Humour & Satire Archive

I salute Good Taliban and Good Liberals on their jihad against Ashura and Milad – by Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: Maulana Ludhianvi and Pakistan’s Good Liberals (especially Haider Shah or Abdul Khaliq Hazara) don’t want Shias, Sunnis and Hindus to take out processions for Karbala Rebels and Holy Prophet. Bad Liberals: But wasn’t Nasir Abbas killed after coming out of

Taliban are being shifted from Waziristan to Hangu and Gilgit-Baltistan – by Syed Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: Taliban are being shifted from Waziristan to Hangu and Gilgit-Baltistan. This way, Pious Patriotic Puttar Fauj can literally kill two birds with one stone. These areas are launching pads for gaining strategic death, oops, depth into India and Afghanistan

سوشل میڈیا پر قادیانی اور شیعہ انتہا پسند نقلی لبرلز کے خلاف جماعت اسلامی کے اصلی لبرلز کا جہاد: محترم شمس الدین امجد جماعت اسلامی کے سوشل میڈیا اور انفارمیشن ٹیکنا لوجی ڈیپارٹمنٹ کے انچارج ہیں ان اصلی لبرل حضرت کی بنگالیوں، شیعوں اور احمدیوں کے بارے میں نفرت سے بھرپور گفتگو ملاحظہ فرمائیے – تعمیر پاکستان ویب سائٹ

Iftikhar Chaudhry and GEO Network: A Love Story – by Jahanzaib Masood: While people give examples of Romeo & Juliet, Raam Leela and Laila Majnoon as examples of selfless love, we get a mind-boggling and eye raising example of such devotion between the soon-to-be-retired Chief Justice of Pakistan Supreme Court, Justice

Hate blog LUBP rocketing up the rankings – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Lately I have been getting burned – metaphorically that is. It burns me to see that the shameless trolls lead by Pied Piper Ali Abbas Taj have become so popular. This Pro Ahmadi-Shia-Barelvi-Sufi-Christain-Women-Baloch-Hindu-Pashtun-LGBT Rights Hate Blog LUBP is rocketing up

Unabated massacre of Sunni, Shia, Christians, Ahmadis by Takfiri Deobandis – by Syed Riaz Malik Hajjaji: “#ShiaGenocide continues as usual This week in Karachi alone 2 friends Guru Mandir 2 Maskan Chowrangi 2 NED university 1 Singer Chowrangi 1 KBR Bufferzone Maulana Deedar Ali Jalbani and guard Hassan shot dead today LEAs in Pakistan are

یہ غازی، یہ تیرے پراسرار بندے – جنہیں تو نے بخشا ہے ذوق گدائی: الٹی ہوگئیں سب تدبیریں پینیاں کپیاں تے بناؤنے وڈے وڈے حرم،صدقے تھیواں تہاڈے خارمین حرمین شریفین ہونے تے،ڈب کے مرکیوں نئیوں جاندے

سربکف سربلند۔ بھلا ایسے ہوتے ہیں؟ فیصلہ آپ کے ہاتھ میں: میں اعلی حضرت فاضل بریلوی مجدد دین و ملت الشاہ احمد رضا خاں بریلوی کی کتاب الکوکبۃ الشہابیہۃ علی ابی الوہابیہ کا مطالعہ کررہا تھا تو مجھے یقین نہیں آتا تھا کہ کوئی عقل مند با شعور مسلمان آقائے

قاتلوں کا احتجاج، شاعر: سید احسن عباس رضوی، کافرکافر، شاعر: سلمان حیدر: احسن عباس رضوی نوجوان شاعر ہیں وہ قاتلوں کے احتجاج کرنے پر اپنے تعجب کا اظہار منظوم شکل میں کررہے ہیں انوکھا اِک رواج ہونے جا رہا ہے کہ حّق کا خراج ہونے جا رہا ہے مقتول آج منائیں

Characteristics of a Patriotic Pakistani Mard-i-Momin – by Akif Khan: Why is it that I found most of the people in Pakistan with this same profile. They believe in following things unanimously.1. Imran Khan is the hope and he will bring the change.2. There are Good Taliban and

عمران خان کا دھرنا ۔ نوسو چوہے کھا کر انار کلی ڈسکو چلی: عمران خان نواز شریف کو امداد اور قرضوں کا طعنہ دیتے ہیں اور یہی اعتراض وا سابق جمہوری حکومت کو بھی دیتے رہے لیکن ان کی اپنی جماعت کی کے پی کے میں جو حکومت میں ہے جو

Goodbye, Chief Justice Abu Arsalan – by Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: Editors note: Chief Justice will sorely be missed. Syed Hajjaji is unnecessarily worried about Abual Arsalan, both father and son will be accomodated in the Islamic Emirate of Waziristan. Farwell chant for the chief: Chief teray jaan-nisar, Khudkush bambaar

Religious Processions and Honda Civic Society – by Syed Riaz Al Malik Hajjaji: Ali Taj : Once a wolf entered a village an created havoc. The village elders ordered preparation of a very, very large cage. When the cage was ready, all the villagers were invited to attend its inauguration. Expecting that now

Imran Khan’s statement on martyrdom of Brother Hakimullah by the arrogant imperialist Americans – by Hakim Hazik: I condemn the reckless killing of Brother Hakimullah by the arrogant imperialist Americans. They have droned the peace process. I cannot begin to describe the contributions of the late Brother to the world peace. He shot Brother Imam in

While you fools are remembering rebellion at Karbala! – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: While you fools are remembering the rebellion at Karbala which was sucessfully put down by Caliph Yazeed ibn Muawiya, why are you ignoring the other martyrdom. I am ofcourse referring to Comrade Hakeemullah who was roughing it

One kilometer too far for us, not for U.S. – by Shoaib Mir: ONE KILOMETER is the distance between the Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud’s hideout in Miramshah, North Waziristan and the military headquarters there. It’s the same distance, ONE KILOMETER, that separated Al-Qaeda leader OBL’s 3-storey house and Pakistan Military Academy in

Pakistan’s Good Liberals and Good Media Love Good Taliban – by Syed Riaz Al Malik Hajjaji: “The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was shocked at the news that Hakimullah Mehsud was martyred in a cowardly US drone attack,” the Afghan Taliban said in a formal reaction to the incident. “The Emirate strongly condemns the American terrorist attack

حکیم اللہ محسود کی سوانح عمری – از فراز قریشی: حکیم اللہ محسود انیس سو انہتر کو ویزرستان میں پیدا ہوئے۔ بچپن ہی سے آپ کو اقبال کے شاہین سے عقیدت تھی اور لہو گرم کرنے کے بہانے ڈھوھتے رہتے تھے۔ آپ کا تعلق پاکستان کی جمہوری اور عوامی

Only registered Majalis and Muharram processions will be allowed: A Facebook discussion: C1 : Only Registered Majalis And Muharram Processions Will Be Allowed Govt. Just Like the Registered Terrorists Are Allowed to Massacre Shias. C2 : Get registered so that Rana Sanaullah can forward the list to his friends so that security arrangement can

Pyaar for Waar: An ISPR production – by Syed Riaz Malik Hajjaji: After producing such monumental hits like “International Gorillay” our cinema certainly deserves all the funds that ISPR can spare. I was at a séance the other day and Marlon Brando said that he thinks Shaan Shahid is a way

20 legtimate reasons to kill the Shia.: There are 2 types of people in the world, brother. Those who are rightly guided. Those who are astray. The First kind of people are few in the world.But they can be found in droves in Pakistan.How you ask?

ایک نیا آئین بنائیں – از حسن رضا چنگیزی: میرا خیال ہے کہ اب وہ وقت آگیا ہے کہ ملک کو ایک نیا آئین دیا جائے۔ اس لئے نہیں کہ پاکستان کے “لے پالک بچّے” یعنی بلوچ موجودہ ملکی آئین سے مطمئن نہیں بلکہ نیا آئین بنانا اس

پی سی او جج کا بیٹا: پی سی او جج کا بیٹا میں ہوں پی سی او جج کا بیٹا دہشت گردوں کا یار ہوں شریفوں کا تنخواہ دار ہوں اوپر سے تو معصوم ہوں اندر سے بڑا عیار ہوں کیوں کہ میں ہوں پی

Comrade Shareefa Al Jalib Wal Faiz – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Look at the Defiant, athletic proud pose of Comrade Shareefa Al Jalib Wal Faiz, the “Anti-Establishment” “Mature Statesmen” who is supported by both Good Liberals and Sipah Sahaba Taliban. See how he has forced Sadr-e-Amerika into a servile pose.

CIA agent Mandy Patinkin aka Malala Yousafzai – by Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: LUBP continues its campaign against Ghairat. LUBP liberal fascists led by Pied Piper Ali Abbas Taj continue to back Polish CIA agent Mandy Patinkin aka Malala Yousafzai. This Malala has disgraced the honor of our Chechan, Uzbek and Arab

امیر المنافقین منورحسن دیوبندی اور دہشت گردی کی مذ مت – از حق گو: جماعت اسلامی کے امیر یا بہتر ہوگا میں انھیں امیر المنافقین کے لقب سے یاد کروں – تو قصہ کچھ یوں ہے کہ جناب امیر المنافقین منور حسن صاحب وسیم بادامی صاحب کے ٹاک شو میں دہشت گردی کے

TTP Office: Vacancies open (apply urgently) – by Ahsan Shah: As per the announcement of our political head Sir Imran Khan Niazi, TTP is pleased to open it’s first office in KP, Pakistan. Although the CM House is already taking care of our interests as per their pre election

Riaz al-Malik Hajjaji’s views about the Saudi Salafi fatwa on destruction of all churches: Hujjaji worried at the Growing alliance between Mushriks (Barelvi/Sufi Sunnis), Rafzis (Shias), Nasara (Christain) and Qadian (Ahmadi). O Hear Ye you ghairatmands, yesterday Pakistan’s most popular Shia portal, Shia Killing Media published several posts in solidarity the the Church

Naik Parveen Syndrome – by Mariam Shafqat Goraya: Heard it a lot and often that Pakistani society is full off male chauvinists and it’s the women who usually quietly and unhappily bear the brunt of making daal chawal for the rest of their lives. But that’s a

Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji confused: “shia sunni conflict or sectarian war” used to obfuscate the Salafi identity of Al Qaeda: Hajjaji is getting more and more confused. I was so grateful to intellectual uncles and Aunty who post on Facebook and who were taking a stand against Assad regime while mantaining that they were neutral and while keeping the

Mr. Kleen Klasra! Here you go again: Few days ago, Klasra SiaN wrote how Prez is taking away the gifts. Then there was something about Kleen Klasra I wrote and tagged him (please see the note). In his latest column (Sept 5) Klasra SiaN laments that

Shame on PPP for selecting two women candidates – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Shame on PPP for selecting two women candidates in these elections when Taliban Protectors PTI and PML N did not give any tickets to women. Shows that basically PPP is a part that favours women and minorities and what

Letter to Uncle Sam: Hajjaji Congrats on your Union with ISI and Al Qaeda – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Hear Ye Hear Ye The Ghairatmand Taliban Supportors are on the rise! Until last year, whenever we -PML N, PTI, JI, ASWJ, ISI/Pakistan Army, Media, Shia Mullahs- used to say that America is supporting the Taliban and Al Qaeda,