Monthly Archive:: October 2013

Go Malala finish the Takfiri ideology: Malala Yosafzai has already made history as the youngest person in the world to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Our prayers and best wishes are with Malala and we hope she goes on win the prestigious award.

Terrorism in Pakistan and the discourse of denial – by Asher John: Perpetrators of terrorist activities are presented as devoid of any social or religious affiliations and hence become the part of an abstraction that leads to more confusion and ambiguity Language is one of the most powerful and creative

‘Genuine’ jihad – by Saad Hafiz: Explaining jihad as a comprehensive concept embracing peaceful persuasion, passive resistance as well as armed struggle against oppression and injustice is lost in this charged environment The prevailing largely negative view of Islam in the non-Muslim world is reinforced

Be Careful What You Wish For Because You Just Might Get it – by Dr Taimur Rahman: Contrary to Malala’s recent statement, a negotiated settlement of the armed conflict with the Taliban will be a very reactionary and negative outcome for Pakistan. Even in the best case scenario the only thing that can be expected is

Ajaz Anwar is a Distinguished Painter of Pakistan – by Waseem Altaf: Ajaz Anwar is a distinguished painter of Pakistan. He was a teacher at National College of Arts Lahore. His water color paintings show the grandeur of the old buildings and the cultural life in Lahore. Born in Ludhiana in

Taliban sexually abuse suicide bombers during training, NDS says – by Qasim Yousafzai: EDITOR’S NOTE: That militants would resort to unscrupulous methods to recruit teens for suicide bombing is nothing new. But emerging stories about sexual abuse are raising eyebrows. Central Asia Online is taking a look at the concerns raised

Radical Sunni-Deobandi groups main source of terror in Pakistan: A prominent global think tank has termed the radical Sunni-Deobandi groups as the “primary source” of terror in Pakistan and said their continued patronage by the army has influenced Islamabad’s relations with India and Afghanistan. The “expanding influence” of

Sakina awaits Tomahawk in Damascus – by Tehsin Haider Zaidi: Arab countries are so excited to applaud the destruction of Damascus that according to Senator John Kerry they have offered to pay the cost of military intervention I visited Sakina only once during my trip to Damascus in 2004.

Difficulty of Being Minority in ‘Largest Democracy’ – by Syed Zafar Mehdi: A “Minority” is a fascinating breed. The Permanent Court of International Justice (PCIJ), in a 1930 judgment, said, “a minority is a group of persons living in a given country or locality, having a race, religion, language, and tradition

کالعدم سپاہ صحابہ کے336 دہشتگردوں کی لاشیں پاکستان پہنچ گئیں: شام نے پاکستان کو تیں سو چھتیس دیوبندی اور سلفی وہابی کالعدم سپاہ صحابہ طالبان دہشتگردوں کی لاشیں بھیج دی ہیں جو تکفیری سلفی گروہ جبھۃ النصرۃ کے ساتھ شام کی فوج و ملت کے خلاف لڑ رہے تھے۔

Editorial – Syria: The Saudi tail wags the American dog: “This story,” said the sociologist Michel de Certeau, “continues to be written during travels through a country from which I’m away.” de Certeau might have been talking about the American capitulation to the Takfiri Monarchy of Saudi Arabia in

Prospect for Peace between India and Pakistan – by Ali Hashmi: It is expected that the Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan met last week on the sidelines of the ongoing UN General Assembly meeting in New York. Could this be a real opportunity for forwarding the peace agenda between

Congratulations: Death Penalty is Gone Forever – by Dr Shahid Bajwa: After ten years without hangings, death penalty will be no longer be acceptable to the people of Pakistan. Nawaz government has extended the ban on death penalty for an indefinite period (Dawn, 4 Oct 2013). If there are

To Negotiate or Not to Negotiate That is The Question – by Ali Hashmi: In the wake of the carnage at the church in Peshawar and the killings of Maj. Gen. Sanaullah, fellow officers and soldiers last week, Pakistan’s press and TV shows are once again crowded with discussions on whether the

نواز لیگ اور کرپشن – از حق گو: جنگ نیوز کے رپورٹر عثمان منظور کے مطابق حکومتی سطح پر کرپشن میں ملوث افراد کو نہ حمایت دی جا رہی ہے بلکہ ان کو قانونی چارہ جوئی سے بچانے کے لئے حکومت اوچھے ہتھکنڈوں سے بھی دریغ نہیں

Capital TV threatens and fires employees asking for payment of salaries: Related post: FIR against management of Capital TV: Protest against Capital TV by Pakistani journalists I had been hearing for last many months about Capital TV that its employees are not getting the salaries. Then I read on

The Surrender To Religious Cleansing – by Farahnaz Ispahani: AP UNDER SIEGE: While the Pakistani state frequently encouraged a national narrative of Muslim Pakistan versus Hindu India, Christians were often not attacked. That has changed. The picture is of a church in Peshawar, the site of a suicide

An open letter to Raza Rumi – by Ali Taj, LUBP Editor-in-Chief: For the last few years, LUBP website has been advocating, unapologetically and without obfuscation, for the rights of Shias, Ahmadis, Sunni Barelvis, Christians, Hindus, Balochs, Pashtuns etc, the targeted and disenfranchised communities of Pakistan. While our editors, authors, contributors

Ludhianvi’s interview: Pakistan’s Capital TV normalizes Shia genocide by maninstreaming Takfiri Deobandi terrorists: Related post: An open letter to Raza Rumi – by Ali Taj, LUBP Editor-in-Chief On 4 October 2013, head of a banned terrorist outfit led a rally in Islamabad where anti-Shia, anti-Ahmadi slogans were rampant; moments later he joined

طالبانی شریعت اور طالبان کے حامی – از حق گو: طالبان کے ترجمان شاہد اللہ شاہد نے حال ہی میں پشاور کے ایک قدیم گرجہ گھر پر ہونے والے حملے کے بارے میں کہا ہے کہ یہ حملہ ’شریعت کے مطابق‘ تھا تاہم یہ تحریک یا اس کی کسی

پاکستان کے لئے مسیحی پاکستانیوں کی خدمات – از حق گو: اقلتیوں کی تحریک پاکستان سے لے کے دفاع پاکستان تک ان گنت قربانیاں اور خدمات ہیں جو سنہری لفظوں میں لکھنے کے قابل ہیں – اقلتیوں سے تعلق رکھنے والے ایسے افراد اور ان کی خدمات کا تذکرہ مختصرترین الفاظ

Bilawal Zardari’s flippant attitude: curbs on social media – by A Z: While it also governed in the centre, the PPP painstakingly distinguished itself by mollycoddling the religious extremists and their militant wings. In the face of their weak influence on the establishment and thus being unable to unilaterally impose their

Secretive Najam Sethi and mysterious agencies – by Asif Jilani: English translation by: Mahpara Qalandar Originally published in Sindh language in daily Kawish, Urdu tranlsation published by LUBP blog Summary: In this article, Mr. Asif Jilani, senior Pakistani columnist and veteran broadcaster of BBC Urdu, has exposed some hidden aspects

MD of Capital TV to employees: “Go to hell, there is no salary “: I slamabad: Dr Basit Riyaz Sheikh, Managing Director of Capital TV, allegedly sacked at least 50 employees who were observing strike for their outstanding dues saying ‘Go to Hell there is no money’. Capital TV’s financial scandal became one

Sindh government’s proposed ban on Viber, Skype, Whatsapp and Chairman Bilawal’s insensitive comment: In a controversial move that has drawn much criticism, the PPP Government in Sindh province has proposed a 3-month ban on popularly used communication applications like Skype, Whatsapp and Viber. The reasons stated for this ban is to deter

جمہوریت کی گل ہوتی شمع: جمہوریت کی گل ہوتی روشنی اور سرائیکستان لیل و نہار/عامر حسینی انڈیا کی معروف ادیبہ ارون دھتی رائے نے اپنے مضامین کے ایک مجموعے پر مشتمل کتاب کا نام “ڈیموکریسی،ز فیلنگ لائٹ “رکھا ہے جس کا میں نے آزاد

Congrats to Shiraz Paracha – by a sad Jiala: As a Jiyala and a regular LUBP leader, I was very happy to see Mr. Shiraz Paracha being appointed as Media Advisor to Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa Chief Minister, Pervaiz Khattak. The PTI-led government has found a great talent and have

طارق جمیل صاحب وزیرستان جائیں اور طالبان کو دہشت گردی ترک کرنے کی تبلیغ کریں – ملک عمید: دیوبندی دہشت گردوں کی دہشت گردی کو بے نقاب کرتے ہوے ملک عمید کہتے ہیں کہ طارق جمیل اور دوسرے تبلیغی حضرات کو دیوبندی طالبان سے دہشت گردی چھوڑنے کی تبلیغ کرنے کے لئے وزیرستان جانا چاہیے

تقی عثمانی اور دیگر دیوبندی علما طالبان اور دیگر دہشت گردوں کے سرپرست ہیں – از زالان: دیوبندی مدارس اور علما کی دیوبندی دہشت گردوں کی حمایت کو بے نقاب کرتے ہوے زالان کی کچھ ٹویٹس

The safe and unsafe – by Waseem Altaf: Genuine scientist, Abdus Salam who later won a Nobel Prize in physics took refuge in Italy for he was unwanted and unsafe in Pakistan. Fake scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan, who stole nuclear designs from the Netherlands and traded nuclear

Deobandi school of thought is destroying everything in Pakistan – by Uzma Sehgal: Uzma Sehgal exposing Deobandi terrorism in Pakistan:

پچانوے فیصد دہشت گرد دیوبندی مکتبہ فکر سے تعلق رکھتے ہیں – مبشر اکرم: Summary: A collection of Mubashir Akram’s tweets about Deobandi terrorism in Pakistan in which he states that 95% of all terrorists in Pakistan belong to the Deobandi sect. محترم مبشر اکرم، دیوبندی دہشت گردی کے بارے میں اپنے

Are Takfiris something else than other Deobandis?: In Our beloved Pakistan, what is going on by Taliban and other Deobandi militant groups like SSP, LEJ, TTP etc, but our main stream media has created a new term “TAKFEERI DEOBANDI” instead of “DEOBANDI” only to save them

Real culprits behind LUBP liberal fascist hate site exposed – by Earthman Journalist International Professor: Editor’s note: We are publishing yet another toxic and misleading article by our long-time friend Earthman International Professor. Presently a concerted campaign has been launched against LUBP on Twitter and also via email groups to misrepresent LUBP’s editors and

ڈرون کا ردعمل: عمران خان اور تحریک انصاف کے لوگ اکثر ہر دہشت گردی پرطالبان کی مذمت کرنے کے بجاۓ الٹا اس کو ڈرون کا رد عمل کہتے ہیں .پاکستان میں پہلا ڈرون حملہ 18 جون 2004 کووانا وزیرستان میں ہوا تھا .جس میں

عمران خان کو ابوجہل ایوارڈ دینا چاہیے۔ شہلا رضا: سندھ اسمبلی کی ڈپٹی اسپیکر اور خواتین کے حقوق کے حوالے انتہائی سرگرم محترمہ شہلا رضا نے نجی ٹی وی چینل پر کالعدم کے دفتر کھولے جانے کے بیان پر “پاکستان تحریک انصاف کے لیڈر عمران خان کو شدید

The TTP and Imran Khan’s Logic – by A Z: It is widely believed that the PMLN has the inside track with the TTP and other militant organizations, even though their entente cordiale is increasingly frayed as, being in the federal government, it can no longer connive at the militants’

Deobandi Cyber-Terrorists use Facebook to threaten to kill Pakistani elected legislators – by Mahpara Qalandar: In the last few days, the Pakistani Deobandis have used Facebook to threaten Pakistan’s legislators with life for voicing their dissatisfaction with the dreadful Blasphemy Law which has resulted in the killing of a number of Muslims and non-Muslims.

امیر المنافقین منورحسن دیوبندی اور دہشت گردی کی مذ مت – از حق گو: جماعت اسلامی کے امیر یا بہتر ہوگا میں انھیں امیر المنافقین کے لقب سے یاد کروں – تو قصہ کچھ یوں ہے کہ جناب امیر المنافقین منور حسن صاحب وسیم بادامی صاحب کے ٹاک شو میں دہشت گردی کے