To post or not to post: Disturbing pictures of ASWJ-TTP atrocities – by A Z

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Ode to Pakistan’s reality

Dedicated to those who object to my posting the pictures and videos of the work of art wrought, all over Pakistan, by the ASWJ-LeJ, TTP etc.

The friends who object also unwittingly betray the other side of the truth in their rants and out of the blue statements. There is a reason they want these images to be kept from the public, and why posting such images is protested harder than the actual event that produced the picture. It helps people deny it. Out of sight, out of mind.

It is important to show the world the truth about Takfiri Deobandi extremism. Seeing is believing and as heartbreaking as it is to see those pictures and videos, it grounds me further in the truth of what extremism and intolerance lead to. There are those who feel it is insensitive or barbaric to show these images, but the truth is without the hard truth of seeing for yourself, extremism will continue to be Pakistan’s ‘dirty little secret’. No mother who has seen see her child’s dismembered body can deny the truth of what the bomb explosion has done to her child. Disturbing as these images are, we all must recognize the value of squarely facing the truth of the extremism in Pakistan.

Throughout history, images have been instrumental in social reform. People working against slavery, child labour, discrimination against Africans, and during and in the aftermath of the Holocaust used pictures of the injustices to raise public awareness. Most modern civilizations are familiar with disturbing images shown to the general public: one example is the widespread use of pictures showing the effects of smoking on the lungs. Images are powerful and legitimate tools for awakening people and arousing them to action. Photographs and films of human beings stacked like cordwood outside Nazi concentration camps exposed the murderous truth of Nazi genocide. Similarly, our pictures and videos lay bare the blatant lies and hypocrisy used by the apologists to conceal the wholesale slaughter of Shias and others. The truth hurts, but the concealment hurts so much more. Once people have faced the truth, they are less likely to ignore the acts of barbarism.

One of the tragedies of extremism is that innocent children cannot be sheltered from the truth that hundreds of their brothers and sisters, classmates and friends have been slaughtered If people are troubled by these graphic pictures, they should stand up against the TRUTH the pictures and videos expose.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:32 KJV)
And cover not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth when ye know. (Sura Baqara – 42)
That Allah may reward the Men of Truth for their truth and punish the Hypocrites …. (Sura Ahzab – 24)
And he who brings the truth and he who confirms (and supports) it – such are the men who do right. (Sura Zumar – 33)



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