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How well-meaning but naïve journalists create false Shia-Sunni binary – by Mahpara Qalander: I am not going to talk about Yazidi Shia journalists like Ejaz Haider, Shakir Hussain and Nasim Zehra, or Yazidi-Salafists like Ansar Abbasi, Irfan Sidiqqui, Mosharraf Zaidi and Najam Sethi who have spent better part of their lives spreading

ایران،سعودی عرب،امریکا اور پاکستان – از حق گو: . پاکستان میں ہر گزرتے دن کے ساتھ یہ تاثر زورپکڑتا جا رہا ہے کے پاکستان میں ہونے والی شیعہ نسل کشی ایران اور سعودی عرب کی پراکسی وار ہے…اس تاثر کو تقویت دیتے ہیں وہ لوگ جو خود اس

Laal’s “All Fronts Strategy” to fight extremism – by Taimur Rehman: First and foremost, our strategy should be one of attacking on all fronts simultaneously. In the battle against extremism, there is no magic bullet, no single weapon that will give us victory. We must employ,

Road to death in Pakistan goes via Raiwind – by Mahpara Qalandar: Who lead the mob which burnt down the entire Christian neighborhood of Badami Bagh in Lahore on 9 March 2013? The answer: (i) Riaz Malik, a PML-N leader who is a member of our national parliament and (ii)

اگر ایسا ہوتا…؟ – از پنجابی بابا: یہ اک فرضی قصہ ہے برطانیہ کے اک قصبہ کا جہاں زیادہ تر عیسائی آباد ہیں ان میں سے کچھ گھر مسلمانوں کے ہیں ۔ اس کے مصروف ترین بازار میں ایک عیسئائی پادری کھڑا بائیبل کی چند آیات

PMLN sponsored Deobandi militants of ASWJ are planning further violence against Lahore’s Christian community – by Farooq Naeemi: After burning more than 170 house of poor Christian community in Lahore’s Badami Bagh area, Deobandi militants of the Sipah-e-Sahaba (currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ aka Lashkar-e-Jhangvi LeJ under the patronage of Shahbaz Sharif-led PML-N government

توہین رسالت کے نام پر توہین رسالت – از حق گو: شاہ باغ سے بادامی باغ تک…. کتنا ہی وقت گزرا ہے… کتنا ہی سما بیتا ہے… دسیوں سال بیت گے… مگر ہم ابھی وہیں کے وہیں کھڑے ہیں… سنتالیس میں جو ملک بنگالیوں سے مل کر بنایا تھا…..اسے انہی بنگالیوں

Sunni Genocide? Sunni-Shia violence? – Facebook discussion: Recently I came across an interesting Facebook discussion in the aftermath of Abbas Town Karachi twin blasts which killed nearly 67 people including 21 Sunnis while the prime target were Shia residents of the neighborhood. A lot of people, specially

فرقہ وارانہ فساد یا شیعہ نسل کشی – از پنجابی بابا: فرقہ ورانہ فسادات کا لفظ میرے خیال میں غلط فہمی کا موجب ہے میرے بیرون ممالک میں مقیم دوست احباب پاکستانی چینلز پرلفظ فرقہ وارنہ فسادات سے اس کا مطلب یہ نکالتے ہیں کہ شاید سنی اور شیعہ فسادات

Shia life in Peshawar: from harmony to horror – by Fattu Lohar: The Shia communities in almost every major city in Pakistan have a story of pain and grief to tell. Peshawar is no exception. But the gloom and doom wasn’t there always. Peshawar is perhaps that oldest living city in

جنرل پاشا،عرب شیوخ اور پاکستانی لشکر ۔۔ از وسیم احمد: متحدہ عرب امارات سات ریاستوں پہ مشتمل فیڈریشن ہے۔ ہر ریاست کا اپنا فرمانروا شیخ کہلاتا ہے اور داخلی معاملات میں خود مختار ہے۔ پچھلے چند عشروں میں یہاں بے پناہ ترقی ہوئی ہے۔ یہاں تک کہ مغربی ممالک کے سیاح بھی

Hold your breath, Shias of Pakistan: Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry is in Karachi again! – by Mahpara Qalander: In 2009, Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry visited the Karachi jail where he held his court and took a personal look at the prisoners. The result was that he set free 92 terrorists belonging to the ASWJ/LeJ. In his order he

The legendary, radical and revolutionary Hugo Chavez – by H.A.Khan.: Venezuelans pour into streets to mourn Hugo Chavez. “He was the best thing the country had … I adore him. Let’s hope the country calms down and we can continue the tasks he left us.” Many people left work

Bleeding country – by Amjad Abbaj: Since we were kids ,our school book ,Islamic Studies full of Islamic brother hood teachings and Pakistan studies full of nationalism ,chauvinism and presenting Hindu as cunning creature whose only aim in life is to harm Muslims and he

A village where Shahbaz Sharif is a villain – by Mirza Khurrum Shahzad: ISLAMABAD: When Shahbaz Sharif and his Punjab government will go out following an announcement for new elections, people in Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s village will be very happy. In the ancestral village of Dr. Manmohan Singh, Gah, Shahbaz

جوزف سٹالن: مختصر خاکہ – از سعد احمد: ترجمہ و تلخیص : سعد احمد یوسف وساریونچ دغشولی، جنہیں تاریخ میں جوزف اسٹالن کے نام سے جانا جاتا ہے، ٢١(21) دسمبر ١٨٧٩(1879) کو قدیم جارجین گاؤں گوری میں پیدا ہوے. آپ کا خاندان کاشتکاری سے وابستہ تھا مگر

Chal Parha – Shehzad Roy is going to secularize the education system of Pakistan – by Khurshid Khan: Editor’s note: Opinion is not in line with LUBP editorial board. However we respect the right to free speech and respect dissent. Few years back, when I was a school student and a good listener of music, I was a

Like Sana Saleem, let’s deflect attention from ASWJ-LeJ by blaming Abbas Town attack on Sharmila Farooqi Bhutto – by Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: I want to take this opportunity to thank renowned liberal blogger and human rights activist Sana Saleem and her Good Liberal friends for their tireless activism for the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ aka ASWJ) and their parents in GHQ (Pakistan army).

Najam Sethi’s wife Jugnu Mohsin and employee Raza Rumi insult sacred memory of Benazir Bhutto: Related posts: Najam Sethi’s shameful role in undermining Benazir Bhutto’s democratic government Princess and the Playboy: Zardari and Benazir Bhutto were partners in corruption – by Najam Sethi While Najam Sethi is known for the dark role he played

Good Liberals and Good Taliban Stand United with Pakistan Army – by Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Related post: Where Hamid Mir and Ejaz Haider converge: Politicians, not army, responsible for #ShiaGenocide It makes my Hujjaji Syed blood boil whenever I see liberal fascist LUBP criticize Good “European” Liberals like Ejaz Haider for his advocacy of

Malik Ishaq Deobandi’s arrest by Punjab govt: An eyewash? – by Mohammad Shehzad: The Punjab government has put Lashkar-e-Jhangvi founder Malik Ishaq under house arrest after it was strongly criticized for being soft on perpetrators of sectarian violence. But the move, made under the Maintenance of Public Order law, will not stop

Shahbaz Sharif won Bhakkar MPA seat thanks to ASWJ-LeJ’s Malik Ishaq’s support: Feeling clearly upset over Nawaz Sharif-led PML-N’s changing tone and tenor towards Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (defunct Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan – SSP aka Lashkar-e-Jhangvi LeJ), the central leadership of ASWJ has reminded Shahbaz Sharif that he owes his present chief

A legal framework for fighting terrorism – by Nadir Hassan: Everyone can agree that in the legal realm, the fight against militancy has been failing. Too many cases against alleged terrorists end up with acquittals. In recent months, the government has tried to come up with legislative fixes for

میں ایک سنی ہوں اورلاہور میں شیعہ ڈاکٹر علی کے قتل پر میرا دل روتا ہے: لشکر جھنگوی سپاہ صحابہ کے تکفیری دہشت گرد شیعہ اور سنی دونوں کے دشمن ہیں میری باتوں کا برا نہ منایئے گا ۔۔۔ میں ایک سنی ہوں، اورلاہور میں شیعہ ڈاکٹر علی کے قتل پر میرا دل ویسے ہی

@CMShehbaz Sharif cordially invites you to LeJ’s Conference in Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab – by Ada Khakwani: The banned Deobandi terrorist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ, currently operating as Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat ASWJ, previous name Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan) is organizing “Ideology of Jhangvi” Conference in Sadiqabad, Rahim Yar Khan District, Punjab province of Pakistan on 6 March 2013. Given that the

#ShiaGenocide: An echo of Pakistan’s tragedy in Delhi – by Amit Baruah: Delhi was the scene of an unusual protest on Friday. Some members of the Shia including Shia Hazara community and a few Pakistani students gathered outside the United Nations office to demonstrate against the killings of hundreds of Hazara and

#ShiaGenocide: Najam Sethi gives clean chit to Pakistan army – by Ada Khakwani: In his Urdu article in daily Jang (24 Feb 2013), Najam Sethi once again resorts to the 80-20 formula (mixing 20% of misstatements and misrepresentations in 80% of facts) to obfuscate and misrepresent Shia genocide. In essence: 1. Sethi

Hamid Mir recycles PMLN-ASWJ’s propaganda against PPP – by Ada Khakwani: There are quite a few misstatements and misrepresentations in the following article written by Hamid Mir in daily Jang (25 Feb 2013). In essence: 1. Mir equates ASWJ-LeJ terrorists with Shia Muslims, and questions PPP’s alliance with Shia political

#ShiaGenocide: Who are these takfiri Deobandis killing Shia and Sunni in Pakistan? – Press TV’s report: Stream of Shia blood continues to spill across Pakistan Imagine a sight of a devastated father, sitting cross-legged on the road, in the dark and cold night, staring at the coffin of his only son, unmindful of the rain

No distinction can be made between the LeJ and its political wing ASWJ – by Zarrar Khuhro: Related post: ASWJ-LeJ terrorist Malik Ishaq Deobandi’s arrest is a face- saving exercise by PML-N govt in Punjab – by Amir Mir Arresting Malik Ishaq under the MPO (maintenance of public order) and carrying out ‘targeted operations’ — whatever that

ASWJ-LeJ terrorist Malik Ishaq Deobandi’s arrest is a face- saving exercise by PML-N govt in Punjab – by Amir Mir: Although, the founder of the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi Malik Mohammad Ishaq has finally been detained by the Punjab government under mounting pressure from the federal government and security establishment, the Hazara Democratic Party (HDP) strongly believes that his detention is a

#ShiaGenocide in a dysfunctional state – by Abbas Nasir: WHO knows what a failed state is? Such definitions are for the academics and experts. But what one can easily ascertain is a state that is dysfunctional. For what would you call a state that has neither the power

George Galloway conquered liberal elite at Karachi Literature Festival – by Maheen Usmani: George Galloway came, he saw, he conquered. Conquered who, one may well may ask? Karachi’s literati and liberal elite who intermingle, for one, who fawned over the UK Member of Parliament (MP) at the recently held Karachi Literature Festival (KLF).

Pakistan must learn from its Ahmadi Muslims – by Zakir Ahmad: Pakistan Must Learn from its Ahmadi Muslims. It was most heartening to see the support of the Ahmadiyah Muslim community and human rights activists during the recent protests and campaigns against the ongoing Shia Genocide in Pakistan. Aside from Ahmadi

BBC Urdu: Chori aur seena zori – mediocrity at its best – by Fattu Lohar: The issue of using the correct nomenclature to describe the systematic extermination of the Shia in Pakistan has been debated for some years now. While the Takifiri terrorists have been killing the Pakistani Shia relentlessly many in the media,

Interfaith conference: Once again Zardari stabs the hearts of Pakistani victims of Islamofascism: Author: Mahpara Qalandar On 22 February 2013, President Asif Zardari addressed an interfaith conference called “Living together with diversity – Interfaith and inter-cultural dialogue”. (Reports on his address can be viewed at: and\02\23\story_23-2-2013_pg1_1) What he said at

شیعہ کش مہم – از محمد حنیف: وسطی پنجاب میں ایک تھا شہر، شہر میں ایک تھا ڈاکٹر، ڈاکٹروں کی تھی ایک تنظیم پاکستان میڈیکل ایسوسی ایشن۔ یہ تنظیم اچھے برے وقتوں میں الیکشن ضرور کرواتی ہے۔ انتخاب ہوئے اور ہمارا ڈاکٹر صدر منتخب ہوا اور

#ShiaGenocide in Pakistan: Military and Militants – by Yousuf Nazar: Pakistan’s top military spokesman Director General (DG) Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Major General Asim Salim Bajwa on Thursday spoke with the media and rejected the impression that any banned organisation was being supported, saying that the armed forces were

Shia-hunter Malik Ishaq gets free airtime on the BBC Urdu – by Sidq Maqaal: Question: So what is the LeJ’s Founder (currently vice president of ASWJ) Malik Ishaq Deobandi doing when he is not whipping up passions, to kill Shias, with incendiary hate speeches? Answer: He is giving interviews to respectable international channels