Jinnah-Ispahani correspondence -by Sharif al Mujahid

IN his day, Mirza Abul Hassan Ispahani (1902-1981) was an All India Muslim League (AIML) Parliamentary Board member (1936), an AIML Working Committee member, and a confident of Jinnah since 1936. He was very proactive in the Pakistan movement and after partition was Pakistan’s first envoy to the US, as well as High Commissioner to the UK, ambassador to Kabul, and a central minister in various periods between 1950s and mid-1970s. For now, however, his significance lies in the two works he has left behind – Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah As I knew Him (1966) and M.A. Jinnah-Ispahani Correspondence 1936-48 (1976). Today, both of them are in the nature of source material on Bengal politics, Pakistan movement and on Jinnah.

The first work, as the title indicates, is a record of the author’s personal observations, reminiscences and impressions about Jinnah. These assume, added importance in view of the fact that Ispahani was in a unique position to watch Jinnah from close quarters.

All told, this book is important on two counts. First, it throws light on hitherto little known details about Jinnah’s charismatic personality, inspiring leadership and his decisive role in contemporary subcontinental history. Second, it seeks to present an intimate picture of the character and the human side of Jinnah’s personality. Thus, Ispahani’s personalized account has over the years served as useful source material for the historians and researchists interested in Jinnah as a person, in the nature and style of his leadership, as well as in the range of his supreme achievement.

While the first work, though based on solid facts, was largely impressionistic in character, the second one represents a documentary record of the politics of Muslim Bengal for the period as reflected in the voluminous correspondence that Ispahani had with Jinnah during 1936-48.

Thus, M.A. Jinnah-Ispahani Correspondence 1936-48 features 344 documents concerning Muslim League affairs in Bengal and abroad (August 1936-July 1947) and 67 documents covering part of Ispahani’s tenure of ambassadorship in the U.S. (September 1947-September 1948). The volume has been compiled and edited by Dr Z.H. Zaidi, who has also contributed a Preface and an extremely readable and well-documented Introduction.

An analysis of the correspondence shows how close Ispahani was to Jinnah. Indeed, there is ample evidence to show that he had heavily depended upon Ispahani for keeping himself apprised of the developments in Bengal and that the latter served as his confidant in that key province during the next eleven years. Ispahani had also played a critical role in keeping Muslim Bengal, torn between feuding politicians as it was, within Muslim India’s political mainstream. Several documents also indicate the behind-the-scene role played by Ispahani to help the cause of Muslim League and of Jinnah in Bengal, and to keep that Muslim majority province steadfast to the goal of Pakistan.

Inter alia, it also shows that despite being a devoted disciple, Ispahani had never suspended his judgment, nor followed his leader blindly. There were occasions when he was in serious disagreement with his leader and protested to him, rather strongly, against some of his actions and policies. For instance, in his letter dated December 12, 1939, he alleged that the League’s policy in general was “based on Sir Sikandar’s and Fazlul Haq’s dictation” and complained, “The progressive elements in the League who followed you blindly when you actively took up cudgels on behalf of the unfortunate downtrodden Muslims of India, find to their utmost regret and disappointment, that you are gradually drifting more and more into the arms of reactionaries and ‘jee hoozoor’s’ (yes men). Those whom we despised, not many years ago, seem to have lined up in the front rank of your supporters and advisers.”

On another occasion, Ispahani even challenged the credentials of Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan to continue as the League’s General Secretary, knowing full well that Jinnah himself had proposed him for the post at the Bombay (1936) League session and that he had a soft corner for Liaquat.

While, these letters stand as a bold testimony to the independence, candour and integrity of Ispahani, they also tell a good deal about the leader himself, and his dealing with the provincial leaders. They show conclusively that Jinnah was not surrounded by ‘Jee Hozooris’ (as has been usually alleged by his criticasters) and that he respected independent opinion on the part of his lieutenants.

Besides the above documents, there are several other documents which show that while on one hand Ispahani did his own thinking with his leader and that, on the other Jinnah listened attentively to suggestions and even advice from his disciples, and that on many occasions he formulated his policies and programmes in light of their counsels.

Thus, the Jinnah-Ispahani correspondence represents valuable source material for delineating not only the nature of Jinnah’s leadership and his relationship with the provincial League leadership level, but also the basis of his lieutenants’ devotion to him.

Source: DAWN

