President Barack Obama Archive

Al-Saud and their Puppet Obama Humiliated: For the first time, Congress votes To override President’s “Sept 11” bill veto: Millions of dollars spent by Saudi Arabia to stop legislation allowing families of terrorism victims to Sue against Saudi Arabia Another defeat to powerful Saudi lobby in United States of America and this is time to mourn

A Threat to American Heritage – by Muhammad Faisal Younus: On the evening of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, an incident left the audience surprised. Participants in the conference hall were amazed to see a Muslim couple walk onto the stage. This

28 pages and 80,000 pages: The hunt for a Saudi support network for 9-11 hijackers: Lawyers for the Florida Bulldog have asked a federal judge to award substantial attorney fees for years of efforts to obtain secret reports about the FBI’s post-9/11 investigation of Saudis in Sarasota with apparent ties to the suicide hijackers.

Saudi Arabia: Eight of King Salman’s 11 surviving brothers want to oust him: Eight of the 12 surviving sons of Saudi Arabia’s founding monarch are supporting a move to oust King Salman, 79, the country’s ailing ruler, and replace him with his 73-year-old brother, according to a dissident prince. The prince also

Senate passes bill exposing Saudi Arabia to 9/11 legal claims: WASHINGTON — A bill that would let the families of those killed in the Sept. 11 attacks sue Saudi Arabia for any role in the terrorist plot passed the Senate unanimously on Tuesday, bringing Congress closer to

9/11 families call Saudi counter-terrorism assertions a ‘whitewash’: WASHINGTON – A Saudi government white paper detailing the country’s counter-terrorism efforts is a “whitewash’’ that makes no mention of events leading up to 9/11, say families who lost loved ones in the 2001 attacks. The families released the

Saudi officials were ‘supporting’ 9/11 hijackers, commission member says: A former Republican member of the 9/11 commission, breaking dramatically with the commission’s leaders, said Wednesday he believes there was clear evidence that Saudi government employees were part of a support network for the 9/11 hijackers and that

Western media break their silence on Aleppo with flagrant lies, omissions, obfuscations: Syrian News: “Abdulrahman was killed by a terrorist rocket on his way home back from school today (April 25).” -Eva Bartlett, In Gaza (republished at, Uprooted Palestinians) Terrorists mortars, rockets, and Hell Cannon-fired gas canister bombs continue

Yemeni ex-leader Saleh to RT: No difference between Saudi regime and ISIS, Al-Qaeda: In the aftermath of thousands of Yemeni civilians’ deaths at the hands of the Saudi-led coalition, Yemen’s ex-president Ali Abdullah Saleh told RT that there is no difference between the “Saudi regime” and terror groups like Islamic State

Syria: The real US-NATO creators of hell in Aleppo: As US and NATO propaganda reaches another crescendo in Aleppo, it is important to remind ourselves of a few salient facts. First and foremost we need to understand that the prevailing force occupying Aleppo and terrorising civilians is

Saudi government has vast network of PR, lobby firms in U.S: The Saudi government and its affiliates have spent millions of dollars on U.S. law, lobby and public relations firms to raise the country’s visibility in the United States and before the United Nations at a crucial time. And some of Washington’s premier law and lobby

Obama’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia are hurting our security and devastating Yemen: Last week, Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) introduced a bill to halt the sale of American arms to Saudi Arabia, only permitting munitions transfers to resume on a few key conditions. If the measure passes,

Want to fight the terrorist enemy? Start with allies Like Saudi Arabia: It began, as these things usually do, with a carrot. After President Obama assailed Saudi Arabia for being a “free rider” in an interview with The Atlantic, Prince Turki al Faisal published a rejoinder at Arab News where he

All terror linked to Wahhabism, itself promoted by Saudi Arabia: Paris correspondent for American Herald Tribune: Press TV has conducted an interview with Gearoid O Colmain, the Paris correspondent for online media outlet American Herald Tribune, about a warning made by the European Union (EU) about “significant gaps” in intelligence-sharing among its member states

Saudi Arabia’s rights abuses have only gotten worse since Obama’s last visit: President Barack Obama is meeting with Saudi Arabia’s king and other Gulf Cooperation Council leaders key issues including counterterrorism. But his arrival in the capital Riyadh on Wednesday has also shone a spotlight on the U.S. ally’s appalling human

Obama in Saudi Arabia, exporter of oil and bigotry: A college senior boarded a flight and excitedly called his family to recount a United Nations event he had attended, but, unfortunately, he was speaking Arabic. Southwest Airlines kicked him off the plane, in the sixth case reported

LUBP wishes happy Nowruz to all Pakistanis and other communities across the world: Nowruz means `New Day’ and it marks the arrival of Spring. Pakistan celebrates this Spring Festival with countries like Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Tajkistan and other Central Asian countries. Nowruz is celebrated in Pakistan in Balti, Shina,

جان کیری : تکفیری وہابی داعش عیسائی ، یزیدی ، شیعہ ، سنّی و کردوں کی نسل کشی کررہی ہے – صداۓ اہلسنت: کفر ٹوٹا خدا خدا کرکے : امریکی سٹیٹ ڈیپارٹمنٹ نے مان لیا تکفیری وہابی داعش عیسائی ، یزیدی ، شیعہ ، سنّی و کردوں کی نسل کشی کررہی ہے شام میں نصرہ فرنٹ ، جنوبی ایشیا میں لشکر

Kerry: ISIS is committing genocide against Yazidis, Christians and Shiite muslims: Finally the Secretary of State acknowledged the genocides committed by #Daesh/#ISIS/#ISIL/#IS/#IslamicState against the Shiites, Êzîdîs and Christians.” Yes, finally. Interestingly, SOME Pakistani “left-liberals” who have never written about the #ShiaGenocide occurring in Pakistan were blaming Assad – and

مڈل ایسٹ کو ” آزاد ” کرانے کی مغربی خواہش خام ہی رہی ہے ہمیشہ کی طرح –رابرٹ فسک – ترجمہ وتلخیص : عامر حسینی: نوٹ : رابرٹ فسک نے اپنے اس آرٹیکل میں تاریخی حوالوں سے یہ بتانے کی کوشش کی ہے کہ کیسے مغربی طاقتیں اپنے تئیں ہمیشہ سے مڈل ایسٹ کو ” آزاد ” کرانے کی مہم جوئی کرتا رہا اور

ISIS have fired chemical weapons at the Iraqi town of Taza: In 2013, when the Al Qaeda dominated Free Syrian Army conducted a heinous false flag operation by launching a chemical weapons attack on Syrian children in Ghouta, some Pakistani liberals were howling in protest…… against Assad! Since then,

‘Argo’ helps Iran’s dictatorship, harms democracy: It was not my intention to write about the film “Argo.” I initially viewed it as another Hollywood movie that aimed to keep an audience on its toes through some combination of fact and fantasy, in order to cash

Obama: my take on Putin, Netanyahu, ISIS: President Barack Obama defended his decision not to intervene militarily in Syria’s civil war in an interview published Thursday detailing internal clashes among high-level U.S. officials. Obama said that he was “very proud” of his decision not to

Syria Invasion: Obama Is about to make the biggest decision of his presidency: Exclusive: President Obama must decide if he will let the Syrian civil war come to an end with Russian-backed President Assad still in power or if he will escalate by supporting a Turkish-Saudi invasion, which could push the world

American deaths in terrorism vs. gun violence in one graph: (CNN)During his presidency, President Barack Obama has had to deliver statements on gun violence 15 times. After a gunman opened fire at Oregon’s Umpqua Community College, killing nine people and injuring seven, a visibly upset Obama said the

بادشاہان عرب کے حضور مدار جمہوریت باراک اوبامہ کا خراج عقیدت – عامر حسینی: میں دہشت گردی کے خلاف ہوں، جمہوری حقوق کا علمبردار ہوں، ان سب حکومتوں کو ہٹانے کا حامی ہوں جو عوام کی مرضی کے بغیر قائم ہیں تو شام میں بشار کی حکومت کو رخصت ہونا ہوگا، عورتوں کے

شام : اوبامہ اور پیوٹن کی پوکر گیم – عامر حسینی: کل جب یو این کے 70 ویں جنرل اسمبلی سیشن میں امریکی صدر باراک اوبامہ اور ولادیمیرپیوٹن نے خاص طور پر مڈل ایسٹ اور شام پر اپنے اپنے موقف کے دفاع میں دلائل دئے تو سچی بات یہ ہے

Obama’s Iran Deal creates international safety – Pranaav Jadhav: You may have often heard from political pundits that the second term of a presidency is often uncharismatic and low-key. This certainly does not seem to apply to President Obama who used up every bit of his last resource

Who has triumphed in Vienna? – by Syed Kashif Ali: With sanctions removed, not only will Iranian economic revival be initiated but also greater US-Iran regional cooperation is expected in the Middle East, especially for Iraq’s stability, fight against Islamic State and peaceful settlement of the Syrian and the

WikiLeaks and Saudi obsession with Iran – Agha Shaukat Jafri: How many additional revelations the Western powers and their policy makers would need so as to shut the faucets of friendship and favoritism that are showered non-stop upon the evil empire of Saudi Arabia. Pakistan, Iraq, and

ایران – جی پلس فائیو نیو کلئیر ڈیل – عامر حسینی: ایران اور دنیا کی پانچ بڑی طاقتوں کے درمیان تاریخی نیوکلئیر ڈیل کے بعد کچھ اور پیش رفت بھی ہوئی ہیں ، جس سے اس ڈیل کے ممکنہ اثرات بارے جاننے میں مدد مل سکتی ہے امریکی انتظامیہ لگتا

Robert Fisk: Iran nuclear deal: America has taken Iran’s side – to the fury of Israel and Saudi Arabia: However much Bibi Netanyahu of Israel and the Gulf sultans rage at the Vienna agreement, the Arabs at least will suspect the truth: that the Americans have taken the Shia Muslim side in the Middle East’s sectarian war. That’s

Sunrise over Iran – Khurram Husain: THE luck just doesn’t run out in Pakistan. Just as one door closes, another opens. For almost a decade now, rulers in Pakistan have tried to overcome domestic opposition to broadening our ties with India and failed. For almost

Iran-West nuclear deal: implications for Pakistan – Bahadar Ali Khan: A cautious optimism can be expressed and expected after the successful conclusion of nuclear arms deal between Iran and the six world powers. However, as they say, still expect some slips between the cup and the lips. These

مامی توانیم: ایران امریکہ جوہری معاہدہ اور اس پر مخلتف رد عمل – عامرحسینی: مامی توانیم کا مطلب ہے کہ ” ہم اپنے فیصلے کرنے پر قادر ہیں ” اور کل اگر تہران کی گلیوں ، کوچوں اور بازاروں میں لوگوں کے خوشی سے جھومتے ، گاتے ، پھلجھڑیاں چھوڑتے اور شرلی پٹاخے

Jim Pivonka’s comment on the historic Iran-US nuclear deal: Here I post comments by two Pakistani observers of different background and experience, re the nuclear agreement with Iran and its meaning for the future, from their point of view. Probably more interesting that anything you will see

ایران اور چھے عالمی طاقتوں کے درمیان ایرانی نیوکلیئر پروگرام پر معاہدہ – عامر حسینی: ایران اور چھے عالمی طاقتوں کے درمیان ایرانی نیوکلیئر پروگرام پر ایک معاہدہ طے پاگیا ہے اور اس معاہدے کو اکثر ممالک اور تجزیہ کار تاریخی معاہدہ قرار دے رہے ہیں جبکہ خود امریکی صدر باراک اوبامہ علی

A comment on the historic Iran-US nuclear deal – by Ali Abbas Taj: The Iran nuclear deal is yet another proof that I, Ali Abbas Taj, Editor-in-Chief of the LUBP blog, am a double agent working for the CIA and the Iranian Baseej, and that I am an Evangelist as well as an

President Obama’s message to everyone celebrating Nowruz across the US and in countries around the world (2015): Hello! To everyone celebrating Nowruz—across the United States and in countries around the world—Nowruz Mubarak. For thousands of years, this has been a time to gather with family and friends and welcome a new spring and a new

شیعہ وسنی صوفی نسل کشی کی مذمت میں امریکی صدراوبامہ کا بیان اوراہل لبرل والجماعت کے ہاں صف ماتم – عامر حسینی: اہل لبرل والجماعت کے ہاں اس وقت صف ماتم بچھ گئی جب رئیس ریاست ہائے متحدہ باراک اوبامہ نے شیعہ سنی بائینری سے دنیا بھر میں مذھبی دہشت گردی کی تشریح کرنے سے انکار کیا اور تعمیر کی تعبیر