Humour & Satire Archive

Islami media committee – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: In light of the recent attitude of the media which has been trying to play the role of wakeel-e-shaitaan by bringing the momineen and various other ahl-e-kitab into direct confrontation over various deeni and muashrati masail, there is need

Let’s agitate for regime change in Pakistan: Tunisia and Egypt style – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: Related article: Lets have a revolution: Yeh, Yeh, Yeh! – by Razzak Memon Context: An FCS Meeting In a recent kitty party lunch held at Karachi’s famous Korean Restaurant near the KPT Underpass in Clifton, it was resolved by

Altaf Bhai’s Martial Law Call For Punjab – By D. Asghar: As entertaining as Altaf Bhai’s speeches are most of the time, the latest one for call for Martial Law in Punjab should be taken as is, for its entertainment value. A couple of days back, another entertainer-cum-astrologer-cum-politician, the honorable

Veena Malik and a cleric – by Sangeen Khan: Indian conspiracy my dear; its all Indian conspiracy! RAW has just turned the tables on Zaid Hamids. This is beginning of the end of the ISI’s project of inculcating pakistani nationalism, which was, given its inherent faulty composition, doomed

In the Army – by Haseeb Asif: I had always been interested in politics so it came as no surprise to my family when, at the age of 18, I announced my decision to join the armed forces. After some basic medical checkups I was an

Khadim-e-Aala’s Punjab Police – by Ali Raja: On 13th January, 2011, Chief Minister of Punjab tagged Khadim e Alla Mian Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif very innocently complained that the increased budget of Punjab Police did not work and that the law and order situation of the province

Promoting “Spell Check” to gain worldwide acceptance: After our inability to promote moderation and liberal thinking in our country, we are forced to deviate from the topic and offer our sincere apologies to people who have been bugged by us for the last few years. Instead,

“God instructed me to kill” – by Junaid Noor: The chief justice of Pakistan, Justice Iftikhar Hussain Chaudhry, has taken suo motu notice against the murder of governor Punjab, the late Salman Taseer. The suo motu notice has been taken because the police does not want to take

MQM and PML-N introduce each other: غیر اخلاقی بیان بازی کے بعد فائر بندی فریقین میں تلخی اور توہین آمیز بیان بازی کا سلسلہ اس وقت شروع ہوا جب مسلم لیگ (ن) کے سربراہ نواز شریف نے مظفرآباد میں ایک خطاب میں ایم کیو ایم

Pakistan’s most lucrative product – by Zalaan: پاکستان کی سب سے نفع بخش ایجاد دنیا کے سارے ممالک ایک بڑی تجارتی نمائش میں شریک ہوئے جہاں وہ اپنے ملک کی بنی ہوئے اشیا بیچ رہے تھے بنگلادیش نے کہا ہمارے پاس چاول ہیں ،گارمنٹس ہیں

Who’s Most Interested In WikiLeaks? Pakistan, Says Google Trends: Internet users in Pakistan led the way in Google searches for the term “WikiLeaks” in the build-up to and the first two days of releases of secret diplomatic cables. Google Insights for Search through Monday show that people in

Ten Commandments of Western Democracy – by Naseer Ahmed: Democracy is the new religion. Its commandments are mentioned below. 1. Thou shall not criticise the neo-conservative version of democracy as embodied in the personages of Tony Blair, George Bush and many others who support them. 2. Thou shall

Toon Talk: Mian Sahab ka 25 Sala Meesaq-e-Pakistan- by M. Ali: Bolti Tasweerain: Nawaz Sharif and his 25 year Agenda of Meesaq-e-Pakistan.

Toon Talk: Aaj Kamran Khan k saath ‘Sotay Huay’- by M. Ali: Well I must say that this is what Kamran Khan don’t have in reality ‘Sukoon Ki Neend’. Excellent work by M. Ali !!

Toon Talk: Emotional Kamran Khan on the PPP-PML-Q meeting- by M. Ali: ‘Tasweerain bolti hain’ : Our regular contributor has expressed his feelings on the emotions of Kamran Khan on PPP-PML-Q meeting through the following cartoon.

The Civil Society Bulletin – by Abbas Baloch: Related articles: In rejection of pseudo-liberals of Pakistan – by Sarah Khan Another pseudo-liberal muck-raking of the PPP: So what’s new? – by Qudsia Siddiqui Adil Najam and his pseudo-liberals’ outpouring of sympathy for Sherry Rehman – by Sarah

Imran Khan will sweep next elections: Related articles: Is Imran Khan the new choice of agencies (ISI) in Pakistan? Voters in NA-55 mistakenly gave vote to ‘Lion’ thinking it was Imran Khan? A sneak peek into PTI Forum Pakistan Tehreek-e-Khaal and the future coalition government

Toon Talk: Yellow Journalists pale further – by M. Ali: In simple words…second loss in one week.

On a side note: Imran Khan in D.G. Khan: Related article: Imran Khan will sweep next elections – by Abdul Nishapuri Apparently, the PTI wallas lured poor people to Imran Khan’s jalsa in D.G. Khan through a false promise of the distribution of ration to the flood affected

Toon Talk: Chief Saab and Ansar Abbasi – by M. Ali: Our regular contributor has expressed his feelings on the recent verdict on 18th Amendment through the following cartoon.

Talking knees: How to be a successful TV anchor and talk show host in Pakistan – by Nadeem Paracha: Want to be a successful TV anchor and talk show host in Bakistan? The following is what you need to know … Amreeka A modern-day Babylon. Run by evil men whose bloodlines are linked to epic, evil characters such

Voyeur-at-large by AA Sheikh: A nearly true depiction of the Non-State Actors at play, arousing public sentiment at all times against a single target! Voyeur-at-large by AA Sheikh Source: Express Tribune, As a veteran TV commentator with stints at both Expressive

Excuses, excuses: A guide to fend off ‘lies’ about Pakistan – by Nadeem F. Paracha: Excuses, excuses By Nadeem F. Paracha Source: Dawn, 11 Jul, 2010 Here’s a brief knee-jerk guide to fend off ‘lies’ about Pakistani society becoming intolerant, delusional and paranoid. It was prepared and inspired by hours of TV-watching and passionate

Shaheen Sehbai’s Viewpoint – by Ahmed Iqbalabadi: Shaheen Sehbai could have easily been a better playwright if he focused on churning conspiracy driven soap operas for Geo TV than to come out with his viewpoints which are getting funnier by the day to read. As they

LUBP Pakistani Media Awards 2010 – by Muhammad Amjad Rashid: Hello readers, how are you all? We hope all of you are enjoying life because there is a remarkable change in Pakistan. Pakistan is progressing day by day in terms of “freedom of opinion” because it is very free

News & Views : By Khalid Wasti خبریں اور تبصرے: بحوالہ روزنامہ “جنگ ” ××× سپریم کورٹ نے اسلام آباد کے پارک میں نظریہءپاکستان کونسل کی عمارت کو غیر آئینی قرار دے دیا – آئین کو غیر آئینی قرار دینے کے انتظامات بھی مکمل ہو چکے ہیں – ×××

Funny – Demand for Nawaz Sharif’s Polygraph test: Barrister Iqbal Jafri has demanded that Mian Nawaz Sharif’s polygraph test be taken, only then will he withdraw his petition against the Sher-e-Punjab. This news appeared in Qaumi Akhbar, Karachi on June 2, 2010. I can imagine the

Wild boars attack Pakistan’s Supreme Court: Mukafat-e-amal? Wild boars inhabit the thickly-forested areas around Islamabad. The city is located in a valley in the foothills of the Himalayas which provides them with perfect cover. Today was however a strange day in Islamabad’s history. Destiny had

A curse and a prayer: A Curse First, a curse on Senator Faisal Raza Abidi for his ruthless handling of anti-PPP anchors in various talk-shows (not least our dear Dr Shahid Masood). jav’s comment: عابدی بدنام تو پہلے بھی بہت تھا …مگر اتنا برا

Nawaz Sharif’s letter to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia – by Hakim Hazik: تحریر: حکیم حاذق خط بنام برادر عبداللہ خادمِ حرمین شریفین، جلالۃ الملک،عزت مآب، برادرِ محترم جناب ملک عبداللہ صاحب اپنے عاصی و گنہ گار بھائی کی طرف سے سلامِ عقیدت قبول کیجیے۔ میں اور آپ کی بھابی یہاں خیریت

Paradise pulp: How religion imbues the public sphere in Pakistan? – by Nadeem Paracha: Three vignettes revealing how religion really imbues the public sphere. Sticking out Ever since the 1980s, stickers asking people to pray have become a common sight, especially in buses, and on rickshaws. Of course, there is certainly nothing wrong

Foodkush attack on halwakhore Mullahs. All survive, unfortunately.: Here is perhaps the funniest news item in quite a while. The saddest part is that none of these douchebags got killed in this foodkush attack:

A Pakistani political dictionary – by Naseer Ahmed: Asif Ali Zardari. A re-incarnation of devil himself because the illiterate, infidel and impious people of Pakistan have elected him as their president. Baluchistan. A place whose oil and gas is more important than its people. It is also

Lahore is the best – Funny pictures: This site has moved to, click this link if you are not redirected