All Islamofascist Party convenes in Raiwind: Thank you, Saudi Arabia

Those who refuse to unite against Saudi-sponsored Taliban and LeJ-ASWJ terrorists wasted no time in uniting against a Sunni Barelvi cleric.
Today, on 16 January 2013, Nawaz Sharif (head of PML-N) spoke on behalf of a bunch of Islamofascists leaders who held a meeting in the drawing room of his sprawling estate in Raiwind. All the luminaries, discounting a dead horse like the misogynist G M Khar, are held together by a couple of factors:
(1) They are all beholden to the murderous, inhuman Islamofascist ideology which stipulates that anyone who does not subscribe to the Wahabist/Deobandi line of action must be killed; and
(2) They have tacitly and openly, depending on the circumstances, supported genocides of the Shias and the Ahmadis, and persecution of the Christians and the Barelvis.
These Saudi-sponsored Islamofascists at the press conference included, among others, Nawaz Sharif, Fazlur Rehman, Muanwar Hasan, and Mullah Ajmal.
At the press conference, Nawaz Sharif mentioned, only in half a sentence, the persecution of the Hazara community. He was deliberately withholding the truth: There is no such a persecution as “Hazara persecution”. What has been going on for years is the genocide of the Shia Muslims not just of Quetta, but all over Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif shamelessly did not even made a passing reference to the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ, currently operating as ASWJ) which is patronized by the Punjabi government headed by his brother.
Another Islamofascist Fazlur Rehman made fun of Christians and Sunni Barelvis by calling a respectable Christian leader and former Member of Parliament Julius Salik as a clown, and resembling Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri to Mr. J. Salik.
Talal Bugti who has recently discovered that embracing Islamofascism means money and power made fun of the protest of Quetta Shias. He ridiculed their success in having the Quetta government sacked by saying with a cynical smile, “Nothing will happen by the change of the government!”
Mahmud Achizai who has renounced his progressive ideology by embracing the Saudi-financed Islamofascist cause by condemned the government and threatened to turn the entire Pakistan into a Tahrir Square. On his own, he cannot get one dozen people to hold a political rally. But he knows that subscription to the Saudi brand of Islam means everything: He is Nawaz Sharif’s choice to become Pakistan’s interim prime minister.
At the press conference, Tahir-ul-Qadri was virulently denounced and not a single word was spoken against the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi or its leaders who are Munawar Hassan’s comrades at every Difa-e-Pakistan Council (DPC) meeting. Qadri, a Sufi (Barelvi) Sunni, is hated by Saudi Arabia and is a persona non grata there. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi is financed by Saudi Arabia.
While Comrades Nadeem Paracha and Najam Sethi celebrated the Saudi-sponsored consensus against a Sunni Barelvi as a great day for democracy, Comrade Abbas Nasir rightly wondered if Pakistan can see similar consensus on battling terrorism one day too. If TUQ is a threat to democracy, TTP-ASWJ is an outright threat to Pakistan’s existence. Why no such consensus against TTP-ASWJ killing machines?
You can imagine what lies ahead for those Pakistanis who do not subscribe to the evil, inhuman Islamofascism imported from Saudi Arabia. The choice today lies between Saudi Pakistan and Sufi Pakistan. And within that choice resides Pakistan’s peace, progress and prosperity.
Celebrations on Twitter by the Right Wing and the Najam Sethi Club
One islamofascist party was left out and that is PPP.Don’t forget Bhutto was also the follower of these fascist Mullahs and made changes in constitution at their demand.
Bhutto a `follower?’ That’s like calling Imran`Taliban’ Khan a gentleman or the Takfiris members of the human race.
Some of us are old enough, honest enough and have less selectively leaky memories to tell how it really was.
The cosmopolitan, aristocratic Bhutto was not a Muslim in the Tableeghi Jamaat/Nazria-e-Pakistan brigade-approved mould. Unlike the majority of urban Pakistanis, he did not suffer from an identity crisis. His Sindhi heritage defined him. The syncretic version of Islam that he grew up with and doubtless followed,is widely practiced even today in rural Sindh.
Despite his entirely conventional classical Anglo-Indian schooling, he was anti-colonial and Marxist in his outlook at University. He gravitated to progressive politics; which back then was the natural milieu for a post-colonial nationalist. However, Leftism in West Pakistan had its limitations, being restricted to a few educated urban elite or left-over proletarian cadres of the Syed Sajjad Zaheer aka Bannay Bhai camp, the National Awami Party and various nationalists…the progressive deficit lay in the Panjab. Dictates of demography demanded that Panjab be carried by any national political party for it to achieve overall majority.Hence Panjab had to be pandered to at the expense of the regional nationalists and theoretical Marxists.
Bhutto, and BB after him were loathed and mistrusted by the Fauji-Jamaati establishment and the urban `Asli Momineen’ of the middle classes; the latter including the civil bureaucracy, professionals and the (Sunni) Mohajir adherents of the Jamaat-e-Islami. Now does that not fit the description of an embryonic stage of today’s so-called `civil society?’
ZAB was routinely called `Kafir Bhutto’, the vilest and craziest lies about Begum Nusrat Bhutto were bandied about..the jist being that they were insufficiently Muslim, too Westernised hence a threat to `Qaumi Ghairat’, and Bhutto was popularly believed to be a Hindu. I know of at least one testimony whereby Bhutto was humiliated by the `difa-e-Pakistan’ thugs even in death; where the body was examined to assess whether or not he had been a cicumcised Muslim.
And you dare suggest this was the man who was a `mullah follower?’ Those who have served the Mullah’s cause in Pakistan have ever been well-rewarded. I have yet to meet an impecunious Jamaatia family, and why do not the Sharifs and Imran Khans of this land ever need to fear for their lives?
Bhutto’s capitulation to the Islamist impulse was most unpopular with the jiyalas back then, indeed many turned against him and only returned to the fold after the coup- The middle-class Pakistani ghairat brigade, not content with the Islamisation `sweetmeats’ thrown at them, wanted the full Monty. There was NEVER the requisite quorum in the country in order for a progressive agenda to function. I say this with the benefit of hindsight, my elders and betters in the PPP cadres were incandescent over the patronage of Islamism under Bhutto, and to this day we have never justified it.
The worst moment was arguably the Ahmadiyya `excommunication’which will forever be a black mark on the Party’s record. The declaration of an `Islamic Republic’ was little better, as it facilitated the invasion of the public arena by the `State Religion.’
`it was a grievous fault
And grievously hath Caesar answer’d it’
Finally; if ZAB and the PPP were such stooges of the establishment; why then have they and ONLY they had to bear the brunt of an orderly, systematic and well-orchestrated victimisation; why are their reputations maligned with impunity, even while they hold office?
It is a sick, fragmented psyche which seeks to destroy that in its environs which is refined and good simply because the comparison reveals the former’s deficiencies.
This is one explanation of the visceral anti Bhutto/PPP hatred within the ghairat brigade, in addendum to the obvious strategic motivations.
The faults of the PPP are legion, the elevation of worthless individuals to high ranks over the heads of better men is nauseating and the `Realpolitikal’ pandering to demonstrably evil entities cannot be condemned enough.
Having said that,whose interest do you choose to further, since you so obviously want the PPP out of the playing field? The way the turf looks, you will presently have your desire fulfilled: The PPP out of power, its leaders imprisoned, exiled or liquidated, its workers scattered,its supporters disillusioned.
Whomsoever the Vardi Wallahs then install in office,be they hirsute or clean shaven, will render active,de jure support to the Islamists. In effect, it will be Ikhwani Egypt redux, with nukes thrown in.
Be cautious what you wish for.
Well written. Well said. Bhutto introduced evil Wahabi-Salafis-Takfiris into Pakistan politics. Remeber PNA movement, Saudi Ambassador Riaz Al Khatib and 1977. Qadri Sahib is a pride of Barelvis.
Excellent comment. I could not agree more. Why don’t you write this. These comments are going to waste. Well not totally as you realize that even the comments are hyperlinked. Click on the date below your name for accessing the link. But you should seriously publish this. Send it to [email protected].
@ Bashir Malik
Dear Comrade Malik,
Do you honestly think these rants are up to the mark? More to the point; is there sufficient general interest in what an old timer has to say? Needs to be objectively thought through, no?
And why don’t you write? Please do; someone needs to keep the record on the straight and narrow ,plus you are more `connected’ to the jiyala crowd than my own good self.
I will see if I can compose something and send it off to the editors..other than that:`Ghalib-e-khastah kay baghair kaun say kaam band hein?’
God keep you all.
Asma, y u fishing 4 compliments 🙂
I think ur comments r interesting and I am sure u agree that wasted efforts r so frustrating.
Why don’t u write on how the Supreme Court has accepted a petition on Sherry Rehman that blames her for Blasphemy. This is the same Sherry who ditched PPP in favour of these Islamofascist judges when she resigned in March 2009 on the eve of Chaudhry being restored via an executive order. The order was issued under pressure from Gen Kiyani and Hilary Clinton. Then Sherry got Money out from Pak, US govt. for her Jinnah Institute where their first project was why the Mullah Omar and Haqqani network must be accommodated in Afganistan once Natp pulled out. She was rewarded with the US ambassadorship after the sting operation involving Imran Khan, Nawaz Sharif, Gen Pasha of ISI and Supreme Court got rid of anti-army Haqqani. Now she is being attacked by the same SC for whom she stabbed PPP for. Kind of like Aitzaz Ahsan who also ditched PPP for these extremist judges until he became adrift and was gracefully re-integrated at Garhi Khuda Buksh in 2011.
PPP has made many, many mistakes and continues to do so but u can’t fault them for being forgiven. As for Sherry I hope she has realized the malignant nature of these judges. Just ask the ex-amb Haqqani.
@Bashir Malik
Perish the thought! Too old, too battle-scarred, too angry to bother with eliciting compliments Bhai Saheb. It was a genuinely candid concern, voh iss leeay keh `barasti aag jo baraan ki aarzoo kartay.’…Jeetay raheeay1