CJ Gate Archive

History of Corruption Of Pakistan Chief Justice Iftikhar Choudry and His Son: Ch Iftikhar talented son, completed his medical school in 7 years as he was admitted in medical college on his father’s quota although he got C Grade in intermediate exams. Then Ch Iftikar realized that its time to find

Covering the familygate -by Arif Jamal: The role of the Pakistani media is far from satisfactory in this case as in most cases By Arif Jamal The surfacing of what has been described as the familygate has put the Pakistani media in the dock. But

LUBP Special: Documentary evidence of payments made to Pakistan’s Chief Justice’s son Arsalan Iftikhar: LUBP is publishing exclusive documents which show that Dr. Arsalan, son of Pakistan’s Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry, did indeed accept bribery from Malik Riaz of Bahria Town in monetary and non-monetary forms. We have received these documents from at

Thank you, Malik Riaz, for revealing names of for-sale anchors and columnists: For the last four years, LUBP and various sister blogs (Pakistan Blogzine, Al Ufaq, Ahmadiyya Times, Khyber Watch, Baloch blogs etc) have been trying to educate Pakistan’s middle class that majority of journalists and anchors in mainstream media (both

Pir Hakeem Wahab and Murid Iftikhar Chaudhry: You thought only Nawaz Sharif and Zardari had a Pir (spiritual leader)? Apparently Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry’s Pir Hakim Wahab too was a part of the Bahria Town graft arrangements between Malik Riaz and CJ’s son Dr. Arsalan. Property

CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry’s friend arrested by NAB in Rs. 6 billion fraud: Mr. Nadeem Ahmed Advocate, owner of the law firm (Ahmed & Qazi) which works for the usual suspects (Mir Shakil-ur-Rehman, PCO Judges, Akram Sheikh, ISI etc), has been arrested in a Rs 6bn fraud by the National Accountability Bureau

CJ Gate: Supreme Court’s defence is in its own hands – by Ayaz Amir: We know the kind of influence Malik Riaz Hussain of Bahria Town has been famous for peddling: chummy with presidents and prime ministers, close links to all major political parties, ex-generals and air-marshals in his employ, leading champions of

Gibran, Hafez and Bulleh Shah – by Zulfiqar Ali: The decision to ask attorney general to act according to law is right one. But our learned judges again needed help from fiction. However there are some interesting observations of a layman. Judgment scribed by Justice Khwaja starts by

Pakistani Media Gate: 19 anchors and journalists are on ISI’s payroll via Malik Riaz: Related post: Leaked video: Malik Riaz’s interview with Meher Bokhari and Mubashir Lucman نواز شریف حکومت سے پیسے لینے والے دیوبندی اور لبرل صحافیوں کی فہرست – عامر حسینی Editor’s note: While we can’t confirm or challenge the authenticity

Leaked video: Malik Riaz’s interview with Meher Bokhari and Mubashir Lucman: Related post: Pakistani Media Gate: 19 anchors and journalists are on ISI’s payroll via Malik Riaz Last night (13 June 2012), an exclusive live interview of real estate tycoon Malik Riaz (of Bahria Town) was broadcasted on Dunya TV,

Suo motu galore: Iftikhar Chaudhry’s paranoid insanity: Ikhtiar Hussain Yet another suo motu! This time, it is against Mallik Riaz. Yes, “Chief Sahib” has issued suo motu warrants against Riaz Mallik for posing three questions which are indeed three allegations about his complicity in the corruption/extortion

The Boot, the Cloak and the Idiot Box: Is the 3-Jeem alliance unraveling – by Ismail Effendi: As allegations of massive corruption by Pakistan Chief Justice Iftikhar Chauhdry’s son (Rs.350 million and counting) come to the surface, it is strange to see many prominent journalists doing their best to exonerate this judiciary of any culpability. Bear

My real crime – by Husain Haqqani: Editor’s note: LUBP expresses concern over Pakistani judiciary’s biased decision (under the influence of Pakistan army) against Husain Haqqani (former Pakistan Ambassador to the U.S.). Not only did the memo commission violate its jurisdiction by issuing the label of

The Uncommon Law – by Ali Raja: Khud Hi Qatil Bhi Ho Khud Hi Munsif Bhi Ho Khak Mere Armanun Ka Faisla Ho Ga Proverbs doubtlessly are the essence of every language, every culture and every nation. These pickled linguistic berries not only depict the centuries

CJ Gate: Business tycoon says Pakistan chief justice’s son ran judiciary like a don: Business tycoon Malik Raiz asked three questions from Chief Justice Iftikar Muhammad during a news conference. Riaz holding the Quran in his right hand asked: 1. Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry should reveal how many times I

Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry must NOT resign – by Riaz Malik: In the last few days, ghairatmand journalists have seen my valiant efforts on Facebook and other social media. I have stood as a rock against all allegations involving His Holiness Highness Chief Justice (lovingly referred to as Triple H) and

The Devil quotes from the Scripture: So does Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry: By Ikhtiar Hussain It was what his toadies proudly call him “Chief Sahib” who gave the ruling last year that no judge would sit in for a case where there was even a suspicion of a conflict of interest.

CJ Gate: Malik Riaz represents Pakistani version of capitalism – by Nazir Naji & Javed Chaudhry: سرمائے کا نام نذیر ناجی گزشتہ چار سال کے تجربے سے ظاہر ہوا کہ ہمارے ہاں ریاست کو فنکشنل رکھنے والے سارے ہی آلات ناکارہ ہو چکے ہیں۔ غیرجمہوری حکومتیں آتی ہیں تو ان کے پاس ڈنڈے کے سوا

CJ Gate: For Pakistan’s Chief Justice Chaudhry, the wheel comes full circle – by Ayaz Amir: Caesar’s wife and the burden of suspicion So does My Lord the Chief Justice, on whose side emotionally guys like me will always gravitate, realise how the wheel comes full circle? He was our St George pursuing the dragon

CJ Gate: The Rs 400 sage: This is what happened – by Ikhtiar Hussain: LUBP exclusive The efforts to make peace with Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry started in the very beginning of January 2009. According to a source, some PPP troubleshooters were of the opinion that Justice Chaudhry’s track record as a hopeless

CJ Gate and Mafia Wars in Pakistani politics and media: Related posts: CJ Family Gate: Is this how ISI is blackmailing Pakistan’s Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry? All posts on CJ Gate in Pakistan Both Malik Riaz vs Iftikhar Chaudhry and Talat Husain vs Najam Sethi sagas are an internal

CJ Gate: Innocent Chaudhry, guilty Dogar and great Pakistani reptilian Ansar Abbasi – by Raza Baloch: First great Pakistani reptilian man Ansar Abbasi most probably is inspired of Bollywood’s super hero film “Shahanshah” released in 1988. Ansar Abbasi Shahanshah of Islamic Umma played the role of Shahnshah in Chief Justice Abdul Hamid Dogar’s court and unveiled

CJ Gate: Our judicial lords – by Imam Bakhsh: ہمارےمنصفِ اعلیٰ الاماشاءاللہ تحریر: امام بخش [email protected] ابھی تک محترم چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان افتخارمحمد چوہدری کے سپوت فرزند ارسلان افتخار کے “کارناموں” کے ثبوت سوائے چند صحافیوں کے علاوہ عوام کے سامنے نہیں آسکے۔ مگر چیف جسٹس کے

CJ Gate: Chief justice should not sit in the bench: انصاف کا تقاضہٴ چیف جسٹس بنچ میں نہ بیٹھیں چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان افتخار محمد چودھری نے قومی اور بین الاقوامی میڈیا میں اپنے بڑے بیٹے ڈاکٹر ارسلان افتخار کے خلاف بدعنوانی کے الزامات کا ازخود نوٹس لیا ہےٴ

CJ Gate: The Infallible Popes of Pakistan – by Zulifiqar Ali: A satirical take on the dystopia that is Pakistan’s Petit Bourgeosie and its slavish mentality to Chiefs wearing robes and uniforms. Pakistani Pope is infallible, again. If you are one of two present ‘chiefs’, then you are nothing

CJ Gate: Is this how ISI is blackmailing Pakistan’s Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry?: Related posts: Advocate Naeem Bokhari’s letter to Pakistan’s controversial Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry 19 February 2010 Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry got a residential plot in 2002 from General Musharraf – by Rauf Klasra We are cross-posting the first episode