Supreme Court of Pakistan Archive

The joke of free judiciary and media in Pakistan – by Yousuf Nazar: As I watched reports on GEO TV showing relatives of Dr Khalil Chisti eating sweets to celeberate his release in India, I wondered how could our electronic media not highlight that for the last several days, a beautiful part of Pakistan,

Chief Justice Chaudhry is responsible for the crisis in Pakistan -by Sikandar Mehdi: Justice (retired) Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim, a respected jurist also known to have close relationship with Nawaz Sharif and PML-N, has very different opinion of CJ Iftikhar Chaudhrys’ ruling while PML-N and PTI are trying to ride on the back

Timeline: Judiciary vs executive: The conflict between Pakistan’s executive orders and judicial authorities dates back to the era of Liaquat Ali Khan when the country was in its teething years. Throughout the course of Pakistan’s history the judiciary has played an integral role

The grand exposè -by Adnan Rehmat: Leaving aside the merits or motives of Malik’s sensational charges, what is clear is that the hour requiring a judgment on the judiciary’s performance is, for better or for worse, upon us By Adnan Rehmat In hindsight it was

PM disqualification case: The Supreme Court had another hearing on the long-drawn Prime Minister (PM) disqualification saga. After having being convicted of contempt of court, for not following up with Court’s order. PM Yousaf Raza Gilani was referred to the speaker of the

Chief Justice said – by Wusatullah khan: جسٹس صاحب نے فرمایا ! وسعت اللہ خان بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، کراچی لاپتہ افراد سے متعلق عدالتی کمیشن کے سربراہ جسٹس (ر) جاوید اقبال لاپتہ افراد کے مسئلے سے متعلق عدالتی کمیشن کے سربراہ جسٹس ریٹائرڈ

CJ Gate: Our judicial lords – by Imam Bakhsh: ہمارےمنصفِ اعلیٰ الاماشاءاللہ تحریر: امام بخش [email protected] ابھی تک محترم چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان افتخارمحمد چوہدری کے سپوت فرزند ارسلان افتخار کے “کارناموں” کے ثبوت سوائے چند صحافیوں کے علاوہ عوام کے سامنے نہیں آسکے۔ مگر چیف جسٹس کے

CJ Gate: Chief justice should not sit in the bench: انصاف کا تقاضہٴ چیف جسٹس بنچ میں نہ بیٹھیں چیف جسٹس آف پاکستان افتخار محمد چودھری نے قومی اور بین الاقوامی میڈیا میں اپنے بڑے بیٹے ڈاکٹر ارسلان افتخار کے خلاف بدعنوانی کے الزامات کا ازخود نوٹس لیا ہےٴ

The punishment of dual nationality: سرد جنگ کے خاتمے، گلوبلائزیشن کے پیچیدہ اور تیز عمل، 11 ستمبر کے المناک سانحے کے بعد اب قومی سلامتی کے تصورات یکسر تبدیل ہوگئے ہیں۔ اب سیکورٹی کے تصورات محض سرحدوں کی حفاظت تک محدود نہیں رہے بلکہ

Pakistan’s Chief Justice receives a dubious award in London, lauds his fictitious role in restoring human rights: Related post: Not-So-International Jurist Award for CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry – by Mohsin Shaharyar London, 28 May 2012: At a dubious ceremony in London in which Pakistan’s Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry awarded himself the International Jurist Award by the

I pity the fool – by Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Pity the Nation which gives preference to the Constitution and law and NOT to the poetic license of our democratically elected judiciary. Pity the Nation which critisizes the Chief Justice for recieving an award from an organization of which he

Cajoling a “Decent Lady” – Ansar Abbasi shows his flirty side: Ansar Abbasi, the right wing journalist known for his love for the Taliban, Osama Bin Ladin, Hafiz Saeed, Islamic Revolutions, Chief Justice of Pakistan, ISI and Army Chiefs and for his hatred for anyone and anything PPP, has made

The best time to insult an elected Prime Minister: Author: Realistic Voice Although our history is full of many embarrassing moments which bow our heads down as a nation, but there are TWO such disgraceful incidents that have thrown us into the depths of humiliation. No. 1 when

How Pakistan lets terrorism fester – by Husain Haqqani: ON the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s death last week, Pakistanwas the only Muslim country in which hundreds of demonstrators gathered to show solidarity with the dead terrorist figurehead. Yet rather than asking tough questions about how Bin Laden had managed to live

Pity the judiciary – by Shoaib Mir: Pity the judiciary that loves both the Doctrine of Necessity and Gibran’s poetry One to welcome military dictators, the other to sentence civilian Prime Ministers Pity the judiciary for whom justice is a simple matter A Commission for a

Not-So-International Jurist Award for CJ Iftikhar Chaudhry – by Mohsin Shaharyar: According to media reports, the International Council of Jurists (ICJP) has conferred the “prestigious” International Jurists Award, 2012 on Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, in recognition of his contributions to the administration of justice. The award ceremony

Pakistan’s puppet court – by Shiraz Paracha: The Supreme Court’s controversial detailed verdict against the elected Prime Minister of Pakistan is one more bad decision by a Court that has a dark history of collaboration with the military in depriving the people of Pakistan of their

After Jalib and Faiz, it’s time for Kahlil Gibran to turn in his grave: After having abused Faiz’ “Hum Dekhen Gay” and Jalib’s “Dastoor”, it’s time to make Kahlil Gibran turn in his grave. His epic poem, “Pity the Nation” has been referred to in the detailed judgment of the Supreme Court’s eight

How Nawaz transferred 500 million pounds to UK? -by Javed Syed: نواز نے 500ملین پائونڈ برطانیہ کیسے منتقل کیے؟ ٹیکس بچانے اور اپنے کاروبار اور کمپنیوں کو سرکاری وسائل سے بے تحاشا وسعت دینے کے لیے میدان سیاست میں کودنے والے نوا زشریف اور عدلیہ مبینہ طور پر سوئس بینک

Contempt – To a Mango Man! – by Rubab Zaidi: After days of much speculation, the volcano of PM’s contempt case for not implementing the SC’s ruling in the NRO case, that was frantically and deafeningly been erupting for days, finally erupted and is being expected to damage, if

Mehran Bank Scandal: Rehman Malik provides evidence to media: Interior Minister Rehman Malik proved that PML-N Chief Nawaz Sharif was involved in money laundering. He gave evidence against Nawaz Sharif would be placed before the Supreme Court and National Accountability Bureau (NAB) for alleged corruption of $32

Tareekh ka faisla: کسی بھی زینے پہ لرزے نہیں تمہارے قدم مقام جبرمیں صبر و رضا مبارک ہو تمہارے جرم ہے آئین سے وفاداری یہ جرم اگر ہے تو اس کی سزا مبارک ہو نزیر قیصر—-روزنامہ مشرق لاہور تین سو ننانوے قبل

For upholding the Constitution, Prime Minister Gillani gets convicted! – by Farhad Jarral: The Supreme Court of Pakistan has just convicted an elected Prime Minister for following an explicit Constitutional clause (Article 248 (2)) – on the basis of an Ordinance passed by a military dictator, General Musharaf (Contempt of Court Ordinance 2004) – who

The Argument: Its not the news that sells, its speculation on the news that does. But its never a good omen, when subjudice legal cases become subject to speculation, its almost as heinous as gambling, perhaps even more. Talk shows and talking

Long march against Pakistan’s Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry: Pakistan’s Shia Muslims are currently considering a long march to protest against the anti-Shia bias of Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. The exact date for the long march is expected to be announced shortly after due consultations with all

The Slap: When a woman hits another woman, in normal cases it’s an assault. If there are many witnesses, good, the assailant gets punished quickly. Open and Shut case, we move on. But Pakistan doesn’t do normal; even our assaults have deeper meanings

Najam Sethi’s fog of deceit – by Chaudhry Naseer Aslam: In presenting the current Judiciary and hyper ventilating media as a counter to Pakistan’s military establishment, (Overreach and Miscalculation, Friday Times Editorial, February 17th-24th, 2012) Najam Sethi remains consistent in his intellectual dishonesty. While presenting a token critique of

Swiss case, memo scandal and CBDG – by Sikandar Mehdi: Recent revelation of Mansoor Ijaz’s fraud of $1.4 million judgment against him by NY Supreme Court has put Coalition to Bring Down Government (CBDG) on the back foot. This coalition consists of Judiciary, Establishment and PML-N with news retail

Mansoor, we and Qibla -by Ali Raja: Farsi the language of love, the language of emotions, the language of expression, the language of diplomacy and beyond doubt the language of wisdom has in it’s 2 Thousand 5 Hundred year journey has achieved the status of being

Arshad Sharif’s report on the Swiss case: ’پاکستان کی تاریخ کا افسوسناک دن‘ ۔ جب سپریم کورٹ نے پیر کو پاکستان کے عوام کے منتخب وزیراعظم یوسف رضا گیلانی پر این آر او یعنی قومی مفاہمتی آرڈیننس سے متعلق عدالتی فیصلے پر عمل درآمد کے مقدمے

An open letter to democrats, civil society and rights activists! – By Saad Mansoor: I understand when tableeghis and Tahriris speak up against democracy and I understand when sons and daughters of military men do so, and I do get it when a significant educated yet politically indifferent middle class voices its opinion

Stand Up for the Prime Minister – by Amna Piracha: Contempt of Parliamentary Democracy Caught in their petty zeal for authority and their messiah complex, the custodians of law and justice have chosen to humiliate a duly elected Prime Minister. “Great Day for Pakistan” claim the pseudo intellectuals of

Ali Ahmed Kurd’s opinion on judiciary vs parliament: ملکوںاور تہذیبوں کی تاریخ انسانوں کی تاریخ ہوتی ہے۔ مگر پاکستان کی تاریخ قائداعظم سے لے کر اب جمہوری بحرانوں کی تاریخ ہے۔ جنرل ایوب خان سے جنرل یحیی سے جنرل ضیا الحق اورجنرل مشرف تک، بحرانوں کی بڑی

If Zardari must hang – by Harris Bin Munawar: Originally Posted at: Pakistan Today Top leaders of Pakistan Army decided in a meeting last week that they would make no compromises on ‘national security’, and according to reports, also promised to provide protection to Mansoor Ijaz –

Legislatively, this National Assembly has been one of the most proactive and efficient – by Khurram Wattoo: The 35-year-old legislator speaks about Pakistan’s Mexican standoff, and Parliament’s unsung feats. Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani was served a contempt of court notice by the Supreme Court on Jan. 16. And, rejecting the government’s position, the Army considers

A contemptuous court that has always backed the military -by Dr. Mohammad Taqi: The Supreme Court of Pakistan (SC) has directed Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani to appear before it on Thursday to explain why contempt of court proceedings should not be initiated against him. The contempt charges emanate from Gilani not

Zardari while nowhere near ZAB’s ability or talents is a far better politician than him – by Ayaz Amir: This is no longer about the finer points of the law, if it ever was that. It has turned into a full-blown political tamasha (spectacle) but not quite in the way the doom brigade had imagined. The Zardari dispensation