Monthly Archive:: February 2013

Ahmad Noorani mischaracterizes Zardari statements, contradicts own newspaper: Ahmad Noorani, journalist or political operative? Ahmad Noorani writes a ‘top story’ in The News today that is an example of yellow journalism at its worst. The article, “President confuses PPP Jialas and the nation“, is a political ‘hit job’ and

Ten reasons why India, Pakistan are on the same page – by Merlin Flower: I am not, just so we are clear, making a case for friendship based on similarities. I believe, great friendships can thrive in spite of glaring differences. Agree? Just, ten. But then, I never was, nor is, good with

Cyniacal About PTI’s Change – by Mirza Moiz Baig: The word change is probably the most over used word in our country. From politicians and journalists to imported Maulvis, there would hardly be a person who shies away from their use of this word. The person who tops

My visit to an Edhi jail – by Shazia Nawaz: Last year when I visited Pakistan, I visited one of the Balquis Edhi centers located in Lahore. I had a few things to give away to charity, and what other charity could be better than Edhi charity? People trust

مولانا طاہر اشرفی کی ایل یو بی پی بلاگ کے لئے خاص تحریر: پاکستان علما کونسل کے صدر حافظ طاہر محمود اشرفی صاحب نے ایل یو بی پی بلاگ کو ایک خط ارسال کیا ہے جو ہم من و عن شائع کر رہے ہیں مولانا اشرفی دیوبندی مسلک کے ایک کلیدی رہنما

دیوبندی و وہابی عقیدے کے لوگ پرتشدد کارروائیاں کرتے ہیں، شاہد غوری: THE FOLLOWERS OF DEOBANDI AND WAHHABI FAITH COMMIT TERRORIST ACTS The central leader of Pakistan Sunni Thereek (PST) Mohammed Shahid Ghauri interviewed with Islam times. He stated that, the banned organization of Sipah Sahaba (ASS or SSP) started operating initially as

Nawaz Sharif’s meeting with Deobandi leader of banned terrorist group Siph-e-Sahaba: محمد احمد لدھیانوی کی مسلم لیگ ن کے سربراہ سے ملاقات ملکی، سیاسی اور امن و امان کی صورت حال پر تبادلۂ خیال Apparently Nawaz Sharif has agreed to forge a political alliance with Takfiri Deobandi militants of banned

#ShiaGenocide: Moderator of Al Qaeda affiliated Takfiri Deobandi hate site is supported by pro-establishment #FakeLiberals: Related post: تکفیری دیوبندی دہشت گرد توہین رسالت، توہین اہلبیت اور توہین صحابہ کے مرتکب ہیں Source: This open letter is edited and adapted from an article written by Sana Saleem published in daily Dawn. Dear Mr. Rehman

My heroine, Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari: the best daughter a mother could have! – by Saria Benazir: On the eve of January 25, 2013, I am obligated to inscribe a sensation, which is intense enough to grip every speck of my existence; yet remain truncated. It is the chronicle of a survivor – the oceanic of