President Barack Obama Archive

Pakistan Resists Military Action in ‘Epicenter of Terrorism’: Foreign media published numbers of reports indicating that Pakistan’s military is resisting pressure to begin a promised offensive against Taliban sanctuaries in its border region. In Washington, however, there is increasing anger at Pakistan’s reluctance to take on groups

Obama reiterates support for democracy in Pakistan: US President Barack Obama and Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari agreed in a phone call Tuesday that more needs to be done to combat terror groups in Pakistan, the White House said. “Both President Obama and President Zardari acknowledged

Imran Khan’s letter to Barack Obama: A critical commentary: Cross-posted from the LUBP old website: Dear President Obama, Your extraordinary ascent to the U.S. Presidency is, to a large part, a reflection of your remarkable ability to mobilize society, particularly the youth, with the message of “change.” Indeed,

A plain and clear message: to fight the ‘war on terror’: According to foreign media reports, privately, the US warned Pakistan that it risks losing this and other American aid if it does not adopt a more aggressive stance toward militants. In plain words U.S. Warns Pakistan: Fight Taliban or Lose Funding. U.S.

U.S. Warns Pakistan: Fight Taliban or Lose Funding: By ADAM ENTOUS and JULIAN E. BARNES in Washington and TOM WRIGHT in New Delhi Obama administration officials have privately warned Pakistani leaders that continued inaction against Taliban and al Qaeda havens bordering Afghanistan could jeopardize some of the large U.S. cash

Pakistan is not America’s enemy -by Ryan Crocker: A sustained U.S.-Pakistani partnership after the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan could have produced a very different history than the one we wrestle with today. The news from Pakistan is grim. NATO helicopters engage suspected militants inside Pakistan, killing three,

White House report critical of Pakistan’s efforts against terror; Daniel Markey says “Frustration has really mounted, so the drumbeat is getting louder,”: Despite repeated Obama administration claims in public that Pakistan is working hard to crack down on militants, a private White House review uses unusually tough and harsh language to suggest the ally is not doing nearly enough to confront

Obama’s Wars: implications for Pakistan — by Dr Mohammad Taqi: We do not know if Bob Woodward had meant to time it this way, but his latest book, Obama’s Wars, has hit the shelves exactly 14 years after Kabul fell to the Taliban, with Pakistani ‘security advisers’ present as

‘We need to make clear . . . the cancer is in Pakistan’ -By Bob Woodward: President Obama dispatched his national security adviser, retired Marine Gen. James L. Jones, and CIA Director Leon Panetta to Pakistan for a series of urgent, secret meetings on May 19, 2010. Less than three weeks earlier, a 30-year-old U.S.

A call for help in flood-ravaged Pakistan -by John Kerry: THIS IS Pakistan’s Katrina. I just returned from that country, where the devastation created by the recent floods was gut-wrenching. Five years after floods washed over the southern United States, Pakistan is suffering from an epic disaster. And we

A friend in need is a friend indeed: Congratulating people of Pakistan on the occasion of its 63rd independence day, US President Barack Obama has expressed his country’s long term commitment in strengthening ties with the country. President Barack Obama has pledged sustained U.S. support for Pakistan’s

Obama says he supports Ground Zero mosque and ‘religious freedom’: U.S. President Barack Obama says he supports a plan to build a mosque and Islamic cultural center in New York, near the scene of the deadly September 11, 2001 attacks. It was the first time the president has expressed

Pakistan, Afghanistan and politics of US withdrawal- by Shehrbano Taseer: WASHINGTON DC: On Wednesday, the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) and the Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP) co-sponsored an event featuring Pervez Hoodbhoy and Zia Mian. The speakers discussed the present crisis in Pakistan regarding the Taliban

The road to perdition- by Dr. Muhammad Taqi: First published in Daily Times In the Obama lexicon, the word victory does not exist in the Afghan context. Indications are there that the Pakistani security establishment has been outsourced the effort to tame the Taliban to allow the

General McChrystal, Obama & Pakistan – by Khalid Wasti: امریکہ کرسکتا ہے ہم کیوں نہیں کر سکتے ؟ آجکل مختلف ٹاک شوز پر امریکی جرنیل میک کرسٹل کی برطرفی کے حوالے سے سوال اٹھایا جارہا ہے کہ امریکہ میں اگر ایک جرنیل کو برطرف کیا جا سکتا ہے

Good Bye, McChrystal. Good Luck, Petraeus. “Thank You”, Obama- by Shiraz Paracha: The U.S President Barak Hussein Obama has removed a senior general who made mockery of the civilian leadership and democracy while talking to a reporter. The general was fired within 48 hours after the President learnt about the general’s

Obama bin Laden – by Nadeem Khan: New World Order plan in jeopardy The following article truly shows the US long term perspective that how they will slowly and gradually pull out of the mess they have gotten into and pulled others in, as well. Truly,

As things get worse in Pakistan, the optimism continues to soar – by Robert Fisk: Thanks: The Independent As things get worse in Pakistan, the optimism continues to soar Civilians have paid the price in revenge attacks that usually target the army A few days ago, I was driving around Lahore, its population still

US Senate votes to triple aid to Pakistan, India protests: Published by: Noor KhanPublished: Fri, 25 Sep 2009 at 13:09 IST Lalit K Jha and Betwa Sharma Washington/New York, Sep 25 (PTI) The US Senate today voted unanimously to triple non-military aid to Pakistan to USD 1.5 billion dollars

Pakistan must de-couple from the Taliban express: Shadowlands Saturday, March 28, 2009 The relationship between our security services and the various iterations of the Taliban over the last fifteen years has recently been described as ‘ambiguous’ by an American Senator – which understates the case by

Pakistani Taliban united against Al Qaeda’s three enemies: “Obama, Zardari and Karzai”: Taliban’s unity and our disunity Under instructions from Mullah Umar and “sheikh” Osama bin Laden, the three feuding warlords of Waziristan have announced reconciliation and merger under the rubric of Shura Ittehad Mujahideen (SIM). Heretofore, known as the divided

Why the US bugged Pakistan Army generals – Rauf Klasra offers excerprts from David E Sanger’s book “The Inheritance: The World Obama Confronts…": Why the US bugged Pakistan Army generals Monday, February 16, 2009 Book claims drone attacks began after ISI-Taliban coordination confirmed By Rauf Klasra ISLAMABAD: A new book by a New York Times journalist has levelled serious allegations against Pakistan

Obama vows to listen to Muslims: Obama’s first interview as president (Al-Arabiya TV exclusive): Obama’s first interview as president (Al-Arabiya TV exclusive) Obama vows to listen to Muslims By Edward Luce in Washington Published: January 27 2009 Barack Obama on Monday night granted an Arabic-language television channel his first formal interview as president

The real task before Holbrooke – by Rahimullah Yusufzai: The real task before Holbrooke Saturday, January 24, 2009 Rahimullah Yusufzai The writer is resident editor of The News in Peshawar By naming top-ranking diplomat Richard Holbrooke as the US special representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan, the administration of

President Obama ‘orders Pakistan drone attacks’; also, why are drone attacks important?: (US Air Force/EPA) A Predator drone Tim Reid in Washington (Times Online, 23 January 2009) Missiles fired from suspected US drones killed at least 15 people inside Pakistan today, the first such strikes since Barack Obama became president and

Swat: No point in talking to the Taliban… Obama, please bomb the Taliban headquarters in FATA since the Pakistani army is unwilling to do so.: No point in talking to the Taliban Friday, January 23, 2009 by Farhat Taj Some weeks ago I was with a family in the NWFP. The family had staying with them many relatives from a Taliban-occupied tribal area. I

Pakistan’s sovereignty, America and the Taliban…: American drones and Taliban terrorism An important visit by the chief of US Central Command (CENTCOM), General David Petraeus, on Tuesday ended on a note of disagreement in Islamabad. President Asif Ali Zardari “expressed concern” over the US drone

Obama’s message to the Muslim world in his inaugural speech…: Text of President Barack Obama’s inaugural address By The Associated Press – 20 January 2009 “….Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism not just with missiles and tanks, but with sturdy alliances and enduring convictions. They understood

Al-Qaeda vows to hurt Obama’s US. Ayman al-Zawahiri likens Obama to a "house slave" – who had chosen to align himself with the "enemies" of Islam.: Will the supporters of Al-Qaeda and Taliban in Pakistan (namely Qazi Hussain Ahmed, Imran Khan, implicitly supported by certain leaders in Nawaz Sharif’s PML-N) condemn this statement? Or will they keep dodging the Pakistani nation by their ambiguous stance

Aqeedat kay shakhsanay and Obama – Why do Pakistanis lack critical inquiry? By Dr. Safdar Mehmood: Why don’t Muslims in general and Pakistanis in particular pay attention to critical inquiry and tolerance. (Can we get rid of the romantic fantasies of our psuedo-intellectuals namely Hamid Gul, Haroon-ur-Rashid etc) Here is an interesting op-ed by Dr.

How much democratic is the USA? From slavery to Obama – by Wusatullah Khan: How much democratic is the USA? امریکہ کتنا جمہوری ہے ! وسعت اللہ خان بی بی سی اردو ڈاٹ کام، اسلام آباد نینسی پلوسی امریکہ میں ایوان نمائندگان کی پہلی سپیکر ہیں دوسری عالمی جنگ کے بعد سے

Yet another controversial Obama appointment. Sonal Shah, the adviser picked up by Obama for his transition team, is known for her links to VHP: Yet another controversial Obama appointment * Sonal Shah has been part of group believed to have been involved in massacre of Muslims in Gujarat and carrying out sustained campaign against Indian Christians in Orissa By Khalid Hasan WASHINGTON: Another

Americans voted for Barack Hussein Obama, the rulers in Pakistan appointed Israrullah Zehri and Mir Hazar Khan Bijarani as ministers.: Our patch of darknessSunday, November 09, 2008by Ghazi Salahuddin At a time when the world is illuminated by the miracle of democracy, manifested in the election of an Afro-American as president of the United States of America, we remain

Is Imran Khan Pakistan’s Obama – what do ordinary Pakistani citizens think?: dara Says:November 7th, 2008: There are no comparisons between Imran Khan and Obama. Obama comes through a strong struggle in and out of parliament (sent in case of Obama). Obama had to go through election within his party to

The election of Obama and the future of US-Muslim relations – an interesting debate between a right-wing Pakistani and a left-wing Pakistani: we_are_nuts Says:November 6th, 2008 It is amazing that nut jobs remain nut jobs be it from the East or the West. The problem with Pakistan as i have been professing on this site since pre-Zardaro era is not USA/West/Israel/India

What is wrong with the assessment of many Pakistanis regarding the change of government in the United States?: After America has spoken for Obama Pakistanis have been discussing Obama these past months with a lot of hope and some misgiving. This is in line with the general Muslim sentiment in the world, as expressed by some debates

Obama’s views on the war on terror and Pakistan: Obama Delivers Bold Speech About War on TerrorPresidential Candidate Pushes Aggressive Stance Toward (Mullah Military Alliance in) Pakistan By JAKE TAPPER (ABC News)Aug. 1, 2007 In a strikingly bold

President Obama: A new direction in challenging times, a new dawn in the nation’s long struggle to bridge its racial divide: Wednesday, November 5, 2008; Page A22 (Washington Post) BARACK OBAMA, 44th president of the United States: Like so many millions of Americans, we savor the phrase, and congratulate the winner, and celebrate the momentousness of the occasion. It is