Monthly Archive:: February 2013

“Burkas for babies”: Saudi cleric’s new fatwa causes controversy: By Mohammad Alyousei Al Arabiya A Saudi cleric has called for all female babies to be fully covered by wearing the face veil, commonly known as the burka, citing reports of little girls being sexually molested. In a TV
The sickly smell of surrender: By Zarrar Khuhro Published: February 9, 2013 The writer is editor of The Express Tribune Magazine [email protected] On April 21, 1996, Chechen separatist leader Dzokhar Dudayez was killed by missiles fired from a Russian aircraft. The missiles had locked
On Facebook, Pakistan Cyber Force Promotes Antisemitism And Jihad: Text Size February 6, 2013 Inquiry & Analysis Series Report No.925 On Facebook, Pakistan Cyber Force Promotes Antisemitism And Jihad By: Dr. Mirza A. B. Baig* Introduction Pakistan Cyber Force (PCF), a Pakistani nationalist group active on social networking
Pakistan’s Media Police: ISLAMABAD — Maria Khan, the host of a Pakistani television talk show, raided a massage parlor in a private residence in Lahore last week and accused the women working there of being prostitutes. Accompanied by the police, Khan and
Najam Sethi and other editors of TFT need to make a critical distinction – by Shazia Najmi:   It took LUBP to sacrifice its entire editorial team and go out of the way to establish détente with Maulana Tahir Ashrafi. To his credit, the Maulana was forthcoming. The new editorial team led by Ali Taj had
انوکھا ساجد،انوکھا عابد: وہ دو سال کا تھا جب اس کے دادا کو اس زمانے کے ایک طالب نے زھر سے بجھے خنجر سے حملہ کرکے عین نماز کے وقت قتل کرڈالا تھا-وہ گیارہ سال کا تھا کہ اس کے محبوب تایا
مولوی ہرگز نہ شد مولائے روم: افضل گرو کی پھانسی پر ہندوستان سے ارون دھتی رائے اور دیگر اہل درد کی مرثیہ نگاری سمجھ میں آتی ہے-اور یہاں پاکستان میں ان کا گریہ بھی سمجھ میں آتا ہے جنھوں نے بلوچ،پشتوں اور ہزارہ اور پھر
تم خادم پنجاب نہیں، ہٹلرپنجاب ہو: تم خادم پنجاب نہیں۔۔۔۔۔۔ہٹلرپنجاب ہو عامر کے قلم سے یہ ینگ ڈاکٹرز کا بھوک ہڑتالی کیمپ تھا-کل رات سے پورے پنجاب سے ینگ ڈاکٹرز اس کیمپ میں جوک در جوک آرہے تھے-اکثر ان میں سے بھوک سے نڈھال تھے
Hide your condoms, Dr. Maria Khan is coming! -by Ammara Ahmad: We need to stand up to these so-called ‘educated’ but otherwise unethical anchors who show up in western dresses, speak confident English but in fact have a very conservative and bigoted agenda. My name is Dr. Khan and I
Religious harmony and Shahzad Francis – by Aamir: First week of February of every year is celebrated as “week for religious interfaith harmoney”all over world.And 4th February of every year a social organization “BAITHAK”organizes a religious cultural Harmony festival in old historical colony “Khuram pura” of district khanewal
Malik Jarrar Hussain’s assassination: The double whammy of being a Shia and a human rights activist – by Shazia Najmi: Last week when the Human Rights Watch report pointed out Pakistan Army’s complicity in the assassination campaigns against the Shias, the Baloch political activists, and religious minorities such as the Ahmadis, the Christians, and the Hindus, it was apparent
پاکستان میں سول سوسائٹی اورآن لائن بلاگرز نشانے پر – از احمد رشید: نوٹ: ہم کچھ اضافہ اور ترمیم کے ساتھ بی بی سی اردو پر شائع ہونے والا جناب احمد رشید کا مضمون پوسٹ کر رہے ہیں ترمیم میں اس بات کی وضاحت کی گئی ہے کہ پاکستان میں شیعہ نسل
Pakistani #FakeLiberals must stop racism against the Baloch people – by Ada Khakwani: Editors Note: This sort of abuse is common place on the Pakistani Television networks. The editors profess to be “liberal” or “Muslim”, in both cases they are being abusive to their own core principles. These deplorable attitudes have to stop and
Pakistan pre-election survey puts PPP at top, ahead of right-wing parties – by Ada Khakwani: Note: Despite numerous terrorist attacks and vicious propaganda by affiliates and apologists of Takfiri Deobandi militants (Taliban, ASWJ, JI, DPC etc) and conspiracies by pro-establishment fake liberals, Pakistan Peoples Party remains the only hope of majority of progressive and
The Shia dilemma: Exploitation by Iran and Genocide by Saudia – by Nadeem Rizvi M.D.: It is sad and extremely disturbing to hear news of Shia genocide in Pakistan without skipping a day. Genocide by Takfiri elements being patronized by so called rouge elements of Pakistan army, right wing politicians, intelligence agencies and Saudia
Asia Human Rights Watch condemns Takfiri Islamofascists’ planned Shia bloodbath in Sindh – by Najmi Dandu: Editors note: So called independent media remains under the thumb of the black sheep of the ISI and continues to paint a FALSE picture to international media and human rights groups. A large part of liberal media is controlled by
Open Letter to Readers of LUBP: As our readers are aware, Abdul Nishapuri, the founder-editor in chief of LUBP has now resigned and this position was taken up by Ali Taj. The new editorial team has completely taken over the editorial responsibilities and is in
Coexistence with India: A view from Pakistan: Note: In a recent article published in daily Dawn, Mubarak Haider helps us in understanding the enemy within; and why and how Pakistani establishment has fed this monster for decades. The article published in Dawn is cross-posted below, which
Deep State vs HRW – by Kamran Shafi: Most ugly shenanigans “Four Israeli attacks on journalists and media facilities in Gaza during the November 2012 fighting violated the laws of war by targeting civilians and civilian objects that were making no apparent contribution to Palestinian military operations.
#ShiaGenocide: A profile of Lashkar-e-Jhangvi’s co-founder Akram Lahori: Author: Samina Faruqi Muhammad Ajmal (Deobandi) alias Akram Lahori is reportedly the present Saalar-i-Aala (‘Commander-in-Chief’) of the banned terrorist group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi LeJ, and is directing LeJ’s terrorist activities from a prison where he is enjoying access to mobile phone,
An Open Letter to the World Press: How mainstream media obfuscates Jihadist violence in Pakistan – by Rusty Walker: An Open Letter to the World Press Dear Sir and Madam of the Press Corps: I am writing this letter by way of introduction to tell you about Let Us Build Pakistan (LUBP). LUBP is operated and managed by
Junaid Jamshed and Nida Yasir: cost of TRPs is lifestyle and culture: SOURCE: This blog post first appeared here. I was alerted to Junaid Jamshed’s nonsense on Nida Yasir’s Good Morning Pakistan show by this timely written piece by Ayesha Mir. She writes: I knew this could not be all and
Hide them all then – by A Z: This post is with reference to the following article published on Al Arabiya TV web site: “Burkas for babies”: Saudi cleric’s new fatwa causes controversy A friend sent me a link to the article which has kicked off
Takfiri Deobandis united against sectarian violence? – by Haseeb Ahmed: Qari Usman Deobandi condemned sectarian terrorism in the country. Ironically sitting next to him was Aurangzeb Farooqi Deobandi, head of ASWJ-LeJ terrorists in Karachi. How can those Deobandi clerics who refuse to condemn suicide bombing and other attacks on
From another world to ours – by A Z: Not long ago I was involved in a debate pertaining to the culling of sled-dogs in North Vancouver. I, like many others, was of the opinion that the media must not exhibit the gory images of the dogs culled,
The Bureaucrat – by Waseen Altaf: Imran Rasheed qualified the CSS and was 38th on the final merit list. He later got allocated to the Customs Group, though his first choice was DMG. The Common Training Program at Walton Lahore was sheer fun, but the
Sharia Law – A Moribund Body of Jurisprudence – by A Z: Editors note: The views expressed in this article are of the independent contributor, LUBP does not endorse them. LUBP does not condemn all Islamic laws to be evil. We believe in freedom of expression and open discussion. Here is
Muslim World – Forever Inimical to Women – by A Z: Editors note: The views expressed in this article are of the independent contributor, LUBP does not endorse them. LUBP does not condemn all Islamic laws to be evil. We believe in freedom of expression and open discussion. This item
تکفیری دیوبندی دہشت گرد توہین رسالت، توہین اہلبیت اور توہین صحابہ کے مرتکب ہیں: Aamir Saeed of Peshawar and other activists and apologists of Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of ASWJ-LeJ have committed blasphemy against Allah, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Ahle Bait (a.s.) and Sahaba (r.a.). جناب مدیر لیٹ اس بلڈ پاکستان میرا نام محمد شہاب
Pakistan’s Shia Genocide 101: Source: This article first appeared here and an edited version was published on Viewpoint. For decades Shia Muslims have been killed in Pakistan and the issue has either been pushed under the carpet or obfuscated using blanket terms such
Imtiaz Alam piece on Seraiki Waseb:   Source : Dunya  
What is two nation theory and why it is important – by Khurshid Khan: Editor’s note : The following post is a Guest post and does not reflect the views of the Editorial Board. It has been published to highlight that LUBP welcomes different points of view. In the main, LUBP stand for
The Truth About The Shia Genocide and what can be done about it – by A.Z.: PROLOGUE: We have a responsibility, as individuals, as professionals, and as organized groups, to not be passive bystanders, but to speak out publicly on genocidal threats. I take strong exception to the notion that speaking out on the threat
Hafiz Saeed Wahhabi obfuscates Saudi Arabia’s role in spreading terrorism -by Saeed Ahmed: In this video clip (taken from Mubasher Lucman’s Khara Sach – ARY TV), Hafiz Saeed’s hypocrisy is revealed as he refuses to condemn them on various different counts. While Mubasher Luqman predictably asks him easy questions, both he and
Junaid Jamshed: A sick mind – by Shazia Nawaz:   جنید جمشید کا پاگل پن مجھے تو سواے ترس کے جنید جمشید پر کچھ بھی نہیں آتا. نہ ہی غصّہ آتا ہے اور نہ ہی امپریس ہوتی ہوں.  جس نے بھی جنید جمشید کا انٹرویو دیکھا، اس کو ایک
Are Shias Kafir? Maulana Tahir Ashrafi misquoted by Najam Sethi’s The Friday Times: In a recent article (“Moderate Deobandis”) published in The Friday Times (edited by Najam Sethi and Raza Rumi), Maulana Tahir Ashrafi was presented as a moderate Sunni Deobandi cleric while the following atrocious remark was also attributed to him.
Ahmad Noorani and Sadanand Dhume’s bold stance on #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan – by Samina Faruqi: Jang Group’s journalist Mr. Ahmad Noorani has clearly condemned Shia Muslim genocide and killings of Sunni Muslims by Takfiri militants of banned Deobandi outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan aka Lashkare-e-Jhangvi (currently operating as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat ASWJ). On Twitter, in
World Shia Forum lauds HRW’s report on #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan, condemns harassment tactics by security establishment: Coverage of Shia genocide in Human Rights Watch 2013 report on Pakistan Religious minorities continued to face insecurity and persecution as the government failed to provide protection to those threatened or to hold extremists accountable. Islamist militant groups continued
Evidence of systematic harassment of anti-establishment bloggers by fake liberal promoters of Takfiri Deobandi terrorists: Currently there is a criminal campaign on Twitter and facebook by a few pro-establishment fake-liberals (who are hiding in liberals’ ranks but remain aligned to establishment mouthpieces and radical clerics) to systematically harass and silence ALL pro-rights social media
Until the Master calls it the night:           Friend on chat from Karachi:  ” i just got back from a place where a couple of women .. mom and daughter got out of the car to buy some meds.. their papa and