Humour & Satire Archive

Message to Dear Ibne Zia ul Haq aka “anti-establishment” PM Nawaz Sharif Bin Saudi Al Stooge – Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Please clarify what you mean by the people of Kashmir? The majority of the population of Kashmiri is Sunni Barelvi and Shia Muslim. This will not be liked by your Coalition partners and militant wing, the ASWJ-LeJ formerly

The great Liars movement and Iftikhar Chaudhary – Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: In 2007, great Liars Movement, ooops Lawyers Movement took place which restored the finest crooked, corrupt Jamaati Talibani Qazis to Supreme Court. But we forget Liars Movement Part 1 aka PNA Movement which facilitated the Coronation of “anti-establishment”

Pakistan’s “Independent Judiciary” – Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Pakistan’s “Independent Judiciary” – where the murderer Mumtaz Qadri has 90 lawyers to defend him including the former Chief Justice LHC and PML N stalwart, Khawaja Sharif. Meanwhile the PML N government Federal government cannot even provide a

Charter of Demands – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: No, no. CM Sindh Qaim Ali Shah – whose district Khairpur is adjoining Shikarpur where 200 Shias were killed and maimed last week #ShiaGenocide – should not face any consequences! Because as per the logic of Pakistan’s Ahle

Happy birthday Dr Salam – Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Did you know that in 1940, when the 14 year old Abdus Salam cycled back to his home from Lahore, after receiving the highest marks ever recorded in the matriculation examination, his entire hometown of Dawood Nagar, Jhang tehsil,

King Abdullah – a discreet but strong advocate of women – Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: “What do you call the unelected leader of a state that beheads people in public, permits only one faith and exports an extreme form of Islam to other countries? If he happens to be Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, self-appointed

ژے سوئی عبداللہ – وسعت اللہ خان: چھٹے خادمِ حرمین شریفین عبداللہ بھی واصلِ جنت ہوگئے لیکن اس فراق میں اطمینان کا پہلو یہ ہے کہ ساتویں بادشاہ سلیمان نے بھی جنت مکانی عبداللہ کی پالیسیاں جاری رکھنے کا اعلان کیا ہے۔ جنت مکانی کا وجود

Asma Jahangir in defence of convicted Deobandi takfiri terrorists – by Syed Raiz Malik Hajjaji: I agree. Those mass murderers from Deobandi groups like ASWJ-LeJ and the Taliban who kill Sunni Barelvis, Shias, Sufis, Ahmadis and Christians and then boast about it in the “independent judiciary” of Asma Jehangir should be showered with rose

تبلیغی موسیقارجنید جمشید دیوبندی نے کافر ملک برطانیه میں سیاسی پناہ کے لیے درخوست دے دی: Dr Ayesha Siddiqa said: Breaking News: Junaid Jamshed has applied for political asylum in the non-Muslim country, the UK. How could he insult Islam, Tableeghi Jamaat & Maulana Tariq Jameel in this way by seeking refuge in a country

Wahhabis/Deobandis kill for insulting in France and praising in Pakistan: A facebook exchange on: In France, Wahhabis/Deobandis kill & say our Prophet was insulted. In Pakistan they kill because Prophet was praised Syed Raiz Malik Al Hajjaji: Deobandi-Wahabi tactics: Kill cartoonists in Europe for drawing cartoons that could be considered offensive to the Holy

The Re-invention of Comrade Hamid Mir – by Syed Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: The Re-invention of Comrade Hamid Mir. I am loving how Hamid Mir is equating Taliban with Bangladesh in 1971. Just like he equated Osama bin Laden with Baloch Nationalists in that famous clip of his interview with Shehzad Roy.

General Zia-ul-Haq’s historical address to Deobandi Republic of Pakistan – by Syed Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: You are Trapped! You will be attacked in your temples, you will be attacked in your Churches or any other Shia/Ahmadi/Sunni Barelvi “place of worship” in the State of Al-Bakistan. If you belong to any religion or caste or

Letter to Pakistan – by Arshad Kazmi: Dear Pakistan, Late last year when I was told that I would have to leave you, I was heartbroken. I had tried hard and wished with all my heart that I could have a few more years with

Muawiya Marxists and blaspehmous Shias – by Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: The murder of a Shia blasphemer of Sahaba in Gujrat by a Deobandi infiltrator in police is no big deal because Commercial Liberals and Muawiah Marxists are not on this bandwagon. NGOs do not receive funding for highlighting the

Baby Batool, the terrorist – by Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: “Let me introduce this baby girl. These are the pictures of Batool. A girl, who was a terrorist i think. She belongs from a Kaafir (Shia) family. Last night, she travelled last from Federal B Area blk-5 to Aisha

Darul Uloom Deoband is like Oxford or Harvard – Hamid Mir: Deoband for peace, the Hamid Mir Model: Hamid Mir, an icon of SAFMA and Aman ki Asha, wants the people of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan to study at the Darul Uloom Deoband for the Harvard-Oxford level of education and

LUBP, Rafizis, Qadianis are running a “hate campaign” against the “progressive” Tahir Ashrafi – by Syed Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: LUBP, Rafizis, Qadianis are running a “hate campaign” against the “progressive” Tahir Ashrafi. You made me tear up in my Rooh Afza. hick. hick. I kept downing this brown Halal Rooh Afza from Scotland along with my daily intake

مولوی طاہر اشرفی اور قصّہ مے خواری کا: مولوی طاہر اشرفی اور قصّہ مئے ناب عامر حسینی مولوی طاہر اشرفی کی جیو ٹی وی پر ایک پروگرام میں مخمور و مدہوش ہوکر آنے ،لڑکھڑاتی زبان کے ساتھ، شرابی آنکھوں کے ساتھ عمران خان کے مبینہ مشکوک

صدر جنرل پرویز مشرف کے جرائم کی طویل فہرست – از بلند آہنگ باغی: u بارہ اکتوبر کا سیاہ دن پاکستان کی تاریخ کبھی نہیں بھولے گی، 15 سال پہلے سنہ ننانوے میں ایک فوجی نے اقتدار پر قبضہ کیا اور ملک کو ترقی کی نئی منزلوں سے ہمکنار کر دیا. یہ فوجی

In her own country, Deobandi extremists mourn the Nobel Prize to Malala Yousafzai: “Today, Ludhyanvi, Ashrafi, Mufti Naeem, Taqi Usmani, Fazloo Deobandi and Fazlullah are mourning while Pakistan celebrates. Malala Yousafzai” Where are the Conspiracy Theorists? Is Malala winning the Nobel Prize also part of ”The Script”? (Read London Plan Conspiracy

گو نواز گو، ایک نظم – آصف زیدی: ہر سو صداےُ الحذر ، گو نواز گو گونجتے ہیں بام و در ، گو نواز گو تو نے لوٹا ہے ہمیں، اے رہزن کبیر اب ختم ہوگا یہ سفر ، گو نواز گو کھیت جو تو نےاجاڑا ہے،

I just found out what the London Plan is all About – Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: I just found out what the London Plan is all About and why Pakistan’s #CommercialLiberals and “Pro Democracy” Deobandi-Salafi Jihadists are opposed to this London Plan. Apparently, the London Plan is hatched by America, its Chottu cousin, the

In the name of the people: Rehman Malik has been off loaded – by A Z: There was minor incident today (15th September, 2014) that warmed the cockles of my heart. It was encouraging to see common man rising spontaneously against his/her own exploitation. Today (15-9-2014), Mr Rehman Malik kept PK-370 delayed for 2 hours

عمران خان – اقبال کا بندہُ مومن – از طالب حق: اقبال کے افکار میں ”مرد مومن“ یا ”انسان کامل“کا ذکر جا بجا ملتا ہے۔ اس کے لئے وہ ” مرد حق“ ”بندہ آفاقی“ ”بندہ مومن“ ”مرد خدا“ اور اس قسم کی بہت سی اصطلاحات استعمال کرتے ہیں حقیقتاً یہ

Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji is really working hard to save Democracy and the Constitution in Pakistan: He is going against the establishment. He is even a supportor of cat fights in Parliament Since the last month, I have been saying that there is a Grand Script to derail the Government of Nawaz Sharif. I

Sex workers or political activists? Pro-Nawaz Sharif media shamefully denigrates PTI-PAT sit-ins in Islamabad: This is how Pakistan’s English press, in tune with secular Deobandis of ANP-PKMAP and fascist Deobandis of JUI-ASWJ, is insulting female political activists in PTI and PAT’s sit-ins in Islamabad. “Irsha 38, a sex worker in Rawalpindi, the gathering

جیو کو کنکریاں مارنے کا سلسلہ بند ہونا چاہیے – عمار کاظمی: کل ایک عرصہ بعد چینل تبدیل کرتے ہوئے جیو نیوز نظر آ گیا۔ ایک نیوز اینکر عمران خان کے بلوچستان میں انتخابی دھاندلی کے بارے حالیہ بیان پر بلوچ رہنما سے اس کے تاثرات پوچھ رہا تھا۔ جواب میں وہ

Time machine enabled “statistical” study: How Imran Khan and Dr Qadri’s protests failed in April before they actually took place in August – by Riaz Al Malik Hajjaji: I just love how an end April-beginning May PEW survey is used to explain events 4 months later in end August. Good thing that this survey was conducted in April and May before the Model Town Massacre and before

Inqilab March: Ayaz Amir appreciates Sunni Sufi, Barelvi and Shia alliance against Takfiri Deobandis – by Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Ayaz Amir has deserted the Good Liberal Club of Pakistan. In this club, membership privileges are based on one’s ability to suck up to other liberals. Being a Good Liberal means never having to develop your own thinking but

Hajjaji Pontificates on the Political Situation in Al-Bunjab – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Imran Khan is aligned with anti-Taliban Sunni Barelvi Tahir ul Qadri while Mian Nawaz Sharif is aligned with Pro Taliban Deobandis Ludhianvi, Malik Ishaq and Tahir Ashrafi. Imran Khan listens to General Raheel while Mian Nawaz Sharif thinks

How does the “Sunni vs Shia” prism explain the Genocide of Christians and Yazdis by Wahabi/Deobandi ISIS – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Those were the days when ISIS was known by a different set of vowels and consonants like FSA. Back then they were just chewing on Shia livers, massacring Christians and attacking Sunni Kurds. Who would have thought

جن پہ تکیہ تھا وہی پتے ہوا دینے لگے: طاہر اشرفی بنام یاسر لطیف ہمدانی اورمحمل سرفراز – از عامر حسینی: مجهے بڑی حیرانی ہوئی پچهلے دنوں ٹویٹر پر اچانک ایک ایسے آدمی کی مولوی طاہر اشرفی کے خلاف ٹویٹس پڑھکر جو ابهی کچه عرصہ پہلے خود اپنے مرشد خاص نجم سیٹهی اور لبرلز میں اینٹی شیعہ، اینٹی سنی بریلوی

Yasser Latif Hamdani should ask comrade Raza Rumi to grant him an NRO –: Yasser Latif Hamdani should ask comrade RR to grant him an NRO. YLH also claims that he is from a Ahmadi and Shia background. I thought that YLH hatred against LUBP and Shias had made him subservient to

شان علی (ع ) بزبان علامہ کوکب نورانی اوکاڑوی: عالم اہلسنت کوکب نورانی صاحب آدھی حدیث بیان کرنے والے بغضی مولوی کو آن ایئر کیا شرمندہ کیا، اوپر سے عامر لیاقت کےسوال نے اور ماحول گرما دیا کہ کیا یہ سچ ہے کہ منافقین کو پہچاننے کے لیے

Israel supporters really can’t afford to lose Jon Stewart: Comedy CentralJon Stewart appearing on the July 22 episode of The Daily Show. While covering the Christians United for Israel conference this week, I heard a couple of gripes about Jon Stewart’s reports on Israel’s operation in

Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji burning and upset on all this Ali Ali: I am burning up with jealousy becos of all this praise for Ali Ibne Abi Talib by not only Rafidi (Shia) but by other Religious groups as well as Athiests. Jidhar Dekho, Ali Ali. Even Sikh Guru

Fleeing Iraqis relieved that Cheney has no regrets about war – by Andy Borowitz: BAGHDAD (The Borowitz Report)—Just days after former Vice-President Dick Cheney said that he had no regrets about the invasion of Iraq, people fleeing their homes across that war-torn nation expressed tremendous relief that he was at

اگر اس ملک میں کسی کو سستا اور فوری انصاف ملا ہے تو وہ نجم سیٹھی ہے: Thus spoke Najam Sethi, the Quaid-e-Azam of Pakistan’s fake liberals: نجم سیٹھی کا کہنا تھا کہ اگر وزیر اعظم کہیں گے تو وہ کرکٹ بورڈ کے سربراہ کے انتخابات میں حصہ لیں گے۔ اُنھوں نے کہا کہ بورڈ نے

Najam Sethi, a champion of democracy – Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: Is it not conflict of interest? A TV anchor, alleged of rigging in 2013 elections as caretaker CM of the Punjab province, is using his talkshow to attack his political critic, Imran Khan! Najam Sethi Blasts on PTI

Deobandi Salafi terrorists do the Khawarij drag – by Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: Welcome to the Deobandi Cross Dresser Awards. From Mullah Aziz of Lal Masjid to the increasing number of his Taliban comrades, the Niqab/Burqa is a favourite garment to escape the field of battle. In Keeping with a tradition of