Pakistani Media Archive

جواب حاظر ہے خوشنود صاحب: چند روز پہلے خوشنود علی خان نے دیسی بابا یعنی ہارون رشید کی ٹھیک ٹھاک قسم کی کلاسس لی اسی کالم کے جواب میں جواب غزل حاضر ہے ‘ہے جو کوئی جھوٹ کو جھوٹ کہے ‘ صدیاں ہوئیں عرب

Pakistani media hide the real motive of DI Khan Jailbreak – by Abid Sulehri: There is a silence on what happened on 29 July 2013 as the Taliban carried out brazen jail break. The silence is understandable considering the stakes involved in it. Pakistan Tehrik-e Insaf (PTI) cannot say much or protest for

In Pakistan, TV show gives away babies to win Ramadan ratings war – by David Woode: Editor’s note: The most unethical and bizarre TV show in history airs on Jang Media Group’s Geo TV. The argument that Geo and Amir Jihalat are not at fault since the program gets major ratings is absurd. If Geo

Banning Mathira Josh condom ad: cringe worthy – by Maheen Usmani: While the Mathira Josh condom ad was undoubtedly cringe worthy on many levels, was there really any need for dormant PEMRA to ban it? Why not take it as comic relief for these stressful times? Sadly women are often

Why is there silence?: I read these words by a dear friend today while checking my Facebook. And these words touched my heart. کل تک قرآن کی بے حرمتی پر شور مچانے والے مسلمان آج قرآن کی وارث بی بی زینب (ع) کے

رمضان اور پاکستانی ٹی وی چینلز – از وسیم الطاف: ماہ رمضان کی فیوض و برکات سمیٹنے کیلیے پرائویٹ ٹی وی چینلز میں خصوصی مقابلے کا رجحان دیکھنے میں آ رہا ہے اب چونکہ آخری عشرہ شروع ہونے میں چند روز ہی باقی ہیں لہٰذا اس سلسلے میں مقابلے کی

Judicial report on Jang Group’s Aman Ki Asha: “the footprints lead to Indian sponsors including Indian state TV”: Islamabad, July 13, 2013: Findings of Supreme Court’s Media Commission reveal that content and discourse in Pakistani media, particularly in Jang Group / Geo TV is largely influenced by non-transparent foreign sources of funding and dubious advertising. In particular,

جہانگیر ترین کا انصاف, دو سو سے زائد ملازمین کو بغیر نوٹس فارغ کر دیا: چار روز قبل سرائیکی خطے کی آواز روہی ٹی وی کو بند کر دیا گیا۔ دو سو سے زائد ملازمین کو بغیر نوٹس دیے فارغ کر دیا گیا۔دو سو ملازمین کا مطلب ہے دو سو گھر۔یاد رہے کہ روہی

Messy Madhouse – by Shiraz Paracha: The level of manipulation is astonishing in Pakistan. Information and even knowledge is not based on plane facts or stated in a simple way. No scientific or logical explanation of events, things, actions or reaction is given. Most messages,

PML-N and PTI leaders leave thousands to die slowly – by Shiraz Paracha: Dust, dirt and danger of death—slow death—are conditions in which hundreds and thousand of people live near Islamabad. These people are voters of Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan of PMLN and Ghulam Sarwar Khan of PTI. On Friday, I was

پنجرے کے پنچھی: طلعت حسین صاحب کا ایک کالم سوشل میڈیا پر بڑا رش لے رہا ہے جس میں انہوں نے خود کو ایک ایسا سورما قرار دیا ہے جس کے بس میں کچھ نہیں ہے. اس تحریر کا لب لباب یہ

“I have never wavered”—Benazir Bhutto: If alive, former prime minister Mothermma Benazir Bhutto (BB) would be 60 today. I knew her since the 1980s till her tragic murder on December 27, 2007. Also I had the privilege to work with her and she was

میڈیا کے ساتھ نواز شریف کی متکبرانہ وحشیانہ بدسلوکی کی تاریخ – از حسن نثار: Source: Daily Jang, 7 May 2013

RIP Abbas Ather: Your progressive voice will be missed amidst retrogressive landscape of Pakistani media: Lahore (5 May 2013): Renowned veteran journalist and Group Editor of Urdu daily Express Abbas Ather has expired after long ailment in Lahore. Syed Abbas Athar was suffering from cancer ailment from a long time and hospitalized in CMH

Return of the Mensis Horribilis: PTI’s Intra-party Elections: Shireen Mazari’s opportunist return to the party fold Intra-party elections weaken party unity, defections imminent Internally elected party leaders ignored in allocation of party tickets Last year, the Let Us Build Pakistan blog had catalogued a series

A Pakistani paradigm shift may be in order: A step forward in an election year – by Rusty Walker: Your true liberty, you, as a person living in a nation of a diversified people, can only be assured personal freedoms through a massive election turn-out, bent on a

The Feel Good Factor – by Umer Raza Bhutta: Pakistan is in the grip of that rare Feel Good Factor these days that grips it indeed rarely. All those politicians that were loathed, abused and mocked are out of governance frame for a couple of months. Those who

One can accuse Imran Khan of stupidity but not of dishonesty – by A Z: I have nothing in common with Imran’s politics. He is a right wing politician with religious leanings, who does not believe in the separation of religion and statecraft, and was a Taliban apologist not very long ago. Also he

درویش استاد سبط جعفر دیوبندی دہشت گردوں کے ہاتھوں شہید: پوری پاکستانی قوم بلخصوص پاکستانی شیعہ مکتبہ فکر ، دیوبندی دہشت گردوں اہل سنت ول جماعت جس کا پرانا نام سپاہ صحابہ تھا کےہاتھوں ایک اور بہت بڑے سانحے سے گزر رہے ہیں مشہور شاعر،ادیب اور دانشور سید سبط جعفر

In Appreciation of Laal: I. A. Rehman (Chairperson Human Rights Commission Pakistan): Bravo! With you in this. Fahmida Riaz Lahore, Pakistan: Piary Bhai. I am with you, tell me to do anything and I will be ready to do it. What

Why there will never be another Martial Law in Pakistan – by Dr Shahid Bajwa: The elections are finally here but there is still a lot of anxiety whether they will be held on time, or held at all. Of course there are no certainties in politics but there are some larger trends which

5 years completed – obituary of media gurus – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: The current political government which was a coalition of PPP, MQM, PML-Q, ANP and at various times had PML-N and JUI-F as partners, has completed something which was just not expected from it – completing five years! What was

توہین رسالت کے نام پر توہین رسالت – از حق گو: شاہ باغ سے بادامی باغ تک…. کتنا ہی وقت گزرا ہے… کتنا ہی سما بیتا ہے… دسیوں سال بیت گے… مگر ہم ابھی وہیں کے وہیں کھڑے ہیں… سنتالیس میں جو ملک بنگالیوں سے مل کر بنایا تھا…..اسے انہی بنگالیوں

صحافیوں کی نگران حکومت: ندیم سعید کا کالم: Related post: The future government of Pakistan – by Nazir Naji پاکستان کی موجودہ اسمبلیاں اپنی مدت پوری کر رہی ہیں، بے یقینی کی کیفیت میں نئے انتخابات کی تاریخ کا اعلان ہوا ہی چاہتا ہے اور ساتھ ہی

To post or not to post: Disturbing pictures of ASWJ-TTP atrocities – by A Z: Ode to Pakistan’s reality Dedicated to those who object to my posting the pictures and videos of the work of art wrought, all over Pakistan, by the ASWJ-LeJ, TTP etc. The friends who object also unwittingly betray the

Pakistan must learn from its Ahmadi Muslims – by Zakir Ahmad: Pakistan Must Learn from its Ahmadi Muslims. It was most heartening to see the support of the Ahmadiyah Muslim community and human rights activists during the recent protests and campaigns against the ongoing Shia Genocide in Pakistan. Aside from Ahmadi

The Dharna is not Shia! – by M. J. Nasir: Yesterday I spent 12 hours at the Dharna at Teen Talwar, Clifton, against the Shia genocide. At the time of writing, the Dharna is still underway and it has been over 24 hours since its start now. When I

A quick critique on BBC Urdu’s quality and reliability: Source: The following post offers a summary of an important conversation that took place on Twitter on the quality and reliability of news reports and analyses published on BBC Urdu (radio and web site). Key critics: Dr Ayesha

Pakistan: the land of irony: All Pakistanis are equal, but some Pakistanis are more equal than others,especially if they’re Muslims Literary folk would have a field day explaining the stuff that a good irony is made of, if they could see the potential that

The sickly smell of surrender: By Zarrar Khuhro Published: February 9, 2013 The writer is editor of The Express Tribune Magazine [email protected] On April 21, 1996, Chechen separatist leader Dzokhar Dudayez was killed by missiles fired from a Russian aircraft. The missiles had locked

Pakistan’s Media Police: ISLAMABAD — Maria Khan, the host of a Pakistani television talk show, raided a massage parlor in a private residence in Lahore last week and accused the women working there of being prostitutes. Accompanied by the police, Khan and

An Open Letter to the World Press: How mainstream media obfuscates Jihadist violence in Pakistan – by Rusty Walker: An Open Letter to the World Press Dear Sir and Madam of the Press Corps: I am writing this letter by way of introduction to tell you about Let Us Build Pakistan (LUBP). LUBP is operated and managed by

Why does Express Tribune continue to obfuscate the truth? – by Ali Taj: ” Again ‘sectarian violence’? Why can’t they just call it violence against Shia Muslims. Since when have the Shia Muslims been violent.” This was a comment by a very disturbed reader of this piece of news in the Express Tribune.

Ardeshir Cowasjee- unessential or an admiration?: Of course he was not a beloved, not at all as he was always outspoken against the administration, the establishment, the government, and every tom, dick and harry who were throwing and promoting nuisance and garbage on different pretexts

میڈیا اور اینٹی فیمنسٹ رویے – عامر حسینی: لیل و نہار /عامر حسینی آج سے چند ہفتوں قبل ہمارے میں سٹریم میڈیا نے اچانک یہ انکشاف کرنا شروع کر ڈالا کہ پاکستان کی وزیر خارجہ حنا ربانی کھر اور بینظیر بھٹو کے بیٹے اور پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی

Geo TV anchor Kamran Khan was on Pakistan Army’s payroll at Rs. 7000 per month: Related: Top-secret: ISI Media Roll of Dishonour Former Military Intelligence (MI) officer Brigadier Hamid Saeed has revealed that Karman Khan, senior journalist of The News (Jang Group) and anchor of Jang Group’s Geo News TV, was on payroll of

Pakistani media ignores massive protest in Chicago against Shia genocide – by Karrar Hussain: About the author: Karrar Hussain is a freelance writer based in Hyderabad. He tweets at @KarrarrHussain. Protest against Shia Genocide in Chicago ignored by Pakistani media Shia Muslims in the United States held a protest outside Pakistani Council General

Communicating the constitution: Media in Pakistan rarely applies ‘constitutional filter’ to frame and contextualize vital national issues. The mainstream narratives and popular discourse in the media often privilege “territorial/security” and “religious” over the “republic.” These reportage trends have bearing on transformation of

Deathly Silence on Shia Killings – by Muhammad Azam: When you see my community afraid of calling a tyrant ” O Tyrant” then take leave of it – Prophet Muhammad SAW (Musnad Ahmed) 16th August marked yet another black day in our history when at least 22 Shias