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مولوی امیر حمزہ تم لوگوں کو گمراہ کرتے ہو -by Aamir Hussaini: مولوی امیر حمزہ !تم لوگوں کو گمراہ کرتے ہو مولوی امیر حمزہ صاحب میں کبھی بھی آپ کے عزائم بارے کبھی کسی دھوکے کا اور کسی فریب کا شکار نہیں ہوا -میں اس فریب کا شکار اس لئے نہیں ہوا

The case for selective nationalism and Jihad -by Abdul Samad: Nationalism works in unique ways in Pakistan. For the greater good, in the larger interest of the nation, certain contentious issues are kept out of the public sphere, are pushed towards neglect and indifference. The country and its territorial

(کرپٹ” زرداری اورصادق وامین فرشتوں کی اصل کہانی(4″: (کرپٹ” زرداری اورصادق وامین فرشتوں کی اصل کہانی(4″ آزاد عدلیہ اور شریفوں کے درمیان ٹیلی فونک رابطے۔۔۔۔ کیا آج بھی یہی کچھ نہیں ہو رہا؟ تحریر: امام بخش ([email protected]) قارئین گرامی! آج کی قِسط میں شریفوں اورآزاد ججوں کی،

Iqbal’s legacy: controversies and claims -by Saad Ahmed Javed: Sir Dr. Muhammad Iqbal is perhaps the most quoted Urdu poet of South Asia. He holds such a weighty stature in Urdu literature that few others even dream of attaining. As I said earlier in one of my articles,

3-کرپٹ” زرداری اورصادق وامین فرشتوں کی اصل کہانی”: تحریر: امام بخش ([email protected]) آصف علی زرداری کے خلاف جھوٹ کی بنیا د پر بنائے گئے سارے کیسز کی تفاصیل لکھنے کے لئے توایک کتاب درکار ہوگی۔ جو کہ انشاءاللہ لکھی جائے گی کہ کس طرح “صادق و امین

In Indonesia, Shia blood is halal! – by Andre Vltchek and Rossie Indira: LUBP Editor’s Note: While this article is about the ongoing pogroms against Indonesian Shia Muslims by Takfiri Salafists, there are many stark resemblances to the situation in Pakistan. For instance, money from Gulf countries that is funnelled to scores

Pashtuns and Blogging: 5 reasons why Pashtuns need to blog: 5 reasons why Pashtuns need to blog VOA (Voice of America), Pashto, Deewa Radio recently started a series on blogging among Pashtuns, discussing reasons for why we should blog, what kinds of challenges bloggers face, what we think they

(کرپٹ” زرداری اورصادق وامین فرشتوں کی اصل کہانی (1″: تحریر: امام بخش صدرپاکستان آصف علی زرداری 26 جولائی 1955ء کو کراچی میں حاکم علی زرداری مرحوم کے گھر پیدا ہوئے۔ آصف علی زرداری اولادِ نرینہ میں اکلوتے ہیں۔ حاکم علی زرداری ایک قبائلی سردار اور ممتاز زمیندار تھے۔ نواب

آل سعود کا نیا منصوبہ – تاریخ اسلام اور کلچر کو یکسر مٹانے کا آغاز -عامر حسینی: سعودی حکومت آج کل مسجد نبوی کو وسعت دینے کا ایک نیا پروجیکٹ شروع کر رہی ہے-اس کا آغاز نومبر میں ہونے والا ہے-اس منصوبے کے تحت نئے کمرے اور نئے ہال بنائے جانا ہیں-اور اس منصوبے کی زد

میڈیا اور اینٹی فیمنسٹ رویے – عامر حسینی: لیل و نہار /عامر حسینی آج سے چند ہفتوں قبل ہمارے میں سٹریم میڈیا نے اچانک یہ انکشاف کرنا شروع کر ڈالا کہ پاکستان کی وزیر خارجہ حنا ربانی کھر اور بینظیر بھٹو کے بیٹے اور پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی

Do not make IK your scapegoat -by Zain Gardezi: “Shame on you, Mr. Khan”, read the title of an article of a popular English daily. “TALIBAN Khan is back”, was the starting line of a piece by a member of editorial staff of another English daily. Yes with

Did a drone attack Malala? -by Anas Abbas: In his book ‘Inside Al Qaeda and the Taliban’, slain journalist Syed Saleem Shehzad who spent considerable part of his research with al Qaeda militants, described comprehensively the formation of the new al Qaeda players and their strategic objectives in

ایک نہتی لڑکی سے ڈر گئے: مجھے ان ذہنی بیمار لوگوں کو دلیل دینے کی کوئی ضرورت نہیں، کیونکہ ان کی اصل جگہ پاگل خانہ ہے، اور انہیں جلد از جلد ایک نفسیاتی ڈاکٹر کی ضرورت بھی ہے۔ ملالہ یوسف زائی پر ہونے والا حملہ،

آزاد عدلیہ زندہ باد: تحریر: امام بخش آج سے ٹھیک پندرہ سال قبل 10 اکتوبر 1997ء کو نوازشریف کے دُوسرے دورِحکومت میں احتساب بیورو کے چیئرمین سیف الرحمٰن نے پاکستانی قوم کو نوید سنائی کہ پاکستان سے لُوٹے ہوئے ساٹھ ملین ڈالرز کا

Malala -by Dr. Zulfiqar Ali: Munafaqo , ‘Mujahido’ Malala se hai Mali tukk Zahr tum ne jo Boyya Tum ko kuch nahiN Maalom Kaya hai tumm NaeN KKhoya Jiss kay naam lewa ho Uss ne ye tha kab kaha? Zulm tumhare dekh kar Shatan

Inside of the Muslim mind -by Arshad Mahmood: What we find today is that it is only Islam and its followers which are privileged to be the focus of the entire world. Islam, though a minority religion of the world is struggling hard to excel all other

Husain Haqqani’s rejoinder to Orya Maqbool Jan: Extremist jihadi sympathizer Orya Maqbool Jan is a civil servant from the DMG cadre. Instead of doing his job as a civil servant, he moonlights as a columnist and TV commentator, spouting contra-factual gibberish. Recently he joined daily Dunya

Is the Pakistan army martial? -by Aakar Patel: Are Punjabi Muslims martial? Do they have a history of war and conquest or at least of resistance to conquest? I ask because there’s no evidence of their martial character in our history. No general, nosubedar, no thanedar, no wazir, no bakhshi of

Shireen Mazari’s resignation letter to Imran Khan: Related post: Goodbye PTI – by Imaan Mazari Imran Khan, Esq Chairman PTI, Islamabad 25th September 2012 Dear Imran, It is with great sadness and disappointment that I am writing to let you know I have

ATC performance: Most accused in terror cases acquitted -by Asad Kharal: LAHORE: Suspects in 269 out of 365 anti-terrorism cases have being acquitted this year, a meeting to review prosecution of terrorism cases was told. A meeting of the Public Prosecution Department (PPD), the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) and the Inter

Ishq-e-Rasool Day riots: Thought provoking columns of Wusatullah Khan, Abbas Ather, Haroon ur Rasheed and Shahzeb Khanzada: پاکستان میں جمعہ کو پرتشدد مظاہروں میں پولیس اہلکاروں سمیت بیس کے قریب افراد ہلاک ہو گئے تھے بی بی سی کے ایک تبصرہ کے مطابق، خود اذیتی کا عنصر سب سے زیادہ صرف پاکستان میں ہی دیکھنے کو

Why elites fail: This article is adapted from Twilight of the Elites: America After Meritocracy, © 2012 by Christopher Hayes and published by Crown Publishers, a division of Random House Inc. In 1990, at the age of 11, I stood in a line of

How to spot a liberal fascist -by Sabir Nazar: Liberal fascist is an oxymoron. Liberals according to definition are those, ‘who believe in maximum individual freedom possible and the ideas of liberty and equality.’ And the term fascist according to definition, ‘is a person who is dictatorial or has extreme right-wing

Dear Takfiris: Look in your mirror -by Thomas L. Friedman: On Monday, David D. Kirkpatrick, the Cairo bureau chief for The Times, quoted one of the Egyptian demonstrators outside the American Embassy, Khaled Ali, as justifying last week’s violent protests by declaring: “We never insult any prophet — not

Follow-up: A protest rally against Paul Bhatti: “We have become aware that APMA arranged fund raising events in different countries for their rehabilitation, but has failed to deliver any assistance to us. We want the whole world to know!” A report from Shamim Masih in Lahore

Displaced families of Rimsha case demand resignation of Dr. Paul Bhatti: Our suffering community of displaced families are in an extreme sad situation without food and shelter, wandering on Islamabad roads and nearby jungle to save their lives while Dr. Paul Bhatti, Advisor to the Prime Minister for Harmony, is

People’s revolution – by Red Dawn: If we look at the torrent of events in Pakistan, specially in the last couple of years. Death and misery seems to be the only constant. Be it of target killings, factory fires, floods, accidents, military operations, death is

A 13-year-old Shia Hazara boy is killed, only to become a statistic: Last Saturday was just another day in 13-year-old Liaquat Ali’s house in Quetta. The young Hazara boy’s mother asked him to help her with some chores, but he wanted to go out. After some back and forth of her

Jinnah-Ispahani correspondence -by Sharif al Mujahid: IN his day, Mirza Abul Hassan Ispahani (1902-1981) was an All India Muslim League (AIML) Parliamentary Board member (1936), an AIML Working Committee member, and a confident of Jinnah since 1936. He was very proactive in the Pakistan movement

‘Systematic Shia extermination in Pakistan is a genocide’ : An interview with Dr. Taqi: Elements of Pakistani media are literally embedded with the jihadists for their Afghan and Kashmir ventures and have underreported or misreported the Shia genocide issue. In fact, those killed are never identified as Shia ‘The Pakistani anchors have done

Amjad Islam Amjad’s column on Shia genocide by Takfiri terrorists in Pakistan: Source: Daily Express

When will Dr. Paul Bhatti use Shahbaz Bhatti Memorial Trust Funds? – by Agnes F Massey: Last week I circulated about Conference of Geneva Convention & Rimshah Masih which is the burning topic of the day for the whole world. It is a good news for our suffering community that Allama Tahir Ashrafi, Chairman Ullma

Carnage of Shia Muslims in Pakistan: With thousands of Shia Muslims killed over the past few years in Pakistan and over 400 murdered in recent months, the killings have practically amounted to genocide, raising more-than-sectarian alarm bells not only in Pakistan but also across the

Would Jinnah, a Shia, also have to leave the country he founded? -by Abdul Majeed: August 15 marked the completion of 65 years since our country came into existence. Yes, it was August 15 and not August 14, however, we officially celebrate our independence day on the 14th. The Pakistan we see today is

Hate content in Punjab, Sindh school curricula -by Mansoor Malik: The primary and secondary schools curricula (being taught to children in public and private schools in Punjab and Sindh) is replete with content that can fan hatred, prejudices, torture, extremism and religious intolerance in society. The curricula ‘hate material’

For the love of Attan – by Imran Khan: So what is Attan? In one word it is a dance. But this is the dance of the Pashtuns; a people who according to some have formed the largest tribal society in the world. Since the dance in some cases

What restrained Imran Khan to take legal course on corruption of Nawaz Sharif? -by Ali Asad: Khawaja Mohammad Asif, the PML N stalwart accused Imran Khan of corruption in SKMT accounts. He accused Khan of misusing the trust funds in gambling and real estate which caused heavy loss. Imran replied with some clarifications and retorted

Are Muslims safe in Pakistan and Gilgit Baltistan? -by Dr Shabir Choudhry: UK 21 August 2012. Despite what is happening to Muslims in Pakistan, many people still regard Islamic Republic of Pakistan as a ‘Fort of Islam’. When this ‘Fort of Islam’ was established in 1947 after division of the British

پا کستانی مسلمانوں کا کاروباری مہینہ ختم: By Javeria Siddique پا کستانی مسلمانوں کا کاروباری مہینہ ختم اورمذہب فروشی،ذخیرہاندوزی ،بے ایمانی کے تمام سابقہ ریکارڈ ٹوٹ گے۔ مداری علماء کا روپ دھار کر ٹی وی سکرین پر وضع دیتے رہے زرق برق لباس لہک لہک کر