Supreme Court of Pakistan Archive

Laal’s “All Fronts Strategy” to fight extremism – by Taimur Rehman: First and foremost, our strategy should be one of attacking on all fronts simultaneously. In the battle against extremism, there is no magic bullet, no single weapon that will give us victory. We must employ,

The Takfiri Deobandi Militant Menace – by Tariq Khosa: IN the wake of the attacks against the Shia Hazaras in Quetta, accusations have been levelled by a section of civil society, media and human rights organisations that the armed forces and its intelligence agencies have some links with

Justice prevails at last — by Riaz Ali Toori: The response of the Swiss authorities in their refusal to open cases in their courts raises the question that if the letter was infructuous, why was an elected prime minister of Pakistan sacked? The Swiss authorities have eventually responded to

Reference against honorable judges of the Supreme Court: Before the Supreme Judicial Council, Supreme Court of Pakistan. Tauqir Sadiq son of Muhammad Sadiq resident of 96 F Model Town Lahore (Complainant)/Member of the public) Vs. 1. Justice Jawwad S. Khawaja Judge Supreme Court of Pakistan 2. Justice

Don’t insult the poor donkey – by Ali Taj: A conversation on facebook: MS: Thats not fair, aakhir gadhay ke bhi izat hoti hai, becharay gadhay ko iftikhar chaudhry bana diya. (It’s an insult of the poor donkey to resemble him to Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry). AT: It is

Pakistan’s Supreme Kangaroo Court once again shows its disdain for the law: ……under clause (3) of Article 66 of the Constitution, the committee had powers vested in civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 (Act V of 1908) to enforce the attendance of any person and compel the production

Senator Faisal Raza Abidi exposes the media suppression against him by PCO Judges: Senator Faisal Raza Abidi of the Pakistan Peoples Party has been an outspoken critic of the Judicial bias of the current PCO judges of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He has consistently exposed the judicial bias in favour of Jihadi

اصغر خان کیس کا فیصلہ – گلاس توڑے بارہ آنے – by Imam Bux: آج چیف جسٹس افتخار محمد چوہدری کی سربراہی میں جسٹس جواد ایس خواجہ اور عارف حسین خلجی پر مشتمل سپریم کورٹ کے تین رُکنی بینچ نے 1990ءکے انتخابات میں آئی جےآئی بنانے سےمتعلق سولہ سال پُرانے اصغر خان کے

Countdown for Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry – by Arbab Zaheer: Get the Countdown Clock widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? (More info) 11th December 2013 will be celebrated as the independence day of politics and democracy of Pakistan as that is the

آزاد عدلیہ زندہ باد: تحریر: امام بخش آج سے ٹھیک پندرہ سال قبل 10 اکتوبر 1997ء کو نوازشریف کے دُوسرے دورِحکومت میں احتساب بیورو کے چیئرمین سیف الرحمٰن نے پاکستانی قوم کو نوید سنائی کہ پاکستان سے لُوٹے ہوئے ساٹھ ملین ڈالرز کا

Islamist parties burn Pakistan as media provides cover: In protesting against a controversial and hateful youtube, the Islamists validated all the negative anti-Muslim stereotyples and then some more. In Pakistan, the protestors lead by Jamaat Islami, Jamaad ud Dawa (Hafiz Saeed), Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (Ludhianvi, Malik

Supreme Court is setting wrong precedence: Concluding remarks by National Assembly Speaker Dr Fehmida Mirza in the matter of Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani under Clause 2 of the Article 63 of the constitution . I am of the view that the charges against Yousaf Raza

Senator Abidi highlights PCO Judiciary’s bias for Takfiri terrorists: During his 20 minute stint (from 16:18 to 36:32) on the Rana Mubasher show (September 11, 2012) , Senator Faisal Raza Abidi (Pakistan Peoples Party) made some crucial observations regarding the current judiciary’s predisposition towards Takfiri terrorists. While

The real story about CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry – by Peja Mistri: The story is very simple though. IMC a criminal by nature Iftikhar Muhammad Chauhdary (IMC) proved to be a thief and criminal minded person. My late father used to say that never judge a person if he steals a

Daddy’s jihadi Supreme Court to the rescue as judiciary thwarts corruption investigations – again!: In a move that should come as no surprise given its past antecedents, the Supreme Court snatched away the investigative authority from the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) in the corruption cases against the son of the Chief Justice, Arsalan Iftikhar. “ISLAMABAD:

Judges should not rule nation, says chief justice of India: India’s Chief Justice SH Kapadia has asserted that judges should not govern the country or evolve policies as he wondered what would happen if the executive refuses to comply with judiciary’s directives, the Hindustan Times reported on Saturday. According

On Altafism, Sufi folklore and Nadeem Paracha’s adoration of the MQM: Nadeem Farooq Paracha, noted left-liberal Pakistani columnist and satirist, is viewed by some in Pakistan’s limited English speaking circles as a prominent authority on the history of Pakistani culture and society. For the younger generation, Mr Paracha came into

Senator Abidi builds the nation’s case against Islamofascist Chief Justice: Dear readers, In a continuing series of interviews, the most recent of which was last night’s (August 13th, 2012) interview with right-wing idealogue and Chief Justice supporer, Muhammad Malick, Senator Faisal Raza Abidi continued to build his case

A tale of Iftikhar Chaudhry, Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif – by Kumail Ahmed: Iftikhar Chaudhry has brought democracy into a cul-de-sac, through his unconstitutional persistence forcing the Prime Minister to write a letter to the Swiss authorities. Why is he silent on the Shaukat Khanum issue? I believe this silence isn’t unintentional; rather, it’s a simple manifestation of

Kindness of Supreme Court – by Realistic Voice: On 25th of July, the Supreme Court of Pakistan gave a whooping relaxation of fifteen days to suggest an equitable proposal on Swiss Letter Case. Against its four years of previous record, the honorable Supreme Court not only gave Government

#IftikharPCO must resign!: In a blistering press conference, Senator Faisal Raza Abidi highlighted the hypocrisy of Pakistan’s Chief Justice. Some of the points raised 1. Documentary evidence of “Dr.” Arsalan Iftikhar using Chief Justice House for his business. While Daddy’s Court is going

Is a judicial dictatorship in the offing? – Noah Bukhari: The yet another unanimous decision of the Supreme Court against the contempt of court bill passed by both the houses of the legislature has been disappointing . The democratic constitutionalists in Pakistan are bewildered as to who will be

Pakistan’s Crony Supreme Court obstructs corruption investigations against Chief Justice’s Son: In yet another controversial decision smacking of extreme bias, prejudice and cronyism, the Supreme Court stopped the National Accoutability Bureau (NAB) from investigating massive corruption charges against Arsalan Iftikhar, the son of the Chief Justice. With a pathetic track record

The Samosa and the Court – by Noah Bukhari: The Supreme Court allowed an appeal by the Punjab Bakers and Sweet Federation and set aside a notification by the Punjab government through which the price of a Samosa was fixed at Rs6. In 2009, the City District Government

Media Exoneration Commission, the JJJ (Journalist, Judiciary, Jernail) – by Ali Taj: More than a third of US population thinks President Obama is a Muslim, about the same number believe that he falsified his birth certificate to get into office. These are obviously malicious lies but no one in the American Administration is

Baladast kon? Awam ya koi aur?: ہمارے میڈیا میں موجود دوست، شیخ رشید، اعجاز الحق، عمران خان اور جنرل( ر) حمید گل جیسے صفر نمائندگی رکھنے والے لوگوں کو بلا کر تواتر سے جمہوریت مخالف ٹاک شوز کرنے کی توجیہ یہ بیان کرتے ہیں کہ

A fake defender of parliament, constitution and judiciary: Pakistan’s so-called independent judiciary is mounting pressure on the newly elected prime minister Raja Pervaz Ashraf to write the oft-debated letter to Swiss authorities against Pakistan’s President. It has already disqualified and ousted Yousuf Raza Gilani as PM after

Justice Louise Arbour concerned about direction of Pakistan’s Supreme Court: Related posts: Pakistani Supreme Court has gone overboard – by Justice Markandey Katju (Supreme Court of India) Constitutional misbehaviour of the Pakistan Supreme Court (Part II) -by Justice Markandey Katju Justice Louise Arbour has a distinguished career devoted to

Judicial coup is the only solution now! – by Ahsan Abbas: Hell be upon the people of NA151 who broke all the hopes of an “Improved IJI” The “Pious and Patriot” Jihadi coalition of PMLN, PTI, JI, SSP, under the leadership and command of “Leader of the Faithful” Chief Justice

SCBA follows Supreme Court in making a laughing stock of itself: Sends notice to Khurshid Khan: It is indeed a very embarrassing development that Supreme Court Bar Association has followed the foot steps of Supreme court and Lahore high court by issuing a notice to Deputy Attorney General Khurshid Khan for the alleged defamation of

Visualising a tolerant Pakistan -by Farahnaz Ispahani: We began our lives as a nation with hope and idealism. Pakistan and Pakistanis had those beliefs because of the foundation laid by our Quaid, Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Though ignored in our textbooks, in the speeches of parliamentarians and by

Judicial hyperactivism is threatening democracy in Pakistan: Pakistan is known for its weak political institutions, powerful army, several military coups and the infamous Article 58(2)-(B) that was used to send elected prime ministers to home or jail. But this time around we are seeing a slightly

Restructuring of the judicial system – by Taj Haider: Article 209 (Supreme Judicial Council) lays down the composition as well the procedure to be followed to probe into capacity or conduct of a judge of the Supreme Court or a High Court. While the said article in Sub-article

Adil Gilani of Transparency International Pakistan condemns new contempt of court law: Editor’s Note: LUBP has previously published quite a few posts highlighting the dubious role of Adil Gillani and his fraudulent Transparency International, which is always there to promote agendas and discourse of the Military Establishment. Gilani’s current stance on

Do my Islamist brothers wish to destroy the Egyptian Pyramids? – Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Today, my fellow Ummah brothers of Egypt have finally called for Sharia and the destruction of the Pyramids there. There is news that this is a hoax. However, for centuries, these pyramids have transformed good pious muslims into idol worshippers and

People have a right to know about the judges’ assets: Francis Bacon said: “knowledge is power”. Right now, a lot of Pakistan’s governance problems stem directly from the fact that after the long military dictatorship, an another un-elected institution has gotten an upper hand in state affairs. We have

Iftikhar Chaudhry is supreme!: This picture in daily Jang (8 July 2012) caught my attention. What an audience! Only a publicity hungry guy could get such an audience snapped. No wonder Pakistan’s increasingly self-obsessed top judge Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry is commonly known

Judges behaving badly: how Pakistan’s Supreme Court is undermining democracy -by Aqil Shah (Foreign Affairs): Editor’s Note: The following article originally published in the Foreign Affairs Journal encapsulates the negative and unconstitutional role played by the Judiciary in Pakistan. Readers should also bear in mind that this is the same Judiciary that has freed

Two plots are kosher but only for Pakistan’s Supreme Court judges: While one residential plot may be an elitist entitlement for top serving bureaucrats and judges in Pakistan, it is commonly known that the allotment of two residential plots is an act of institutional bribery. In the past military generals