Blasphemy & Blasphemy Laws Archive

“Innocent Muslims”: Our State Failure or State Proxies?: An Innocent Muslim Things bring me to dance at your idiocy. Not really, that’s blasphemy. let’s rob a bank, smash a car And kill a person or two. Such

Ishq-e-Rasool Day riots: Thought provoking columns of Wusatullah Khan, Abbas Ather, Haroon ur Rasheed and Shahzeb Khanzada: پاکستان میں جمعہ کو پرتشدد مظاہروں میں پولیس اہلکاروں سمیت بیس کے قریب افراد ہلاک ہو گئے تھے بی بی سی کے ایک تبصرہ کے مطابق، خود اذیتی کا عنصر سب سے زیادہ صرف پاکستان میں ہی دیکھنے کو

Under Pakistan army’s nose: Thousands of Muslims burn a church in Mardan to show their love for Prophet Muhammad: In Mardan (North Western part of Pakistan), a mob of at least 7000 Muslims set a church on fire as a part of country-wide protests against the anti-Islam film (“Innocence of Muslims”). The anti-USA protests are believed to have

Innocence of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Culpability of Muslims – by Dur-e-Aden: “I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make

Ishq-e-Rasool (saww) or egoism: thoughts of Mehmudul Hasan of Deoband: مولانا محمودالحسن جنہیں شیخ الہند کے نام سے جانا جاتا ہے، دارالعلوم دیوبند کے پہلے طالب علم اوربعد میں صدرمدرس رہے ہیں، تحریک ریشمی رومال کے مرکزی کردار ہونے کے باعث سعودی عرب کی برطانیہ نواز حکومت نے انہیں

توہین رسالت کے سب سے بڑے مرتکب مسلمان خود ہیں: مسلمانوں کی معصومیت نامی فلم اور اس کے بنانے والوں اور پشت پناہی کرنے والوں کی جتنی بھی مذمت کی جائے کم ہے لیکن کیا اس بات کو چھپایا جا سکتا ہے کہ اس توہین آمیز فلم کو عربی

Dear Takfiris: Look in your mirror -by Thomas L. Friedman: On Monday, David D. Kirkpatrick, the Cairo bureau chief for The Times, quoted one of the Egyptian demonstrators outside the American Embassy, Khaled Ali, as justifying last week’s violent protests by declaring: “We never insult any prophet — not

My thoughts on the anti-Islam movie – by Naveed Javed: Past one week has been a rough one for not only Muslims across the globe but also for the people of other religions. It all started with a movie “Innocence of Muslims” by an (allegedly) Egyptian-American Coptic Christian, Nakoula

Demonizing of Islam and the Prophet: Free speech not absolute – by Agha Shahi: Source: Dawn, 12 Feb 2006 THE European newspapers which have printed the outrageous cartoons demonizing the Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam have given the deepest possible offence to more than a billion of his followers across the world. To

How should Muslims respond to the hateful movie “Innocence of Muslims”? – by Mahdi Baloch: Related post: Quilliam and other analysts are downplaying Saudi-funded Salafists’ role in US Ambassador’s murder in Libya The Quran states explicitly that no soul shall be responsible for the sins or the crimes of another. And while this film

Wanjo Kanwaliyo Wanjo: Dedicated to Salman Taseer and Rimsha – Dr. Zulfiqar Ali: Wanjo Kanwaliyo Wanjo O Koels! Go tell my loved ones, I am still living and fighting. Obstacles are high in front, Even the higher walls confront. j I stand on four limbs and fight, I fight, fight and fight.

Will the real Maulana Ashrafi please stand up? – by Zain Gardezi: I recently happened to read a really heartwarming piece written by Hafiz Maulana Tahir Ashrafi which was published in the opinion pages of one of Express Tribune, a popular English daily of Pakistan. In the midst of all the

When will Dr. Paul Bhatti use Shahbaz Bhatti Memorial Trust Funds? – by Agnes F Massey: Last week I circulated about Conference of Geneva Convention & Rimshah Masih which is the burning topic of the day for the whole world. It is a good news for our suffering community that Allama Tahir Ashrafi, Chairman Ullma

Two saviours of Rimsha, the blasphemy accused Christian girl: Saviour 1: Hafiz Khalid Chishti, local Sunni cleric Hafiz Mohammed Khalid Chishti, the imam of the mosque who allegedly issued a decree on his mosque’s loudspeaker to burn Christians of Mehrabadi village alive in the aftermath of 11-year-old Rimsha

ميرا دل بہت پريشان ہے رمشاء کے ليے: شروع کے روزوں ميں شام کے وقت بچوں کو حسب معمول پارک ليکر جا رہی تھی کہ گلی کے اختام پر کھڑے پانچ چھ مرد و خواتين کے ايک گروپ نے مجھے دو صفحات ديے۔ بھوک کے مارے ويسے

Arrest of Ramsha, 11, yet another proof Pakistan must reform its blasphemy laws: A Duke University professor has stated that the recent arrest of a disabled Pakistani Christian girl in the Islamic Republic is part of a decades-old trend in “witch hunts.” Ebrahim Moosa, professor of Religion & Islamic Studies for Duke’s

Are we caving in? -by Dr Amjad Cheema: Having gotten up early in the morning after a tiresome struggle with the hourly load shedding of electricity at night I planned the day during which I had to buy a Pakistan International Airlines’ ticket for my wife. I

Government should seriously consider repeal of blasphemy laws: The situation of Christians in Pakistan is often victims of violence. As especially in these days, Ms Bibi Asia and her family is suffering. Asia Bibi is a Pakistani Christian woman. She was arrested by police on June 19th

Could anyone hear my screams?: (On a man accused of blasphemy burnt alive by a mob in Bhawalpur today and it hardly got any news coverage in the mainstream media. It is our own indifference that kills our conscience more than the act of

In the land of “mentally unstable” – by D. Asghar: When the news reached the Twitterverse that a man was burnt alive in Bahawalpur, it just created a cycle of shock and disbelief. Very regretfully, this scribe was not shocked one bit. Knowing full well, what we are capable

Nasim Zehra’s resignation: Rind ke rind rahey hath se jannat na gai – by Danial Lakhnavi: Related post: Nasim Zehra’s resignation, a proper class act نیوز چینلز پر ٹاک شوز کی میزبانی کے لئے ٹی وی کیمرے کے سامنے بیٹھنے والے فن کاروں کو کئی طرح کے فرائض انجام دینے ہوتے ہیں، جیسے اٹھارہ کروڑ

The blasphemers of darkness: “If you wish to be a ghazi, Take up your sword : Before killing the Kafir, You must slaughter the swindler.”Those were the times of turmoil and religious intolerance in Punjab when Bulleh shah emerged as a major voice

Salman Taseer: Resilience that gave us hope -by Zeeba Hashmi: There is nothing unusual about pain; there is nothing different about fear. But courage to overcome fear and pain defines it uniquely for us. Today is a day marked by 26 bullets that ripped the life out the most

Blasphemy: Australian Shia sentenced to 500 lashes in Saudi Arabia: The 45 year old man was arrested in Medina while making the annual pilgrimage, and sentenced to lashes and a year in prison because he has insulted “the companions of the Prophet.” The result is a diplomatic incident between

Imran Khan ke naam khula khat – by Laibaah: Cross-posted from Pakistan Blogzine Related post: Imran Khan’s Lahore rally offers no hope to Pakistan’s religious and ethnic minority groups پاکستان تحریک انصاف کے چئیرمین جناب عمران خان کے نام ایک کھلا خط میں انصاف کی طالب ہوں جناب

Letting this cold-blooded murderer live will not be a high price, ONLY if… By Shoaib Mir: There is ample room for disagreement with what Abira Ashfaq wrote in her article “Let Mumtaz Qadri live” But let us just concentrate on what she said while replying to the readers’ comments: “Asiya Bibi should not

Repeal Blasphemy laws – by Merlin Flower: After all those decades, one would think the colonial past is, right, a thing of the past. Yet, some things just liger on, clutching steadfast, regressively progressing every other day. While it’s not uncommon to see laws from the

Intolerance in the curriculum -by Kamila Hyat: There have been several shocking incidents over the past week or so that go only to highlight the kind of intolerance we are facing in our society and the manner in which this is spreading. Worst of all the

My faith is stronger than your blasphemy! – by Dur-e-aden: On October 1, 2011 a Judge of Pakistan anti-terrorism court sentenced Mumtaz Qadri to death over the murder of former Punjab Governer, Salman Taseer. As soon as the news came out, it has stirred up the debate regarding blasphemy

Pakistan and the Search for Identity (Part 1) – by Rusty Walker: About the author: Rusty Walker is an Independent Political Analyst, educator, author, Vietnam veteran-era U.S. Air Force, from a military family, retired college professor, former Provost (Collins College, U.S.A.), artist, musician and family man. Rusty Walker is an ardent

Christians and Sharia Law – by Agnes Massey: I feel a great passion for our voiceless Christian Community and always raise my voice boldly. JUI-F lawmaker Mrs. Asia Nasir, a Christian MNA from Balochistan visited Canada who was being sponsored by CCA (NGO). During the session of

Interview: Shehrbano Taseer: Shehrbano Taseer became the official spokesperson of her family after her father Salmaan Taseer, the governor of Punjab, was assassinated in January this year. But Shehrbano is more than just a vocal member of the family. She has also

Pakistan, a place where non-Muslims also live: By Anthony Permal A lot has been written about the plight of minorities in Pakistan – some by minorities themselves but mostly by the majority. In most such reports, analyses and blogs, the focus has been on the aggressive

Salman Taseer murder case: Let’s have some real fun -by Waseem Altaf: As the proceedings of the Salaman Taseer murder case are underway at Adyala Central Jail, the son of the late governor Mr.Shahryar Taseer recorded his statement before the judge on Saturday, the 9th of July 2011. The judge of

The Face of Pakistan’s Courage: ‘If you believe in something, you have to be willing to die for it.’ By Bret Stephens On Jan. 4, Salmaan Taseer, the liberal-minded governor of the Pakistani province Punjab, was shot 27 times at point-blank range by his

My father died for Pakistan: An examination of religious extremism in Pakistan: The Middle East Institute is proud to host Shehrbano Taseer, daughter of Governor Salmaan Taseer, who was murdered this past January for speaking out against the misuse of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. The assassinations of Punjab Province Governor Salmaan Taseer

Justice for Shaheed, Death for ‘Ghazi’ -by Ahsan Muhammad: Exactly six months ago a lone fanatic pumped over two dozen bullets into Salman Taseer’s torso. According to that lunatic Mumtaz Qadri, Taseer had committed blasphemy by mocking the ‘Blasphemy Law’. A law which awards death penalty to the

Anti – Militancy Long March that changed Punjab: Sunni Ittehad Council is an alliance of traditional Barelvi religious / political parties, which is moderate in its essence and is popular with traditional and folk Muslims in Pakistani villages of Sindh and Punjab. The Council started a long

US Commission accuses Pakistan of failing to protect minorities: This year, according to the US Commission on International Religious Freedom USCIRF report, 14 countries were designated as countries of particular concern (CPC) since “those governments have engaged in — or tolerated — particularly severe violations of religious freedom.”

Ten wounded: Attacks on Christians in Gujranwala: Lahore, April 30(ANI): At least ten people, including police officials, were wounded in attacks on houses of Christian community members in Lahore on Saturday. Demonstrators attacked the residences of members of the Christian religious community in Gujranwala, and also