Russia Archive

ترکی کے سب سے کثیر الاشاعت اخبار زمان کے خلاف صدر رجب طیب اردوان کی ریاستی دہشت گردی – بی بی سی اردو: کچھ دیر پہلے میں نے صحافی مظہر عباس سے پوچھا کہ ترکی کے سب سے بڑے اخبار زمان پر دن دہاڑے سرکاری قبضے کو پاکستانی میڈیا اور صحافتی تنظیمیں کیسے دیکھتے ہیں۔ مظہر نے ہنستے ہوئے کہا کہ تمہیں

Syria civil war: State-of-the-art technology gives President Assad’s army the edge – Robert Fisk: You can see the Syrian army’s spanking new Russian T-90 tanks lined up in their new desert livery scarcely 100 miles from Isis’s Syrian “capital” of Raqqa. There are new Russian-made trucks alongside them, and a lot of artillery

Pakistan joins Russia, condemns any attempts to topple Assad in Syria: Pakistan opposes any efforts to topple the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Pakistan’s foreign secretary said on Wednesday. “Pakistan is also against foreign military intervention in Syria and fully supports the territorial integrity of the Syrian Arab Republic,” Aizaz Chaudhry

Let’s deal with the Devil: we should work with Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad in Syria: In the last couple of days, young people have been coming up to me in the street and asking in an accusing way: “Oi, Boris, why did you vote for war?” And I try as ever to explain that

Research paper: ISIS-Turkey list: Is Turkey collaborating with the Islamic State (ISIS)? Allegations range from military cooperation and weapons transfers to logistical support, financial assistance, and the provision of medical services. It is also alleged that Turkey turned a blind eye to ISIS

عراق میں شیعہ اور سنی داعش کے خلاف متحد – صداۓ اہلسنت: Sunni tribes joining Shia militias as war against IS heats up in Iraq Note :As readers of Voice of Sunnis know well about our stance of political set up in Iraq .We support demand of formation of Sunni

ننھے ایلان کردی کی لاش کو ترکی نے کیش کرالیا – عثمان غازی: ترکی کو تین ارب یورو کی فیس مل گئی، اب وہ شامی پناہ گزینوں پر ٹوٹ پڑے گا- یورپی ممالک میں ترک شہریوں کو ویزافری رسائی کی سہولت ملتے ہی اب عظیم اسلامی ملک ترکی نے شامی مہاجرین کے

Sunni tribes joining Shia militias as war against IS heats up in Iraq –: KARBALA, Iraq – Wearing elegant gold-fringed robes and traditional Arab head-dresses, three Sunni tribal leaders waited respectfully in an upstairs reception room inside the Imam Hussein shrine in Karbala one morning last week. The shrine is one of Shia

from Iraq to Syria: repeating a debacle: Proof that the British political class hasn’t learned anything after Iraq came with David Cameron’s ludicrous assertion that there are 70,000 moderate rebels fighting in Syria. It was an outright fabrication to rank with Blair’s sexed up dossier on

The spread of Wahhabism, and the West’s responsibility to the world: François Hollande’s declaration of war against Isis (also known as Islamic State) was, perhaps, a natural reaction to the carnage in Paris but the situation is now so grave that we cannot merely react; we also need sustained, informed

ISIL Created by US Interventionism, Saudi Money & Wahhabi Ideology – Assad: Commenting on the origins of the Islamist terrorism plaguing the Middle East, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad noted that terror groups including Al-Qaeda and ISIL have been able to find fertile soil in Iraq as a result of US interventionism,

Former NATO commander Wesley Clark: ‘ISIS serves the interests of Turkey and Saudi Arabia’: Former Supreme NATO Commander Gen. Wesley Clark is quite a character. Immediately after the Kosovo War, Clark actually ordered NATO troops to attack Russian peacekeeping troops (the order was ignored). But sometimes he does or says things which

Senator Richard Black: War in Syria would end if US stopped supporting terrorists: Virginia State Senator and decorated Vietnam veteran Richard Black says it like it is. The United States continues to supply terrorists in Syria with weapons, making them a grave threat to global security as well as deepening the conflict

why Turkey stabbed Russia in the back: It’s absolutely impossible to understand why the Turkish government would engage in the suicidal strategy of downing a Russian Su-24 over Syrian territory – technically a NATO declaration of war on Russia – without putting in context the Turkish

Iran, Hezbollah and Russia – the real coalition – Ayaz Amir: Daesh or the Islamic State is the most extreme form of Salafist Islam, so toxic that it makes the Taliban look mild and Al-Qaeda look like a backward cousin. Al-Qaeda was only an ideology, Daesh is ideology plus geography.

Russian Pilot Rescued by Iran’s General Soleimani: Russian sources revealed on Thursday that the pilot of the Russian Su-24 jet that was shot down by Turkey over the Syrian airspace on Tuesday was rescued in an operation by Iran’s globally renowned IRGC Qods Force Commander

Pakistan warns Turkey: Don’t make our mistakes: The armed uprising in Syria, with the goal of changing the regime, has given birth to organizations that are threatening the entire population of the region, but Turkey is continuing on its way in total disregard for the perils of “Pakistanization.”

جان آر بولٹن : مشرقی شام میں سلفی ریاست کے حامی مغربی مولویوں میں ایک اور اضافہ: شام کی مشرقی سرحد پر ترکی کی سرحد سے چار کلومیٹر دور ترک ایف 16 جیٹ نے روسی جنگی طیارے کو گرادیا اور یہ انتہائی اقدام وہ ہے جس کی نیٹو اور امریکہ نے بھی حمائت کی ہے جبکہ

کیا ترکی کا روسی جنگی جہاز مار گران تیسری عالمی جنگ کا پیش خیمہ تو نہیں؟: ترکی نے اپنی فضائی حدود کی خلاف ورزی پر روس کا سخوئی طیارہ مار گرایا ہے۔ اور طیارے میں موجود دو پائلٹ باہر نکلنے میں کامیاب رہے ۔ لیکن اطلاعات یہ ہیں کہ ایک پائلٹ ہلاک ہو چکا ہے

When it comes to spinning Syria, the Pakistani establishment has nothing on the current US administration: Welcome to the Good Al Qaeda vs Bad Al Qaeda binary where the US media is currently (attempting to) spinning Ahrar ul Sham as the “moderate” “secularly-inclined” Al Qaeda (lite?). Yes, the very group that lashes those who miss

The dirty war on Syria: barrel bombs, partisan sources and war propaganda – Prof. Tim Anderson: War propaganda often demands the abandoning of ordinary reason and principle, and the Dirty War on Syria demonstrates this in abundance. A steady stream of atrocity stories – ‘barrel bombs’, chemical weapons, ‘industrial scale’ killings, dead babies – permeate

Truth in media : origins of ISIS: Ben Swann explores the origin of ISIS that has already been long forgotten by American media. Swann takes on the central issue of whether or not ISIS was created by “inaction” by the United States government or by

A useful prep-sheet on Syria for media propagandists – Gary Leupp: State Department talking points on Syria for cable news anchors: * Keep mentioning the barrel bombs. Do not mention how their use was pioneered by the Israeli Air Force in 1948, and how they were used by the U.S.

مشرق وسطی کی سیاست اور جنگیں دنیا بھی بدل سکتی ہے – شفیق طوری: آج روس نے شام میں فضائی حملوں کا آغاز کردیا ہے۔ روس نے ایک ایسے جنگ میں کودنے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے، جس میں تقریباً دو لکھ افراد بچوں اور عورتوں سمیت لقمہ اجل بنے ہیں۔ باؤثوق ذرائع کیمطابق

Letter to Uncle Sam on Syria – Riaz Malik Hajjaji: Now that you have pinpointed the presence of Water on Mars, please use the same technology to pin point ISIS in Syria. Please don’t let Mother Russia take all the credit. And Do all the bombing. Yes, yes,

Saudi Arabia backed “moderate rebels” of Al Qaeda and ISIS – Riaz Malik Hajjaji: It seems that the World has gone back in time to 1980. Back then, the USSR which was backing a secular muslim regime was lured into protecting that regime with troops on the ground. The regime was threatened by

The silence of the Left on Saudi aggression on Yemen and Bahrain – Riaz Malik Hajjaji: The world has flipped. Sections of the Left are wrong in portraying Salafi-Wahabi and Deobandi terrorists groups like ISIS/FSA/Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, ASWJ-LeJ, Taliban and Al Shabab as “misunderstood” “deprived” and victims of “economic deprivation”. Sections of the Left

What Putin told the UN: the US and allies are to blame in Mideast: Those who hoped Vladimir Putin would lead the way out of the Syria crisis with a detailed new plan on Monday were disappointed. The Russian president used his address to the UN General Assembly for a tour de force

شام : اوبامہ اور پیوٹن کی پوکر گیم – عامر حسینی: کل جب یو این کے 70 ویں جنرل اسمبلی سیشن میں امریکی صدر باراک اوبامہ اور ولادیمیرپیوٹن نے خاص طور پر مڈل ایسٹ اور شام پر اپنے اپنے موقف کے دفاع میں دلائل دئے تو سچی بات یہ ہے

Putin is talking more sense on Syria than anyone else – John R. Bradley: At the outset of Syria’s brutal four-year civil war, I was an almost unique voice in the British media deploring the push to depose the secular dictator President Bashar al-Assad, especially in the absence of a genuinely popular

مارکس ازم ، سائیکو اینالاسسز اور تکفیری فاشزم – عامر حسینی: سابی سیگال یونیورسٹی آف ایسٹ لندن میں سوشیالوجی کے پروفیسر رہے ہیں اور وہ سوشلسٹ ریویو اور سوشلسٹ ورکرز اخبار ميں باقاعدگی سے لکھتے ہیں ، ان کی حال ہی میں ایک کتاب ” انسانی فطرت ،سرمایہ داری اور

From Ukraine to ISIS, the design is the same – Dr Abbas Zaidi: President Bashar al-Assad defied all odds, and al-Malliki, despite his incompetence and the practically US-backed independent Kurdistan, kept Iraq in one piece. It was not easy to withstand the collective US-EU-UAE-Turkey-Saudi Arabia assault. We must not forget Australia

Putin may have been right about Syria all along – by Ishaan Tharoor: What a difference a year makes. Around this time last year, the West was gearing up for military action against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who was accused of carrying out chemical weapons attacks on his own people. That

Does USA have a role in the shooting down of Malaysian ariliner in Ukraine?: The pro-Russia separatists in Ukraine were always well armed and have popular support in the industrial towns of the Donbas, the Russian-speaking industrial and mining area. It has always been propagandistic and misleading for Western politicians and media to

دیوبندی سلفی دہشت گردوں کی دہشت گردی سامراجی منصوبے کا حصہ ہے – از عبدلقادر: شام : شام میں بشار السد کی سیکولر حکومت کا تختہ الٹنے کے لئے “جمہوریت” کے نام پر خانہ جنگی شروع کروائی جاتی ہے، اس خانہ جنگی کو “عرب سپرنگ” یا ” شامی بغاوت” کا نام دیا جاتا ہے۔

شام کا بحران – از مسلم یونٹی: تمام حقیقت پسند افراد سے گذارش ہے کہ ہمارے پیج سے ویڈیوز اور امیجز ڈونلوڈ کر کے عوام تک پہنچائیں تا کہ شامی فساد کی حقیقت واضح اور اس آگ کو دوسرے ممالک لیجانے کا منصوبہ ناکام ہو جاۓ!

Assad is already counting on soldiers still at school to fill the gaps left by 30,000 casualties – by Robert Fisk: We were driving down the main road from Homs – fast, of course, as the Syrian war now requires – when, just outside the Damascus suburb of Harasta, a government soldier asked for a ride into town. I have

The US is paying the cost of supporting the House of Saud as cracks begin to appear – by Patrick Cockburn: President Obama flew to Saudi Arabia to patch up relations with King Abdullah at the end of last week in his first visit in five years. The alliance had been strained by Saudi anger over US negotiations with

روس کا شام اور یوکرین میں امریکی یورپی استعمار کو شکست دینا تیسری دنیا کے لئے ایک خوش آئند بات ہے – از ایاز امیر: نپولین کو صرف روس کی سرد ی نے ہی شکست نہیں دی تھی بلکہ یہ سخت جان روسی سپاہیوں کی جانبازی تھی جس نے پانسہ پلٹ دیا۔ ماسکو کی شاہراہ پر ہونے والی بوروڈینو کی جنگ میں روسی فوج