Monthly Archive:: February 2013

#ShiaGenocide: In first 48 days of 2013, 269 Shia Muslims killed, 459 injured in Pakistan: According to statistics available from the Shaheed Foundation, Shia Killing and Karbala-e-Quetta, at least 269 Shia Muslims were killed and another 459 injured in systematic attacks by Takfiri Deobandi militants (ASWJ-LeJ, Taliban) in various cities and areas of Pakistan

شیعہ ہزارہ بچی کی گڑیا اور کچھ اور تصویروں سے بنی تحریر ۔۔ عامر حسینی: صاحبو!یہ تصویروں کا ایک ڈھیر میرے سامنے ہے-یہ تصویریں کسی شادی پر یا دوستوں کی محفل کے دوران یاد گار لمحات کو کیمرے کی آنکھ سے محفوظ کیے جانے کی روداد نہیں سناتیں-نہ ہی یہ کسی داستان محبت کی

#ShiaGenocide: After yet another massacre in Quetta, this is time for Shias to leave Pakistan – by Dr Murtaza Haider: Related posts: Resistance to #ShiaGenocide in Pakistan is a human right, in fact a moral duty! Two-nation theory 2.0: It is Sunni vs Shia this time around – by Kunwar Khuldune Shahid (Pakistan Today) Sunni and Shia are two different

Militancy and Radicalism in Punjab – by Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: Related post: Nawaz Sharif’s meeting with Deobandi leader of banned terrorist group Siph-e-Sahaba This paper looks at militancy and radicalization in Punjab – North, Central and South – the three sub-regions of the largest province of Pakistan. The key

Who’s afraid of the Karachi Literature Festival? -by Ayesha Siddiqa: Here we are seemingly in an age of intellectual freedom, burgeoning media industry and literature festivals. There are numerous festivals held all over South Asia celebrating books new and old, bringing people together for exchange of ideas. But these

پسند اپنی اپنی نصیب اپنا اپنا: کہتے ہیں کہ جب پیٹ بھرا ہو تو ہری ہری سوجھتی ہے، اس کا ثبوت یہ بھی ہے کہ ہر تہذیب نے اوج تب ہی حاصل کیا جب خود کفالت کی منزل تک آ پنہچی اور اس کے بعد

#ShiaGenocide in Quetta: List of demands by Pakistan’s Shia Muslims: Shia leaders present their demands as sit-in continues After yet another tragedy on 16 Feb 2013 in which 110 Shia Muslims (including 25 non-Hazara Shias and 85 Hazara Shias) were killed in Quetta by Takfiri Deobandi militants of Sipah-e-Sahaba

ہاں ہم سب شیعہ اور ہزارہ ہیں: ہاں ہم سب شیعہ اور ہزارہ ہیں لیل و نہار /عامر حسینی کیرانی روڈ کوئٹہ پر ایک مرتبہ پھر بارود کی بارش ہوئی اور 85 انسان موت کی وادی میں جلے گئے-اور 150 سے زیادہ لوگ زرا سخت جان

A poem on Shia genocide in Pakistan – by Asif Zaidi: Quetta is filled with screams and blood stained bodies of Shias, yet again. The blind-well of apostatizing and bigoted wickedness wreak havoc, yet again. SHIA GENOCIDE ——————- Genocide acts spurred by bigotry Of sick minds and hatred’s idolatry So

Asadullah Ghalib on President Zardari’s reconciliatory policy and PPP govt’s services: Source: Daily Express

UAE and Pakistan: harassing the ‘heretics’ — Dr Mohammad Taqi: The Abu Dhabi and Sharjah authorities called in over 1,000 Pashtun men with names like Ali, Hussain and Hassan to the police stations and/or interior ministry offices What started in the Persian Gulf sheikhdoms some two years ago

Hail Shoukat Basra: The Punjab deputy opposition leader is attacked by police of Chief Minister who consider attending assembly session not worth enough. Deputy provincial opposition leader was attacked when he went to show solidarity with protesting young doctors who were facing brutal crackdown from police

UAE indulges in halal apartheid – by Sidq Maqaal: We have all heard of exorcism, haven’t we? Currently we can witness UAE exorcising its Shias, most likely not without some inspiration from the Holy Exorcists from the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Arshad Alavi, a Pakistani workman in the

Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: Persona non grata at Karachi Literature Festival #KLF: Related posts: Comparing Karachi Literature Festival 2012 with Difa-e-Pakistan Conference #FakeLiberal Festival: A Gathering of Life Style Liberals in Karachi – by Anila Shamsie “I’ve been in a rickshaw”: Some critical reflections on the Karachi Literature Festival 2011 Editor’s

#KLF Fake Liberal Festival: A Gathering of Life Style Liberals in Karachi – by Anila Shamsie: Related posts: Comparing Karachi Literature Festival 2012 with Difa-e-Pakistan Conference Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa: Persona non grata at Karachi Literature Festival #KLF “I’ve been in a rickshaw”: Some critical reflections on the Karachi Literature Festival 2011 Welcome to another conglomeration

Urgent conference call of Pakistan’s fake liberals: Editors Note: We should all appreciate criticism and humor. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Twitterati. I welcome you to this immensely important, nay, urgent Conference Call. We must find out who is Saroor Ijaz. JammyHuck: If Saroor Ijaz turns out

Anti-Taliban Sunni Barelvi cleric slammed by pro-Taliban PCO Chief Justice – by Sidq Maqaal: The Supreme Court on Wednesday threw out the petition of Tehreek-e-Minhajul Quran chief Tahirul Qadri for the reconstitution of the Election Commission of Pakistan, saying that Qadri has failed to satisfy it on his bona fides and fundamental rights

’چھ برس میں ہزار سے زیادہ عمائدین ہلاک‘: دلاور خان وزیر بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام پشاور پاکستان کے قبائلی علاقوں میں گذشتہ چھ سالوں کے دوران کم سے کم ایک ہزار سے زیادہ قبائلی عمائدین اور قومی مشران (رہنما) ہدف بنا کرمارے گئے ہیں جب

Marvi Sirmed, a traitor to liberal causes in Pakistan – by Rusty Walker: A year ago, I read a thought provoking interview of leading Pakistani political commentator and civilian-military analyst Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa in which she explains the increasing influence of Pakistani establishment on right-wing and (fake) liberal voices in the media.

Valentines day, Mullahs and the Liberals / ویلنٹائن ڈے ، ملا، اور لبرل: بہت سارے لبرل پاکستان میں ایسے بیانات دے رہے ہیں جس کو انگریزی میں محاورہ “جھاڑی کے ارد گرد لاٹھی مارنا” ہی بیان کرسکتا ہے. جب سے مولوی حضرات نے کہا کہ ہم ویلنٹائن ڈ ے نا منائیں ،

Justice prevails at last — by Riaz Ali Toori: The response of the Swiss authorities in their refusal to open cases in their courts raises the question that if the letter was infructuous, why was an elected prime minister of Pakistan sacked? The Swiss authorities have eventually responded to

Revolution shall not be televised – by Fahad Rizwan: Last few years we have witnessed an epidemic in Pakistan , it is the epidemic of ‘long march’.usually it is middle class which is most affected , symptoms are ‘ tabdeeli ‘ , ‘inqilaab inqilaab ‘ ‘change ‘ some one chanting

پرل وائٹ اور ویلنٹائن ڈے: وہ ویلنٹائن ڈے ہی تو جب میں نے ماسکو کے ریڈ سکوائر سے اس کے لیے سرخ گلابوں کا ایک بوکے لیکر گورکی سٹریٹ کے فلیٹ نمبر 786 کی طرف روانہ ہوا تھا-اس دن میرے دل میں جذبات کا

Going to Tehran: Why the United States Must Come to Terms with the Islamic Republic of Iran: An eye-opening argument for a new approach to Iran, from two of America’s most informed and influential Middle East experts Less than a decade after Washington endorsed a fraudulent case for invading Iraq, similarly misinformed and politically motivated

Will you be my Valentine…’s Day blog reader? – by Ehtisham Rizvi: It’s that time of the year again. The feeds on my social media profiles are full of heated debates about Valentine’s Day, and the TV is full of advertisements about special Valentine’s Day transmissions. The people for it and

کیا عورتیں واقعی صاحب آواز ہوگئی ہیں؟: کیا عورتیں واقعی صاحب آواز ہو گئیں ؟ لیل و نہار/عامر حسینی فروری کے دوسرے ہفتے میں پوری دنیا میں ویمن ڈے منایا جاتا ہے-اور ہمارے ہاں بھی اب یہ بڑے تزک و احتشام سے منایا جاتا ہے-اس دن

The extreme tolerance of intolerance in Pakistan – by A Z: Pakistan is probably the only country I have seen where hate and intolerance can be and are openly professed in public. By condoning hate language in media, school texts and places of worship; we have created an environment where

Catholic world in shock after pope resigns: VATICAN CITY: The Catholic Church faced a tricky transition on Tuesday as it prepared to elect a new pope, with many faithful still reeling from the shock resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. The 85-year-old Benedict told a group of

Pak-origin man named minister in Canada: TORONTO: Yasir Naqvi became on Monday Canada’s first minister of Pakistani descent. He was sown in as minister for labour in the Ontario cabinet of Kathleen Wynne who recently succeeded veteran politician Dalton McGuinty. Mr McGuinty resigned

The fading soul of Pakistan’s diversity: Around the Lahore Central Railway Station, narrow alleys are like a maze, with hotels and restaurants for passengers coming in from across the country. The visitors from Cholistan were staying in one such building. Their common attire said

Will Marvi Sirmed act as bridge between PPP and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi? – by Shazia Najmi: Related post: Marvi Sirmed, a traitor to liberal causes in Pakistan – by Rusty Walker Marvi Sirmed and other fake liberals encourage Deobandi moderator of anti-Shia LeJ hate site Ulma-e-Deoband To call any Pakistani who is minimally human and

تیز ترک گامزن منزل مانددور نیست: جہاں آرا منظور وٹو ۔۔۔۔: بالآخر پاکستان کی سیاسی تاریخ میں پہلی مرتبہ عوام کی منتخب آئینی، جمہوری حکومت اپنی آئینی مدت پوری کرنے جا رہی ہے۔ جمہوریت جس کے چراغ آج دنیا بھر میں روشن ہو رہے ہیں، جس کو آج دنیا بھر

Death for Death: Letter to PM Manmohan Singh – by Zulfiqar Ali: Dear Dr. Singh I remember one of your interviews with Charlie Rose. To one of the questions you answered, “Nothing is stronger than an idea whose time has come”. I thought I was listening to a philosopher king. I

Sectarian violence through English language teaching: Sectarian Violence through English Language Teaching Study conducted in Sindh, Province of Pakistan Syed Waqar Ali Shah Bukhari BS Linguistics, University of Sindh Jamshoro January, 2013 Language, Ideology and Power Language is taken to be an

Lailla’s puppy and oath in Canada – by Ali Raja: Where the pale, crude and baleful desserts of Arabia have on their record life abducting tales and soul snatching allegories, they also are the home to the ambrosial folk of “Laila Majnu.” The millennium old legend of how a

A quick critique on BBC Urdu’s quality and reliability: Source: The following post offers a summary of an important conversation that took place on Twitter on the quality and reliability of news reports and analyses published on BBC Urdu (radio and web site). Key critics: Dr Ayesha

We condemn violent crackdown on young doctors by PML-N led Punjab government: Pakistan Peoples Party’s provincial leadership strongly condemns the severe crackdown on public dissent and use of excessive force by the Punjab government against peaceful young doctors gathering for pro-health reforms at the Metro Bus Service inauguration ceremony in Lahore.

Evidence of Shia genocide in Pakistan, one year before Iran’s Islamic revolution!: One of the most dishonest media tactics in Pakistan is to present the ongoing Shia Genocide as a Saudi-Iran proxy war. This serves multiple purposes, the most important of which is to deflect attention away from the State

Pakistan: the land of irony: All Pakistanis are equal, but some Pakistanis are more equal than others,especially if they’re Muslims Literary folk would have a field day explaining the stuff that a good irony is made of, if they could see the potential that