Editorial – Syria: The Saudi tail wags the American dog

syria“This story,” said the sociologist Michel de Certeau, “continues to be written during travels through a country from which I’m away.”

de Certeau might have been talking about the American capitulation to the Takfiri Monarchy of Saudi Arabia in dealing with Syria. It is extremely disappointing to note that despite all evidence to the contrary, it is still the Syrian government which is being accused of having used chemical weapons against the ‘Syrian people’. Such is the power of Takfiri-Salafi discourse of the House of Saud that truth has not only been a casualty, it has effectively been buried.

It is clear now that the Syrian government has had nothing to do with the use of the chemical weapons attack on civilians. Despite all the pressure brought on the much-trumpeted UN team which went to Syria to investigate the attack, truth did manage to sneak in. As pointed out by Robert Fiske, the UN report on the chemical weapons attack has been pushed under the carpet because it did not yield the results desired by Saudi Arabia. He writes,

Six weeks ago, a two-man delegation arrived in secret in Damascus: civilians from Aleppo who represented elements of the Free Syrian Army, the rebel group largely composed of fighters who deserted the regime’s army in the first year of the war. They came under a guarantee of safety, and met, so I am told, a senior official on the staff of President Bashar al-Assad. And they carried with them an extraordinary initiative – that there might be talks between the government and FSA officers who “believed in a Syrian solution” to the war.

Rather more worrying, however, is a short paragraph on page 22. At the sites where sarin gas missiles landed, it says, the inspectors found that “the locations have been well traveled (sic) by other individuals prior to the arrival of the Mission… During the times spent at these locations, individuals arrived carrying other suspected munitions indicating that such potential evidence is being moved and possibly manipulated.”

Manipulated? Odd, but I don’t remember that quotation in the media accounts of the inspectors’ report…


Can you be more explicit? And yet, there is total silence in Washington. Saudi Arabia is still hell-bent on destroying Syria and replace it by the likes of Mullah Umar who can do nothing but bring misery to a place and people they visit.

Even the BBC which has been campaigning in the cause of the Saudi-sponsored bid to destroy the Syrian society, had to concede some facts. It has published an interview with Mother Agnes, a respected human rights researcher and advocate based in Syria for over two decades. Mother Agnes visited the site of the attack and compiled a very graphic and factual report, which clearly establishes that it was not the Assad government but the Saudi-sponsored Takfiri-Salafists who actually carried out the attack. (Her report is a must read and can be accessed here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/169025372/Study-the-Videos-That-Speaks-About-Chemicals-Beta-Version)

In her report, Mother Agnes has rubbished all the claims and insinuations about the Assad-government’s use of chemical weapons. Some of the main features of her report she discussed in her BBC interview are:

  • The body of the same child can be seen in several different videos filmed in separate locations.
  • Ghouta, the main area to the east of Damascus which came under attack, was already “deserted”, so why were there were so many civilian casualties?
  • Why are so many children seen in the videos without their parents? There is “a flagrant lack of real families”.
  • Why are there so few women in the videos and why are so many people unidentified?
  • Why is there so little evidence of burials?
  • Some of the people seen in the videos are in fact women and children abducted by rebels from minority Alawite areas of the country. President Bashar al-Assad and his family belong to this community.
  • Some families of the abducted people contacted us to claim that some of the children presented as victims of chemical attacks are in reality their own children.

She also makes a startling revelation: “I found a situation like Afghanistan with Islamic tribunals. . . which decided if people would be beheaded, cut to pieces or raped.”

(The complete BBC interview can be read here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-24358543)

Saudi Arabia and its complicit Gulf monarchies and terrorist outfits like the Taliban and the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi-Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (LeJ-ASWJ) are bent upon destroying the very society of Syria which has been an example of tolerance and peaceful coexistence. They want to kill anyone who does not subscribe to the Takfiti-Salafi ideology. The scholar Phil Greaves has aptly noted,

“Syria has been a pluralistic secular society for decades, the majority of its Sunni Muslim population are conservative and have coexisted peacefully alongside the many other religions and ethnic minorities that make up Syria’s diverse society, history, and culture. The people of Syria do not aspire to a Saudi sponsored Salafi/Wahhabi leadership or doctrine of law.”


The new Saudi poster boy, and one getting American nods, is Zahran Alloush. Recently, he is the one leading assaults on the people of Syria. He cammands the Jaish al-Islam, the Army of Islam. In a recent interview, he has made it explicit what the ‘New’ Syrian under the Takfiri-Salafi rule will look like. He says that the ‘New’ Syria will repeat the early history of Islam. It will be turned into an Umayyad monarchy in which the crops of the heads of the Shias will be reaped.

His interview can be watched here:

Playing to the American-Western audience, Alloush discreetly did not tell that Syria has other crops of head too: Christians, Jews, and non-Takfiri Sunnis.

syriaThat the Saudi ideology of murder and mayhem has taken over in the United States is extremely unfortunate. The American media and government have been playing second fiddle to Saudi Arabia in dealing with the Syrian crisis, a situation which can easily be defused through dialogue. Bashar al-Assad has repeatedly offered dialogue without preconditions. The triumph of Saudi discourse and ideology as regards Syria will bring only destruction and endless internecine warfare in Syria in which innocent civilians—Shia, Sunnis, Christians, and Jews—will go through untold suffering. There is still time to give peace a chance. Saudi Arabia stands for destruction and utmost disrespect for human rights. The American people must not let their government to be dominated by the Takfiri-Salafi ideology. Here is one video which every American should watch:




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