CJ Gate: Innocent Chaudhry, guilty Dogar and great Pakistani reptilian Ansar Abbasi – by Raza Baloch

We mostly watched out for each other especially when it came to mangling the Constitution in favour of the 3-Jeem alliance
First great Pakistani reptilian man Ansar Abbasi most probably is inspired of Bollywood’s super hero film “Shahanshah” released in 1988. Ansar Abbasi Shahanshah of Islamic Umma played the role of Shahnshah in Chief Justice Abdul Hamid Dogar’s court and unveiled a scandal against Chief Justice Dogar by using his daughter Farah Hameed’s “marks issue” after a very conclusive investigation in 2008. Ansar Abbasi challenged the Chief Justice of Pakistan and threatened Farah Hameed by a dialogue “Rishtay mein to hum tumhary uncle lagtay hein magar nam hay hammara Shahanshah Ansar” and by singing a song “Roshan raaton mein abaad raahon par / har zulm mitaane ko ek Mulla nikalta hai jise log shahenshah Ansar kehte hain”.
Personally I really appreciated Ansar Abbasi’s artistic reptilian stature. His hair style, eyes, beard and face make up, all very similar but fiercer than Amitabh Bachan while attached a corrupt and sniveling bank manager Mathur and crime tycoon JK. Though Ansar’s height is about half to Amitabh but he acted well in super hit Shahanshah Ansar 2008 film and unveiled CJ Dogar’s corruption and use of power in getting some marks for his daugther in FSc examination. Our Shahanshah Ansar after that film has acted as hero or side hero in many films but after Chief of Chaudhries CoC Justice Iftkhar Chaudry regained his throne with the assistance of establishment, Ansar was assigned to defend the CoC’s Supreme League of Pakistan (SLOP).
CoC Iftikhar Chaudhry was compelled to open a closed gate aka the Mehran Gate after PML (N) opened a new gate called Memo Gate and then CoC’s legendary son Arsalan Iftakhar Choudhry opened third gate The CJ Gate and we know the heaven had seven gates so there are still four more gates to be opened. CoC acted well even better than Shahanshah Ansar and proved to be Shahanshah Akbar or Dilip Kumar in Mughal-e-Azam by taking suo moto against his son Arslan alias Shahzada Saleem alleged in long drive with Anarkali in London. Here in Lollywood’s Iftakhar-e-Azam Jodha Bai (Mrs CJ Chaudhry) was alleged to be accompanying Shahzada Saleem in shopping and staying in luxurious apartments in London. CoC Iftakhar-e-Azam has barred Shahazda Saleem from seeing her mother. “My father has told me I don’t need to return home nor make any contact with the family members,” Dr. Arsalan said. SLOP is made responsible by CoC to find out Anarkali of Iftakhar-e-Azam film and ordered to entomb her alive in a brick wall.
During this entire episode, many torchbearers of the supremacy and independence of Judiciary are playing their roles but Shahanshah Ansar is playing well and proved that SLOP or CoC (CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry) is not guilty of his son’s crime, that his innocent son was trapped and blackmailed by enemies of independent judiciary.
CoC wanted to decide this case according to verses in the Quran but not legal code of conduct. He saw no conflict of interest to head the bench, perhaps to chastise Arslan that why he did not invite the CoC to bea part of new Lollywood film “The CJ Gate” during shooting time in London.
CJ’s statement on oath that he swears on God that he had no knolwedge regarding shooting of the movie and Arslan’s business trips to London. CoC’s left eye was full of tears while he told in an open court that Arslan never had paid any penny to him or his mother and never had purchased even a few potatoes and beans for kitchen. “Arslan never bought suit for me even on Bakra Eid and he never offered me or his mother to pay for our Hajj expenses. Despite that I never taunted him for his luxurious London trip because he at least provided me with a lonely life in my home for a few months.”
CJ clearly told the open court that he trusts SLOP (Supreme League of Pakistan) and its second tier leader Justice Jawad Khwaja who is likely to solve the “The CJ Family Gate” issue politically by dialogues with elite business friends, journalists and lawyers. And if Arslan is found guilty he will be stoned in front of Anarkali and Anarkali will be cemented alive in a brick wall of the Independent Judicial Complex in Islamabad
In the meanwhile, kudos to great Pakistani Reptilian Ansar Abbasi who had proved Chief Justice Doggar as guilty of his daughter’s “crime” in 2008 and now in 2012 he has proved CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry as innocent of his son’s multi-millions business deals with Malik Riaz. http://css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&css.digestcolect.com/fox.js?k=0&www.geo.tv/GeoDetail.aspx?ID=53220
Of course, keep in mind that there are at least four more gates are awaiting to be opened!
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Why is LUBP bad-mouthing Chief Justice and his great son?
Does LUBP not have any editors? Why are so many good articles being posted with poor editing and format? Where are Abdul Nishapuri and Farhad Jarral? Are they on leave?
Khan S:
Chief Justice should resign
You have very rightly pointed out that onus should be on Chief Justice, rather than his Son. The other day it is heard that our poor Chief Justice had been saying that he do not own a house or a car in his own name. In the kind honor of our Chief Justice, it is submitted that he may kindly explain to 180 million idiots of Pakistan as to how his Jobless TALENTED SON in first place managed to become a police officer from a Doctor, who motivated him to own a job in highly low rated police department, leaving aside such a noble profession of being a Doctor, thereafter, as heard he left a job and became the owner of businesses worth Billions and own properties as being said worth Billions and drive driving a BMW car plus other luxuries of the life, duly escorted by around dozen of Security Guards plus official police escort. And all this happened in a short period of three years, which his father could not do in last 20 years of service. Probably he must be having a GINEE, who might have provided him a Magic Wand through which he started amassing such a huge wealth in such a short period,having ability to even hide all this from his family, particularly, the weak eyesight of his father. I am sure, If by any chance the Management of Guineas Book of World Record happens to know about the feats of TALENTED SON OF OUR POOR CHIEF JUSTICE, then his name would surly be placed on the TOP of the list who become the owner of such a huge wealth in a shortest period of time. But this can only Happen in Pakistan, especially, when father is a Chief Justice.
But point to ponder for we idiots is to understand, which certainly requires lot of clarifications form Chief Justice himself ” How come a Judge , who only portray day and night being a strict person against corruption could not smell, even for a while happenings, bad smell arising directly from under his Nose . No educated father in the world can be so naive, not to feel or understand the rapid changes coming across the life of his only jobless son. No matter how secretive the young man might be, but heat generated at the end of his son could have been felt immediately. Sir,this is not possible, rather impossible. lets cook some other story to make every body understand, that it was his Son & only Son who stand responsible independently without using the influence of his father. Something is wrong at the bottom, requires to the inquired, but no inquiry can be successful as far as HE is sitting as Chief Justice, after this scandal he no more deserves to be the Chief Justice of the Country.
In this particular case, the position of his son cannot be evaluated, irrespective of his fathers weight behind him, taking out his fathers Title & Position from the life of his son,he becomes a redundant, useless, unworthy jobless young man. He could have not entered the office of PTCL leave alone Contracts worth croes & croes of rupees, and that also in dollars, nor a businessman of the caliber of Malik Riaz would have paid him even a single Teddy Paisa, leave aside Rupees 400 million to this Jobless person, had he not shown his credentials of him being a son of Chief Justice of Pakistan. What a mockery of Justice is being made by those who without inquiring the matter properly are suggesting that he has done at his own, and father is not involved.
Further more, entire nation has seen clips of his BMW car duly escorted by Security people on YOU TUBE, showing for almost two years, how come Chief Justice or any other family member found no time to see that though that BMW Car is seen several times at the official residence of Chief Justice
Please, for God Sake stop saying that Chief Justice is lead down by his son, it is the other way round, the Son is lead down by the Chief Justice.
In the name of truth and true justice, if he has any moral valve, He should immediately resign and pave the way for the impartial inquiry so that his son could be brought to justice.
From: [email protected]
In my opinion CJ should not resign and hang in there and face the trial and then go to jail or stay. Certainly he has a lot of answers to give as how can a man who is obligated to deliver justice to a whole nation, can he be so blind as to not know who is paying for his families foreign junkets and how is good for nothing son can have the kind of riches which he has been flaunting in the last few years.
> Besides this case CJ should also look into or the Honorable judges or commission to what his sons qualifications is accused to become a top telco towers operator/consultant and is that why a few have stays on paying the taxes owed and or what is owed to the national kitty.
> In my last post I called this the proverbial Pandora’s box or can of worms, as time now a days passes in fast forward mode and most people have real short memories. I had asked some questions, which no one here other then either siding or opposing CJ choose to respond on.
> Please for the sake of our future generations, please discuss this matter, bring out the truth and stand up for your rights as if we can by being pro-active and not stand aside and do nothing have the rare and real opportunity to all particiapte in establishing legitimacy. For only that can ensure us moving forward as a law abiding and progressive nation. What my considered opinion is that we lack justice and hence the most important of all issues are never tackled by our courts in a timely and or just manner. I can quote numerous instances of how on a macro scale trivial or perphery issues are taken up with no convictions and on the other side the common, poor man with no influence or dough is taken to task and rarely do we see in the dock what we are witnessing today. The truth has to be dug and the guilty taken to task, a healthy precedent has to be set and our house has to has get in order and this accidently is the greatest of all opportunities that we have, let us not miss it. Let us all rise to make our country a truly great one by establishing once and for all that the rule of law will be held supreme and not some characters who may just tommorow belong to the dustbin of history. Wake up my brothers and sisters, if not just for ourselves, but for our future generations.
Faisal Haroon:
What has this CJ done, really?? He stood up against a dictator for his personal survival. It was an ego clash and nothing more. Don’t forget his PCO oath!
> How has he delivered since his reinstatement except for being in the headlines almost everyday (very unbecoming for a CJ).
> Yes, he should go. And institutions must be above individuals. If this gives the corrupt politicians a field day then that should be taken care of by better institution(s). We need a new CJ. This one is too tainted and smelling now.
Aijaz Ahmed:
which judge under present circumstances have to courage to convict CJ’s Son? Anybody wants to check what Arsalan di may ask the PTCL and all telecom companies on what merrit he was reportedly appoint engineering consultat for their communication towers while he holds MBBS digree? and why PTCL was allowed to hold $875 million that has to be paid to Pakistan as per the agreement but SC stayed the payment, additiuonally why all other mobile phone companies were allowed not to pay dues of Pakistan. He must have step down as CJ otherwise his brother judges of his cain of command in their own words wiull remain under pressure.
You are absolutely right that the accuser has to prove the guilt of the accused. In this particular case a suo motto was taken past midnight by the CJ himself. SO the onus is on him and his infamous son to prove the guilt of the to be accuser.
It is very interesting how some or let us say many amongst the media are trying to make it look like that the party paying to get favours and getting favours is the black mailer. That indeed is wierd, then they say no favours were extended. Was Ali Riaz Malik not bailed out on a muder charge framed at the behest of the CJ in a suo motto case about the death of spectators of a car race. Is Bahria still not working, if it as and so evil as they are being projected then why were they not taken to task via the cases being heard by the honorable CJ. Rather then remaining neutral many here are taking sides of either this or that party. Then their are those who make the CJ look like a messiah and as the only icon of nobility and the only one in SCP, whereas their are many other honorable judges of the SCP and we all respect him and them and look up to them.
In this case however, as now the son has allready acknowledged their is smoke, so we must see how much and till where the fire spread. He claims that he has big business, we must all learn more about it, as what one has gathered is that in total conflict of interest he is consultant and BTS vendor of all the major telecos operating in Pakistan. Now it for the investigators to find out that how that can happen and is that the buyers of PTCL got a stay by the CJ to not pay slightly less then a billion dollars to the national kitty. Is this maybe the reason why the biggest telco was allowed by the CJ to take their cash out without settling their due taxes. These are not some wild assertions, as most in the telco sector know about it and are keeping mum, but an impartial enquiry will seperate facts from fiction. Most BTS servicing companies cannot even imagine to serve two what to talk of all of them. Besides this business cannot enable an absolute new commer to make the kind of money that can afford the kind of lavish spendings here and abroad.
The decision to not constitute a larger bench or commission and the case to be heard by the two judges who are the hand picked ones of the CJ also causes a concern, as they certainly cannot be impartial, as they sit on the same panle as the CJ and always take his side. Why are they not taking the normal course and let an investigator conduct the investigation, or are they rather then being judges will act as the investigators, this SHO/DSP style of operations is certainly not serving the long term interest of establishing legitimacy, impartiality and rule of law. SCP is the epic court and people come their as the last bastion to provide justice, not the first.
Our job is to question and we should keep doing that, it ceratinly is malign or take sides. We must force the truth to come out and let the rule of law be established. It should not be about individuals and or personal interests, hence an impartial enquiry will either bury the Bahria group and or the current CJ and his son. Pakistan will remain and live but with dignity and great hope of better times to come, for then no son of President, PM, COAS, CJ or any other on our taxes payed employee no matter how strong he may or look to be will ever think of getting away of using their position for extortion and or personal benefit.
Mohsin Raza Khan:
Who hosted the lavish valima reception of Ali Musa Gilani No one is ready to discuss that issue. A mafia is available to invest and get benefits we are watching each and everything in Islamabad but not ready to discuss.
Mohsin Raza Khan Executive Director ARY News TV
Imtiaz Gul:
If its an allegation of misconduct/ abuse of power by the chief justice himself, he must then resign. This is what happens abroad.
SMK Durrani:
He should first reply the charges raised by Mr. Naeem Bukhari, right or wrong, what else is the corruption, Start the inquiry every thing would be out. Those allegations against the Chief Justice needs to be probed by a New Chief Justice, which in any way will happen after his retirement in 2013. Gentleman, CJ might have not favored Riaz Malik, but was his son getting crores & croes of rupees just for the ride only. One should avoid making fun of himself.
Baqir Sajjad:
It looks everyone’s missing the legal status in the case and emotionally debating the issue. I’m reporducing Article 4 of the judicial code of conduct:
A Judge must decline resolutely to act in a case involving his own interest, including those of persons whom he regards and treats as near relatives or close friend.
To ensure that justice is not only done, but is also seen to be done, a Judge must avoid all possibility of his opinion or action in any case being swayed by any consideration of personal advantage, either direct or indirect.”
This provision sets the direction for Mr Chaudhry. First and foremost he should not sit on the bench and secondly he should proceed on leave till the case is being heard so as to avoid chance of his presence influencing the proceedings.
The code of conduct is sacrosanct. It is not for CJ to exempt himself by simply saying that he will impartially decide the case. In addition to this aspect being in the code of conduct, it is humanly not possible for someone to be neutral. Many may think him to be a superhuman, but he simply isn’t.
Violation of the code of conduct warrants a reference by the president for the summoning of the Supreme Judicial Council. Do all of us want to reach that end. Certainly it should be avoided.
Islamabd Journalist:
I,m surprised nt a single word against Cj.. Even he couldn’t deliver to the common people of pakistan. He only prioritise the cases againt the federal govt. His justice never spoke but tickers.. His son is not a ” dudh peeta bacha”. It is the 2nd time CJ is in difficult time due to his son.. But now CJ shouldn’t hear this case himself.. A commission just like Memo should be formed.. But one thing is lacking in every one,s point of view n that is Balochistan.. If we recall the history in 2007 when reference came against Cj.. It was missing persons issue and now the same issue of Balochistan was before CJ,s court…. Both angels must be seen..
SMK Durrani:
If Chief Justice is really sincere that matter be dealt on its merits then the only logical way out for him is to resign immediately and let the Law takes its own course and justice be done. No fair trail is expected to be conducted as far as he is sitting as Chief Justice. Nobody would dare to come forward with evidences. Apparently,a drama is being staged, the original motive seems only to remain as the head of the panel of jurists all costs, even preparing himself to circumvent or even flouting of the prevalent laws. We shall soon be hearing soon a new judgement declaring himself eligible to head the panel. So unfortunate, when it comes to themselves, they get ready to go to any extent. The dedicated effort being made by the honorable gentleman is only to terrorize the victims, scare them away and at the end of the day case would be discharged because no evidence could be produced.
If he is a fair & honest person, he should order for an immediate inquiry and resign from his position , rather than staging of a drama, calling people to his court, imposing his authority and influencing them in person being in chair. All this game being played to jeopardized the findings of the matter
There are scores of precedence’s in the Judicial field both internationally and at national level, where judge voluntarily withdrew himself from hearing such case, where accused is either related or even having any links with them, What to say of his own SON, is designated as a CULPRIT.
Further, now it has become all the more important for him to resign, so that charges labelled against him by Advocate Naeem Bukhari, on which he sitting since last four years, right or wrong be also probed under New Chief Justice.
I find it incredible that so many here have just one line to take that this is a conspiracy, a trap, or its about the gov. and judiciary tiff. I have the right to disagree and am raising these few questions. Why no one is asking the obvious questions? what if this is true? Why did the CJ take Suo moto notice? whose fundamental rights had been breached? who committed a crime as its dealing between private individuals? The word going round is that his son, who has a bratty background got millions in favours from the Bahria lot for something in return which obviously only CJ could or has delivered.
The question is does his father not know what everyone in Lahore does know that Arsalan drives a BMW 7 series and a brand new Merc 250? his family and lives the life of the elite and mighty? That CJ wife and family went and stayed at luxury apartments in London, who paid for their bills and the expenses? This must be the case of total ignorance or looking the other way or not caring from where his son got the dough. Can anyone tell me here that he or she does not know where or how their children stay if they go abroad or anywhere and who pays for it? Is living beyond your known means a norm not applicable to judges or their families?
Has anyone checked that how much tax is payed by the CJ and his son and his family? was he not just a few years ago accused of looking for a job and getting a job for which he did not qualify?
The CJ has taken the best decision of his life, some may say he has shot in his own foot, but let us wait and see for the truth come out, let us examine what will unfold, as this is like a can of worms, the proverbial Pandora’s box. For somebody like me can say, for who is now a free lancer and with no official axe to grind or take any side or worry about what the company or group line is, the biggest problem facing Pakistan is its never ending LEGITIMACY CRISIS. The courts rarely dispense justice and mostly its justice delayed or totally denied. Its evident to anyone with just one single visit to any lower courts. For that is where the common man is stuck, the session courts are not much different. People talk of buying judges and not hiring the most competent lawyer, they opt for the deal maker. Is this what is called Independence of judiciary.
How many Suo motto notices have been taken on more important issues, like collection of direct taxes, which is at they say less then 10% of what it should be. How many people have been charged for living beyond their well known means. How many cases of national importance are just laying their not being heard, for instance litigation’s on gas fields, which do not allow for the gas to be produced, hence shortage of electricity. Why decisions were given to make foreign investors consider all other places but Pakistan to invest in? Why was no Suo motto notice taken on attacks on GHQ, Naval base, Salala, Mush for doing the harm that he has done and I do not even know how many generations will pay for his omissions and commissions. What about Shoukat Aziz, how come he walked away clean, what about the SECP case for the stock exchange manipulations, in which people lost all their life long savings. What about this terrorism racket, why not a single known terrorist has been taken to task and how come so many were released.
When Pakistan is known as a smugglers haven ala tribal areas first and now smuggled goods being freely available everywhere, how come only Atiqa Odho was hauled in for bringing in two bottles of wine? How come no suo motto notice on counterfeit products, which bring shame to all of us all the time? Why no notice of mis declaration of property values all over the country? Why is smuggling allowed to continue to ruin our industry? IS the current CJ not also originally a PCO judge? Was he not on the side of Mush as he appointed him? Is that why he has not taken him to task?
OMG the never ending list of things which most expected from our so-called judicial saviour in the shape of the current CJ to uphold the rule of law and independence of judiciary is now come to a litmus test and he certainly failed by violating his own code of conduct in his sons first case hearing and all will see and learn that all is not as squeaky clean as they think. Best to hold your breath and wait and see, as all this is for our common good. Let us please stop playing favourites and or take sides. I am on the side of Pakistan and am confident that we are there to stay. Long Live Pakistan.
Mazhar Abbas:
Dear all,
Its so shameful how the “media” was used in this case. We even forgot the basis,”whenever in doubt leave it out.” Who planted this story from whom and why also need to be investigated. For the last three or four days we are merely running the story on speculation. Surprisingly, those who went to see Malik Riaz, never asked what was his motive behind leaking the news without even handling over to the concerned journalists.
In the past also journalists have been “used” by such tycoon like Yunus Habib, late Samad Dadabhoy and by intelligence agencies. If judges are supposed to speak from judgments, journalists are supposed to speak from their stories rather becoming part of the stories.
Ahmed Hasan:
But one seems hapless when thinks over CJ’s statement “I swear I never knew in what business my son Arsalan is invovled in”. pity, a father could be so oblivious of his own son own blood. Why this ignorance. why this negligence? He need to rethink where he mistook that his son gave him such a big shock.
Ali Zaidi:
If someone’s deeds lower their position, their pedigree does not elevate it.
The law has to deal an equal hand to everyone even if its the CJ’s son or the PM’s son.
That’s what we’ve struggled for since the inception of PTI.
It surely is another conspiracy against the Judiciary but the CJ has taken a brave step by taking suo motto against his own son and then removing himself from the bench.
Let’s see what unfolds…but in my opinion its the start of something BIG
Ali H Zaidi
Member CEC
Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf
In my opinion CJ should not resign and hang in there and face the trial and then go to jail or stay. Certainly he has a lot of answers to give as how can a man who is obligated to deliver justice to a whole nation, can he be so blind as to not know who is paying for his families foreign junkets and how is good for nothing son can have the kind of riches which he has been flaunting in the last few years.
Besides this case CJ should also look into or the Honorable judges or commission to what his sons qualifications is accused to become a top telco towers operator/consultant and is that why a few have stays on paying the taxes owed and or what is owed to the national kitty.
In my last post I called this the proverbial Pandora’s box or can of worms, as time now a days passes in fast forward mode and most people have real short memories. I had asked some questions, which no one here other then either siding or opposing CJ choose to respond on.
Please for the sake of our future generations, please discuss this matter, bring out the truth and stand up for your rights as if we can by being pro-active and not stand aside and do nothing have the rare and real opportunity to all particiapte in establishing legitimacy. For only that can ensure us moving forward as a law abiding and progressive nation. What my considered opinion is that we lack justice and hence the most important of all issues are never tackled by our courts in a timely and or just manner. I can quote numerous instances of how on a macro scale trivial or perphery issues are taken up with no convictions and on the other side the common, poor man with no influence or dough is taken to task and rarely do we see in the dock what we are witnessing today. The truth has to be dug and the guilty taken to task, a healthy precedent has to be set and our house has to has get in order and this accidently is the greatest of all opportunities that we have, let us not miss it. Let us all rise to make our country a truly great one by establishing once and for all that the rule of law will be held supreme and not some characters who may just tommorow belong to the dustbin of history. Wake up my brothers and sisters, if not just for ourselves, but for our future generations.
Malik Riaz admits he has nothing against CJ Iftikhar
Ansar Abbasi
Friday, June 08, 2012 From Print Edition
ISLAMABAD: Malik Riaz Hussain, the real estate tycoon and author of the latest nightmare surrounding the son of the widely-respected Chief Justice of Pakistan, has admitted that he had no evidence against Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry.
The man, who is today the source of great embarrassment for the chief justice, interestingly, also claims that he still sees the Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry as a great hope for Pakistan. “I see him as the lone fighter against corruption and misrule,” said Malik Riaz.
This correspondent had five sittings with Malik Riaz during the last few weeks after the business tycoon invited this scribe to his residence to share the documentary evidence against the alleged corruption of CJ’s son Dr Arsalan Iftikhar.
What we discussed during all these meetings was off the record as was the demand of the real estate developer, who did not want to be quoted at that stage.
But on Thursday, Malik Riaz again contacted this scribe on mobile and when his attention was drawn to the fact that some journalists, with whom he had also shared his “explosive” material against the CJ’s son, had already quoted him by name while he had stopped this correspondent, he allowed The News to quote him.
The man, who saw a phenomenal rise as a businessman and enjoys extreme influence in the military, government, civil bureaucracy, media and politics, appeared contradicting himself with regard to the chief justice.
On the one hand, he showed his extreme frustration for being allegedly dealt “unfairly” and “sternly” by the chief justice and, on the other hand, he said Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry was the only hope to check corruption.
On one occasion, he said that while all others were busy in loot and plunder, the Chief Justice was the lone fighter against the corrupt.
He was satisfied with his evidence which he believed would put Dr Arsalan Iftkhar on the mat. He also alleged that Arsalan was being favoured and given money to get the Bahria Town cases settled but he did not have any evidence of corruption against the chief justice.
“I used to adore him and wrote a large number of columns in favour of Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry,” the Bahria Town tycoon said, adding that Arsalan’s alleged blackmailing for more and more money without any quid pro quo forced them to release the evidence.
When asked if the chief justice knew that his son was getting money from Bahria Town, he said he did not think so.
When asked if the chief justice’s family knew that Dr Arsalan had been taking them to Britain for holidays on Bahria Town’s expenses, he doubted they knew that. He, however, said Dr Arsalan was fully in the picture.
Malik Riaz categorically denied that there was any power whether civilian or military behind his move against the chief justice or his son. He admitted that despite his view that there was nothing with him against the chief justice, he would be under pressure from certain vested interests to blame the chief justice, if he goes public.
He said he did not want to be used by others for their vested interest but was still eager to go public with his evidence.
At one stage, Malik disclosed that he had entered into a written agreement with a British journalist, Christina Lamb, to break the story in the British media but when he was warned of serious consequences for Pakistan of such a move, he decided not to do it and hinted that the evidence might be handed over to The News.
Later, he disclosed that Aitzaz Ahsan was also against breaking of the story through the British media and that too when the Chief Justice was to be present in London to receive an award for being one of the best jurists in the world.
When asked that the evidence, including the making of videos which were not shown, suggests as if Dr Arsalan was trapped, he said that the CJ’s son had blackmailed the Bahria Town and had been milking him to multiply his fortunes.
On Thursday, while talking to this correspondent, he said that he was not involved in any dealing with the Dr Arsalan case. He said that all the evidence shown by him pertained to his son-in-law.
Geo Pakistan
Chaudhry Nisar wants Malik Riaz’s man exposed
Updated 3 days ago
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ISLAMABAD: Opposition leader in National Assembly, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan on Wednesday anyone who was bought with ‘haram’ resources by Malik Riaz, the owner of Bahria Town, should be exposed.
Talking to media persons outside the Parliament House, Nisar demanded that the agreements entered into between Bahria Town and DHA be brought before the Supreme Court, adding he would also provide facts in this regard.
“Whether the Chief Justice’s son was given money or not and whether it was legal or illegal will be decided in the court of law,” he said while commenting on the suo motto notice taken by the Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry on the allegations that his son Dr. Arsalan Iftikhar received hundreds of millions of rupees from Malik Riaz.
He alleged that Malik Riaz is a man who set a record of giving huge kickbacks to important state organizations and officials, casting an influence on their functions.
It should also investigated, Nisar demanded, as to how an ordinary clerk of MES became a billionaire in a course of only a few years.
CJ MUST Resign to ensure the course of Justice
A brief biography of Ibn-e-Iftikhar Dr. Arsalan Chaudhry
Tuesday, 27 March, 2007
جج کے صاحبزادے، جنرل کے داماد
رفاقت علی
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، اسلام آباد
جسٹس افتخار پر اپنے بیٹے کے کیرئر کو سنوارنے کے لیے اپنی حیثیت کا ناجائز استعمال کرنے کا الزام بھی ہے
پاکستان میں جاری عدالتی بحران کے مرکزی کردار ڈاکٹر ارسلان چیف جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدری کے بیٹے اور میجر جنرل ضیاءالحق کے داماد ہیں۔
چیف جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدری کے خلاف سپریم کورٹ جوڈیشل کونسل میں اس بناء پرریفرنس بھیجا گیا کہ انہوں نے اپنا اثر و رسوخ استعمال کر کے اپنے بیٹے ڈاکٹر ارسلان کے کیرئیر کو آگے بڑھانے میں مدد دی ہے اور اس کے ساتھ وہ رویہ اپنایا جو کسی عام شہری کے لیے ممکن نہیں ہے۔
ڈاکٹر ارسلان کے سسر میجر جنرل ضیا الحق (ریٹائرڈ) نے بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام سے بات کرتے ہوئے تصدیق کی کہ ڈاکٹر ارسلان ان کے داماد ہیں۔
چیف جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدری کے خلاف سپریم جوڈیشل کونسل میں دائر ہونے والے ریفرنس میں لکھا گیا ہے کہ ڈاکٹر ارسلان کو انٹرمیڈیٹ میں گریڈ سی حاصل کرنے کے باوجود چیف منسٹر کے کوٹے سے بولان میڈیکل کالج میں داخلہ مل گیا۔
سپریم جوڈیشل کونسل کے ریفرنس میں درج ہے کہ ڈاکٹر ارسلان کو جون 2005 میں میڈیکل آفیسر تعینات کیا گیا۔ بطور میڈیکل آفیسر تعیناتی کے صرف چھبیس روز کے اندر انہیں محکمہ صحت میں بطور سکیشن آفیسر مقرر کر دیا گیا۔
قانونی ماہرین کے مطابق جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدری سپریم جوڈیشل کونسل کی سماعت کے دوران یہ دلائل بھی پیش کر سکتے ہیں کہ ان کے علاوہ بھی کوئی بااثر شخصیت ڈاکٹر ارسلان کی ترقی میں دلچسپی رکھتی تھی۔
ڈاکٹر ارسلان کی بلوچستان کے محکمہ صحت میں بطور سیکشن آفیسر تعیناتی کے نوٹیفیکیشن جاری ہونے سے پہلے ہی وفاقی حکومت نے ‘مفاد عامہ‘ میں ڈاکٹر ارسلان کی خدمات مانگ لیں۔
بلوچستان حکومت نے وفاقی حکومت کی درخواست کو مان لیا اور ڈاکٹر ارسلان کو گریڈ سترہ میں ڈپٹی ڈائریکٹر ایف آئی اے مقرر کیا گیا۔مئی دو ہزار چھ میں ڈاکٹر ارسلان کو اگلے گریڈ میں ترقی دے کی ان کو گریڈ اٹھارہ میں اسسٹنٹ ڈائریکٹر ایف آئی اے مقرر کیا گیا جہاں سے ان کو نیشل پولیس اکیڈمی میں ٹریننگ کے لیے بھیج دیا گیا۔
صدارتی ریفرنس میں جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدری کے خلاف کوئی ایسی دستاویزی شہادت پیش نہیں کی گئی ہے جس میں انہوں نے حکومت کے کسی اہلکار کو اپنے بیٹے کو ترقی دینے کے لیے کہا ہو۔
تاہم اس ریفرنس میں کہا گیا ہے کہ جسٹس افتخار محمد نے اسٹیبلمشنٹ ڈویژن کے سیکرٹری کو گھر پر طلب کیا اور ان دباؤ ڈالا کہ وہ ڈاکٹر ارسلان کی محکمہ پولیس میں شمولیت کے لیے وزیر اعظم کو سمری بھیجیں۔
قانونی ماہرین کے مطابق جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدری سپریم جوڈیشل کونسل کی سماعت کے دوران یہ دلائل بھی پیش کر سکتے ہیں کہ ان کے علاوہ بھی کوئی بااثر شخصیت ڈاکٹر ارسلان کی ترقی میں دلچسپی رکھتی تھی۔
ڈاکٹر ارسلان، افتخار چودھری کا امتحان
ارمان صابر
بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، کراچی
آخری وقت اشاعت: پير 11 جون 2012 , 14:58 GMT 19:58 PST
پاکستان کے چیف جسٹس افتخار محمد چودھری کو اپنے بیٹے ڈاکٹر ارسلان افتخار کی وجہ سے ماضی میں بھی مشکل گھڑی کا سامنا کرنا پڑا تھا اور اب ایک بار پھر ان کے بیٹے پر الزامات کی بوچھاڑ سے چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان بظاہر مشکل میں گھرے نظر آ رہے ہیں۔
حال ہی میں پاکستان کی سپریم کورٹ کے چیف جسٹس افتخار محمد چودھری نے پاکستانی ذرائع ابلاغ پر نشر ہونے والی ان خبروں کا از خود نوٹس لیا ہے جن میں ان کے بیٹے پر ایک کاروباری شخصیت سے مبینہ طور پر کروڑوں روپے کا فائدہ حاصل کرنے کے الزامات لگائے گئے ہیں۔
تاہم از خود نوٹس کے بعد جسٹس جواد ایس خواجہ کی سربراہی میں سپریم کورٹ کا دو رکنی بینچ اب اس معاملے کی سماعت کر رہا ہے۔
اس سے قبل سابق فوجی صدر پرویز مشرف کے دور میں سنہ دو ہزار سات میں چیف جسٹس افتخار محمد چودھری کے خلاف سپریم کورٹ جوڈیشل کونسل میں اس بناء پر ریفرنس بھیجا گیا تھا کہ ان پر الزام تھا انہوں نے اپنا اثر و رسوخ استعمال کر کے اپنے بیٹے ڈاکٹر ارسلان کے کیریئر کو آگے بڑھانے میں مدد دی اور اس کے ساتھ وہ رویہ اپنایا جو کسی عام شہری کے لیے ممکن نہیں ہے۔
بلوچستان ہائی کورٹ بار ایسوسی ایشن کے سابق صدر باز محمد کاکڑ وکلاء تحریک کے سرگرم کارکن رہے۔
کلِک انہوں نے بی بی سی کو بتایا کہ ارسلان افتخار نے ابتدائی تعلیم کوئٹہ میں بیکن ہاؤس سکول سے حاصل کی اور پھر وہ ایف ایس سی کرنے گورنمنٹ کالج لاہور چلے گئے۔
ان کے بقول ایف ایس سی کرنے کے بعد ارسلان نے بولان میڈیکل کالج میں ایم بی بی ایس میں داخلہ لیا اور سنہ دو ہزار دو میں انہوں نے ایم بی بی ایس مکمل کیا۔
ارسلان افتخار کی شادی کے بارے میں باز محمد کاکڑ نے بتایا کہ ارسلان نے پہلی شادی میجر جنرل ریٹائرڈ ضیاء الحق کی صاحبزادی سے کی تھی تاہم ازدواجی زندگی میں ناچاقی کی بناء پر وہ شادی کامیاب نہ ہو سکی۔ انہوں نے بتایا کہ ارسلان نے دوسری شادی تقریباً تین ماہ قبل ہی کی ہے۔
باز محمد کاکڑ نے بتایا کہ ان کی ملاقاتیں ارسلان افتخار سے نو مارچ سنہ دو ہزار سات کے بعد بہت زیادہ رہیں جب وکلاء تحریک کا آغاز ہوا تھا۔
انہوں نے کہا کہ ارسلان اپنے مزاج کے اعتبار سے عام لوگوں کی طرح ہیں اور خوش اخلاقی سے ملتے ہیں۔ ان کے بقول طالب علمی کے زمانے کے بعد وہ کافی ذمہ دار ہو چکے تھے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ ارسلان ایم بی بی ایس کرنے کے بعد اسسٹنٹ ڈائریکٹر، ایف آئی اے ہوگئے تھے اور بعد میں پھر پولیس میں چلے گئے۔
بلوچستان ہائی کورٹ بار کے سابق صدر کے مطابق جب سنہ دو ہزار سات میں جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدری کے خلاف صدارتی ریفرنس میں الزامات سامنے آیا جس میں ان پر اپنے بیٹے کے کیریئر کو بڑھانے کے لیے اثر و رسوخ استعمال کرنے کے مبینہ الزامات لگائے گئے تھے، ان الزامات کے بعد ارسلان افتخار نے نو مارچ کو سرکاری ملازمت سے استعفٰی دے دیا۔
اس وقت ارسلان افتخار کیا کر رہے ہیں، اس سوال کے جواب میں باز محمد کاکڑ نے کہا ’ہم نے کبھی خاص طور پر اس بارے میں نہیں پوچھا۔ جب بھی وقتاً فوقتاً مختلف جگہوں پر ملتے رہے تو میرے ایک بار پوچھنے پر بتایا کہ کسی کمپنی میں ملازم تھے اور پھر ایک اور مرتبہ ملاقات میں، میں نے پوچھا کہ کیا مصروفیات ہیں تو کہنے لگے بزنس کررہا ہوں، ماموں کے ساتھ پارٹنر ہوں۔‘
Kudos to Ch. Azmat! The best autopsy report on Familygate.
I had written an article on the issue but after reading your input, I erased mine, cannot write better than yours. Too much of a judicial activitism brings nothing but destrucion, the saddest part of the story is the whole society suffers. CJ could not differentiate between between an apple and an orange. If PPP does not believe in reaction and leaves the matters in mother nature hand, the other forces would not react the same way.
In the recent missing persons proceedings CJ has given the message to the Establishment he would not budge a centimeter. I do not think this is a wise decision, the evil forces have already done their home work to turn the table any time.
In a haphazard manner memogate report has been issued to please the Military. But, alas, it is too late, the Military has achieved their target in the shape of ouster of Hussain Haqqani, they are not fool to wish beyond that. This small maneuvre would not affect the whole drama ahead when billions of rupees are at stake.
Malik Riaz has reached Pakistan and eager to join today’s proceedings – our fingers crossed. Lets see what happens.
In a bid to become super-hero, down the line CJ perhaps has lost his son.
He does not evwn ualify as a villian. He is a coward, hidding behind the pen. His pen has done more than Akbar Azam. He can not attract a fly. Anrkali is too hot for this cold blooded Reptilian Snake. He will shiver , and pee in his pajamas if he is wearing one. This man does not know hoe to speak clearly and concisely. He is an illiterate, , incoherent and stupid man. One can easily spot him any where. He is a great fan of Chaudhry iftikhar. He has no morals. He talks about government corruption, mega scandals, and imaginary things allegedly done by the government. He has Zardari and Be- Nazir phobia. He loves to criticise them for o good reason or cause. Is he aware of the pending reference against Ch. Iftikhar. The so- called pseudo intellectual Jawad Khawaj in his under the spell and hallcination state can not defend Arslan. These judges have failed to deliver justice to the people of Pakistan. They ere there to sit as jucicial phoras and try rheir best to make the innoceent guilty. They are partial and does not dispense justice. their judgements speak about their incompetece, incapacity and poor sense of justice.. Chief Justice Dogar was maligned and Iftikhar prased for the vwrong reasons. We will be better off without this selective justice system. Thiss article tells us what stuff repitilian Snake called Ansar Abbasi is made off.It is known to all. They are digging their grave deeper. Mr. Raza has painted him hwro and Shahanshah. I would say Ansar does not look lie a hero at all. Abbasi is made off He is a third rate so called news investigator. He has no clue what investigation means. He is a venomous Snake and treads on the path of angels to sullen their image. hw and his cohort Shaheen Sehabi are famous of black- maiing the government, and has license from Javed ur Rehman to express filth and file obnoxious reports their caliber as journalist.
Once Ch. Iftikhar leaves the office we will unearth the scandals pf this man. Right now he hasthe protection of immunity. Would he wave that immunity during his tenure . Do not becpme a Phorah and behave like one.
The two champion of journalistic neutrality stand exposed before the public, While living in a glass house do not pelter stones at pthers. It is a wise saying .Act on it Mr. Abbassi.
He does not even qualify as a villian. He is a coward, hidding behind the pen. His pen has done more than Akbar Azam. He can not attract a fly. Anrkali is too hot for this cold blooded Reptilian Snake. He will shiver , and pee in his pajamas if he is wearing one. This man does not know hoe to speak clearly and concisely. He is an illiterate, , incoherent and stupid man. One can easily spot him any where. He is a great fan of Chaudhry iftikhar. He has no morals. He talks about government corruption, mega scandals, and imaginary things allegedly done by the government. He has Zardari and Be- Nazir phobia. He loves to criticise them for o good reason or cause. Is he aware of the pending reference against Ch. Iftikhar. The so- called pseudo intellectual Jawad Khawaj in his under the spell and hallcination state can not defend Arslan. These judges have failed to deliver justice to the people of Pakistan. They ere there to sit as jucicial phoras and try rheir best to make the innocent guilty. They are partial and does not dispense justice. their judgments speak about their incompetence, incapacity and poor sense of justice.. Chief Justice Dogar was maligned and Iftikhar praised for the wrong reasons. We will be better off without this selective justice system. This article tells us what stuff reptilian Snake called Ansar Abassi is made off. It is known to all. They are digging their grave deeper. Mr. Raza has painted him hero and Shahanshah. I would say Ansar does not look like a hero at all. Abbasi is a third rate so called news investigator. He has no clue what investigation means. He is a venomous Snake and treads on the path of angels to sullen their image. He and his cohort Shaheen Sehabi are famous of black- maiing the government, and has license from Javed ur Rehman to express filth and file obnoxious reports their caliber as journalist.
Once Ch. Iftikhar leaves the office we will unearth the scandals of this man. Right now he has the protection of immunity. Would he waive that immunity during his tenure . Do not become a Phorah and behave like one.
The two champion of journalistic neutrality stand exposed before the public, While living in a glass house do not pelter stones at others. It is a wise saying .Act on it Mr. Abbassi.
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Pandora Charms http://www.tnsi.com/onlines.aspx
CJ Gate: Innocent Chaudhry, guilty Dogar and great Pakistani reptilian Ansar Abbasi – by Raza Baloch
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CJ Gate: Innocent Chaudhry, guilty Dogar and great Pakistani reptilian Ansar Abbasi – by Raza Baloch
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