Salafist-Deobandis’ response to Obama’s UN speech: 11 more Shia Muslims slaughtered in Pakistan
posted by Abdul Nishapuri | September 26, 2012 | In Featured, Original Articles
On 25 September 2012, US President Obama condemned Shia genocide in his landmark address to the United Nations General Assembly.
About the author: Karrar Hussain is a freelance writer based in Hyderabad. He tweets at @KarrarrHussain.
Shia killing spree in Pakistan has gathered pace within 24 hours after President Barrack Obama’s speech at United Nations General Assembly in which he condemned the Shia and Sufi Sunni killings. Ten more Shias have been killed around Pakistan in the last 36 hours, underscoring the systematic genocide that Pakistan’s intelligentsia and human rights groups try to obfuscate and hide.
27 Sep- Karachi: Shabbir-ul-Hasan of Gilgit, killed in North Karachi
27 Sep- Quetta: Ghuklam Sakhi (Denter-Painter), Syed Gulab Shah killed in Quetta
26 Sep- Karachi: Bilal Ali, 25, killed in Lee Market area
26 Sep- Quetta: Saryab Road firing, Deputy Director Geological Survey of Pakistan, Mohsin Ali, killed. (a non-Hazara Shia).
26 Sep- Karachi: Zahid Hussain and Nisar Ali killed in Karachi
26 Sep- Karachi: Zaheer Abbas, 28, killed in Gulberg area
25 Sep- Karachi: 3 Shia Muslims killed when Takfiri Doebandi-Salafi terrorists of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (Sipah-e-Sahaba) entered a house of Shia Muslims in Karachi, killing Abbas Raza 35, Kumail Raza 35 and Muhammad Raza 50.
25 Sep- Karachi: Shia lawyer Frhat Naqvi attacked. His brother-in-law Nasir Naqvi injured.
These killings come in the wake of important speech that President Barack Obama delivered. Representing the United States, and speaking at world’s most influential forum, Obama recognized for the first time that Shias and moderate Sunnis are faced with persecution at the hands of Takfiri Salafist-Deobandi terrorists. Just when Pakistan’s media is quiet or continues obfuscating the real cause of these killings, Obama’s reference to Shia genocide at the hands of Takfiri terrorists is a wake-up call for everyone.
Takfiri ideology whose financers and supporters sit in Riyadh and other Arab countries has spread far and wide now. Pakistan has borne its brunt with the Takfiris operating in and outside Pakistan, with more than 40,000 killed so far.
When Obama spoke of Shias and moderate Sufi Sunnis, he was accepting for the first time that there exists a grave issue stemming from this Takfiri ideology. It does not of course absolve Obama of America’s complicity in violence and repression in Bahrain and Syria. But his acceptance of the fact that Shias and moderate Sunnis are subject to killings by Takfiris is recognition that Saudi exported Takfirism threatens the world peace.
The genocide of Shias in Pakistan and killing moderate Sunnis must concern everyone since Takfiri ideology does not distinguish between good or bad Muslims. For Takifirs, everyone who does not accept their ideology is an infidel and therefore liable to punishment.
Obama’s call for ending the killing of Shias and moderate Sunnis must also instill some honesty in Pakistani intelligentsia and human right activists who never get tired of obfuscating Shia genocide as Sunni-Shia sectarian or ethnic violence. It must also translate into America’s firm stance against Takfirism, and must force America to act against Takfiri ideologues, financers and supporters in Saudi Arab and other Arab states.
Now only God is left to take notice of Takfiris. These takfiris are forgetting, when sword of Allah will come in to action, they and even their coming generation will repent for the atrocities they are comitting now.
May Allah destroy these Saudi ideolgists in Pakistan and around the world. Insa’allah they will be punished soon by their own people (ISI) who are promoting them. Allah has his own way of punishing those who kill another human being for no reason.
L.U.B.P should be changed to Let us Destroy Pakistan (LUDP). Criticalapp is playing its more than due role in fanning sectarian hatred. This portal is full of hate material. We need to change our approach and need to identify our enemy. If organisations in Pakistan have Saudi Funding then there are organisations having Iranian funding. Both of them are wrong. Every killing in the name of religion/sect is equally condemnable…I expect this comment to be blocked so no worries……..But I beg you to promote peace and harmony instead of hatred
With reference to MR Azhar Nadeem(September 26, 2012 at 2:21 pm) L.U.B.P is doing what should be done by every seanceabel human being (if he is an human having normal mind) because our media is doing nothing for these Terrorist accept promoting their acts and just imagine God forbidden if some one from your family or known shot down and even your surrounding courage the killer instead of punishing them how will you fell?
We can do nothing but at lest we can condemns through alternative media sources such as L.U.B.P, Face book etc if we can’t do so that how can we say that this is an Islamic republic of Pakistan where people like Mr. Azhar Nadeem(September 26, 2012 at 2:21 pm)discourages the right person.
اگر کوئی شخص یا کوئی گروپ یہ سمجھتا ہے کہ بندوق کے زور پر شیعہ مسلمانوں پر اپنی مرضی کا نظریہ مُسلط کردیں گا تو وہ خواب غفلت میں زندگی گزار رہا ہے۔ اور اگر کوئی یہ سمجھتا ہے کہ ہمیں نہیں پتہ کہ ہمیں کون قتل کررہا ہے یا کون کراچی والا! خفیہ بات چیت کرکے اُن دہشتگردوں کی مدد کررہا ہے یا کون لاڑکانہ والا! ایکشن نہ لے کر اُن دہشتگردوں کو اور آزادی دے رہا ہے تو وہ دُنیا کے بیوقوف ترین انسان ہیں
سب دیکھ رہے ہیں بس اپنے وقت کا انتطار کررہے ہیں! اس سے قبل تم جیسا ضیا الحق بھی آیا تھا جو بلکل تم جیسا چالاک تھا مگر آج وہ نہیں رہا پر ہم ہیں
صبر کرو! اور خود اپنے ہاتھوں سے اپنی تباہی کا انتطار کرو
KARACHI: Four more Ahle Tasheeh men and three Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) activists were among 14 people gunned down in targeted killings across the city on Wednesday.
In the latest sectarian killings, at least four armed men on two motorcycles killed 42-year-old Zafar Ahmed Alvi near his house in Gulbahar, Rizvia.
As the armed men fired indiscriminately, they also shot dead another man, Zahid Ali Jaffery, 45, while three passersby – Altaf, Iqbal Ahmed and Jackson Pervez – were injured, said DSP Rustam Khattak.
Alvi was also associated with the Muttahida Qaumi Movement’s Unit 189 of Gulbahar sector. He was the actual target of the assailants but they killed Jaffery on suspicion that he was following them, said Khattak.
Earlier in the day, 35-year-old Zaheer Abbasi was shot dead in Gulberg, Block 17 of FB Area. Samanabad police said that two armed motorcyclists shot the victim dead while he was returning home after dropping off his son to school. Abbasi worked at Mobilink as an engineer.
Another Shia man was shot dead and his brother and cousin wounded in a targeted attack in New Karachi. At least four attackers targeted Nisar and his brother Nadeem at the Wednesday Bazaar in New Karachi. Apparently they were attacked due to a personal enmity, said DSP Mohammad Akhtar.
Laid to rest
The funeral prayers of Mohammad Raza and his sons, Mohammad Abbas Raza and Kumail Raza, who were killed in Soldier Bazaar on Tuesday, were offered at Mehfil-e-Shah-e-Khorasan on MA Jinnah Road. The victims were later buried at the Hussain Bagh graveyard in Mewashah.
Published in The Express Tribune, September 27th, 2012.
26 September 2012 Last updated at 12:52 Share this pageEmailPrint
Senior Pakistan geology official shot dead in Balochistan
Shias in Balochistan have been frequently targeted in recent years
Gunmen in the Pakistani province of Balochistan have shot dead a senior official of the Geological Survey of Pakistan in an apparent sectarian attack, police say.
Mohsin Raza Naqvi, a member of the minority Shia community, was killed outside his office in Quetta.
Sectarian violence between extremist Sunnis and Shias has killed thousands over the last 20 years.
Most of the attacks have been in Balochistan or the north of Pakistan.
Shias and other minority communities say those behind the violence – such as the banned Sunni militant organisation Lashkar-e-Jhangvi – are rarely caught or punished.
‘Fired bullets’
“We are investigating the crime but it seems a case of sectarian killing. There is a wave of sectarian killings in the country and this is part of that,” senior police official Mohammed Ayaz told the AFP news agency.
Another official told AFP that the gunmen had been waiting for Mr Naqvi, a deputy director of the Geological Survey, at the main gate of his office.
“They fired bullets at him from close range and escaped,” the official said. “His family said they had no feud with anybody and Naqvi was killed because he was Shia.”
Last month a Shia judge was shot dead in Quetta along with his driver and police bodyguard.
Balochistan borders Iran and Afghanistan and is one of Pakistan’s poorest but most strategically important provinces. It faces a host of problems.
As well as sectarian violence, it is at the centre of an insurgency waged by separatists demanding more autonomy and a greater share of its large reserves of natural resources which include oil and gas.
Balochistan is also used as a sanctuary by Taliban militants fighting in neighbouring Afghanistan.
Riots in Lahore and many parts of Punjab were led by the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba whose militants are presently fighting in Afghanistan, Indian-administered Kashmir and Central Asia.
Sipah-e-Sahaba, a militant Sunni group that wants to “cleanse” Pakistan of all Shia Muslims and has claimed responsibility for the murder of more than 300 Hazara Shias in Quetta alone this year, openly led the demonstrators in other parts of Punjab (nobody has been caught for the murder of so many Shias).
The Pakistani Taliban and their supporters were in the forefront in Karachi and Peshawar where they have considerable assets.
But vast areas such as rural Sindh, Balochistan and even parts of the north-west saw no riots or demonstrations because the militants’ network of mosques and madrassas were weak or non-existent.
Nowhere did the government even bother to organise a peaceful demonstration of its own supporters to express outrage but at the same time maintain the dignity of the government.
Cutting a deal?
At other times the government and the military have deliberately fuelled the appearance of extremism in order to pressure, influence or blackmail US or Nato decision-making for Pakistan and Afghanistan.
According to religious figures, in January 2012 the military and intelligence services mobilised dozens of Islamic parties, militant groups and retired generals to form a platform called the Defence of Pakistan Council. They held nationwide street protests against the Americans and Nato after the government had closed the Nato supply road to the Afghan border, after 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed by US forces.
The road that provides Nato forces with goods from the port city of Karachi stayed closed for seven months, creating widespread mistrust of Pakistan among its allies and enormous economic hardship.
Yet, mysteriously, when the military decided to cut a deal with the US and reopen the road, the Council just as suddenly disbanded and disappeared from the streets. The establishment had demonstrated to the Americans its obvious influence over extremist groups.
Likewise Pakistan gives shelter to the Afghan Taliban leadership even as the state battles other groups of the Pakistani Taliban. The question is then obvious – why can’t the state deal with the threats such extremists now pose?
Pandering to the extremists or using them as a foreign policy tool in the long-running war of wills between Pakistan and the West has only strengthened extremism in civil society, the army, the bureaucracy and the police.
The state machinery itself is penetrated and undermined, with not a single politician or general urging change. Pakistan is on the cusp of a nightmarish scenario where extremists call the political shots and the government obeys.
There was rightfully genuine anger felt by Muslims everywhere regarding the desecration of the Prophet, but the cost Pakistan is paying for its leaders deliberately allowing extremists to take control of the streets and cities is devastating for the majority of Pakistanis.
Ahmed Rashid’s latest book Pakistan on the Brink, the future of Pakistan, Afghanistan and the West was published this year.
September 28, 2012
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Two Shias shot dead in Quetta
QUETTA: Two Shia men were gunned down in separate firing incidents in less than one hour in the provincial capital on Thursday.
In the first incident, a man was gunned down near Langove Plaza in Double Road area.
According to police, unidentified armed men entered a shop in the plaza and opened fire. Resultantly, a man was killed on the spot. The attackers managed to escape on a motorbike. The deceased was identified as Ghulam Shaki, a resident of Nechyari Road. He worked for Geological Survey of Pakistan.
In the second incident, a man was gunned down in Goal Masjid area of Satellite Town.
According to police, unidentified armed men entered a photocopy shop and opened fire. As a result, a man was killed on the spot. The deceased was identified as Gulab Shah, a resident of Hazara Town. staff report