One can accuse Imran Khan of stupidity but not of dishonesty – by A Z
I have nothing in common with Imran’s politics. He is a right wing politician with religious leanings, who does not believe in the separation of religion and statecraft, and was a Taliban apologist not very long ago. Also he is arrogant and hard-headed and is surrounded by some highly venomous ideologues. But the fact of the matter, sore as it may be, is that for me he constitutes the only choice, above an absolute indifference, in the forthcoming elections. Of course, no liberal minded person can have anything to do with the Mullahs of any sect and Maulvi Nawaz Sharif.Even if only for not having been tried, Imran comes out as a better choice than the MQM, Musharraf (the usurper) and the PPP, which has colluded to preside over an unprecedented annihilation of Shias in Pakistan. (I will soon write with evidence on the PPP’s shenanigans in this respect.) So while Imran does not get very high marks, he is still better than all the rest of the theatre artists who fill the political arena.One can accuse of him of stupidity but not of dishonesty without undermining one’s own credibility. People who have grown used to scams, pork barrelling, and lies will no doubt wonder if honesty too can be wise.
As someone who was used to winning, he has yet only seen rejection and failure in the field of politics but he’s still around, he hasn’t changed, and he’s still respected. He never boarded the gravy train. He has exhibited both, some principles and the nerves to stand by those. Pakistan needs to grow beyond the bipartisan duopoly of mediocrity, embodied by the PMLN and the PPP, which only represents in our face myths, legends, dynasties, and corruption that have tormented us for over two decades now. They are selfish and myopic in their dealings and in reality have no feelings. They go well together as a group in not living by any rules, there is no limit to how low they can stoop in duping us bloody fools. Their incompetence is only surpassed by their arrogance. Imran neither knows all the right answers to Pakistan’s ills, nor can he solve all our problems by the stroke of his quill. But, he has at least made a careful study of what needs to be changed in Pakistan.
And also, Pakistan deserves to see a democratically elected person who does not steal.
Finally, I recall that great man Charles de Gaulle: “In politics it is necessary to betray one’s country or the electorate. I prefer to betray the electorate.” Among the people on show for this election, only Imran has the courage and integrity to follow de Gaule’s example, if needed. Hence I will vote for him.
Your analysis of Imran Khan and other political rot is original. Congrats!
He seems to be honest person, good. I am of the opinion he would not be able to deliver anything significant if he came to power, yet there is one thing that he is likely expected to deliver —- he will cause fissures in the Military-based establishment —- which will be a great contribution in itself. In recent weeks his bold stand against Shia killers is highly appreciable. This alone is enough to make him a good candidate for Shia votes.
Shias must vote out PPP and PML(N). PPP has historically stabbed in the back of minorities and sold out progressive cause. Zardar not even once gave a security policy to the country and asked the Military to go after Takfiri terrorists. Why? —- it just did not fit into his single point agenda …. build Bhutto-Zardari dynastic rule.
Pakistan has around 144 districts and every district has 4/5 so called political families / local feudal lords. One can check their historical background, doesn’t matter if the present generation is educated or little sophisticated. Since independence these families are in power except short period of ZA Bhutto with little participation of middle class. Majority seats in Parliament are from Rural areas and Urban area politicians have the same feudal attitude. Most of these feudal run parallel government in whole district (in tehsils & villages) controlling police and revenue (thana & Kacheri). Even the justice department is also influenced by them in one way or the other by dictation to lawyers and judges.This elite ruling class is corrupt, cruel, law beaker and criminal in many cases. Nothing will change in Pakistan as long as the Development Funds are being distributed among the elected elite. Politics is the highest profitable business of few hundred people in the country.
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