Russia Archive

What if Putin is Telling the Truth? – F. William Engdahl: On April 26 Russia’s main national TV station, Rossiya 1, featured President Vladimir Putin in a documentary to the Russian people on the events of the recent period including the annexation of Crimea, the US coup d’etat in Ukraine,

The theater of the absurd in a world gone crazy – by Emilios George Ades Georgiades: A toy store in Germany, after a storm of protests on Social Media by pseudo-liberals, is forced to remove a Leggo toy of a WWII tank, as being “offensive.” The fact that neo-Nazis parade in the streets of

#RussiaBashing : A common tactic by Pakistani and US Elites: In Pakistan, anyone who came out and opposed the policy of Jihadi proxies which were mainstreamed by Military dictator General Zia ul Haq, was quickly attacked as an Iranian fifth columnist, a RAW agent and a Soviet sympathiser.

Why remain a petro-puppet?: NOW that Qatar is being choked of food and water by a Saudi-led coalition of five Arab countries, Pakistan must once again ask itself why it belongs to the wider Saudi-led so-called Islamic Military Alliance of 41 Sunni-majority

Pakistan’s Fake Liberal mafia prefer ISIS versus better ties with Iran: Pakistan’s commercial liberal Mafia has such a strong sectarian animosity towards Iran that they are even willing to believe Osama bin Laden’s alleged correspondence. Correspondence that alleged that it is Iran, and not Saudi Arabia which supports Al

On Qatar, Pakistan walks a diplomatic tightrope: Islamabad, Pakistan – Pakistan’s parliament has expressed its “deep concern” over the blockade and severing of ties with Qatar by several Arab states, calling for the government to help mediate in the crisis between the Gulf state and its

Ibn Taymiyyah : The founder of ISIS: Ibn Taymiyyah is one of the most quoted personalities of ISIS, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram. In this article we will learn about him, his ideas and why so many Muslims of the salafi sect go on to join

Pakistani “leadership” confused on which Mamu to support in Saudi vs Qatar squabble: Pakistani “leadership” is facing a serious dilemma due to the infighting between the various Gulf Despot theocracies that are sugar daddies for Nawaz Sharif and his General daddies. Saudi Arabia is Nawaz Sharif’s closest master. Saudis offered Nawaz

London attack linked to hate preacher Anjem Choudary’s extremist network: Very interesting things are coming in British Press after #LondonTerroristAttack on growing radicalization among British youth. British Press is publishing follow ups on daily basis and major focus of British Press is on banned group Al-Muhajiroun and its

This is what Theresa May refused to tell you in her schoolyard sermon on terror: Was that really the best Theresa May could do? It was the same old tosh about “values” and “democracy” and “evil ideology”, without the slightest reference to the nation to whom she fawns – Saudi Arabia, whose Wahhabist “ideology” has seeped into the bloodstream of

اداریہ تعمیر پاکستان لندن دہشت گردی : سعودی فنڈڈ وہابی دیوبندی سلفی نیٹ ورک کا خاتمہ کئے بغیر دہشت گردی سے نجات ممکن نہیں ہے: سنٹرل لندن میں دہشت گردی کی کاروائی کے رنگ لیڈر کی شناخت محمد خرم شہزاد بٹ کے نام سے ہوئی جو پاکستان میں پیدا ہوا اور اپنے خاندان کے ساتھ بچپن میں برطانیہ چلا آیا۔25 سال اس کی عمر

عراقی عوام کی نسل کشی کرنے والی تکفیری عفریت اور عالمی برادری – عامر حسینی: عراق کے دارالحکومت بغداد میں ایک آئس کریم پارلر پہ ہوئے خودکش بم دھماکے میں متعدد افراد ہلاک و زخمی ہوئے۔دھماکے کی ذمہ داری سلفی تکفیری تنظیم داعش نے قبول کرلی ہے۔دھماکہ اس وقت ہوا جب بہت سارے خاندان

یمن دنیا کے سب سے بڑے انسانی المیہ کا شکار ہے۔دنیا تماشائی بنی ہوئی ہے – عامر حسینی: چھے سالہ سلام عبداللہ پورٹ سٹی حودیدہ یمن میں ہسپتال کے انتہائی نگہداشت سنٹربرائے مریضان کمی خوراک میں زیر علاج ہے۔۔۔فوٹو اے ایف پی ریاض کانفرنس کے بعد سے اکثر تجزیہ نگار یہ سوال اٹھارہے تھے کہ سعودی عرب

Fareed Zakaria mea culpa on CNN False short: #FareedZakaria makes some compelling arguments but ultimately Falls short. His entire discourse is riddled with omission and bias errors. For instance, the alignment of the United States with Saudi Arabia was not cemented in the Trump era but

دیمک عامر – حسینی: نوٹ : اس کہانی کے تمام کردار اور واقعات فرضی ہیں اسے کسی خاص واقعے سے اور خاص حقیقی کردار پہ محمول نہ کیا جائے ، اگرچہ کسی خاص واقعے نے حال غالب والا کیا ہوا ضرور ہے رندانِ

A wicked congregation: This past week, leaders of almost 50 ‘Islamic’ nations met, under the leadership of Donald Trump and the frail King Salman, as part of the first “Arab Islamic American Summit”, and added their collective voice to an absolutely

We know what inspired the Manchester attack, We Just won’t admit It: In the wake of the massacre in Manchester, people rightly warn against blaming the entire Muslim community in Britain and the world. Certainly one of the aims of those who carry out such atrocities is to provoke the

Trump, Salman and Netanyahu: The match made in Hell: As United States President Donald Trump struts his limited stuff across the international stage, his ‘accomplishments’ during this tour will benefit no one but the wealthy elites at home and abroad. Let us look first at his time in Saudi

Syria’s Assad just explained how America really works: While Americans endlessly battle each other over seemingly important choices like Clinton and Trump or Democrats and Republicans, it is clear that the majority of the population has little understanding of how the U.S. government operates. Yet, for those

وہ سب ایران سے خوف زدہ کیوں ہیں؟ – ایاز امیر: حجاز کی مقدس سرزمین سے تعلق رکھنے والے ہمارے دوستوں، اور خلیج سے ہمارے کچھ دیگر احباب کے لیے داعش ایک مسئلہ تو ہے، لیکن حقیقی دشمن نہیں۔ ان کے نزدیک حقیقی دشمن، اور جس کے نام سے اُنہیں

Pakistani sympathisers split over Saudi-Iran spat: The Pakistan Awami Tehrik has taken exception to the statement against brother Islamic country Iran at the International Islamic conference in Saudi Arabia. The Jamiat Ulema-e-Pakistan on Monday also issued an overwhelming statement in favour of Iran, condemning

What is Wahhabism? The reactionary branch of Islam from Saudi Arabia said to be ‘the main source of global terrorism’: In July 2013, Wahhabism was identified by the European Parliament in Strasbourg as the main source of global terrorism. Wahhabism has become increasingly influential, partly because of Saudi money and partly because of Saudi Arabia’s central influence as

اداریہ تعمیر پاکستان: سعودی عرب کے وائسرائے نواز شریف نے پاکستان کو مڈل ایسٹ کی دلدل میں پھنسا ہی دیا: امریکی صدر ڈونلڈ ٹرمپ نے اتوار کے روز سعودی عرب کی جانب سے نام نہاد مذھبی دہشت گردی کے خلاف بلائی جانے والی مسلم سربراہوں کی کانفرنس سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے دعوی کیا کہ یہ خیر اور شر کے

Trump’s Pro Saudi stance is a tragic continuation of US foreign policy of being aligned with the creators of Al Qaeda: Some of my esteemed and respectable friends are understandably aghast at Trump’s fawning over the Saudis. I would urge them to see the larger picture that as far as #SaudiArabia is concerned, both #Republicans and #Democrats are united

Peace aActivists confront Amy Goodman on biased Syria coverage: Amy Goodman, the producer and host of Democracy Now!, has long angered much of her progressive audience with her biased coverage of the proxy U.S. war against Syria. A Veterans for Peace chapter wants to give Goodman a

Anti Russia hysteria makes the US mainstream press side with ISIS: So all the outrage is about Trump sharing info with Russia about an ISIS plot to probably target Russian Airplanes? Does the US press actually side with #ISIS? Based on the blathering of Amanpour, Friedman and Zakariya one

How Trump fooled the establishment: Why the Syria strikes don’t mean anything and won’t escalate beyond small Strikes – By Rayhan Al-Safawi: The Syria strikes were only for domestic consumption in order to get the media off his back on his alleged Russian ties. The strikes were purposefully ineffective and changed nothing on the ground. Here is why I

Maria Saadeh, Syrian Christian former member of parliament, speaks at IDC Side Event: “Syrian Women in politics faced with war and double standards.” By Maria Saadeh, Member of the Syrian Parliament IDC Side Event, UN Geneva, 16 June 2016 I would like to talk about my experience as a Syrian woman facing

The assassination of Russian Ambassador in Turkey: A few points to ponder – by Syed Hasnain Baqri: Words of condolences and condemnations are pouring in from around the world after an off-duty Turkish riot Police Officer Mevlut Altintas shot dead the Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov, 62, in Ankara, Turkey yesterday, as he delivered a speech.

Erdogan had nothing to gain From murder of Russian ambassador To Ankara: What this means is one of two things: Version 1: there was nobody in charge of security at this exhibition Version 2: the room where this murder happened was considered ‘safe/sterile’ because it was inside an outer security

The fate of neo-liberalism, and the Democrats.: Editors’s Note: An informative and critical post by Jim Pivonka : one of the most balanced people I have met and who offers hope for a new, dynamic Democrat party. Even if I occasionally disagree, I always find his

Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist: Hillary Approved Sending Sarin Gas to Rebels to Frame Assad, Start Syrian War: In April of 2013, Britain and France informed the United Nations that there was credible evidence that Syria used chemical weapons against rebel forces. Only two months later, in June of 2013, the United States concluded that the

We finally know what Hillary Clinton knew all along – US allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding Isis: It is fortunate for Saudi Arabia and Qatar that the furore over the sexual antics of Donald Trump is preventing much attention being given to the latest batch of leaked emails to and from Hillary Clinton. Most fascinating

It’s time to release the real history of the 1953 Iran coup: Sixty-three years ago, the CIA and British intelligence fomented a coup d’état that toppled the prime minister of Iran, restored a cooperative shah and strengthened a regional buffer against possible Soviet aggression. It also unwittingly set Iran on a

‘If elected president, Hillary Clinton plan for Syrian no-fly zone could trigger WWIII’: Talking about America’s exceptionalism, Clinton is trying to provide a rationale and an argument for US hegemony and domination of the world, says Gerald Horne, author and historian. In an attempt to offer voters a different perspective on the

Israel and the western alliance with Al-Qaeda in Syria: Earlier this year, former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy granted a telling interview to Al-Jazeera’s Mehdi Hassan. In it, he confirmed much of what I have been reporting in this column for years: Israel has been in a tactical alliance

Very interesting criticism on poistion of some left circles on Syrian war: This was a passage from an article in the Socialist Worker. Which is titled Anti Imperialism and the Syrian Revolution. In which described why the left should support the so called “Syrian Revolution” to bring democracy to Syria

آپریشن فرات شیلڈ : ترکی آگ سے کھیل رہا ہے – عامر حسینی: ترکی نے شام میں اپنی سرحد کے نزدیک داعش کے قبضے میں موجود علاقوں کو واگزار کرانے کے نام پہ باقاعدہ زمینی کاروائی کا آغاز کرڈالا ہے-ترکی نے شام میں اپنے نئے فوجی ایڈونچر کو ” آپریشن فرات شیلڈ

شامی خانہ جنگی کا نیا موڑ – ترکی کی کھیل میں واپسی – پیٹرک کوک برن : ترجمہ وتلخیص : عامر حسینی: نوٹ: پیٹرک کوک برن برطانوی انٹیلی جنس ایجنسی ایم آئی سکس کے سابق اہلکار رہے ہیں اور بطور صحافی آج کل وہ برطانوی اخبار ڈیلی انڈی پینڈیٹ کے لئے مڈل ایسٹ کے امور پہ رپورٹنگ و تجزیہ کاری کرتے

U.S. invades Syria, and warns Russia: On Monday, August 22nd, the United States government — which demands the overthrow of the internationally-recognized-as-legal government of Syria — officially announced that America’s military forces in Syria will continue to occupy Syrian land, no matter what the