Shia Hazaras Archive

‘What sectarian killings?’ – by Badar Iqbal Chaudhary (Dawn): Pakistan has its share of Voldemorts – the dark lords who cannot be named – but none as powerful as this lot: the banned sectarian outfits and their leaders. They kill with impunity, and then move on with their

ہزارہ برادری: ‘نقص ان کے چہروں میں ہے’: رواں مہینے کے آغاز میں کوئٹہ کے ایک سینئر ترین پولیس افسر نے کہا تھا کہ ’’آپ جانتے ہیں کہ ہزارہ ہمارے سب سے زیادہ لاڈلے بچے ہیں۔ ہم ان کے تحفظ کے لیے کچھ بھی کریں گے۔‘‘

چیف منسٹر بلوچستان عبدالمالک : شیعہ ہزارہ اور صوفی سنّی نسل کشی کے زمہ داروں سے یارانے کیوں ؟: بلوچستان کے چیف منسٹر عبدالمالک جوکہ خود کو دہشت گردی ، مذهبی انتہاپسندی کا سب سے بڑا مخالف بتلاتے ہیں وہ ایک ایسی تنظیم کے عهدے داروں کو وی آئی پی پروٹوکول ساته ملے جوکہ پورے بلوچستان میں اہلسنت

Congrats to General Ejaz Shahid: Another eight Shia Hazaras slaughtered by ASWJ Ramzan Mengal Deobandi group in Quetta: (Reuters, 23 October 2014) – Eight Shia Muslim members of Pakistan’s ethnic Hazara minority were killed and one wounded on Thursday (23 Oct 2014), when Deobandi militants of Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (aka ASWJ-LeJ) opened fire on a bus in the

آپریشن ضرب عضب اور چچا عبدل – از حسن رضا چنگیزی: ایڈیٹر نوٹ : شیعہ ہزارہ قوم کو ایرانی ایجنٹ اور شیعہ ہزارہ اور غیر ہزارہ شیعہ مسلمانوں پر ہونے والے ظلم پر ان کے احتجاج کو مبالغہ آرائی کہنا یقیناً اسی سوچ کا اظہار ہے جو بلوچستان میں

ASWJ-LeJ organised a gathering to celebrate the anniversary of bombing in Alamdar Road and Hazara Town: Editor’s Note: Many of Pakistan’s commercially motivated (fake) liberals misrepresent Shia Genocide in Hazara specific ethnic terms or false Sunni-binary. The list of people who obfuscate Shia genocide and Sunni Sufi genocide by Deobandi takfiri terrorists include and are

So sorry, Mehrin Kauser, a Hazara victim of Shia genocide – by Abbas Nasir: EVERY day, evidence stares us in the face of how we have failed our people in general and vulnerable sections of society in particular; of how we fail to honour those who stand up to the odds like Nobel

جرنیل ناصر جنجوعہ صاحب – مظلوم شیعہ ہزارہ برادری سے تعزیت کافی نہیں – تکفیری دیوبندی سپاہ صحابہ کے سرغنہ رمضان مینگل کو گرفتار کریں: جنرل ناصر جنجوعہ صاحب، بڑی مہربانی کے آپ تشریف لائے اور آپ نے زخموں پر مرہم رکھے لیکن یہ کافی نہیں ہے۔ جب تک آپ رمضان مینگل اور رفیق مینگل جیسے دہشتگردوں کو کیفر کردار تک نہیں پہنچاتے، جب

بلوچستان میں شیعہ مسلمانوں کا قتل عام اور ہیومن رائٹس واچ کی رپورٹ، ’ہم زندہ لاشیں ہیں’ – از خرم زکی: بلوچستان میں شیعہ ہزارہ مسلمانوں کے قتل عام پر ہیومن رائٹس واچ نے ٦٢ صفحات پر مشتمل ایک تفصیلی رپورٹ شایع کی ہے جس میں کالعدم دہشت گرد گروہ لشکر جھنگوی کے فوج کے ساتھ روابط، حکومتی بے حسی

Uncertainty and death stalk the Hazara Shias wherever they go – by Shameen Khan: Source: Adapted with minor editing from Herald/Dawn According to Nazish Brohi, an independent researcher and human rights activist based in Karachi, “Hazaras are targeted in waves of religious extremism sweeping the country. They are killed because they are Shia.

Resilence of Shia Hazara artist Khadim Ali in response to genocide at the hands of Deobandi Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ) terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan: Shia Hazara artist has made the journey from a home in exile in Pakistan to one of Australia’s top galleries. Khadim Ali casts a protective eye over his mother, Amina, in a house in Sydney’s western suburbs, where his family

Rebuttal to views expressed by Ahmed Versi in the programme “Behind the Headlines” broadcast on Friday the 31st: The importance of being historically correct should only matter when the voice is a voice of reason; not that of an apologist. Political differences can be appreciated however, not at the cost of insulting our martyrs.Words have the ability

پاکستانی شیعہ اور شیعہ ہزارہ قوم کی پاکستان سے لازوال محبت: قائد اعظم اور پاکستان کا سچا عاشق-باسط علی۔ جسے اپنے وطن اور اپنی مٹی سے پیار تھا، جو ہمیشہ یہی کہتا کہ چاہے جو کچھ ہوجائے وہ پاکستان چھوڑ کر نہیں جائے گا۔ پاکستان کو بچانے کے لئے باسط

لشکر جھنگوی کے دہشت گردوں کے خلاف صرف بلوچستان میں کاروائی کا کوئی فائدہ نہیں – میر حاصل بزنجو: بلوچستان میں شدت پسندوں کے خلاف کارروائی کے بارے میں نیشنل پارٹی کے سربراہ میر حاصل بزنجو کہتے ہیں کہ جب تک ملک کے تمام صوبوں میں کالعدم تنظیموں کے خلاف کارروائی نہیں کی جائے گی بلوچستان میں کارروائی

Captain Ibtihaj feeling fit and ready for departure from the hospital in a couple of days – by Jibran Nasir: Met the little lion Ibtihaj at Agha Khan Hospital today. To begin with I would like to inform everyone planning on visiting him that he still does not know that his sister and mother have passed away in

Shia genocide in Pakistan: Fact or fiction? – by Jibran Nasir: Since January 2013, the year has changed and so has the government. What remains same is the season and the tragedy. PML-N’s competence has put forward the exact same view for all of us which PPP’s government did; numerous

Bakhtawar and Bilawal’s commendable expression of support for Shia-Sunni victims of Takfiri Deobandi terrorism – by Sukaina Hazara: While Pakistan’s disgraceful media was busy in obfuscating yet another incident of Shia genocide, this picture of Benazir Bhutto’s children, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari, was a powerful gesture of solidarity with the Shia Hazara victims of

Pashtun and Baloch activists’ views on Hazara ethnic party HDP’s dubious role in Quetta: #VBMPLongMarch @ShahidQazi1 Jan 25 1. Target Hazara Shi’a 2. Send HDP 2 take over Protest 3. Demand Operation 4. Start Operation 5. Plan Achieved(They ‘THINK’)We aren’t Stupid @KhadimDurrani Jan 25 @ShahidQazi1; LeJ’s GHQ is PUNJAB, why no operations there

An interview with HRW’s Ali Dayan Hasan about the state and predicament of Shia Hazaras of Quetta: LUBP Editor’s note: In the following interview, HRW’s Pakistan Director Ali Dayan Hasan informs us about the plight of Shia Hazara Muslims of Balochistan, one of the most persecuted and target killed communities in Pakistan, who are being killed

اداریہ تعمیر پاکستان: کیا شیعہ ہزارہ برادری اور نواز حکومت کی بات چیت واقعی کامیاب ہو گئی؟: سانحہ مستونگ کے شہداء کی تدفین ان کے پیاروں نے اشک بار آنکھوں اور نوحوں کے ساتھ آج کوئٹہ میں قبرستانوں میں کردی ہے اور یہ تدفین اس مبینہ کامیاب بات چیت کے نتیجے میں ہوئی جو وفاقی وزیر

‘Aawaz Uthey Gi’ -by Hina Mehr Nadeem: This is not the first time that those barbarians have targeted Hazarians. This is not the first the bus of Shia pilgrims travelling to and from Iran is bombed. This not the first time the roads of Balochistan are

The silent war – by Midhat Zaidi: She leaned on to him, the way an old mother would on to the shoulder of her grown up son. He is such a handsome young chap, many young ladies from the community wanted to become her ‘baho’(Daughter in

Shia Genocide: Basit Ali another incalculable loss – by Razia Changez: It was the blood parched and power starving General Zia ul Haq, who laid the foundation of Shia killings in Pakistan of 1980’s. His spiritual son Nawaz Shareef it taking the mission of Zia (nishan-e Abu Jahal) to its

Shia Hazaras are fighting cold weather and even colder attitude from their countrymen: Author: Ibrahim Changezi The Shia Hazara of Quetta are fighting cold weather and even colder attitude from their countrymen as thousands of them continue their sit-in in solidarity with the families of the Mastung blast victims demanding immediate and

Shia Hazaras sold out? – by Saqlain Ahmed: Editors Note: This article is adapted from Alamdar Road Hijacked after a year! . LUBP lost one our best bloggers Irafan Khudi Ali, in the January 10 2012 Quetta blast which sparked spontaneous international protests. PROLOGUE: The so-called establishment liberals are quick to acknowledge

Pakistan army, Punjabi politicians and LeJ-SSP-ASWJ’s terrorism in Balochistan – Shahid Qazi: Editor’s note: Shahid Qazi is a senior Pashtun politician from Quetta, Balochistan. Born in Khuzdar, he belongs to well known Qazi family, which is a part of Alikhail (Kakar) Tribe of Zhob. Mr Qazi is former Central Vice President

HDP leader Abdul Khaliq Hazara attacks an Imambargah in Quetta – by Mehdi Hazara: Quetta – News Report: Abdul Khaliq Hazara, chairman of Hazara Democratic Party, attacked the Imam Bargah Haidery Quetta in a drunken state along with two guards, Altaf and Hussain, and other members of HDP on Thursday night, 5 December

Pakistan govt bans social media voices of persecuted communities: Shia Killing, Quetta Revolution, Roshni: When it comes down to Pakistan, people outside may consider it a nation of tears drenched in blood and caught between the international geopolitical turmoil. But the only way to ensure it to stay the way not break from

بلوچستان: گاڑی پرتکفیری دیوبندی لشکر جھنگوی کی فائرنگ، شیعہ ہزارہ برادری کے چھ مزدور ہلاک: ایڈیٹر نوٹ : لشکر جھنگوی کی بربریت کا نشانہ بننا پاکستانی شیعہ کے لئے کوئی نئی بات نہیں اسی طرح پاکستانی میڈیا کا مقتول شیعہ /ہزارہ اور قاتل دیوبندی تکفیریوں کی شناخت چھپانا بھی کوئی نئی بات نہیں – پاکستان

Khudi Ali archive on Shia genocide in Pakistan: Shaheed Irfan Ali (Khudi Ali), a Shia Hazara peace and social activist, embraced martyrdom on January 10, 2013 in the second of the two blasts at Shuhada Chowk (Pearl Chowk, previously), Alamdar Road, Quetta while he was helping out

Shaheed Irfan Khudi Ali’s contribution to LUBP’s disocurse on human rights and Shia genocide: Shaheed Irfan Khudi Ali was a leading Shia rights and human rights activist of Pakistan. Originally a Shia Hazara from Quetta, he was a regular contributor to and supporter of LUBP’s discourse on Shia genocide by takfiri Deobandi terrorists

“I am a double target because I am a woman and I am Shia Hazara” – by Samira Shackle: The Hazara are a Shia minority who face constant persecution in Pakistan. Ruquiya Hashmi – the first female Hazara candidate for the national assembly – faces death threats daily. Muhammad Ahmed stands at his small kiosk on the street

I want a liberal and secular Pakistan – by Faisal Mahmood: بے یارو مددگار لیاری کی کچھی برداری بدنام زمانہ پیپلزامن کمیٹی کے دہشت گردوں کے ہاتھوں لیاری کے مظلوم عوام بالخصوص کچھی برادری، کاٹھیا واڑی برادری،میمن برادری اوردیگرپرامن برادریوں کی زندگی اجیرن بن چکی ہے، لیاری کے علاقے آگرہ

This is not a Test – by Saroop Ijaz: The writer is a lawyer and partner at Ijaz and Ijaz Co in Lahore [email protected] The prime minister said that the most recent carnage in Hazara Town is a “test case”. This is better than nothing. However, it makes

Concern rises over Pakistan plan to halt extremism – by Sebastian Abbot: In this Monday, June 30, 2013 photo, Pakistani Shiite Muslims from the Hazara community carry a dead body for burial following a suicide bombing which killed tens of people and left many injured in Quetta, Pakistan. Suspected Islamic militants

Why Quetta suicide attack has already been forgotten – by Mahpara Qalandar: One teenage mourner crying over the killing of his father raised his head up towards the sky and cried: “Ya Allah, what crime did my father commit for which he had to die like this?” Certainly, there cannot be

Hazara Shias lose all hope in Pakistan – By Farahnaz Zahidi: Shabana Khan* speaks from behind a screen put up to protect her identity at a recent women’s assembly. I cannot see her. I do not know what her age is. I have no way of observing her non-verbal

Another Quetta blast: More than a thousand Shia Hazara killed by deep state sponsored Takfiri Deobandis: #SHIAGENOCIDE Suicide blast in Ali Abad, Hazara Town, Quetta. Thirty-five dead already as the toll continues to rise. Many more injured. In the last ten years more than one thousand Shia Hazaras have been killed and several times more

Why Pakistan army should divorce Lashkar-e-Jhangvi: Source: Adapted with minor edits and additional information form the Baloch Hal The city of Quetta observed a day of mourning on Sunday (16 June 2013) against the killing of more than 24 people in Saturday’s coordinated attacks on a university