Freedom of Press & Speech Archive

The Mysterious Death of Dr. Hassan Zafar Arif and the Military Establishment Fascist Policies – by Muhammad Faisal Younus: The conditions of law and order in Pakistan are progressively deteriorating because of state policymakers. Under their policies, terrorists and extremists like Hafiz Saeed, who is one of the prime suspects in the Mumbai attacks, are enjoying their freedom.

“Anti establishment” PM Nawaz Sharif bulldozes draconian cybercrime bill – Riaz Al-Malik Hajji: “Anti Establishment” Nawaz Sharif league standing up for Freedom of Expression in the same way that Daddy General Zia ul Haq Shaheed used to. Whats that? Nawaziafta liberals take out a protest rally holding candles made from Nihari

Bolo Bhi’s director Farieha Aziz bullies Pakistani bloggers, refuses to condemn the harassing pro-Taliban cleric: Related post: SOS from Pakistan

چارلی ہیبڈو، اسلامو فوبیا، آزادی اظہار اور اقدار انسانی – عامر حسینی: سب سے پہلے تو میں بیروت سے شایع ہونے والے عربی روزنامہ الاخبار کے انتہائی سئنیر صحافی یازن السعدی کا شکر گزار ہوں کہ انھوں نے مجھے فرانس کے ایک انتہائی متنازعہ نام نہاد سٹیریکل جریدے چارلی ہیبڈو کے

Curbs on free media in Pakistan: PM Nawaz Sharif bans popular TV anchor Mubasher Lucman: It seems that Pakistan’s incumbent Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is back to his old days and tactics when he used to place censorship on critical newspapers and arrest independent journalists, in the footsteps of his political mentor and benefactor

Role of the Shi’i clergy in modern Iranian politics – by Azar Tabari: Analysis of the political evolution of Iran’s Shi’ite clergy from the late 19th century to their seizure of state power in the February 1979 revolution, looking specifically at how they were able to sustain themselves in politics for

حماس اور ایران – کیا سلفی ، شیعہ مسلمانوں کی جانب اپنے خیالات بدلیں گے ؟ از عامر حسینی: حنان هاشمی حماس اور ایران کے باہمی تعلقات کے بہت بڑے حامی خیال کیے جاتے ہیں حال ہی میں انہوں نے بیروت سے شایع ہونے والے حزب اللہ نواز اخبار الاخبار میں ایک مضمون ردہ المخصومہ المقاومہ یعنی تحریک

ایران، انسانی حقوق اور آزادی اظہار – عامر حسینی: میرا ہمیشہ یہ اصول رہا ہے کہ میں نے کبهی بهی کسی معاملے پر بحث کرتے ہوئے اس معاملے پر دستیاب ہر طرح کے موقف کو سامنے رکها اور کبهی یک طرفہ تصویر پیش کرنے کی کوشش نہیں کی

LUBP supports Taha Siddiqui’s Right to Free Speech: LUBP supports Taha Siddiqui’s Right to Free Speech and condemns the threat against him. We are used to harassment, intimidation and slander on Social media by those who cannot counter us with arguments or facts but can only sling

Karbala e Quetta and Shia News Facebook Pages Blocked by PTA while Taliban pages continue to spew hate: Editor’s note: According to this New York Times article, Facebook has been blocking many “left-wing” pages in Pakistan. This fundamentally goes against the principles of free speech. Peaceful Facebook pages are being blocked whereas ones that are pro Taliban

Facebook Under Fire for Temporarily Blocking Pages in Pakistan – by Declan Walsh and Salman Masood: Editor’s note: Declan Walsh writes in support of Laal and Roshni, the pro rights pages that are blocked by the PTA. LUBP appreciates that the New York Times has paid attention to the social media pages which lead the

ملاں نئیں کہیں کار دے،شیوے نہ جانن یار دے – از عامر حسینی: روشنی سے ڈرے ہوئے لوگ-یہ میرے گذشتہ بلاگ کا عنوان تھا میں نے اسے سماجی رابطے کی ویب سائٹ فیس بک پر بھی پوسٹ کیا تو میرے ایک چھوٹے بھائی آصف رضا نے اس پر ایک کمنٹ کیا تو

روشنی سے ڈرے ہوئے لوگ – از عامر حسینی: پاکستان میں نصابی کتب،پرنٹ اور الیکٹرانک میڈیا تو مذھبی فاشسٹوں کے طے کردہ سنسر شپ پالیسی کے تحت کام کر ہی رہے تھے اب یہ مجھے یہ یقین آگیا ہے کہ پاکستان ٹیلی کیمنیکشن اتھارٹی یعنی پی ٹی اے

پیمرا کے پرائیویٹ ممبران کے جیو گروپ کے خلاف فیصلے اور ادارہ تعمیر پاکستان کا موقف: ڈان ویب سائٹ کے مطابق پیمرا کے پانچ پرائیوٹ ارکان نے ازخود اجلاس بلایا اور اس میں جیو گروپ کے تین چینلز کے لائسنس منسوخ کرنے اور دفاتر سیل کرنے کی سفارش کرتے ہوئے 28 مئی تک جیو کے

Manaqabat “Ali ke Saath Hay Zahra ki Shaadi” exploited by Mubashir Luqman: agenda promote blasphemy law & war with Geo: Editor’s note: This is a timely article. Sunni and Shia lovers of Ali a.s. and Fatimeh a.s. should ask themselves a simple question before becoming a tool for Mubashir Luqman’s war against Geo and his deputization by Mullah Lidhanvi to promote wider

Pakistani social media activist faces life threats: Social media is a platform where anyone can say up to desires. In the recent past there have been a lot of Facebook pages managed by anonymous users to discuss and criticize national issues. A Pakistani social media activist

اچھے دیوبندی اور برے دیوبندی: طالبان اور سپاہ صحابہ کی مخالفت کرنے والے مذہبی طبقے کا طرز عمل تکفیریوں سے کس طرح مختلف ہے؟: ہم طالبان اور سپاہ صحابہ کے تکفیری دیوبندیوں کو ان کے مسلک کی وجہ سے نہیں بلکہ ان کے جارحانہ اور عدم برداشت کے رویوں کی وجہ سے ناپسند کرتے ہیں – ایسے رویے جو بھی اپنائے گا خواہ

Pakistan govt bans social media voices of persecuted communities: Shia Killing, Quetta Revolution, Roshni: When it comes down to Pakistan, people outside may consider it a nation of tears drenched in blood and caught between the international geopolitical turmoil. But the only way to ensure it to stay the way not break from

PM Nawaz Sharif has started attacking free media by banning Pakistan’s popular political blog LUBP: Within 24 hours of taking oath, Pakistan’s new Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has already started enforcing and implementing a Saudi Wahabo-Fascist agenda in Pakistan. LUBP readers from Karachi Pakistan have been confirmed that a few posts including this one

Welcome to PM Nawaz Sharif’s Pakistan: Three journalists attacked in Punjab and Islamabad: LUBP strongly condemns the murder attempt on two senior Pakistani journalists Rana Azeem and Ashraf Majeed. We demand from PMLN’s government in Punjab and Islamabad to take firm action against those responsible of this coward attack. We also condemn

Action Required: Unblock Roshni: Facebook has put country restrictions on Roshni page making it inaccessible to users who have set their location to Pakistan. Details of this can be read here and a petition demanding unblocking it is here.This page requests users to log a

Sana Saleem, a Pakistani rights activist, gangs up with pro-establishment “fake liberals” to silence critical bloggers: Sana Saleem, a Pakistani blogger known for activism on elitist, selective and profitable causes, was found ganging up with pro-establishment fake liberals and a pro-Taliban Deobandi cleric in order to rationalize and reinforce harassing and silencing of liberal Pakistani

میڈیا کے ساتھ نواز شریف کی متکبرانہ وحشیانہ بدسلوکی کی تاریخ – از حسن نثار: Source: Daily Jang, 7 May 2013

To post or not to post: Disturbing pictures of ASWJ-TTP atrocities – by A Z: Ode to Pakistan’s reality Dedicated to those who object to my posting the pictures and videos of the work of art wrought, all over Pakistan, by the ASWJ-LeJ, TTP etc. The friends who object also unwittingly betray the

LUBP condemns murder of Bangladeshi blogger, pen name Thaba baba, by Islamists and fake liberals: A Bangladeshi blogger who had been critical of the Islamofascist groups (Jamat Islami etc) responsible for Bengali genocide has been killed, prompting the protesters in Bangladesh to continue their round the clock sit-in vigil demanding death penalties for 1971

Evidence of systematic harassment of anti-establishment bloggers by fake liberal promoters of Takfiri Deobandi terrorists: Currently there is a criminal campaign on Twitter and facebook by a few pro-establishment fake-liberals (who are hiding in liberals’ ranks but remain aligned to establishment mouthpieces and radical clerics) to systematically harass and silence ALL pro-rights social media

Endless paranoia or systematic harassment of critical voices on Twitter?: Related posts: LUBP owes me an apology – by Ravez Junejo On LUBP’s apology to Najam Sethi club: Why can’t we respect free speech even if we disagree? – by Salma Jafar Currently there is a sinister campaign on

PejaMistri is dead! Death of social media activism in Pakistan: As evident from the title, this is pejamistri’s last post and last activism through social media (twitter, facebook, criticalppp, pkpolitics and many other blogs and websites on Pakistani politics). PejaMistri has died after severe heart attack on account the

Express Tribune’s article on Tahir Ashrafi’s law suit against LUBP: Related post: In Pakistan, a pro-Taliban cleric files law suit against a pro-rights blog #LUBP LUBP Editor’s note: We are cross-posting a news report published by Express Tribune on Tahir Ashrafi’s law suit against LUBP blog. While we appreciate

Demonizing of Islam and the Prophet: Free speech not absolute – by Agha Shahi: Source: Dawn, 12 Feb 2006 THE European newspapers which have printed the outrageous cartoons demonizing the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam have given the deepest possible offence to more than a billion of his followers across the world. To

Asif Zardari and the Shia genocide: Related posts: Pakistan’s Shia Muslims reject President Zardari’s false assurances Extremists using Shia Genocide to defame and destroy Government and Pakistan – by Farhad Jarral By Ikhtiar Hussain The contemporary wave of Shia pogroms in Pakistan started with the

Pakistan bans Shia genocide watch website too close to the truth – by Rusty Walker: In the aftermath of increasing violence, terrorism, beheadings, missing persons, brutal killings of members of the Shia community, the Websites that carry factual information are more necessary than ever. The mainstream press either plays down the genocidal constituency of

LUBP being bullied by Pakistan’s “fake liberal” elite for its coverage of Shia genocide: Related article: Vague HRCP statement fails to address Ongoing Shia Genocide – By Anwar Changezi and one response for LUBP’s policy of covering Shia Genocide and countering deliberate media distortion The hate campaign by fake bloggers (LUBP): whose agenda they

Banned militant groups are biggest threat to free press: پاکستان میں ذرائع ابلاغ کے جدید دور میں مقتدرہ قوتیں اور ان کے معاون وہ فرقہ وارانہ دہشت پسند گروہ جو مذہب اور فرقے کی بنیاد پر کلاشنکوف سے مسلح کۓ گۓ تھے، جنہوں نے افغانستان کو پانجواں صوبہ

Pakistan’s Nazi Judiciary vs Babar Awan: We condemn the Pakistan army-backed Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry and his tribe in the Supreme Court on their ongoing attacks on the elected government and its various ministers and officials. Supreme Court is currently hearing a reference filed by

In Elision Alley: Mortal fear aims to muzzle Pakistani journalists – by Mariana Baabar: Mortal fear aims to muzzle Pakistani scribes. Many are defiant. Weeks before the Asia Times Online bureau chief, Syed Saleem Shahzad, was brutally killed, I was driving down from Islamabad to Rawalpindi, nonchalantly swishing down the expressway. Suddenly, a

Journalism and the plight of Baloch – by Mureed Bizenjo: Source: Pakistan Blogzine Not a single day passes without abduction, torture, arrests and enforced disappearances of the Baloch people in the largest but the most underprivileged province of Balochistan by the state-run institutions, military and Para-military forces. Journalists in Balochistan are

Erosion of press freedom in Britain – by Shiraz Paracha: A British regularity body that is partly funded by the British government has ruled that a popular English language international news TV network with millions of viewers be taken off the broadcasting platform. In other words Press TV is banned

On LUBP’s apology to Najam Sethi club: Why can’t we respect free speech even if we disagree? – by Salma Jafar: The national media in Pakistan has become too sordid and boring despite the freedom it had to turn itself into credibility amongst its audience; apparently it has lost it. Because people like me no more watch the talk shows

Shia genocide, complicity of judiciary and the attempts to stifle dissent – by Haider Karrar: Today Pakistan is in the midst of a low grade war against its minority Shia Muslim population. This is the same Pakistan whose founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah had said: “Minorities, to whichever community they may belong, will be safeguarded.