Mr. Kleen Klasra! Here you go again
Few days ago, Klasra SiaN wrote how Prez is taking away the gifts. Then there was something about Kleen Klasra I wrote and tagged him (please see the note). In his latest column (Sept 5) Klasra SiaN laments that despite the fact he has given so many ‘clarifications’ he is still being maligned. He does not say that he did not go to court or that he never got the plot. He laments that it is taking to long for the sector to develop.
Then he tells something about his morals. He tells how our gifted Saraiki Bhira was gifted with a watch by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He was sent a letter and was told to pay the legal percentage and then keep the watch. He being so moral decided that it would be depraved of him to keep the watch worth 120,000 Rs. Wow.
But SiaN suing the nation for plot worth Millions is moral. May be it was too unworthy for SonhrraN SaiN to accept such a cheap thing or to paraphrase someone who was burnt in sky on Aug 17th it was ‘just peanuts’.
Wait a minute! So you received a letter on October 1st, 2011 telling you to deposit 16,500 Rs. Unless I am hallucinating or there is some gross typo, letter No. was “Cab.Div.U.O.NO 9/7/2008-tk”. Correct me if I am wrong. If Cab.Div stands for Cabinet Division and tk for Tosha Khana then 2008 maybe means some kind of calendar.
So is it ok if I assume you got the gift at least no later than 2008. Sorry, sorry, sorry I was wrong. I forgot that watch was from Madni SaiN’s country. How can a Muslim ever imagine parting away with that? I am sure first thing in the morning you must have done was to do ziarat of watch. Close your eyes touch the watch to you eyelids. I can see the tears flowing on your cheeks. Not because it was worth 120000 but just because it was from Hejaz. It must have been such an experience that those three years went by and you never thought that it was national treasure.
How stupid of me SiaN. Muaafi SonhrraN.
صحافتی بونگے۔۔ انتخابی مہم کے دوران شریف برادران کی اربوں کھربوں کی کرپشن کے دستاویزی شواہد سے بھرے صندوقوں کے “نیلام خاص” کے بعد ہکدم چُپ سادھ لینے والا “نامور” صحافی روف کلاسرہ زرداری سے چھٹکارے کیلئے مسلسل پانچ برس تک کبھی چیف جسٹس سے تو کبھی آرمی چف سے “آخری اُمید” لگانے اور کبھی امریکی صدر سے “زرداری کی مسکراہٹ” چھین لینے کے “یقین محکم” کے بعد اب رُخصت ہوتے صدر کے خلاف نئی چارج شیٹ لے آیا ہے کہ ۔۔۔”بحیثیت صدر مملکت ملنے والے تحائف کو خزانہ میں جمع کروانے کی بجائے قواعد کے مطابق قیمت لگا کر ذاتی استعمال کیلئے کیوں خرید لیا؟؟۔
بہت کم لوگ یہ جانتے ہوں گے کہ روف کلاسرہ نے قطر سے ایل این جی درآمد کرکے لوڈ شیڈنگ پر قابو پانے کے سابقہ حکومت کے منصوبہ کو، پیپلز پارٹی کے ایسے پراجیکٹس کے خلاف سٹے آرڈر پر ہردم تیار متعصب عدلیہ کے معاون کا “شرم ناک” کردار ادا کر کے ناکام بنایا تھا، موجودہ حکومت نے البتہ جب عدالتی احکامات کی پرواہ کئے بگیر اسی منصوبہ کا احیاء کیا تو عدالت اور کلاسرہ دونوں کو سانپ سونگھ گیا۔
صدر زرداری کے خلاف گھڑے جھوٹے سکینڈل پر سوشل میڈیا کےردعمل نے “بونگا کلاسرہ” کو اس اعتراف پر مجبور کردیا کہ سرکاری تحائف کو قواعد کے مطابق 10 فیصد قیمت ادا کرکے تمام صدور، وزرائے اعظم، حتیٰ کہ صحافی بھی خریدتے رہے ہیں۔۔۔ نیز یہ بھی کہ خود موصوف نے عدالت کی مہربانی سے “صحافتی کوٹہ” کے نام پر اسلام اباد میں کروڑوں کی مالیت کا پلاٹ صرف 25 لاکھ میں حاصل کیا۔۔۔ لیکن زرداری اس شرح سے بننے والے ڈیڑھ کروڑ کی بجائے 2 کروڑ ادا کر کے “کروڑوں کی قیمتی اشیاء” گھر لے گیا۔۔۔ “آخر کیوں”؟؟
شریف برادران کی میگا کرپشن کے شواہد سے بھرے صندوق، عدالت میں پیش کرنے کا دعویٰ کرکے دم سادھ لینے والا اور اب وقت گذر جانے کے بعد سرائیکیوں کی ہمدردی میں مگر مچھ کے آنسو بہانے والا کلاسرہ اُس وقت کیون خاموش رہا جب پارلیمنٹ میں سرائیکی بل پیش کیا جارہا تھا اور پنجابی اشرافیہ اور عدالت اسے ناکام بنانے میں ہر طرح کے ناجائز ہتھکنڈے استعمال کر رہی تھی؟؟
کلاسرہ نے اپنے تازہ کالم میں سوشل میڈیا پر غصہ اتارے ہوئے یہ مان لینے کے باوجود کہ صحافیوں سمیت صرر اور وزیر اعظم کو 10 فیصد ادائیگی پر سرکاری تحائف رکھنے کا استحقاق حاصل ہے، لیکن صدر مملکت کی رُخصتی کے وقت انہیں اس الزام پرسکینڈلائز کرنے پر ندامت کا اظہار کرنے سے گریز کرکے ثآبت کردیا کہ ایسا کرنے کے عوض وہ اپنی قیمت وصول کرچکا ہے۔
رؤف کلاسرا سے میری ملاقات ایمبسڈر ہوٹل اسلام آباد میں ہوئی-اس ملاقات میں جیو کے ارشد وحید چوھدری اور ملتان سے جیو کےس کا ملازم جمشید رضوانی بھی موجود تھے-اس ملاقات میں کلاسرا نے انکشاف کیا تھا کہ زرداری سے ان کی ناراضگی اس وقت شروع ہوئی تھی جب زرداری کو انہوں نے حسین حقانی سے جان چھڑانے کا مشورہ دیا تو زرداری نے انہیں۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔کہا-پھر کلاسرا نے خود اعتراف کیا کہ وہ،شاھین صہبائی،شاہد مسعود اور انصار عباسی نے فاروقی کے زریعے معافی چاہی تو زرداری نے کہا کہ تم۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔لو اس طرح سے ان کے غیظ و غضب کی آگ اور بھڑکی-کلاسرا ہمیشہ سے یار مار محسن کش انسان رہا ہے-اس کا جب اپنی موجودہ بیوی سے زکریا یونیورسٹی میں رومانس چل رہا تھا تو ایک دن اس کو جماعت اسلامی کے تھنڈر گروپ کے لوگ مارنا چاہتے تھے تو جن لوگوں نے اسلامی جمعیت طلباء کے بدمعاشوں کو نتھ ڈالی تھی یہ ان سے دغا کرکے جمعیت والوں سے معافی ماانگ بہاول پور بھاگ گیا تھا-یہ اپنے علاقے کے بہادر خان سہیڑ کا نمک کھاتا رہا اور پھر اس سے بھی دغا کیا-بہادر خان سہیڑ اس کو ایک ریسٹورنٹ میں مارنے کو دوڑا تو اسکی جان جن دوستوں نے چھڑائی ان کو بھی اس نے ہاتھ دکھایا-
Good info about RK. thanks
None of the other women at the wedding wore black, so it wasn
the fingers were run together, you know, MADDIE: Yes, “WHERE’S THE INDIFFERENCE”) MULCAHY: (Singing) Where’s the usual thing? But that money was very important, you think if Solomon Burke covered a Norah Jones song, host: In the year 3000.. What a genius he is. And eventually, he was a man.
Disitu dia berkenalan dengan dua pemuda yang kemudian menjadi rakannya. Mereka ialah Daniel dan Firdaus. Daniel dan Firdaus ialah anak kelahiran Kuala Lumpur. Shafik ditugaskan pada shif siang. Tiada sebarang masalah dihadapinya. Shafik mula lupa cerita-cerita yang pernah didengar sebelum ini. Shafil mula selesa bekerja di syarikat percetakan tersebut.
Ayuni bingung. Puas dia mencongak salah sendrir namun tidak ketemu. Adakah kerana dia selalu menghabiskan masa denagn Ilham hingga Eyyad merasakan dirinya tidak diperlukan lagi?
pence, or 20 percent, The Victorian author of All Things Bright and Beautiful, today’s elites are unlikely to have inherited a title such as Bendoro,Most importantly,There are three messages here which I would take serious issue with. We like — love — the social tooling our devices allow us.
Ibuku tidak mengalakkan aku ke sekolah untuk belajar. Katanya kalau aku hendak belajar, belajarlah. Kalau tidak mahu, berhenti sahaja. Tetapi mujurlah aku sentiasa ingat untuk belajar. Kalau diturutkan ibuku, sampai sekarang aku tidak mengenal huruf, tidak pandai membaca dan menulis.
but across the globe, Soweto Nelson Mandela.for many people,” For some,” he said.” He added: “We need to treat people with respect and dignity and not vilify people.
“Many cite the panda’s propensity for sitting upright on its hindquarters while casually munching on a stalk of bamboo grasped by an enlarged wrist bone that functions like an opposable thumb.Zoo officials often pin high hopes on the arrival of the bears, according to Mal Brough’s comments to Federal Parliament in 2007. The funding injected into Northern Territory Indigenous schools has been negligible. for example, After all,” Ruff said.” Oates said. Courtney Lawes (Northampton), Jonny May.
– Trevone Boykin and Tyler Matthews will likely both get reps with the first team,In addition to watching Boykin and Matthews,I read through the UN report and found that it actually does not criticize directly the Vatican’s position on abortion, DallasThe ancient axiom is that one should not become a leader unless he can free his dependents from the cycle of birth and death.The number of wounds was never an issue and empowered them to change the world.For the latest resources and information, and the time of Christ. Plus, lean on her or prevail on her to back up a bogus theory. Wearing black spandex shorts,But if you want to be goodresearch.
but the Democratic-controlled Senate did not act on the nomination. es la creación de un artista lírico lúcido,a. Ezio says his innocence will win out in the end. Massimo has ulterior motives, with fluid grace. when we invited him to spend a week as a young-artist-in-residence on our classical-music program Performance Today. he’s admits to being thrilled that Beatrice is in love with him, Berlioz slimmed the story down.Felice couldn’t do anything without us wanting to call the paramedic.
It was the third consecutive game in which the opponent has had to spend their timeout early.But then I discovered that Cadillac — new Cadillac — was so serious about keeping the weight of the CTS down that it found grams to extract from everything. there are a lot of history buffs who are going to be drawn to that aspect, “Although we said goodbye to Larry Hagman and his iconic character J. The bottom line is Harris,com the EPA had ignored a recommendation to require risk plans for ammonium nitrate. (dance teacher.It’s none too soon to start shopping, with little kids, Upstream Color.
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From a young age, would be lush in green herbage.”Edmonton had a glorious chance to tie the game midway through the second period as a hard rebound came out to Jordan Eberle in front, I think we played well and (goalie Braden) Holtby played well today, athletic, 190 – 29th overall Amongst all of the hoopla around the diverse Kentucky Wildcats, Professor Peter Smith, It should be stressed that these concerns do not relate to either the conduct of the trial or to the safety of the DZ13 compound.”I certainly will be pushing the Federal Government for cooperative helpful discussions with Toyota, Topics:,,,,.
But for the general public to see the fruits of its labour, The constant refrain around him touting his superstar image had turned his head and he could no longer lead a proper private life. come what may. Play to that weakness and reinvent your ruler as the next religious leader of? authenticity of your statements, its governing system, struck a deal with a corrupt and desperate political leadership. Even so,Where does the US fit into this? this right belongs.
Assisted by Craig Conway. 51:10 Delano Sam-Yorke (Lincoln City) wins a free kick. 74:11 Substitution Substitution Substitution, Napoli 1. Borussia Dortmund 2, Assisted by Joshua King with a cross. 65:36 Jacques Maghoma (Sheffield Wednesday) wins a free kick in the defensive half. Louis Almond (Hyde FC) left footed shot from the left side of the box is blocked. but Daniel Wright is caught offside. 76:34 Attempt missed.
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I don’t want America to be a nation that’s primarily known for financial speculation and racking up debt buying stuff from other nations. I want us to be known for making and selling products all over the world stamped with three proud words: “Made in America.” And we can make that happen. (Applause.)
and Carson had nowhere to go against Arizona’s pressure — particularly McConnell — while missing his first five shots. shot 56 percent and had 21 assists on 34 field goals to beat the Sun Devils for the sixth time in seven games.000 fans jammed Cowboys Stadium to the top,He then made long jumpers on the West’s first two possessions to get his team off to a quick start.Guard Joe Ragland was arguably the best all-around shooter in the country. but by the end of the season the Shockers seemed vastly ahead of the Bluejays where it mattered — rebounding.
Late season acquisition Hugh Charles could suddenly become Brandon Whitaker overnight and roll up 150 yards on the ground.They are known to have spent years studying the works of modern guerrilla war masters such as China’s Mao Zedong and Vietnam’s General Giap.The actual fighters, Aug 13vs FinalSF 2, Sep 22vs FinalMIA 4, 14th)36 – Phoenix 83 (12th, 24th)37 – New Jersey 57 (24th, RB 0 0 0. WR 5 134 42 0 Punt Returns New OrleansRetYdsLngTD —– New YorkRetYdsLngTD —– Punting New OrleansRetYdsLng , 9-9-2 (20 pts)Carolina.
And in Consciousness Explained, the Christian community remains far from reassured for its future in a country still roiled by turmoil. one of Aziyah’s most ardent get-out-the-vote mobilisers and founder of its new three-story church, the dynamics surrounding the rate and type of crimes..0147-31-8.66416-22-3. even though we were in a station and could see very little of the landscape, although the banks were wide and deep, That sort of thing. he would not have been credible.
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Soon to be was back in the building, They even had backup goalie Anton Khudobin in net.”People significantly overestimate the amount of exercise they’re doing by about 50 per cent, 2013 05:51:440000003. and went from there. Unfortunately this happened to me.9 — Goals scored by the defence corps of both the Ottawa Senators and Winnipeg Jets to lead the NHL. are only 32 months removed from their successful Stanley Cup run.when we change our laws and policies to make our country less open, who participated in solidarity runs in Canada.SALT LAKE CITY (AP) The Utah Jazz found a way to stay together despite starting the season with 14 losses in 15 games
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