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Silent victims -by Shama Junejo: She was raped at the age of ten; she remained silent all these years. Believing that it was not him but her fault, believing that guilty was not that Pied Piper but her. She faced post traumatic stress syndrome
پنجاب کا ایک گاؤں – شیعہ سنی رواداری کا گہوارہ: صبا اعتزاز اسلام آباد وطن عزیز پاکستان میں صدیوں سے تمام مسلمان شیعہ سنی دیوبندی بریلوی اہلحدیث مل جل کر محبت کے ساتھ رہتے آئے ہیں ان کی ایک دوسرے کے ساتھ دوستیاں بھی ہیں اور رشتے داریاں بھی
Gilani Se Transparency International Tak! – Rauf Klasra: Source: Roznama Dunya
Peoples Party ka Imtihan -by Masood Asher: Source: Daily Jang
کیا پنجاب حکومت لشکرِ جھنگوی کے خلاف آپریشن کر پائے گی؟ – از حسن نقوی: ملکِ خداداد میں فرقہ واریت، دہشت گردی اور قتل و غارت گری کا بازار ضیاء الحق کے زبردستی کے نفاذِ اسلام سے شروع ہوا۔ ایک ایسا سلسلہ جو کسی طور تھمنے کا نام نہیں لیتا۔ مسلمانوں کو ’’مسلمان‘‘ بنانے
We have to answer our future -by Javed Akram: On 3 February 2013, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman Ehsnaullah Ehsan in a video interview appearing with Adnan Rashid, the prime convict in the Pervez Musharraf (Ex-President of Pakistan) attempted suicide attack case, said that if Pakistan-Muslim-League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief Nawaz
Don’t question my loyalty, Mr. Chief Justice -by Murtaza Haider: Dual citizens can help restore the Chief Justice to his office, but they are not permitted to question the makeup of Pakistan’s election commission. While hearing a petition by Dr. Tahirul Qadri, who is a dual citizen of Canada
Justice prevails at last — by Riaz Ali Toori: The response of the Swiss authorities in their refusal to open cases in their courts raises the question that if the letter was infructuous, why was an elected prime minister of Pakistan sacked? The Swiss authorities have eventually responded to
Hide your condoms, Dr. Maria Khan is coming! -by Ammara Ahmad: We need to stand up to these so-called ‘educated’ but otherwise unethical anchors who show up in western dresses, speak confident English but in fact have a very conservative and bigoted agenda. My name is Dr. Khan and I
Documents suggest Al-Awlaki booked flights for 9/11 hijackers: The FBI suspected within days of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that the American Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki may have purchased tickets for some of the hijackers for air travel in advance of the attacks, according to newly
Phone calls that often lead to murder -by Sidrah Roghay: Karachi Although he gets a phone call threatening his life every other day, the man maintains the composure of someone from a military background. “You are a Shia, an infidel. Your doom is nearing,” says an ominous voice from
‘I have always witnessed Shia-Sunni brotherhood’: QILA BHATTIAN WALA: In the village of Qila Bhattian Wala, nestled in wheat fields, Shia Muslims know nothing of the record levels of violence suffered by their community elsewhere in Pakistan. Here 3,000 villagers live in harmony with their
Shia massacre in Quetta: Appeal to Pakistani leaders -by Ahsan Abbas: A New History: The MOST DEADLY incident of terrorism in History of Pakistan, killing of 100+ people in a day in Quetta, has made another History, aided by our Government. 86 Dead Bodies of Martyrs lying in open Mothers,
Shaheed Bilour: immortalized, not silenced — by Ammara Ahmad: Mr Bilour was the only mainstream politician who dared to take a clear position against terrorism. The greatest victory of a politician and activist like Bashir Bilour is to be known for his cause during his lifetime and afterwards.
Qazi Hussain Ahmad: the jihadist patriarch — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Somewhere in the early 1980s I walked into the Markazi Urdu Board Library in Seokarno Square, Peshawar. I was there to see the librarian, Maulana Fazle Ma’bood, a family friend, neighbour, and the local emir of the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI).
Old Tommy and young Gerald on consumer rights -by Naseer Ahmed: Old Tommy: Hey, Mr. Gerald, don’t you know I have created a brand new beautiful product? Young Gerald: What are you up to this time old man? I have heard that you have done a bit of clay work,
Has Tahirul Qadri the required mandate to enforce his agenda? -by Syed Jaffer: The area highlighted in the picture is the ground around Minare Pakistan. Exact area calculated by using the raster image and Auto CAD is 0.4 square kilometer. Alternatively the area is forty three lac five thousand nine hundred and
Rimsha Masih case: APMA’s dubious fundraising -by Arif Bhatti: Below is the email sent by International Christian Voice Canada (ICV) which gives account of the funds raised for Rimsha and a letter of Dr. Paul Bhatti showing support for the use of funds. Essentially it states that $3,500
Moments of Grief and Sadness! -by H.A. Khan: Yesterday I went to pick my family at bus terminal and as it was late so I took the cup of tea and start enjoying it. Then I stood by the book shelve and start seeing the books there,
Students Demands Day: the struggle continues! -by Fawad Hasan: 1950s belonged to an era which was highly influenced by Communistic ideas. A kid opens up his atlas and gazes at the vastly expanded map of the USSR on the globe, at first sight; curiosity provokes him to ask
A story of the ‘others’: Hazara Shias lose all hope in Pakistan -by Farahnaz Zahidi: Context: More than 20,300 Shia Muslims have been killed in Pakistan by Deobandi militants belonging to Sipah Sahaba Taliban (SST). At least 700 of these slain Shias are Shia Hazaras and 300 are non-Hazara Shias of Quetta. Pakistan army
Was Benazir Bhutto a victim of the system?‏ -by Ammara Ahmad: Benazir Bhutto was arguably one of the most powerful people in Pakistan. She was Pakistan’s first woman prime minister and the head of its largest political party gunned down by extremists in 2007. As the world mourned the fifth
The year belonged to the Taliban -by Murtaza Haider: If it were a boxing bout, the year 2012 would belong to the Taliban and the militants. In the ongoing civil war in Pakistan that left almost 6,000 dead this year, 1,100 more civilians and members of the security
Is it still not our war? -by Shama Junejo: “When they are united from Afghanistan to Karachi, then why we are still scattered and reluctant to own that this is not out war. They say that it is only ANP’s war. ‘No’ now they are killing us first,
Reference against honorable judges of the Supreme Court: Before the Supreme Judicial Council, Supreme Court of Pakistan. Tauqir Sadiq son of Muhammad Sadiq resident of 96 F Model Town Lahore (Complainant)/Member of the public) Vs. 1. Justice Jawwad S. Khawaja Judge Supreme Court of Pakistan 2. Justice
The criminal silence over the innocent killings -by H.A Khan: Last two days passed with much sadness and mourning over the killing of the seven innocent workers whom were performing their duty of the polio vaccination to the hundreds of our children all over Pakistan. As started highlighting this
Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy and Malala Yousafzai: Janus-faced society -by Javed Akram: On 9 October 2012, a girl with a name Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head and neck in an assassination attempt by Taliban gunmen while returning home on a school bus. Ehsanullah Ehsan, chief spokesman for the Pakistani
تبلیغ میں کیا خرابی ہے؟: ہر سال لاکھوں کی تعداد میں لوگ تبلیغی اجتماعات میں شرکت کرتے ہیں ؛ پھر یہ لاکھوں لوگ پورے ملک میں پھیل جاتے ہیں اور نیکی کی تلقین کرتے ہیں۔ گزشتہ پچیس سے تیس برسوں میں یہ تعداد چند
About those who survived -by Murtaza Haider: The news coverage of terrorist violence often dies with the dead. The shock value of these atrocious crimes depletes with every new attack. The 24/7 news cycle of live TV has somehow failed to keep us informed about the
Human rights and cultural ideals -by Naseer Ahmed: Current Pakistani social discourse mostly is about a cheap variety of sentimentality. This cheap sentimentality is used by decision makers to dodge the real questions and real problems. If you ask people about the reasons behind violation of rights,
7:30 a.m. in Pune Jail -by Gulbaz Mushtaq: Now when Muhammad Ajmal Amir Kasab has been executed away from his motherland on alien soil, his terror is over. His death should have earned him some respect before his enemies, though; his own people have refused to own
The modern racist -by Abdul Mirza Baig: Racism is often talked about. Often condemned. Often deplored and largely abhored by any sane and educated person in today’s world. However there are still amongst us, a few, who thrive on hatred and racism. Surprisingly, these people are
My uncle’s assassination in Karachi -by Zahir Janmohamed: The last time I saw my uncle, Dr. Sibtain Dossa, we were sitting on a bench outside the mausoleum of Pakistan founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It was May 1999 and my uncle was optimistic that the Sunni-Shia violence [in fact
Pakistan’s Shia genocide -by Murtaza Hussain (Al Jazeera): This year’s Ashura in Pakistan signified a continuation of the country’s spiral into self-destructive communal violence. In the days leading up to the religious holiday of Ashura, leading members of the Pakistani Shia community in Pakistan received anonymous text messages warning
I condemn Kasab’s execution -by Dr. Zulfiqar Ali: I am a liberal and I condemn it, and I condemn it because I am a liberal. Not that he was not a terrorist, not that he did not kill many innocents, not that I am callous to victims
A breach of religious freedom: The 20-year ban on Muharram processions in Indian-administered Kashmir: Muharram processions remain banned in Srinagar since 1990. If, as the government argues, the situation has improved considerably, surely the people have a case for revocation of the ban? SYED ZAFAR MEHDI We are in Muharram, the month of
The dead city -by Gulbaz Mushtaq: We all must have heard the folklore of a city and king, who always desired his citizens to be well-aware and civilized. This is how the story goes… Once there was a wise king ruling over a city. He
Aafia, Malala and our mindset? -by Farhad Taimoor: “The eyes see only what the mind is prepared to comprehend” – Robertson Davies The recent shooting of 14 year old Malala Yousufzai has sparked an angry reaction across the country resulting in a widespread public outrage against the
Shaheen Sehbai’s Plagiarism‏ -by Dr. Zulfiqar Ali: There is no doubt that Pakistan has been persistently passing through very delicate times (Intehahi Nazuk daur). However we are very lucky to have such vibrant and virtuous media. Its anchors have made sure the smooth sailing of the
(کرپٹ” زرداری اورصادق وامین فرشتوں کی اصل کہانی (5″: پاکستانی آزادعدلیہ کی طرح سوئس عدالت کو “شریف” کرنے کی کاوِش تحریر: امام بخش ([email protected]) قارئین گرامی! میں نے پچھلی  قِسط میں “صادق و امین فرشتوں”  یعنی شریفوں اور “آزاد”  ججوں کی سوئس کیس کے بارے میں “کرپٹ” آصف