Yellow Journalism Archive

Ansar Abbasi Out LBW (Learn Before Writing!): Thanks: Pakistan Media Watch Poor Mr. Ansar Abbasi – he does not know how to quit while he is ahead. After his very poor showing on Friday, Mr. Abbasi has decided to have another go at writing his “news analysis”

“Real workers of PPP can never support Zardari.” Really? – by Khalid Wasti: نیا جال ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ پرانے شکاری ======================== پیپلز پارٹی کو ختم کرنے کی کوششیں اس کے قیام کے ساتھ ہی شروع ہوگئی تھیں – قیام پاکستان سے لیکر پیپلز پارٹی کے معرض وجود میں آنے تک جو طاقتیں مسلسل اقتدار

Towards a government of pious Muslims in Pakistan – by Khalid Wasti: تمام مسائل کا حل —– صالح قیادت کا قیام ========================= پاکستان آزاد ہو جانے کے بعد بھی غلام ہے امریکہ کا ، ورلڈ بینک ،آئی۔ایم ایف اور عالمی استعمار کا ہماری پالیسیاں واشنگٹن میں بنتی ہیں ، پینٹاگون سے

A comment on Dr Shahid Masood’s meray mutabiq – by Khalid Wasti: ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود کا ٹاک شو “ میرے مطابق “ مورخہ چار اپریل سننے کے بعد خاکسار نے اس پروگرام پر جو کمینٹس دئیے وہ ارسال خدمت ہیں =============== ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود- تعصب میں اتنی دور تک نہ جائیں کہ

Who is Shakeel Anjum, the author of ‘Who assassinated Benazir Bhutto’?: Related post: Shamsul Anwar’s fraudulent story has a few lessons for us Ansar Abbasi, as critical readers of Pakistani media and politics know, is a loyalist of (a certain sub-section of) a spy agency. Ansar Abbasi is notorious for

Ansar Abbasi’s “Truth” Problem: Cross-posted from Pakistan Media Watch Just this week I posted about Jang Group’s problem with facts. Now, as if to prove my point, Ansar Abbasi writes an article filled with so many problems and errors that it’s hard to keep

Some facts about Nawaz Sharif’s media team and their salaries: The aim of this post is not to belittle or doubt the principle-based politics and personal integrity of the Quaid-e-Punjab, Mujahid-e-Insaf, Ameer-ul-Momineen Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif. The aim is to provide a chronological record of newspaper reports in order

Smug thugs: the shameful role of right wing media in Pakistan – by Nadeem Paracha: The truth is, if men (and some women) gladly sacrifice the concept of responsible (and sane) journalism just so they can pull off a sensational show that would win them fame and a bagful of corporate sponsors, if they

Descent into anarchy – or love for dictatorship? – by Ahmad Nadeem Gehla: A group of ’self-proclaimed’ intellectuals has waged a crusade against present government sine it took power in Islamabad after showing an exit to dictator. The group has announced several dates in past when government was supposed to be overthrown

Hypocrisy unlimited: FATA parliamentarians’ scanning at US airport: In the last few days, we have witnessed a pseudo-nationalist hype in Pakistani media, newspaper columns and TV talk-shows alike, in which a matter of ‘great national honour’ (ghairat) was highlighted. The matter pertained to the alleged insult of

Dr Shahid Masood’s letter to Shaheen Sehbai – by Qais Anwar: مارچ کب ہو گا؟ میرے پیارے شاہین صہبائی میرا یہ خط جس وقت تمہاری نظروں سے گزرنے گا مارچ کی پندرہ تاریخ ہو چکی ہوگی ، مطلب یہ کھ آدھا مارچ گزر گیا ہو گا بغیر کسی مارچ کے.

Wishful Journalism: Rehman Malik Fired!: Thanks: Pakistan Media Watch President Zardari is not the only government official in the sights of our Wishful Journalists. If one were to believe these pseudo-reporters, Interior Minister Rehman Malik has been preparing to leave his position for several

Did Governor Slaman Taseer forge a political alliance with Sipah-e-Sahaba?: We at LUBP are pleased to post the following “press release” by the DGPR (Director General Public Relations) of the PML-N’s Government in Punjab, which was published in The News: Leader of defunct outfit speaks at Taseer’s election rally

The creation of ignorance and hate speech by Pakistani media – by Kamila Hayat: The creation of ignorance There can be no doubt that the past seven years, since private media channels went on air in late 2002, have created a kind of revolution in the country. Never before in the history of

The End of the Zardari Government is Near: Courtesy: Pakistan Media Watch This is the first post in a series on ‘Wishful Journalism’ – an unfortunate practice that seems to be taking place more than actual reporting in some parts of the media. There is a difference between

Unsubstantiated and biased reporting of Geo TV – by Usama Bhutto: Two years ago in a remote village of Goth Gorang (Balochistan), three women were burnt alive for alleged fornication. An anti-terrorism court of Jafferabad today sentenced the accused four men to life imprisonment and heavy fine each. Geo TV

TV talk shows: good, bad or just inane — by Dr Syed Mansoor Hussain: Being a strong supporter of freedom of the media I believe that every television channel and all the hosts have the right to say whatever they wish as long as it is within accepted societal norms of decency Every

Anjum Niaz, Raza Rabbani and the virus of yellow journalism – by Abdul Nishapuri: According to her ‘official’ profile at Naseeb Vibes: Anjum Niaz is the first Pakistani woman to qualify under US Government Immigration as possessing Extraordinary Ability in Journalism. She works as a correspondent for Dawn, has been editor of Dawn

Media hype on rickshaw childbirth – by Dr Muhammad Awais Khalil: In the last few days, we have witnessed an extraordinary media hype against President Zardari because of a childbirth in an auto-rickshaw in Quetta. Apparently it seems that a traffic mismanagement during President Zardari’s visit to Quetta lead to

Shifting deadlines and cheerleaders of doom in Pakistani media – by Ayaz Amir: Star-gazing — for what it is worth Islamabad diary Ayaz Amir As I have had occasion to mention before, Islamabad since its birth has been a city dedicated to nothing so much as intrigue and conspiracy. It has always

The shameful role of Geo TV in Rawalpindi by-poll: Our fellow bloggers at Cafe Pyala have recently exposed the shameful role of Geo TV and Hamid Mir in the recent by-elections in NA-55. Nadeem Paracha too has written an article on this topic, an excerpt from which is

Some rambling thoughts on Dr Shahid Masood’s hair transplant and Meray Mutabiq – by Kaleem Butt: If one is asked to name one media personality hosting a TV show whose presentations now a days are totally lacking in objectivity, fairness, sense of proportion and balance, one name pops up and that is Dr Shahid Masood.

First Annual Pakistani Private TV Channels Awards – by Nadeem Paracha: Awards night Hello people, and welcome to the First Annual Pakistani Private TV Channels Awards. I, Wamid Mir, will be your host for the evening and with me will be the lovely, Dr. Shireen Blackwater Baymaari. Let’s kick off

Why did Pakistani media boycott Brigadier Hussain Abbas’ funeral?: By Omar Khattab in Lahore Last week Brigadier Hussain Abbas was killed by the Taliban in the Waziristan area. The newspapers wrote as usual about the “martyrdom” of an army officer at the hands of the “militants” and not

Three pictures, a column and the mindset of Syed Talat Hussain: The first few paragraphs in Syed Talat Hussain’s op-ed today offer his choice and analysis of three pictures. However, more than anything else, this choice and analysis also betrays his mindset, explaining why this excellent anchor sometimes acts as

The “FREE” Taliban Apologist Media – by M Ilyas Khan: By M Ilyas Khan BBC News, Islamabad The arrest did not receive extensive coverage The Pakistani media’s response to the arrest of top Afghan Taliban military commander Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar has been surprisingly muted. Mullah Baradar was arrested

Some legal aspects of Aafia Siddiqui’s case: A rebuttal to Babar Sattar – by Usman Ahmad: ‘Blinkered justice’? As a nation we suffer from what can only be described as persecution complex. The knee-jerk reaction of “they are out to get us” has been our response to countless issues ranging from the war on terror

Iftikhar Chaudhry’s appointment was void ab initio – by Yousuf Nazar: SOURCE: Forget about the fact that Mr. Zaradri is , like it or nor, the President and is bound by the advice of only the Prime Minister and no one else, although he should consult regarding the appointment of

Zardari bashing reaches ABC News blog – by Sarah Khan: It was saddening to see how an engineered video clip defaming President Asif Zardari made its way to ABC News blog. Here is the article which inspired me to write this post particularly because I was in the audience

Kharijiites, martyrs and the Pakistani media – by Ahsan Abbas: کیا خارجیوں کے ساتھ میڈیا ثالثی کردار ادا کر رہا ہے یا شہیدوں کے ساتھ سازشی ؟ سال ٢٠١٠کا دوسرا مہینہ شروع ہوگیا، گُذشتہ برسوں کی نسبت آگ و خون کا کھیل ختم ہونے کی کوئی آثار سُجھائی نہیں

Yes, they have ruined us – by Sehar Tauqeer: 1. We, the 170 million Pakistanis, don’t know till when we will have to eat ‘fruits’ of these ‘ruiners of Pakistan’, the so called ‘Islamic Right Wing’ propaganda war machines, who Ayyaz Amir recently termed as Laptop Warriors, the pseudo Islamic Parties – Saleem Safi

Some Balance Please: Thanks: Sohni Dhurti “The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depend on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life.”

Pakistani media leading to chaos or consensus? – by Junaid Qaiser: Today, democracy and liberal development are interdependent with recognition by media. In an informed democracy, public reasoning based opinion is a vital aide for transparent governance. It is an age of advancement in communication technology where internet, push button

On Maria B’s “Wake up Zaidistan” and PTV – by Red Ink: PTV is no shining example of stellar journalism. Its no BBC, heck its no where near even an American network. While legally speaking it is supposed to be a public channel, PTV has often functioned as little more than

Jamhooriat ka manzar bam’a jamhooriat ke saath kia ho ga – by Qais Anwar: جمہوریت کا منظر بمعہ جمہوریت کے ساتھ کیا ہوگا بروزن ۔۔۔۔۔ موت کا منظر بمعہ مرنے کے بعد کیا ہوگا ۔۔۔ — کچھ بیس تیس سال پہلے ؛ دیواروں پر؛ جنسی معالجوں کے اشتہاروں کے درمیان ایک کتاب کا

Jamhoor dushman sahaafi – by Naseer Ahmed: Naseer Ahmed writes a critical piece on anti-democracy journalists in Pakistani media.

A citizen’s perspective on TV anchors in Pakistan – by Naseer Ahmed: Naseer Ahmed offers a critical perspective on TV anchors in Pakistan, suggesting that journalists, including TV anchors, cannot indefinitely escape from accountability. The day will soon come when many of them will be held accountable for their yellow journalism

The New Media Jihadis – by Ayaz Amir: Thanks: Khaleej Times There is no such thing as positive journalism, a notion put about, mostly in a whining manner, by government information departments. Journalism is at its most responsible when it is explosive and incendiary, shaking people out

Speculative stories and the PPP – by Dr Hasan-Askari Rizvi: The increased role of the intelligence agencies, especially the ISI and the MI, in the political domain from the mid-1980s onwards caused distortions in politics and made it easy to float speculative reports about civilian political leaders An interesting

Anti-Asif Zardari malice exposed – by Fasihur Rehman: Saturday, December 12, 2009 Is democracy all about a plethora of documents whose authenticity remains doubtful for more than 13 years now, on many counts and in the backdrop of the PML-N Quaid’s own statement that the accountability process