Full text of Islamabad Long March Declaration after dialogue between Tahir-ul-Qadri and PPP-coalition

Taliban apologists can’t hide their pain and disappointment on successful dialogue between TuQ and PPP-coalition
Note: Here’s a sample of those criticizing Tahir ul Qadri: https://lubpak.com/archives/239195/comment-page-1#comment-361123
Related posts: Why did Pakistani plutocrats go hammer and tongs at #TahirulQadri – by Ayaz Amir
Why are they saying terrible things about Tahir ul Qadri?
Following decisions were unanimously arrived at; having been taken today, 17 January 2013, in the meeting which was participated by coalition parties delegation led by Chaudry Shujaat Hussain including:
1) Makdoom Amin Fahim, PPP
2) Syed Khursheed Shah, PPPP
3) Qamar ur Zama Qaira, PPPP
4) Farooq H Naik, PPPP
5) Mushahid Hussain, PML-Q
6) Dr Farooq Sattar, MQM
7) Babar Ghauri, MQM
8) Afrasiab Khattak, ANP
9) Senator Abbas Afridi, FATA
With the founding leader of Minhaj-ul-Quran International (MQI) and chairman Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT), Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri.
The Decisions
1) The National Assembly shall be dissolved at any time before March 16, 2013, (due date), so that the elections may take place within the 90 days. One month will be given for scrutiny of nomination paper for the purpose of pre-clearance of the candidates under article 62 and 63 of the constitution so that the eligibility of the candidates is determined by the Elections Commission of Pakistan. No candidate would be allowed to start the election campaign until pre-clearance on his/her eligibility is given by the Election Commission of Pakistan.
2) The treasury benches in complete consensus with Pakistan Awami Tehreek (PAT) will propose names of two honest and impartial persons for appointment as Caretaker Prime Minister.
3) Issue of composition of the Election Commission of Pakistan will be discussed at the next meeting on Sunday, January 27, 2013, 12 noon at the Minhaj-ul-Quran Secretariat. Subsequent meetings if any in this regard will also be held at the central secretariat of Minhaj-ul-Quran in Lahore. In pursuance to todays’ decision, the Law Minister will convene a meeting of the following lawyers: S. M. Zafar, Waseem Sajjad, Aitizaz Ahsan, Farough Naseem, Latif Afridi, Dr Khalid Ranja and Hamayoun Ahsan, to discuss these issues. Prior to the meeting of January 27, the Law Minister, Mr Farooq H Naek, will report the results of this legal consultation to the January 27 meeting.
4) Electoral Reforms: It was agreed upon that the focus will be on the enforcement of electoral reforms prior to the polls on:
A. Article 62, 63 and 218 (3) of the constitution
B. Section 77 to 82 of the Representation of Peoples’ Act 1976 and other relevant provisions relating to conducting free, fair, just and honest elections guarded against all corrupt practices.
C. The Supreme Court Judgement of June 8, 2012 on constitutional petition of 2011 must be implemented in Toto and in true letter and spirit.
5) With the end of the long march and sit-in, all cases registered against each other shall be withdrawn immediately and there will be no acts of victimisation and vendetta against either party or the participants of the march.
This declaration has been entered into in a cordial atmosphere and reconciliatory spirit.
Signatories of the declaration
Prime Minister of Pakistan Chairman Pakistan Awami Tehreek
Raja Pervez Ashraf Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
Leader of the delegation and former Prime Minister Law Minister
Chaudry Shujaat Hussain Farooq H Naek
Makdoom Amin Fahim, PPP
Syed Khursheed Shah, PPPP
Qamar ur Zama Qaira, PPPP
Farooq H Naik, PPPP
Mushahid Hussain, PML-Q
Dr Farooq Sattar, MQM
Babar Ghauri, MQM
Afrasiab Khattak, ANP
Senator Abbas Afridi, FATA
i,ve see all video and long march at conduct islamabad i appriciate all my sisters, brothers, and all who participate in this long march which consist of 4 nights with babies i congratulation! to all participater who avoid our pakistan “JAMOORIAT” this is a first long march in the pakistan of ‘D CHOAK’ of islamabad i pray to ALLHA that this mission has successfully. (AMEEN)
I too saw the long march at conduct islamabad very peaceful, must respect all my sisters, brothers, and all who participate in this long march which consist of 4 nights with babies i congratulation! to all participants.
Tahir ul Qadri Jeeway
gol maal!!
Those who alleged that #TuQ is backed by establishment may wish to re-define establishment:
A glimpse of all the Kings men and horses (affiliates of the establishment and the Deobandi-Wahhabi inclined Taliban apologists) united against Tahir ul Qadri:
shahbaz khan @shabyrox
I agree with najam sethi tht TuQ is playing establishment’s game of making an interim setup that fits them
Talat Hussain
Riasat naheen, Khabasat bachao http://www.saach.tv/2013/01/18/riasat-nahi-khabasat-bachao/
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
Traders in #Islamabad’s Blue Area commercial district estim losses of Rs7 bn/day due to #TuQ’s protest.50 plazas in area shut v @Rezhasan
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
RT @faizanlakhani:PML-N terms Tahirul Qadri’s steps as “unconstitutional”.Reports that PML-N considering to go to Supreme Court against TuQ.
Raza Rumi @Razarumi
MashaAllah ->RT @ahmadshinwari: Just got back from the site of long march… just over 5000 and not more…. all Mureeds of TUQ Sahb…
beena sarwar @beenasarwar
#Shame #TUQ RT @MuqeetBokhari: @gulbukhari Padri is using women & infants as his protective shield
beena sarwar @beenasarwar
In fine form @javeednusrat says if #TUQ was from a religious minority, there’d be 500 blasphemy cases against him http://bit.ly/XeBMNh
Nusrat Javeed @javeednusrat
@042bond @mushtaqminhas But Veena Malik is more popular than your clown Qadri.
Fahad Yunis @Fahadyunis
Circustan!!! “@javeednusrat calls the members of Govt delegations as Almas Bobbies. So dialogue between Qadri & Sons Vs Almas Bobbies””
Retweeted by Nusrat Javeed
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@ali14_nazakat Allamah Canady to Ch Shujaat—-HUM TUM AIK BUNKER MEY BAND HON AUR INKILAB AA JAI mubarik ho ji
Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@faurook Qadri gone without sweeping the filth of his revolution on Jinnah avenue we will always remember his revolutionary filth
54m Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@farooq_marwat Allamah Canady booked his seat in Emirates Air for Jan 27th yesterday he planned a deal with govt yesterday details will soon
57m Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@SilEntLuv3R kya yazeedi lashkar ney Imam Hussain key bullet proof bunker main ja kar agreement par sign kiey they?don’t support Qadri
1h Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@IbraheeemAhmed Allamah Canady Riasat bachaney aiy thay aur siasat bacha kar chaley gai
1h Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@HamidMirLover I am happy that Allamah Canady exposed himself again and proved me right GOL MAL HEY BHAI SAB GOL MAL HEY
1h Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@rukhezahra Qadri ney Inqalab aur tabdeeli key naarey ko badnam kar dya TADBEELI BADNAM HOI QADRI TEREY LIEY
2h Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@Bokhariasif Nusrat Javeed declared that Qadri is a joker and fraud using the word “nosarbaz”
3h Hamid Mir @HamidMirGEO
@murtazasolangi Agreement proved that Islamabad was not Karbala and Qadri was not following Hazrat Imam Hussain
Hum Tahir ul qadri k is inqlab ko mustarad krtay hen jis orten or shia groh shamil he. Asif jhangvi.
cyril almeida @cyalm
From one cheat to another: Qadri consigned to a historical footnote; time to hear what Armstrong has to say.
Malik Siraj Akbar @MalikSirajAkbar
A good time for the #Pakistan military. Tahir-ul-Qadri and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi both struggling to bring it on the driving seat.
Mosharraf Zaidi @mosharrafzaidi
Thank God Tahir ul Qadri is going to leave Islamabad & let his followers return home. #smallmercies
Mosharraf Zaidi @mosharrafzaidi
This agreement between the government and Tahir ul Qadri is the most ridiculous thing I’ve read in a long time.
Tarek Fatah @TarekFatah
Qadri turns Dog & Pony show in Isloo into “Anjuman-e-Tehseen-e-Bahimi” (Society 4 Mutual Praise). And the Oscar goes to … @QamarKaira 🙂
Athar Minallah @MinallahAthar
The crowd seems to be shocked at the declarations, they must be wondering why they sent 5 days in extreme cold outside 5 star bunker
Athar Minallah @MinallahAthar
All EX cabinet members restored by Dr Qadri sb in 5 days and Yazeed becomes Mohtaram. What a revolution
Murtaza Solangi @murtazasolangi
Thank U Molvi Saheb for ringing a false alarm of dictatorship! Pakistan just passed a democracy test! Pakistan Zindabad!
Ijaz Ul Haq @ijazulhaq
Kal kai Choor- Dako- Luterai- Badmash- Yazeed- Aaj kai Mohtram- Janab- Mubarik kai Mustaheq. Is this politics or Democracy? Or Hypocrisy???
Tahir M Ashrafi @TahirAshrafi
اب بو لو اصل يزيد يه قادرى هئى جو سيدناحسين رض كى تين دن سئى توهين كر رها هئى
Samad Khurram @SamadK
Now that the Long March is over has anyone been able to figure out how #TuQ was planning to bring about change? #SanjeedaSawaal
Bushra Gohar @BushraGohar
@salmanAraja If #TUQMUQ has to be a part of the consultation for interim PM then why not other NGOs. Would rather HRCP is also consulted.
majorlyp @majorlyp
Tahirul Qadri has demonstrated that peeing on the road is as effective a protest like burning KFC
Shaheryar Mirza @mirza9
Congratulations #Pakistan, this is what it feels like for a fool. #TuQ
Rezaul Hasan Laskar @Rezhasan
Dear #TuQ I hope sincerely hope this will be the last time we have to hear you droning.
Ayesha Tammy Haq @tammyhaq
The agreement means nothing. At the end of it all the PM and leader of opposition will send names to parliamentary committee TuQ can TuQ off
Rezaul Hasan Laskar @Rezhasan
Couldn’t resist this: #TuQ’s going to do a muk-muka with the PPP in choosing a caretaker PM.
Syed Talat Hussain @TalatHussain12
Hussaini lashkar and Yazeedi lashkar sign an agreement .Now they love each other! What a farce.
Syed Talat Hussain @TalatHussain12
The container is full Qadris. They look different but they are Double Shah Qadris.
Syed Talat Hussain @TalatHussain12
This Nation loves to be fooled,again,again, and again.
Syed Talat Hussain @TalatHussain12
Dr Double Shah Qadri should now lead the march to clean up Islamabad by picking up the broom.
Syed Talat Hussain @TalatHussain12
People can’t leave. The transport is controlled by Qadri’s organisation.
Syed Talat Hussain @TalatHussain12
Would the Prophet (PBUH),his chosen 4 companions,or any man of sympathy and compassion would do this to children?
Abdul Nishapuri @AbdulNishapuri
In the next few days, many of those who are currently criticizing #TuQ will be found defending & praising him. i.e. Najam Sethi club.
People and the politicians must endorse that Prof. Dr. Tahir ul Qadri is the thinktank of new and fresh Pakistan…….Yes this is the beginning of a new era of a very long journey.
This is real victory. Historical long march.They have set up brilliant example for whole world after this peaceful revolution. MashaAllah (y)
I see this as a Topi drama as till yesterday whom were Yazeed and when this Padri congratulated his long dhakoosla march on the orders of arrest for PM,then the next day i guess he had a revelation and was so happy and accept that yazeed and did a pact with him,What a shameful drams of this religious fanatic juggler and shame on govt too for their this kind of mufahimat.
saeed shah @SaeedShah
This is not just a face-saving agreement for #Qadri, most of his agenda has been met #TuQ
saeed shah @SaeedShah
The issue of the composition of the Election Commission will be subject to further negotiations with #Qadri #TuQ
saeed shah @SaeedShah
The agreement between #Qadri and the government also gives his organisation a say in the appointment of the caretaker prime minister
dekhe yeh Mah-e-rabil Awal
Mah-e-Rasool (s.a.w.w) hai.
is mai hamara focus Thafuz e namas e risalat per huna chahye.
phelay tahafuz e namoose-e-risalat se hatane ke lye malala ka drama kia ab ye long march.
Anwar Iqbal writes in Dawn:
The difference between D Chowk and Lal Masjid is the difference between democracy and a military dictatorship. In a democratic setup, compromise is victory, violence is defeat.
In a dictatorship, there’s no victory without violence.
Those holed inside the Lal Masjid were no democrats. They were armed, well-trained and battle hardened. They were not demanding electoral reforms. They wanted to enforce their views on the rest of the nation and depended only on their guns to achieve this.
And the Musharraf government, which initially showed some patience in dealing with the Lal Masjid crisis, ultimately proved that a military dictator is a military dictator. A military officer is not trained to compromise, so when confronted with a difficult situation, he loses his nerves and resorts to the only option he is trained to use, the gun.
When the militants and the military clashed, those with bigger guns won but the nation was a loser, which had to pay a heavy price for the mistakes it did not make.
Those who responded to Qadri’s call were no militants. They did not come to Islamabad with guns, explosives and suicide jackets. They came with blankets, food, and water, bringing their babies with them.
And the way the PPP government dealt with the situation shows that it definitely has the political insight to defuse a potentially explosive situation and is matured enough to keep national interests before its pride.
President Asif Ali Zardari made it very clear in the beginning that his government will not use force against the protesters and that it’s their right to protest.
Except for some irresponsible and ridiculous statements from two of its ministers, the government behaved responsibility and handled the situation as it should have: with political acumen and an open mind.
And by accepting the compromise, Tahirul Qadri also proved that he too is a politician, besides being a pir and a cleric.
“This is the beauty of democracy; a win, win situation for all parties and the ultimate winner is the people of Pakistan,” wrote an Islamabad resident, Kahar Zalmay, on his Facebook page soon after the compromise was announced.
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