit karnay kay liye 100 jhoot bolnay partay hayn” or “To prove one lie, you need to tell

Briefing on Benazir Bhutto’s killing and the analysis of Jang Group’s Hizb-ut-Tahrir journalists: There is something which is called “shock and awe”. The PPP government in the last four years has been doing things which are considered disappointing for many, however, the most “shocking” things that it has done is to establish

How to make a great story on “krupshion” – Ansar Abbasi-Adil Gilani 101!: I was always weak in mathematics. Numbers were never my forte and hence, I remained a not so bright student. Work wise, I play with numbers and like analyzing them. I wonder, if I had a better grip on

CJ’s next frontier: Sir who can we turn to if not you?: I try my best not to read The News, as it is an anti government, pro-PML-N, pro-military and pro-CJ newspaper. Whenever I do, there is one reason or the other to write something about it. In The News, of

…And so it rests: Memorial service of the memogate: The “Stupidisco” that Pakistan was converted into seems to be coming to rest. After Mansoor Ijaz’ refusal to come to Pakistan and demanding that this testimony be taken outside of Pakistan, the apex adjudicator, CJ Iftikhar Ahmed Chaudhry had

Ansar Abbasi unveils Mansoor Ijaz’s letter to CJ – by Raza Baloch: The top investigator of The News and Jang group of publications and electronic media’s top observer Ansar Abbasi has unveiled the letter written by Mansoor Ijaz the main character of Memo scandal to the Honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan

Crappy Analysis: Ansar Abbasi and diapers: Ansar Abbasi is a very senior journalist for The News/Jang Group. While may not I agree with his views, from afar I used to assume he might be providing some intellectual strength to the right. I now think I

Jang Group must stop harassing Ali Dayan Hasan of Human Rights Watch: Related posts: HRW is concerned about the fear of judicial over-reach in Pakistan: Interview with Ali Dayan Hasan AHRC appeal: DG ISI Gen Shuja Pasha must be prosecuted for hatching conspiracy against democracy Critical readers of Pakistan’s politics are

Step aside President Zardari and PPP, Ansar Abbasi plays the “Sindh Card”: Pakistan’s apex investigative journalist and wannabe political advisor / strategist/ analyst / national builder / true muslim, Ansar Abbasi has written a special investigative report good enough to take the bragging rights of using the “Sindh Card” for the

Smartest journo on smartest nukes: Every now and then, we reminded of the greatness of Pakistan’s military and intelligence prowess by none other than the military and intelligence supporters in our right wing media. While in love with their masters, some of these journalists

Ansar Abbasi in support of Imran Khan – by Zalaan: انصار عباسی کا عمران افروز کالم ایک بار پھر سوات میں لڑکی پر کوڑے مارنے کو جائز کہنے والے ،طالبان کے حمایتی ،ملک میں طالبانوں کی غیر قانونی عدالتوں کو آسمانی حکم کہنے والے صحافی انصار عباسی عمران خان