Blasphemy & Blasphemy Laws Archive

Remembering Salman Taseer – by Pervez Hoodbhoy: Governor Salmaan Taseer died at the hands of a religious fanatic on January 4 last year. Fearlessly championing a deeply unpopular cause, this brave man had sought to revisit the country’s blasphemy law which, as he saw it, was

How Salman Taseer Inspires Us – by Team What the Sach: It was January of 2010, the new year had just set in, we like a majority of people were least concerned about what is happening in the country, we only heard that Salman Taseer was talking about blasphemy laws

For Muslims, it is kosher to insult Christianity, more so at Christmas!: یہ شخص برمنگھم کے ٹاؤ ن سینٹر میں کھڑا قران پاک کی مفت انگریزی کاپیاں تقسیم کر رہا ہے وہ بھی اس وقت جب یہاں سال کے سب سے مقدس دن کرسمس کی تیاریاں عروج پر ہیں اور ہر

….اگر قران مجید کی توہین کا یہ سانحہ امریکہ یا اسرئیل میں ہوتا: آل سعود اور قرآن کی توهین سعودی خبر رساں ادارے ریاض کنیکٹ کے مطابق سعودی شہر طائف میں سٹریٹ نالوں میں صفائى كے دوران قرآن پاک کی تقريباً 50 كاپياں پائى گئيں. يه واقعه طائف كے علاقه السلامه ميں

Death to the blasphemer, death to human rights —by Nasir Saeed: Can Pakistan roll back its Islamic programme started by Ziaul Haq? Can the government and army change their policies? If not, we must be ready for the worst The issue of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws has always been alive in

توہین رسالت قانون کا غلط استعمال – از حق گو: گوجرانوالہ کی جیل میں ایک دماغی طور پہ معذور شخص محمد ثاقب جو کہ خود کو نبی کہتا ہے خود پہ سزاے موت کے ایک قیدی کی طرف سے ہونے والے حملے میں شدید زخمی ہوگیا ہے – جس

Yet another attack on a blasphemy accused person in Pakistan: Mohammad Saqib, a mentally challenged person who claimed himself to be a prophet, was brutally attacked by a prisoner on death-row in the Central Jail in Gujranwala a few days ago. An inquiry into the matter has been initiated.

ملالہ اور “نبی سئیں” – از ذوا لفقارعلی: انصار عباسی کے ذریعے معلوم ہوا کہ کم ازکم ہم سرائیکی، بشمول اباواجداد اور بہت سے صوفی حضرات ، تو بہت توہین رسالت کرتے رہے ہیں- ہم تو کہتے ہیں “نبی سئیں” نے کہا۔ “نبی سئیں” جب حج پہ

Predatory state and minorities -by Mustafa Kamal: Pakistan is yet again at crossroads after two brutal suicide attacks on Christians in Peshawar on 22 September 2013. Previously, around forty people died and hundreds were injured in a suicide attack on Shia town in Karachi during March.

Blasphemy tragedy: Two new cases of blasphemy against Christians: LAHORE:“I became perplexed and distressed after going through the contents of the registered FIRs under Sections 295 A,295 B and 295 C PPC against Christians at Police Station Township and Police Station Green Town”,said Advocate Sardar Mushtaq Gill,Chief of

گورنر صاحب ، اقلیتیں انصاف کی منتظر ہیں – از حق گو: پنجاب کے نیے گورنر جناب چودھری محمد سرور نے اقلیتوں کے حوالے سے ہونے والی ایک تقریب میں اپنے جذبات کا اظہار جن الفاظ میں کیا وہ یقیناً لائق تحسین ہیں اور اس میں کوئی شک بھی نہیں کہ

مسیحی نوجوان کو توہینِ رسالت پر عمر قید: ایڈیٹر نوٹ : توہین رسالت کا قانون جو ضیاء الحق نے ملاؤں کی ہمدردیاں حاصل کرنے کےلئے اور بہت سے کام کے ان میں سے ایک تھا – اپنی منظوری سے لے کے آج تک اس قانون کا نشانہ

Challenging Pakistan’s blasphemy laws takes courage — by Nasir Saeed: It is very unfortunate that during his recent visit to the UK Paul Bhatti said Pakistan’s blasphemy laws were not a problem. Bhatti is the brother of the late Shahbaz Bhatti, the heroic Pakistani minorities’ minister who was tragically

Misuse of Blasphemy laws: Muslims have used blasphemy laws to tend to personal enmities against fellow Muslims and Non Muslims, Salmaan Taseer was killed for only asking the law to be reviewed (not even repealed). Prior to 1986(when this law was made)

Discrimination and hatred: the church and civil society take stock of the problems concerning Christian minorities: Lahore – Becoming aware of the discrimination, injustice, prejudice of whom Christians in Pakistan face and are victims, about 3% of the population, and the necessity to report these issues to the new government: with this intent Christian leaders

Rimsha Masih’s story is just one part of a much larger and more dangerous drama: Until the Canada Day weekend, it was a closely-guarded secret in Ontario’s Pakistani émigré community that Rimsha Masih, the Christian girl whose entrapment in Pakistan’s barbaric blasphemy laws captured headlines around the world last year, was living incognito with

Welcome to Canada, Rimsha Masih!: Pakistan is one of the most dangerous places in the world for Christians, Shias, Ahmadis and other religious sectarian minorities. Pakistani Christians are being persecuted for years in Pakistan; their human rights are badly violated in this country. They

The houses of Ahmadis are under attack and the police are providing protection to the attackers: Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information regarding the attacks on the houses belonging to Ahmadis. The attackers were from two religious organizations, the Sipah-e-Sahaba (SP) and Khatm-e-Nabowat (KN) and were provided with protection by

Pakistan’s Most Wanted Terrorists: Leaders, inciters and executioners: Related posts: Deobandi and Wahhabi radicalism is a larger issue than terrorism – by Ayesha Siddiqa تکفیری دہشت گردی یا سنی شیعہ فرقہ واریت؟ میڈیا جھوٹ کیوں بول رہا ہے؟ Who are Takfiri Deobandis? – by Fahd Khan Names

Sindh assembly passes resolution over misuse of blasphemy law: KARACHI: The Sindh Assembly passed a resolution regarding the ‘misuse of the blasphemy law’ and to condemn the ‘barbaric’ attack on the Christian homes in Joseph Colony, stated a press release on Monday. The Joseph Colony incident took place on

Violence brews at BZU: By: Our Staff Reporter | March 15, 2013 MULTAN – A visiting lecturer of English Department of Bahauddin Zakariya University, who has been accused of blasphemy, was the target of a students rally bought out against him while Tehreek

Attack on Christians in Lahore: Encouraging progress in Shahbaz Sharif and Raza Rumi’s Punjab: Lahore arson: CJ says Punjab police failed to conduct honest, thorough probe Source: Dawn, 18 March 2013 The Supreme Court on Monday declared that the Punjab Police had “failed to conduct an honest and through investigation” into the Badami

Pakistan’s real image – by Saroop Ijaz: The local police told the inhabitants of Joseph Colony, Badami Bagh, to evacuate their houses as they were going to be attacked the next day. This is shocking incompetence or perhaps complicity, even by our

اس کے نام جس کا کوئی وکیل نہیں – سلمان تاثیر، شہباز بھٹی اور جنید حفیظ کی کہانی: Related post: Islamofascists of Jamat Islami initiate blasphemy case against a university teacher in Multan ایران کے ایک جلاوطن دانشور فلسفی عبدالکریم سروش ہیں وہ کہتے ہیں کہ کسی بھی معاشرے میں حریت فکر کی پیمائش کا پیمانہ اس

گستاخ کون؟ – از حق گو: گستاخ کون؟ لکھتے وقت تو مجھے بھی یہی محسوس ہو رہا ہے کے میں بھی اس طرح کی تحریر لکھ کے گستاخی کر رہا ہو. نہیں..ہرگز نہیں..رسول پاک (ص) کی شان میں ہرگز نہیں. مگر ان لوگوں کو میری

Islamofascists of Jamat Islami initiate blasphemy case against a university teacher in Multan: Related post: اس کے نام جس کا کوئی وکیل نہیں – سلمان تاثیر، شہباز بھٹی اور جنید حفیظ کی کہانی A blasphemy case is registered against visiting faculty member of BZU , Multan on basis of his comments on

مجرموں کو سزا موت دی جائے – از حق گو: ان تصویروں میں وہ چند مکروہ چہرے یقینی طور پر شناخت کے جا سکتے ہیں…جو ان ہزاروں لوگوں میں شامل تھے جنہوں نے ہمارے مسیح بھایئوں کے گھروں پر حملہ کیا اور ان کی املاک کو جلانے کے ساتھ

پیوستہ رہ شجر سے۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔: بہت ساری خبریں اس ایک ہفتے میں اکٹھی ہوگئی ہیں-اور اس دوران بہت سی سرگرمیوں کا میں خود بھی حصہ رہا ہوں-ہونا تو یہ چاہئے تھا کہ سب پر الگ الگ کالم لکھتا لیکن “ہر خواہش پر دم نکلے”

اگر ایسا ہوتا…؟ – از پنجابی بابا: یہ اک فرضی قصہ ہے برطانیہ کے اک قصبہ کا جہاں زیادہ تر عیسائی آباد ہیں ان میں سے کچھ گھر مسلمانوں کے ہیں ۔ اس کے مصروف ترین بازار میں ایک عیسئائی پادری کھڑا بائیبل کی چند آیات

توہین رسالت کے نام پر توہین رسالت – از حق گو: شاہ باغ سے بادامی باغ تک…. کتنا ہی وقت گزرا ہے… کتنا ہی سما بیتا ہے… دسیوں سال بیت گے… مگر ہم ابھی وہیں کے وہیں کھڑے ہیں… سنتالیس میں جو ملک بنگالیوں سے مل کر بنایا تھا…..اسے انہی بنگالیوں

In Pakistan, Burning a Quran is Blasphemy, Burning a Bible is Halal: Blasphemy law is often used by Sunni Muslims in Pakistan, in particular by Deobandi and Wahhabi Muslims, to harass and penalize Christians, Hindus, Ahmadiyya Muslims, Shia Muslims etc. However, at least in theory, the Pakistan Blasphemy law provides protection

Lahore’s Christians target of latest episode of hate – by AZ: The show goes on as the zealots put up a great performance in Lahore today. Hope you enjoy watching, even if you can’t be a part of the cast. An entire neighbourhood of Christians in the mega polis of

We condemn attack on Christian community in Lahore by PMLN-backed ASWJ militants: LAHORE: An enraged mob comprising hundreds of Takfiri Deobandi militants of Sipah-e-Sahaba (ASWJ-LeJ) torched dozens of houses located in a Christian-dominated neighbourhood of Lahore on Saturday, 9 March 2013. The ASWJ-LeJ mob was led by local leaders of PML-N,

تکفیری دیوبندی دہشت گرد توہین رسالت، توہین اہلبیت اور توہین صحابہ کے مرتکب ہیں: Aamir Saeed of Peshawar and other activists and apologists of Takfiri Deobandi terrorists of ASWJ-LeJ have committed blasphemy against Allah, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Ahle Bait (a.s.) and Sahaba (r.a.). جناب مدیر لیٹ اس بلڈ پاکستان میرا نام محمد شہاب

Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri’s position on the blasphemy law: Apologists and affiliates of Deobandi militants of Sipah Sahaba Taliban (SST) and also those pseudo-liberals (Najam Sethi and his fan club in particular) who see no shame in promoting Deobandi thugs such as Tahir Ashrafi and Ahmed Ludhianvi as

Thwarting Religious Cleansing in the Muslim World -by Farahnaz Ispahani & Nina Shea: Physicist Mohammad Abdus Salam was the first Pakistani and the first Muslim to win a Nobel prize in science. His discoveries continue to dazzle the world as demonstrated by the verification last summer of a theory to which Salam

Fake campaign in vogue to arouse Muslim passions -by Husain Haqqani: Thousands of cellphone subscribers in Pakistan received an anonymous text message recently announcing a miracle: an earthquake on Tuesday, Sept 18, had destroyed the Washington, D.C. movie theater that was exhibiting ÎInnocence of Muslimsâ, the controversial film that has

Roses, not violence: Norwegian Muslims respond to anti-Islam film “Innocence of Muslims”: A youth organization of Norwegian Muslims, Stand4Hussain, handed out flowers to the people in Oslo (Norway) with cards attached to them containing an introduction to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This was in response to the anti-Islam

Husain Haqqani’s rejoinder to Orya Maqbool Jan: Extremist jihadi sympathizer Orya Maqbool Jan is a civil servant from the DMG cadre. Instead of doing his job as a civil servant, he moonlights as a columnist and TV commentator, spouting contra-factual gibberish. Recently he joined daily Dunya

Pakistan must repeal its blasphemy laws -by Farahnaz Ispahani and Nina Shea: In Pakistan, proceedings in the now infamousblasphemy case of Rimsha Masih, a 14-year-old, mentally disabled Christian girl, took a turn for the better after the powerful Muslim Ulema Councilbacked her against the accuser. Last Saturday, Rimsha, jailed since August 16, was