Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri Archive

Arsalan Iftikhar, Tahir ul Qadri and Noora Democracy – by Riaz Malik Al Hajjaji: Congratulations to Honda Civic Society (aka civil society) and Sipah-e-Sahaba (aka ASWJ-LeJ) in their joint struggle to restore Grade 22 bureaucrat PCO Judge Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhary. The Liars, ooops, Lawyers movement has finally borne fruit! “Doctor” Arsalan Ibne Iftikhar,

نواز لیگ کی ایما پر بریلوی قتل عام اور نسیم زہرہ کا جعد ا بنت اشعت والا کردار- از حسن قادری: منہاج القرآن انٹرنیشنل پر لشکر جھنگوی اور پنجاب پولیس کے مشترکہ حملے کے بعد میڈیا میں لاہور کے ایک بد معاش گلو بٹ کا تذکرہ نہایت زور و شور کے ساتھ کیا جا رہا ہے لیکن میڈیا اور میڈیا

Eyewiteness account: Punjab CM Shahbaz used ASWJ terrorists to massacre Sunni Barelvis in Lahore: Lahore (20 June): According to eywtiness accounts, cooroborated by media report and intelligence reports, it has been revealed that the Punjab Government, led by CM Shahbaz Sharif, unleashed ASWJ (previously SSP-LeJ) militants to massacre Sunni Barelvi followers of Dr

لاہور میں منہاج القران کے کارکنوں اور ایم کیو ایم کی رکن قومی اسمبلی طاہرہ آصف کا قتل شہباز حکومت کی نگرانی میں کالعدم تنظیم نے کیا – خفیہ ادارے: خفیہ اداروں کی مرتب کردہ رپورٹس کا مطابق لاہور میں ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری کے چودہ کارکنوں کے قتل میں ایک کالعدم دیوبندی دہشت گرد تنظیم سپاہ صحابہ المعروف اہلسنت والجماعت کے مسلح افراد پولیس کے ہمراہ پر امن سنی

Sectarian motives of the massacre of Tahir-ul-Qadri’s followers in Lahore must not be obfuscated: The massacre of peaceful Sunni Barelvis/Sufis in Model Town Lahore raises several questions about human rights violations and state brutality by the Punjab government led by Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif under the direction of PM Nawaz Sharif and it

پولیس میں منہاج القرآن کے پر امن لوگوں پر گولی چلانے کی ہمت نہیں، یہ حکم نواز شریف اور شہباز شریف نے دیا – نذیر ناجی اور ہارون الرشید: جس طرح نواز حکومت نے سانحہ بادآمی باغ میں مسیح برادری کے خلاف کالعدم سپاہ صحابہ و لشکر جھنگوی کے دہشت گردوں کا استعمال کیا بالکل اسی طرح سانحہ ماڈل ٹاؤن میں اہلسنت منہاج القرآن کے خلاف بھی نواز

The unprecedented massacre of Sunni Barelvis in Lahore: Why have the Sharif Brothers taken on the Army?: The ferocity and ruthlessness of the Punjab police’s unprovoked assault on the peaceful Sunni Barelvi/Sufi students, faculty, and workers of Tahir ul Qadri’s Al-Minhaj University, on direct orders from CM Shahbaz Sharif and PM Nawaz Sharif, is unprecedented in

Massacre of Sunnis by Salafist Saudi-backed Nawaz Sharif Regime: In a typical display of brutality reminiscent of his spiritual father, Zia ul Haq, the Shahbaz Sharif regime massacred over a dozen unarmed Sunni Barelvis and wounded nearly another hundred workers of Minhaj ul Quran. Certain sections of the

نوازشہباز قربانی کے بکروں کی تلاش میں رانا ثناء اللہ اور چند پولیس افسران کی بلی چڑھانے کو تیار: اے آر وائی نیوز کے بیورو چیف عارف حمید بھٹی ،روزنامہ پاکستان کے چیف ایڈیٹر مجیب الرحمان شامی ،جیو جنگ گروپ کے سہیل وڑائچ سمیت میڈیا کے بہت سے منجھے ہوئے صحافیوں کا کہنا ہے کہ لاہور میں سی

شہباز رانا سکھیرا ٹرائیکا کی جمہوریت کے نام پر بریلوی نسل کشی کی منصوبہ بندی بے نقاب – خصوصی رپورٹ: شہباز-رانا-سکھیرا ٹرائیکا کے بریلوی نسل کشی کے بدترین مناظر شہباز شریف کاپالتو غنڈاگلو بٹ پنجاب کے دارالحکومت لاہور میں ماڈل ٹاؤن میں واقع تحریک منھاج القرآن کے مرکزی دفتر پر سی پی او لاہور شفیق چودھری کی قیادت میں

لشکر جھنگوی کی سرپرست نون لیگ کے ہاتھوں بریلوی مسلمانوں کا قتل عام – از عامر حسینی: ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری کے گهر اور منهاج القران یونیورسٹی کے آگے لگائے گئے حفاظتی پائپ هٹانے کے نام پر پنجاب پولیس نے ماڈل ٹاون لاہور کے ایم بلاک پر دهاوا بول دیا اور اس نے 365 ایم ماڈل ٹاون

نازو کی بدحواسیاں ،پی ٹی وی پر درباری مولوی طاہر القادری پر بلاسفیمی کا الزام لگانے لگے: مسلم لیگ نواز کی حکومت پاکستان عوامی تحریک کے ڈاکٹر طاہرالقادری کے خلاف پروپیگنڈا سیل متحرک ہوگیا ہے پی ٹی وی پر ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری کے خلاف درباری مولوی متحرک ہوگئے اور پی ٹی وی ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری کے

Anti-Taliban Sunni Barelvi cleric slammed by pro-Taliban PCO Chief Justice – by Sidq Maqaal: The Supreme Court on Wednesday threw out the petition of Tehreek-e-Minhajul Quran chief Tahirul Qadri for the reconstitution of the Election Commission of Pakistan, saying that Qadri has failed to satisfy it on his bona fides and fundamental rights

Revolution shall not be televised – by Fahad Rizwan: Last few years we have witnessed an epidemic in Pakistan , it is the epidemic of ‘long march’.usually it is middle class which is most affected , symptoms are ‘ tabdeeli ‘ , ‘inqilaab inqilaab ‘ ‘change ‘ some one chanting

Lailla’s puppy and oath in Canada – by Ali Raja: Where the pale, crude and baleful desserts of Arabia have on their record life abducting tales and soul snatching allegories, they also are the home to the ambrosial folk of “Laila Majnu.” The millennium old legend of how a

Express Tribune publishes false propaganda about #TahirulQadri’s real name, asylum and return flight to Canada: In the last few days Pakistan’s urban elites, many of whom remain aligned (due to sectarian, economic, political reasons) with the Saudi-sponsored Deobandi-Wahhabi hegemony in Pakistani establishment, have been a part of a sustained propaganda campaign against Dr. Tahir

Why was #TahirulQadri launched? – by Cyril Almeida: NOW that that’s over, let’s try and figure out what it meant. First, the soft option. Qadri was launched to achieve several things. One: activate the non-Wahabis/Deobandis. Battered and bruised by the Wahabi-Deobandi combine, the establishment is looking for

Why did Pakistani plutocrats go hammer and tongs at Tahir ul Qadri? – by Ayaz Amir: Note: Here’s a sample of those criticizing Tahir ul Qadri: https://lubpak.com/archives/239195/comment-page-1#comment-361123 Related post: Why are they saying terrible things about Tahir ul Qadri? So it was not to be. Not because the people of the city were cruel –

Why are they saying terrible things about Tahir ul Qadri?: Note: Here’s a sample of those criticizing Tahir ul Qadri: https://lubpak.com/archives/239195/comment-page-1#comment-361123 Related post: Why did Pakistani plutocrats go hammer and tongs at #TahirulQadri – by Ayaz Amir The entire media and right wing politicians have been demonizing Tahir ul

A critical reflection on Tahir-ul-Qadri’s Long March: Over the past 5 days during the long march of Tahir-ul-Qadri or “Chabi wala baba” as his known amongst his critics, I have come across comments and analysis from many of my twitter and social network friends which forced

Full text of Islamabad Long March Declaration after dialogue between Tahir-ul-Qadri and PPP-coalition: Note: Here’s a sample of those criticizing Tahir ul Qadri: https://lubpak.com/archives/239195/comment-page-1#comment-361123 Related posts: Why did Pakistani plutocrats go hammer and tongs at #TahirulQadri – by Ayaz Amir Why are they saying terrible things about Tahir ul Qadri? Following decisions were unanimously

طاہر القادری پر تنقیدکرنے والےلوگ طاہر اشرفی پر خاموش کیوں؟ – حامد میر: ڈاکٹر طاہر القادری پر تنقید بہت آسان ہے۔ کوئی انہیں چابی والا بابا قرار دے رہا ہے تو کوئی انہیں کسی امریکی ڈرامے کا اردو ترجمہ قرار دے رہا ہے، کوئی انہیں جرنیلوں کی ناتمام خواہشات کا ٹوٹا ہوا

All Islamofascist Party convenes in Raiwind: Thank you, Saudi Arabia: Today, on 16 January 2013, Nawaz Sharif (head of PML-N) spoke on behalf of a bunch of Islamofascists leaders who held a meeting in the drawing room of his sprawling estate in Raiwind. All the luminaries, discounting a dead

Has Tahirul Qadri the required mandate to enforce his agenda? -by Syed Jaffer: The area highlighted in the picture is the ground around Minare Pakistan. Exact area calculated by using the raster image and Auto CAD is 0.4 square kilometer. Alternatively the area is forty three lac five thousand nine hundred and

An edited version of Ayesha Siddiqa’s analysis of Tahir-ul-Qadri’s thesis: Note: The following piece is cross-posted from Express Tribune with some edits to take care of some minor omissions in the original piece. A closer look at Tahirul Qadri’s thesis – by Ayesha Siddiqa Almost everyone seems to want

Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri’s position on the blasphemy law: Apologists and affiliates of Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban (SST) and also those pseudo-liberals (Najam Sethi and his fan club in particular) who see no shame in promoting Deobandi thugs such as Tahir Ashrafi and Ahmed Ludhianvi as

We condemn Sipah Sahaba Taliban’s attack on MQM workers and Dr. Tahir ul Qadri’s supporters in Karachi: We condemn attack on supporters of Altaf Hussain (MQM) and Dr. Tahir ul Qadri (Minhajul Quran) in Karachi by Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban (SST). This post explains why Takfiri Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba attacked MQM workers

Some pictures of Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri’s grand rally at Minar-e-Pakistan Lahore: Dr Tahirul Qadri attracted an awe-inspiring crowd of at least one million Pakistanis of all religious and ethnic backgrounds, Sunni, Shia, Punjabi, Muhajir, Pashtun, Sindhi, Baloch, Hindu, Sikh etc, at Minar-e-Pakistan, Lahore on Sunday 23 Dec 2012, as he

Tahir-ul-Qadri’s grand rally in Lahore is a public referendum against Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban: Related posts: Thank you, Allama Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri, for bold fatwa against Takfiri suicide bombers Takfiri Deobandis are the biggest threat to Pakistan and Islam – by Zaid Hamid Minhajul Quran International Chief and Sheikhul Islam Allama Dr Tahirul Qadri

Takfiri Deobandis are the biggest threat to Pakistan and Islam – by Zaid Hamid: Related post: Thank you, Allama Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri, for bold fatwa against Takfiri suicide bombers Editor’s note: Adapted and edited by LUBP for clarity and coherence. Indeed, we continue to respect moderate Deobandis who must not be confused with Takfiri

The circus is in town – by Ali Aftab Saeed: It’s a free-for-all! The circus is in town. Tahir-ul-Qadri is back with invaluable suggestions for forming and running a new government. The other usual suspects, to a man, are there too. Suddenly everybody has forgotten that Sipah-e-Sahaba is a

Thank you, Allama Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri, for bold fatwa against Takfiri Khariji terrorists: Qadri terms terror attacks unIslamic Related post: Takfiri Deobandis are the biggest threat to Pakistan and Islam – by Zaid Hamid FOUNDER and patron-in-chief of Tehrik Minhajul Quran Dr Tahirul Qadri has termed suicide attacks and bomb blasts in

Eid Miladun Nabi versus Talibanisation: This year the festival of the “third Eid” of Islam was observed with unprecedented exuberance. Eid Miladun Nabi, the Birthday of the Holy Prophet PBUH, has always been the most important of the three Eids, but in this season

Aaj TV must apologize to Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri. There is a fine line between the freedom of media and its abuse.: Bolta Pakistan 6-november-2008 [Nusrat Javed And Mushtaq Minhas discussing who can be a potential Obama for Pakistan] Mushtaq Minhas: I recalled another [Pakistani] Obama. Do not try to make fun of me now. Do you remember there used to

Fatwa by Mufti Rafi Usmani and Mufti Muneeb-ul-Rehman in support of Aamir Liaquat Hussain: We believe that the current dirty, sectarian propaganda against Aamir Liaquat Hussain is a reaction by the pro-Taliban groups, the extremists of Sipah-e-Sahaba, the Gustakhan-e-Rasool elements within the Pakistani society, who have become hostile to Aamir Liaquat Hussain because

Selective morality against Aamir Liaquat Hussain: 02 October 2008 Selective morality, as we all know, is a typical characteristic of Pakistan’s right-wing Islamofascists and (fake) liberal urban elite. The aim of this post is to highlight the recent sectarian propaganda campaign against a Barelvi Muslim