Shia Hazaras Archive

Intellectual dishonesty in misrepresenting Shia massacres in Pakistan: Local Pakistani residents gather around the bodies of Shiite Muslims after an attack by gunmen in Mastung. Related posts: Petition: Silence of Human Rights Organizations on Shia Genocide in Pakistan You know you are a Pakistani Shia when… 50

TTP-SSP proxies of the Deep State massacre at least 26 Shia Muslims in Balochistan: Gunmen opened fire on a bus in the Mastung area of Balochistan, carrying passengers to Iran on Tuesday, killing around 26 Shia pilgrims, police said. “The bus was travelling to the town of Taftan when it was attacked,” a

Why I wrote about Pakistan and why anti-American sentiment sabotages anything good that could come of it – By Rusty Walker: My Pakistani friends I write to you in hopes of shedding light on the need for more understanding between the US and Paksitan relations. Building bridges between the US and Pakistan would be hazardous work for civil engineers; imagine

A comment on Sadanand Dhume’s WSJ article on the plight of Pakistan’s Shia: Source: Pakistan Blogzine We are pleased to cross-post an unusual article in Wall Street Journal which highlights the silent systematic mass murder of Shia Muslims in Pakistan by the Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), Taliban (TTP) etc which is on going

From Hazarajat to Quetta: A sorry tale of Quiet Genocide of Hazaras – by Maisam Ali: The book said that my people had killed the Hazaras, driven them from their lands, burned their homes, and sold their women. The book said part of the reason they had oppressed the Hazaras was that they were Sunni

Wahabi-Deobandi fitna celebrates Eid in Quetta by killing Shia worshippers: And what to do? By Omar Khattab in Lahore Immediately after the suicide bomber struck the Hazara Shia worshippers in the mosque in Quetta this morning, the highly partisan channels of Pakistan, especially GEO and ARY, relayed “Breaking News”

Petition: Silence of Human Rights Organizations on Shia Genocide in Pakistan: Please sign this petition here: To: Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, United Nations Human Rights Commission, European Union, Governments of Pakistan, USA, UK and other countries Silence of Human Rights Organizations on Shia

Silence of the Liberal Lambs – By Dr. Taqi: Editor’s Note: In cross-posting Dr. Taqi’s article from Outlook India, we at LUBP stand vindicated on our blunt stance in exposing Fake Civil Society (FCS). This group of candle-holding Tweeples and urban elites have failed miserably in even confronting the bigotry of the

On Ejaz Haider’s ISPR press release on Shia Hazaras of Balochistan – by Farrukhzad Ali: Editor’s Note: We are publishing the following article by Farrukhzad Ali and would also recommend his earlier article, Shia Hazaras of Queta: Entrapped in deep state’s delinquent and obedient proxies – by Farrukhzad Ali. Currently, LUBP is relentlessly castigated

On Jahanzaib Haque’s cri de coeur for the Baloch – by Maula Bux Thadani: The Pakistani media has perfected the art of assigning false equivalencies and obfuscating issues and their abuse is restricted to a few politicians of the PPP who are not in favour of the security establishment. These pompous blowhards have

Hazara’s ethnic cleansing: By Asif Pathan I received an email from one my friend who ethnically belongs to Hazara tribe living in Quetta. I felt the pain they are going through now. The contents of email is as follows ‘ I am

Human rights activist @Laibaah silenced by Urban Elite Tweeples – by Alamdar Ahmad Mengal: Editor’s Disclaimer: While we may not agree with some of the contentions offered in this post, we wholeheartedly support the principle of Free Speech and condemn those fascists who ganged up to silence Laiba Marri’s voice on Twitter ……….

Shia Hazaras of Queta: Entrapped in deep state’s delinquent and obedient proxies – by Farrukhzad Ali: Initially, I was amazed at the media attention Syed Ibrar Hussain’s recent assassination in Quetta received, but I could rationalize it quickly – it wasn’t Syed Ibrar Hussain (or Ibrar Agha as he was known) who was being eulogized

ISI-SSP network kills Olympian boxer Abrar Hussain, a Hazara Shia Muslim, in Quetta: Boxing Olympian and deputy director of Pakistan Sports Board Quetta centre Syed Abrar Hussain was shot dead on Thursday in what police termed an “apparent” case of sectarian killing. Gradually but surely, Shia Muslims of Pakistan, including Hazara and

Post-OBL backlash: 7 Shia Muslims slaughtered in Quetta by ASWJ: Related posts: Sipah-e-Sahaba and Taliban: Brothers in arms – by Ayesha Siddiqa LUBP Archive on Shia genocide Once again, the ISI-backed jihadi and sectarian monsters have massacred Shia Muslims in Quetta. At least seven people were killed and six

Post-OBL false narratives in Pakistani and foreign media: For the LUBP readers, it is common knowledge that Pakistan’s military establishment routinely manufactures certain false narratives (to suit its particular requirements) which are systematically recycled by their right wing and (fake) liberal friends in the media and further

Explosion at Shiite Protest Kills at Least 40 in Pakistan: ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A blast ripped through a Shiite protest, the second such attack in three days, in the southwestern Pakistani city of Quetta on Friday, killing at least 40 people and wounding 80, police and rescue officials said.

Forecast of an imminent unrest – by Nadeem Khan: There is a real civil unrest on the horizon. We can verify the timings, immediately after the passing of 18th amendment. When the celebrations were about to take the second turn, instead we saw rallies and protests on power

5 killed in Abbottabad over Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa renaming issue: PML-Q leaders have been agitating day and night for the last one week over the issue of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa renaming. On 6 April 2010 Umar Ayub Khan, son of Gohar Ayub Khan and former MNA and formerly State Minister of

The case for Pakhtunkhwa – by Rahimullah Yusufzai: The debate on renaming the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) is serious business because it concerns the identity of its people and their place in the federation of Pakistan. However, the direction it has taken is sometimes comical, and at

Terrorists of Taliban and Sipah-e-Sahaba kill three Shias in Quetta: Genocide of Shias and the Hazara community continues unabated in Balochistan. At least three Shiite Muslims were killed on Saturday when two men riding a motorbike opened fire on the outskirts of Quetta. (SIFY News) Police sources told that

Remembering Baba Abdul Ali Mazari – by Abdul Nishapuri: Related post: Baba Abdul Ali Mazari – A Shia Hazara but a Global Father Last week, the Afghan nation in general, and the Shia Hazara community in Afghanistan and Pakistan in particular, commemorated the 15th anniversary of martyrdom of

Will the Talibanic journalists and politicians ever speak about it?: On the run Target killing in Balochistan is rising, with more and more non-Baloch officials and Shia Hazaras seeking safe shelter elsewhere in the country By Adnan Adil Following the killing of three Baloch leaders — Munir Baloch, Ghulam

Quetta: 2 March 2009: 2 more Shia killed by Humayun Jogezai and his associates in Taliban: Quetta Police Chief, Humayun Jogezai has been once again successful in engineering and executing another round of Shia killings. Innocent people of Quetta demand an honest police officer such as Shoaib Suddle to be appointed in place of terrorist

Protest in Britain and Australia: Stop target killing of Shia Hazaras by Taliban and ISI: Hazara’s London protest 2009 Source: February 08 — Hazara International Forum Great Britain (HIF-GB) held a protest demonstration in front of Pakistan High Commission in London against the consecutive target killing of Hazaras in Quetta Pakistan. The protersters

Imran Khan condemns murder of Yousufi: In the following news item, Imran Khan seems to condemn the sectarian killing of the Hazara / Shia leader in Quetta. However, Imran Khan did not care to pinpoint and condemn “the elements [who] are conspiring to split the

Systematic killing of Hazara Shias in Balochistan: Targeting Hazaras Wednesday, January 28, 2009 The killing of the chairman of the Hazara Democratic Party in Quetta adds to the violence inflicted on the minority community. The murder, for which the Sunni extremist group, the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, has claimed

SOS from Quetta: Systematic killing of Shia Muslims by the Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba: Shia leader shot dead in QuettaUpdated at: 1140 PST, Monday, January 26, 2009 QUETTA: A leader of Hazara Democratic Party (HDP) has been shot dead in Quetta on Monday. According to reports,

Sipah-e-Sahaba/Taliban attack and kill a Shia Police Officer in Quetta: (Reuters) – Following are security developments in Pakistan at 1130 GMT (6:30 a.m. EST) Wednesday. QUETTA – Gunmen on motorcycles killed four policemen, including a senior officer, in an apparent sectarian attack in the southwestern city of Quetta, said