President Barack Obama Archive

President Obama condemns genocidal campaign against Sunni Sufis, Shias, Christians and religious minorities by ISIS and other Salafi and Deobandi terrorists – Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Holy Halal! Syed Barack Hussain Obam-vi is also spouting the LUBP line President Obama condemns genocidal campaign against Sunni Sufis, Shias, Christians and religious minorities by ISIS and other Wahhabi and Deobandi terrorists Holy Halal! Syed Barack Hussain Obam-vi

آسٹریلوی سلفی دیوبندی دہشت گرد کی وائٹ ہاؤس پر داعش کا جھنڈا لہرانے کی دھمکی: شام اور عراق میں دولتِ اسلامیہ میں شمولیت اختیار کرنے والے ایک آسٹریلوی نوجوان نے ایک ویڈیو پیغام میں آسٹریلیا کے وزیرِ اعظم ٹونی ایبٹ اور امریکی صدر براک اوباما کو مخاطب کیا ہے۔ سترہ سالہ عبداللہ المیر نے،

Beware President Obama: ISIS-backer Erdogan wants to replicate “Libyan Model” in Syria: Two recent developments have completely exposed the Turkish PM Erdogan as one of the main supporters, financiers and backers of the Salafi-Deobandi terrorist group, ISIS aka Daish aka IS. In recent comments and in his typical candid manner, US

Obama: We don’t have a strategy about ISIS / Cameron: A terror attack on the UK is now ‘highly likely’ by returning Jahadis: Editor’s note: We are cross posting two articles which prove that there is no sense of direction or cohesion in the West when it comes to fighting Salafi Wahhabi Deobandi Terror. One can only hope that the all powerful

If the Nobel Peace Prize can be handed to Obama, why not hand it to the Israeli Defence Force? – by Robert Fisk: Now I know that the Israeli Defence Forces are famous in song and legend. Humanitarian, courageous, self-sacrificing, restrained, willing to give their own lives for the innocents among their enemies, etc, etc. Leon Uris’s Exodus – a racist,

Obama is mute on his friendly ally Saudi Arabia, whose Salafists are the inspiration and fund-raisers for the Deobandi/Wahabi militias of Iraq and Syria – by Robert Fisk: He wouldn’t bomb Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s bloody caliphate when it was butchering the majority Shia Muslims of Iraq. But Barak Obama is riding to the rescue of the Christian refugees – and the Yazidis – because of “a potential

روس کا شام اور یوکرین میں امریکی یورپی استعمار کو شکست دینا تیسری دنیا کے لئے ایک خوش آئند بات ہے – از ایاز امیر: نپولین کو صرف روس کی سرد ی نے ہی شکست نہیں دی تھی بلکہ یہ سخت جان روسی سپاہیوں کی جانبازی تھی جس نے پانسہ پلٹ دیا۔ ماسکو کی شاہراہ پر ہونے والی بوروڈینو کی جنگ میں روسی فوج

Whose sarin? – by Seymour M. Hersh: Barack Obama did not tell the whole story this autumn when he tried to make the case that Bashar al-Assad was responsible for the chemical weapons attack near Damascus on 21 August. In some instances, he omitted important intelligence,

Comrade Shareefa Al Jalib Wal Faiz – by Syed Riaz Al-Malik Hajjaji: Look at the Defiant, athletic proud pose of Comrade Shareefa Al Jalib Wal Faiz, the “Anti-Establishment” “Mature Statesmen” who is supported by both Good Liberals and Sipah Sahaba Taliban. See how he has forced Sadr-e-Amerika into a servile pose.

LUBP congratulates Malala Yousafzai: Dear Malala, You may not have won the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize but you have won the hearts of millions of those who cherish equal rights and education and peaceful resistance. For refusing to bow down to the medievalist

MPAC and its agenda of malice and mischief – by Agha (Shaukat) Jafri: In keeping with an enriched tradition of Unity and Brotherhood within the ranks of Ummah, the Mission of Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations organizes every year, a forum of friendship during the week of UN General

Text of direct phone conversation between Iranian President Rouhani and U.S. President Obama: Obama, Rouhani phone call first communication between U.S. and Iranian leaders since 1979 WASHINTON, D.C. — The Associated Press Published Friday, Sep. 27 2013, U.S. President Barack Obama and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani spoke by telephone Friday (27 Sep

A Plea for Caution From Russia What Putin Has to Say to Americans About Syria – by Putin: MOSCOW — RECENT events surrounding Syria have prompted me to speak directly to the American people and their political leaders. It is important to do so at a time of insufficient communication between our societies. Relations between us have

The World’s Red Line? – by Rusty Walker: Obama’s red line amounted to a “green light.” It was AFTER Obama drew a red line that Syria used chemical weapons, (or, al Qaeda used chems). Subsequently, Obama lied about his clear statement, and smoothly reframed it as a

Syrians in Ghouta claim Saudi-sponsored rebels behind chemical attack: LUBP editor’s note: The Saudi agenda of pitting the United States against Iran is dangerous to global peace. The US Congress session must reconsider its alliance with Saudi Arabia’s Salafist regime that is actively backing Al Qaeda in Syria.

You are right, Malala’s speech could have been better! – by Josh Shahryar: Malala’s speech could have better if it was delivered by Obama. PHOTO: AFP It was a privilege to take a few minutes off my life and listen to Malala Yousafzai’s speech at the United Nations– alas, on YouTube. I’ve

Is the Obama-led West being any better than Assad? – by A Z: We all know that Assad is a despot who has subjugated all dissent and has killed his opponents, much like his father. That is an established fact for most sane minds. The question here is is the West any

Congratulations to President Obama on Re-election: Letter from Pakistan: LUBP would like to extend a heartiest congratulation to President Barack Obama on his re-election. While differences persist with certain aspects of US foreign policy, both his economic agenda (progressive taxation, enhanced government spending to spur job creation, bailouts

Salafist-Deobandis’ response to Obama’s UN speech: 11 more Shia Muslims slaughtered in Pakistan: About the author: Karrar Hussain is a freelance writer based in Hyderabad. He tweets at @KarrarrHussain. Shia killing spree in Pakistan has gathered pace within 24 hours after President Barrack Obama’s speech at United Nations General Assembly in which

We welcome President Obama’s condemnation of radical Deobandi and Salafi Wahhabi violence against Sunni Sufis and Shia Muslims: Source: World Shia Forum The World Shia Forum (WSF) welcomes U.S. President Obama’s condemnation of Salafi/Wahhabi and Deobandi violence and incitement against Shiite Muslims and Sufi Muslims. Thousands of Shiite Muslims and Sunni Sufi Muslims have been killed in

Obama ke liye dua -by Nazir Qaiser: اردو اور پنجابی کے معروف منفرد تیکھے لہجے اور بلند آہنگ شاعر اور ادیب نذیر قیصر روزنامہ مشرق کیلئے روزانہ قطعہ لِکھ رہے ہیں۔ ہم آج کا قطعہ قارئین کی خِدمت میں کراس پوسٹ کر رہے ہیں مشکل پڑی

Pakistan’s slow-motion coup – by C. Christine Fair: Islamabad’s generals are out to destroy Pakistani democracy. Obama should try to stop them. Pakistan’s civilian government, led by the Pakistan People’s Party, has long been an irritant to the country’s generals. President Asif Ali Zardari runs a corrupt

Obama ka khitab -by Nazir Qaiser: اردو اور پنجابی کے معروف منفرد تیکھے لہجے اور بلند آہنگ شاعر اور ادیب نذیر قیصر روزنامہ مشرق کیلئے روزانہ قطعہ لِکھ رہے ہیں۔ ہم آج کا قطعہ قارئین کی خِدمت میں کراس پوسٹ کر رہے ہیں جنگ کی

Is the U.S. on the wrong side of history in Bahrain?: By Josh Rogin President Barack Obama’s administration has sided with Bahrain’s ruling regime over its domestic protest movement more clearly than in any other country affected by the Arab Spring. But that position is unwise and unsustainable, according to

I’m not ready to live in Imran’s Pakistan – by Nadya V: Its 2013 and by some unlikely miracle of sheer inqilabi (revolutionary) voting, Imran Khan has been elected prime minister and his party is in power. Wait a minute – what party? That’s right, a hefty gang full of loafers

Time for Pakistan to abandon strategic depth for economic central foreign policy: Related Post: Time to say good bye to strategic assets The new world is giving a high priority to diplomatic relations among different countries and nations on the basis of economic interests & human security mainly. America is the

US, India: Educational collaboration is a driving force in strategic dialogue: While US and India are collaborating and cooperating in every sector of the economy in making sure the human security requirements, on the contrary Pakistani establishment still adheres to its strategic narrative and ‘security state’policy. India and the United

Panetta says U.S. is ‘within reach’ of defeating Al Qaeda: The new defense chief says intelligence uncovered in the Bin Laden raid showed that 10 years of U.S. operations against the terror network had left it with fewer than two dozen key operatives. Panetta is visiting Afghanistan for the

Osama’s killing: Is the world safe now? -by Saad Akhter: Osama’s killing has taken world by storm for a small period of time. Frankly I never thought that personalities matter and something like terrorism where people are fighting to get killed and get their names In history. Personalities don’t

OBL Hiding in Pakistan: Cartoons: Pakistan has become a laughing stock by the world, a fact which is aptly highlighted by the following cartoons:

Osama Bin Laden and Pakistan in Perspective from the U.S. – by Rusty Walker: Related Articles: Why did ISI dispose of Osama Bin Laden? – by Mahvish Afridi Bin Laden Killed in a joint operation?? Take a Bow Mr President Bin Laden’s death, Pakistan’s counterpunch to the United States – by Shiraz Paracha

Pakistan lacks plan to defeat Taliban: US: The Obama administration has criticized Pakistan’s efforts against al-Qaida and Taliban militants, saying years after the conflict began, there remains “no clear path” toward defeating the insurgency on their side of the border with Afghanistan. Pakistan’s efforts to launch

Exposed: The US-Saudi Libya deal – by Pepe Escobar: You invade Bahrain. We take out Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. This, in short, is the essence of a deal struck between the Barack Obama administration and the House of Saud. Two diplomatic sources at the United Nations independently confirmed

An open letter to President Obama: People of Bahrain need your help: Related articles: LUBP Archive on Bahrain An open letter to President Obama: If there is any country where the USA can install democracy without a single bullet fired, it is Bahrain Dear Mr. President, In one of your recent

A letter to Barack Obama from the Afghan experts: To the President of the United States: Mr. President, We have been engaged and working inside Afghanistan, some of us for decades, as academics, experts and members of non-governmental organisations. Today we are deeply worried about the current course

US blacklists Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation: The Obama administration says it has added a Pakistani charity affiliated with an al-Qaeda-linked terror group to its terrorism blacklist. US State Department claimed on Wednesday that Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation (FeF), which has provided humanitarian assistance to Pakistanis displaced by

Why Obama bows to the Chinese – by Sindhyar Talpur: foreword: Apologies if this essay seems to be simplistic in nature, however this essay is meant to be basic in its content. It is part of an endeavor by LUBP to highlight economic situation around the world, its effects

Christians ask Obama to condemn violent Hindu extremism: Christians in India are asking U.S. President Barack Obama to stand up for issues such as human rights, peace, justice, and dialogue, says Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay and Chairman of the Bishops’ Conference of India, in an

Obama’s loss – lessons for progressives: It is arguable, but two factors in Obama's character proved to his downfall. His sense of duty and his aversion to political soundbites and showman ship

Little is expected of Barack Obama’s visit to India: Little is expected of Barack Obama’s visit to India The Economist Oct 28th 2010 | delhi BARACK OBAMA is expected to arrive in India next week in time for Diwali, the subcontinent’s festival of light. In Delhi and Mumbai