Raza Rumi Archive

Worldwide concern about caretaker CM Najam Sethi’s inaction about attacks on Ahmadis in Punjab: Related post: No respite for Ahmadis in Chief Minister Najam Sethi’s Punjab Source/Credit: Ahmadiyya Times (with minor edits and additional information) By Imran Jattala | April 28, 2013 An Ahmadiyya prayers centre in Gulshan-e Ravi, Lahore, is attacked by

LUBP policy on appeasers and humanizers of terrorists: This is to reiterate LUBP policy on those writers, institutions and groups that appease, promote or humanize hate mongers and terrorists. This includes people who obfuscate Shia Genocide by Takfiri Deobandi terrorists as Shia Sunni sectarian violence or

Elections 2013: Maryam Nawaz Sharif is an emerging star campaigner – by Raza Rumi: Context: Is Nawaz Sharif “a statesman”? A Jiyala’s response to Raza Rumi – by Khawar Butt Exposed: Raza Rumi and Rezaul Hasan Laskar behind the fake story about Bilawal’s tiff with Zardari A comment on Raza Rumi’s Qaseeda-e-Khadim-e-Aala –

Supreme Court rejects request by Raza Rumi and Saleh Zaafir to remove their names from secret funds list: Related posts: Misuse of taxpayer money: Raza Rumi, Saleh Zaafir among corrupt Pakistani journalists who gained from secret fund Mehran Bank Scam Part 2: Is ISI pumping money into Jinnah Institute via Tameer Bank? ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court on

ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود صاحب! لال مسجد کی وہ کون تھیں اور کہاں چلی گئیں؟ – از زالان: لال مسجد کمیشن کی رپورٹ کے مطابق آپریشن کے دوران وہاں کوئی لڑکیاں نہیں مریں، شاہد مسعود جو ایک دیوبندی طالبان پرست ٹی وی اینکر ہیں لال مسجد کے آپریشن کے بعد انکا ایک جذباتی اور دل دہلا دینے

Raza Rumi unleashes ISI-ASWJ touts to harass and harm anti-establishment bloggers: Related post: Raza Rumi’s proxy jihad against anti-establishment bloggers The following notice has been published by a leading Shia web portal (Karbala-e-Quetta) to warn Shia and other human rights activists to be mindful of impostors (Takfiri Deobandi terrorists and

Misuse of taxpayer money: Raza Rumi, Saleh Zaafir among corrupt Pakistani journalists who gained from secret fund: ISLAMABAD (22 April 2013): The list of the 282 journalists who received payments and gifts from the secret fund of the information ministry was made public following a Supreme Court order. The complete list can be viewed as a PDF here. The list

Is Nawaz Sharif “a statesman”? A Jiyala’s response to Raza Rumi – by Khawar Butt: The media sycophancy and servility for Pro-Taliban politicians knows no bounds. Whether it is the Islamist dominated Urdu media or the pseudo-liberal dominated English Babu types, the trend is the same in the last few months – suck up

A Pakistani journalist exemplifies linguistic masculinity at its most virile – by A Z: A friend sent me following exchange on twitter with two journalists Mohammad Shehzad and Marvi Sirmed as its protagonists and one Ada Khakwani (whoever she may be) as a support cast. On the first sight it could be taken

I am going to call the Embassy of Iran… – by Raza Rumi: Context: In Pakistan, Shia and other rights activists are being monitored by Takfiri Deobandi militants of ASWJ-Taliban and pro-establishment fake liberals. https://lubpak.com/archives/254753 Raza Rumi’s discourse on Shia Muslims: https://lubpak.com/archives/75388 https://lubpak.com/archives/251181 https://lubpak.com/archives/241085 http://pakistanblogzine.wordpress.com/2012/03/12/jinnah-institutes-extremist-watch-report-is-anti-shia-anti-ahmadi-and-anti-pashtun/ https://lubpak.com/archives/231304

We condemn abusive language by TFT blogger and Sipah Sahaba supporter against Marvi Sirmed: While we have certain differences with Marvi Sirmed, it will be wrong to not appreciate her current, clear stance against Takfiri Deobandi militants. In particular, we agree with her criticism of the hate interview of Ahmed Ludhianvi published by

Najam Sethi’s tiff with the ISI is nothing but a fog of deceit: According to media reports and social media, caretaker Chief Minister Najam Sethi is currently busy in making photo copies of classified documents. Given Sethi’s close connections with intelligence agencies of Pakistan and a foreign country, it is being speculated

Will Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi take care of their sectarian minion Mohammad Shehzad please?: Mohammad Shehzad Deobandi is a regular columnist of The Friday Times (TFT). Under the able editorship of Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi, he has written and published quite a few articles in TFT humanizing leaders and terrorists of the

CT Chief Minister Najam Sethi and the question of conflict of interest: Najam Sethi fan club: Raza Rumi, Ejaz Haider, Nadeem Paracha, Marvi Sirmed, Mehmal Sarfraz, Saleem Ali etc Independent critics: Nazir Naji, Farrukh Sohail Goindi, Rashid Rahman, Mazhar Abbas, Dr Ayesha Siddiqa, Abdullah Tariq Sohail, Adnan Farooq, Nusrat Javeed, Omar

The archaeology of how Saudi Arabia subcontracted Punjab to Najam Sethi – by Mahpara Qalandar: Since his youth, Najam Sethi has meant everything to everybody. He began his political career as a ‘rebel’ supporting the Baloch freedom-fighter against the Pakistan army. Through his own bragging and a cabal of courtiers like Ejaz Haider and

Exposed: Raza Rumi and Rezaul Hasan Laskar behind the fake story about Bilawal’s tiff with Zardari: The fake story about Bilawal’s differences with Asif Zardari published by Indian journalist Rezaul Hasan Laskar (of the Press Trust of Inida) and Raza Rumi (of The Friday Times) is much more dangerous and vicious than what it might seem. In

Shahbaz Sharif reinserts Sunni Islamist chapters in school curricula after joint protest by Ansar Abbasi and Sipah-e-Sahaba: We regret to announce that in response to a joint protest by Deobandi militants of the Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ) and their right-wing lackeys in the Jang Group (led by Ansar Abbasi Deobandi), PML-N led Punjab government has decided to cancel

Najam Sethi as interim CM Punjab? PPP insults liberal Pakistanis once again – by Mahpara Qalandar: Only one week ago, Najam Sethi published an interview of the head of the Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ) terrorist cleric Ludhianvi Deobandi in his notorious The Friday Times. In that interview, the Mullah Ludhianvi Deobandi openly called for the destruction of

Sethi-Rumi minions exonerate Deobandi militants from Parveen Rehman’s murder in Karachi and attack on Christians in Lahore: The apparent purpose of Dar ul Uloom Sethia Rumi Town is to graduate obfuscation specialists. These writers will say anything but correctly point out the culprits or take them to task. They will refute or simply ignore any evidence

Terrorism: is media a watchdog or lapdog? On Sethi-Rumi mollycoddling ASWJ’s Ludhianvi — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: Source: Daily Times The ostensibly liberal publication gave space quite liberally to Ludhianvi to bash the Shia without a single challenging question being asked Pakistan finally saw democratically elected national and provincial assemblies plod past the five-year finish line

شیعہ نسل کشی میں لدھیانوی دیوبندی کے ساتھ نجم سیٹھی اور رضا رومی کا کردار – از حق گو: اگر شیعہ نسل کشی کی لہر جس میں اکیس ہزار سے زیادہ شیعہ کو قتل کیا جا چکا ہے کافی نہیں تھی تو ایک فتنہ باقاعدہ طور پر اٹھایا گیا ہے ان لوگوں کی جانب سے جو خود کو لبرل

Making false binary of Sajid Naqvi and murder promoter Ludhianvi (ASWJ/LEJ) is tantamount to promoting murder: As a follow-up from yesterday’s discussion on Twitter( https://lubpak.com/archives/251633) and not managing to make any convincing argument, Mr. Sethi in an act of desperation rolled out another insensitive member of the TFT club of authors, no this time it was not

#ShiaGenocide: Leading Pakistani intellectual, poet and academic Sibte Jafar killed by Deobandi militants: Entire Pakistani nation, in particular Shia Muslim community, suffers from another terrible loss at the hands of Deobandi militants of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ-LeJ, formerly known as Sipah-e-Sahaba). Famous poet, academician and intellectual Professor Sibte Jafar was killed

Criticism on Ludhianvi’s interview in TFT: Najam Sethi & co shoot the messenger: Recently, The Friday Times (owned and edited by Najam Sethi and co-edited by Raza Rumi) published a very distasteful interview with Ahmed Ludhianvi Deobandi, head of banned terrorist group Sipah-e-Sahaba (aka ASWJ-LeJ). In addition to three posts on LUBP,

Attack on Christians in Lahore: Encouraging progress in Shahbaz Sharif and Raza Rumi’s Punjab: Lahore arson: CJ says Punjab police failed to conduct honest, thorough probe Source: Dawn, 18 March 2013 The Supreme Court on Monday declared that the Punjab Police had “failed to conduct an honest and through investigation” into the Badami

Why is it more dangerous when Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi give a free pass to a terrorist than the right wing jihadi media?: In regards to the recent article on LUBP Pakistan to be Rwanda: Through Ahmed Ludhianvi, Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi’s call for Shia holocaust – by Mahpara Qalandar, a close friend of mine sent me this message: Yaar Sethi is

Pakistan to be Rwanda: Through Ahmed Ludhianvi, Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi’s call for Shia holocaust – by Mahpara Qalandar: Editor’s note: I am at great pain to publish this article. I have always had great regard for Raza Rumi and Najam Sethi. This interview with Ahmed Lidhanvi Deobandi has no news value whatsoever. It does not cross-question any

We condemn attack on Christian community in Lahore by PMLN-backed ASWJ militants: LAHORE: An enraged mob comprising hundreds of Takfiri Deobandi militants of Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ) torched dozens of houses located in a Christian-dominated neighbourhood of Lahore on Saturday, 9 March 2013. The ASWJ-LeJ mob was led by local leaders of PML-N,

Has Raza Rumi given up on progressive and moderate Tahir Ashrafi?: In the past Raza Rumi and his Jinnah Institute were promoters of Molana Tahir Ashrafi. They kept quiet despite Ashrafi’s objectionable, hateful statements about about Ahmadis and Shias. It seems, Raza Rumi has finally seen the light in the aftermath of

Najam Sethi’s wife Jugnu Mohsin and employee Raza Rumi insult sacred memory of Benazir Bhutto: Related posts: Najam Sethi’s shameful role in undermining Benazir Bhutto’s democratic government Princess and the Playboy: Zardari and Benazir Bhutto were partners in corruption – by Najam Sethi While Najam Sethi is known for the dark role he played

Let’s condemn #ShiaGenocide while we promote PML-N and ASWJ – by Ali Raza Jafri: When powerful provincial government ministers in the Punjab loot their coffers for cosmetic projects, one can rest assured that some of that budget is also allocated to opportunist sychophants and flatterers in the media and NGos / thank-tanks. While

#KLF Fake Liberal Festival: A Gathering of Life Style Liberals in Karachi – by Anila Shamsie: Related posts: Comparing Karachi Literature Festival 2012 with Difa-e-Pakistan Conference Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: Persona non grata at Karachi Literature Festival #KLF “I’ve been in a rickshaw”: Some critical reflections on the Karachi Literature Festival 2011 Welcome to another conglomeration

Urgent conference call of Pakistan’s fake liberals: Editors Note: We should all appreciate criticism and humor. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Twitterati. I welcome you to this immensely important, nay, urgent Conference Call. We must find out who is Saroor Ijaz. JammyHuck: If Saroor Ijaz turns out

A quick critique on BBC Urdu’s quality and reliability: Source: http://freespeechpakistan.wordpress.com/2013/02/11/bbc/ The following post offers a summary of an important conversation that took place on Twitter on the quality and reliability of news reports and analyses published on BBC Urdu (radio and web site). Key critics: Dr Ayesha

Are Shias Kafir? Maulana Tahir Ashrafi misquoted by Najam Sethi’s The Friday Times: In a recent article (“Moderate Deobandis”) published in The Friday Times (edited by Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi), Maulana Tahir Ashrafi was presented as a moderate Sunni Deobandi cleric while the following atrocious remark was also attributed to him.

Evidence of systematic harassment of anti-establishment bloggers by fake liberal promoters of Takfiri Deobandi terrorists: Currently there is a criminal campaign on Twitter and facebook by a few pro-establishment fake-liberals (who are hiding in liberals’ ranks but remain aligned to establishment mouthpieces and radical clerics) to systematically harass and silence ALL pro-rights social media

#ShiaGenocide: Moderator of Al Qaeda affiliated Takfiri Deobandi hate site is supported by pro-establishment #FakeLiberals: Related post: تکفیری دیوبندی دہشت گرد توہین رسالت، توہین اہلبیت اور توہین صحابہ کے مرتکب ہیں Source: This open letter is edited and adapted from an article written by Sana Saleem published in daily Dawn. Dear Mr. Rehman

Abdul Nishapuri’s resignation from LUBP: We have now received formal resignation from Mr. Abdul Nishapuri, founder-editor of LUBP. On his wish we are publishing the same as his last post on this blog. “I am forced to resign from LUBP because of serious threats

A sample of Tahir Ashrafi Deobandi’s hate speech against Shias, Ahmadis and Sunni Barelvis: Given the blatant hate-speech against Ahmadis, Shias, Sunni Barelvis by him, we ask Pakistani media, activists, NGOs and foreign governments to Ban Tahir Ashrafi from appearing in the media, speak to sectarian harmony conferences, or visit foreign countries. Here

Maulana “The Moderate” Tahir Ashrafi’s intellectual stand against Zionist website LUBP – by Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Dear Ghairatmands, I applaud the move by my moderate Maulana and intellectual stud, Tahir Ashrafi, for criticizing liberal fascist Zionist Indian website LUBP (www.lubpak.com). Upset by a “fake video” posted on LUBP, attributed to holy Jihadist warriors of Sipah