Monthly Archive:: July 2014

Salafi Kingdom vs Salafi Khilafa: Saudi Arabia reinforces border with ISI-held area in Iraq: Saudi Arabia has deployed thousands of troops and set up extra barricades, infrared cameras and radar systems along its 850-km border with Iraq to counter the threat from the Islamic State (IS) and Shiite militias, according to recent

Destruction of Sunni Sufi and Shia cultural property and state structures in Iraq by the ISIS Salafi terrorists: JP (@AgenerationXer) tipped me off that the Islamic State had released another brochure of ethnic cleansing/politicide/urbicide. This time, it’s Bashir village, Kirkuk province, Iraq. As far as I can tell, the images are genuine – the release is consistent

رائونڈ لاہور میں مارے جانے دیوبندی دہشت گرد محبوب اقصن کی کہانی – از عبدلقادر: یہ دیوبندی مدرسوں اور مولویوں کے منہ پر تمانچہ ہے، جن کی زہر آلود فرقہ وارانہ مذہبی دہشتگردی پر مبنی تعلیم نے ایک ہو نہار طالب علم کو دہشتگردی پر اکسایا۔ دیوبندی مدارس اور مساجد میں کم سن بچوں

بھارت میں دیوبندی اور سلفی دہشت گردی کے بڑھتے ہوئے سائے: دنیا کے کئی تھنک ٹینک اور تحقیقی ادارے بنگال کے مدرسہ ماڈل کامطالعہ کر ہے ہیں بھارت کی ریاست مغربی بنگال میں پہلا انگریزی میڈیم مدرسہ شروع ہو گیا ہے۔ بنگال کے مدرسے پہلے ہی بر صغیر کے مدرسوں

The Furqan Battallion: The historical role of Ahmadiyya community as Pakistan army’s Jihadist proxy in Kashmir: The historical and important role of Pakistan’s Ahmadiyya community as willing participants and volunteers in Pakistan army’s Jihadist operations for the intended liberation of (Azad) Kashmir remains largely under-explored. In this post, we are collecting some of the material

Imam Ali and his Muawiyan admirers – by Abdul Nishapuri: Today is 21 Ramadan (Ramzan), the day when almost 1350 years ago, Ali (a.s.), the first Imam of Shia Muslims and the fourth Rightly Guided Caliph of Sunni Muslims was martyred in Kufa, Iraq by a Kharijite or Takfiri

حضرت علی علیہ السلام مسیحی مصنف جارج جرداق کی نظرمیں: مسیحی مصنف جارج جرداق کی امام علی علیہ السلام کے بارے میں لکھی ہوئی کتاب “ندائےعدالت انسانی”سے کچھ اقتباسات امیر الموٴمنین حضرت علی ابن ابی طالب علیہ السلام کی شخصیت ایک ایسی شخصیت ہے جس سے اپنے اور غیرسبھی مفکرین اور دانشمند متاثر

This war is different : German newspaper “Zeit” on the the current Israel Hamas Conflict.: The war between Israel and Hamas seems to be replay of previous conflicts. Again, Hamas will try to rocket Israeli towns until the bitter end. Again, Israel will do everything possible to destroy the infrastructure of Hamas. Now the Israeli army has launched

Israel and Hamas Need Each Other – by Aaron David Miller: In her fascinating book A History of God, Karen Armstrong posits that the reason people believe in God is because God “works for them.” That is to say, God is compelling because the idea of a divine

ہزاروں کی تعداد میں طالبان دہشت گرد گلگت بلتستان کی حدود میں داخل ہوگیے: ایڈیٹر نوٹ : تعمیر پاکستان کے سورسز کے مطابق غذر میں خفیہ پہاڑی راستوں سے داخل ہونے والے افراد شمالی وزیرستان میں آرمی آپریشن کے بعد بھاگنے والے طالبان دہشت گرد ہیں جو پہلے چلاس اور دیامر کے مختلف

وکی لیکس کا انکشاف: کالعدم دہشت گرد تنظیم سپاہ صحابہ اور دیگر دیوبندی تنظیموں کو عرب ممالک سے امداد ملتی ہے: وکی لیکس نے لاہور میں امریکی قونصل خانے کی ایک کیبل کو افشا کیا ہے، یہ کیبل امریکی قونصل خانے کے سابقہ پرنسپل آفیسر برائن ڈی نٹ کی جانب سے اسٹیٹ ڈیپارٹمنٹ آف امریکا کو مورخہ 20مارچ 2009ء

Al-Qaeda plans final jihad for India: Intel report points to terror recruitment drive targeting nation’s Salafi and Deobandi Muslims: Ghazwa-e-Hind refers to an indoctrinated view of a final apocalyptic war in which India will be conquered by a jihadi army. All soldiers of this army are guaranteed a place in heaven. This term is freely used

General Raheel Sharif, Mukthar Thaqafi, and Dr Taqi: The current Operation Zarb-e-Azb by the Pakistan army against the Taliban is being viewed in black and white terms by a section of Pakistan’s “liberal” intelligentsia. For some in this category, the debate is based on promoting their own

Evidence of Hamas and other Palestinian militants’ crimes against Sunni Sufis, Shias and Christians – by Abdul Nishapuri: The purpose of this post is to build an arhchive of articles, reports and other materials which confirm how Hamas and other Palestinian militants have directly or indirectly participated in attacks on and massacres of innocent Sunni Sufis, Shias,

Shia mosque set on fire in Istanbul : Erdogan stokes Shia and Sufi Sunni hatred: Editor’s note: Shia mosque set on fire in Istanbul. Ottoman Sultanate is back under Erdogan’s AKP. Secular Kemalist Turks MUST reclaim their country. Where is Turkey headed? Disgusting how AKP is destroying the beautiful country and culture of Turkish Republic sinking

Palestinians set fire to humanitarian aid donated by Hezbollah: Editor’s note: Palestinians, once again, refuse/reject and burn the aid sent under sectarian grounds. Maybe Iran can stop sending millions funding Salafi terrorists of Hamas and instead help Shias suffering in Iraq and Pakistan. They are not worthless, and

ایل یو بی پی کے بارے میں جناب علی ارقم کا ناروا پراپیگنڈہ – از عامر حسینی: میں جب بهی دیوبندی تکفیریوں کےساتھ دیوبندی مکتبہ فکر کے انتہائی اہم ترین مدارس کے انتہائی جید اور فاضل علماء کے تعلقات اور سرپرستی کے بارے میں لکهتا ہوں تو میرے بہت سے کرم فرما جن میں خود کئی

Saudi diplomats avoided drink-drive charges in UK because they have diplomatic immunity – but would be sentenced to 800 lashes if caught in Riyadh: Two Saudi diplomats have avoided drink-drive charges in the UK because they have diplomatic immunity. However, anyone caught drink-driving in Saudi’s capital Riyadh would face 800 lashes. Mark Simmonds, a Foreign Office minister, said Scotland Yard’s diplomatic protection

Washington Examiner: Obama waives ban on arming Al-Qaeda/ISIS terrorists to allow aid to Syrian opposition: President Obama waived a provision of federal law designed to prevent the supply of arms to terrorist groups to clear the way for the U.S. to provide military assistance to “vetted” opposition groups fighting Syrian dictator Bashar

Laser beam focusing pilgrims’ plane creates scare: QUETTA: Several suspects were arrested from settlements around the Quetta International Airport on Wednesday after unknown people created scare by throwing laser light on an aeroplane carrying Shia pilgrims from the Iranian city of Mashhad the previous night.

دہشت گردی کی شناخت کے بارے ڈاکٹرعائشہ صدیقہ کا مضمون اور فصیح الدین دیوبندی کی لن ترانیاں – طارق قادری: نوٹ: طارق علی قادری منهاج القرآن یونیورسٹی کی فیکلٹی آف شریعہ کے طالب علم ہیں انہوں نے روزنامہ آج میں فصیح الدین نامی کسی دیوبندی کا مضمون پڑها تو اس کا جواب تحریر کیا جو یہاں شایع ہونے

A Palestinian dentist who travelled from Gaza to slaughter Sunni Sufis, Shias and Christians in Iraq: This is a Palestinian dentist named “Wissam Al-A’til”, a pro-Salafi Jihadist. He had a clinic in Jabalya camp in Gaza and is a father of four children. He decided to go to heaven so he ran away from Gaza

The phenomenon of the British Salafi and Deobandi Jihadis: Has Syria become the new Afghanistan? – by Anwar Rizvi: When British troops were first deployed into Afghanistan as part of “Operation Enduring Freedom”, their mission seemed straightforward enough. Defeat the Taliban & their Al Qaeda allies, & secure the country for a democratically elected government that would

We single Israel out because we in the West are shamefully complicit in Its crimes – by Mehdi Hasan: Seventeen members of a single family wiped out in a missile strike. A centre for disabled people bombed. Schools and mosques attacked. Operation Protective Edge has been a humanitarian disaster for the residents of Gaza. This, apparently, is how

Fleeing Iraqis relieved that Cheney has no regrets about war – by Andy Borowitz: BAGHDAD (The Borowitz Report)—Just days after former Vice-President Dick Cheney said that he had no regrets about the invasion of Iraq, people fleeing their homes across that war-torn nation expressed tremendous relief that he was at

A comment on NYT’s article on creeping Deobandi extremism in Pakistan’ Sindh province: Saba Imtiaz and Declan Walsh recently wrote an article in the New York Times with title Extremists Make Inroads in Pakistan’s diverse South. In this article, the authors present the expansion of religious militancy in Pakistan’s Sindh province by constructing false Shia-Sunni binary,

Syria conflict exclusive: Western aid going to help territory held by ISIS militants: Western governments are sending millions of pounds of aid to areas held by the radical Islamic group Isis in northern Syria, The Independent can reveal. The aid, which is paid for by the UK, European and US

While international attention is focused on Gaza, Isis Salafi militants march further into Syria battling to crush the resistance of Sunni Kurds – by Patrick Cockburn: Isis fighters have captured much of eastern Syria in the past few days while international attention has been focused on the Israeli bombardment of Gaza. Using tanks and artillery seized in Iraq, it has taken almost all of

پکتیکا افغانستان میں دیوبندی طالبان کے ہاتھوں ایک سو سے زائد افغانوں کی شہادت پر غزہ کو رونے والوں کو سانپ کیوں سونگھ گیا ہے – از عبدالقادر: افغانستان کے صوبے پکتیکا میں ایک خودکش کار بم حملے میں اب تک کی اطلاعات کے مطابق 91 افراد ہلاک اور 50 سے زاہد زخمی ہوئے ہیں کیا اس سفاکانہ حملے کے بعد الباکستان کے طول و عرض میں

Israel-Palestine conflict: Why doesn’t the media ever mention the lack of progress in the Middle East? – by Robert Fisk: Once, we used to keep clippings, a wad of newspaper cuttings on whatever we were writing about: Israel, Lebanon, Iran, Gaza. Occasionally, we even read books. Maybe it’s because of the internet, but in most of our

The ‘Iranian Schindler’ who saved Jews from the Nazis – by Brian Wheeler: Thousands of Iranian Jews and their descendants owe their lives to a Muslim diplomat in wartime Paris, according to a new book. In The Lion’s Shadow tells how Abdol-Hossein Sardari risked everything to help fellow Iranians

Deobandi and Salafi extremists make inroads in Pakistan’s tolerant Sindh province – by Saba Imtiaz and Declan Walsh (NYT): MIRPURKHAS, Pakistan — In a country roiled by violent strife, the southern province of Sindh, celebrated as the “land of Sufis,” has long prized its reputation as a Pakistani bastion of tolerance and diversity. Glittering Sufi shrines

Top ten issues more pertinent for Pakistanis than Gaza: Every time there is Israeli aggression in Gaza Pakistani activists make it a point to clamour left, right and centre to feel good about themselves and also to boost their PR. Even though there are few issues that bolster

العربیہ ٹی وی : سعودی سلفی جہادی کی بیوہ نے بغیر طلاق کے داعش دہشت گرد سے شادی رچا لی: سعودی عرب میں القاعدہ کے انتہائی مطلوب کمانڈر کریم المجاطی کی مراکشی بیوہ فتیحہ المجاطی داعش کے خلیفہ ابو بکر البغدادی کے معاون خصوصی سے نکاح کرنے عراق جا پہنچیں۔ العربیہ ڈاٹ نیٹ کی رپورٹ کے مطابق فتیحہ کا

Teenage cricketer Halima Rafique dies under mysterious circumstances: Editor’s note: While PCB’s current chairman Najam Sethi is focused on protecting and promoting political and economic interests of his benefactors, Nawaz Sharif, Mir Shakil-ur-Rehman and CIA in particular, this the actual state/plight of cricket at grassroots level

Deobandis in Pakistan divided on ISIL terrorist Abu Bakar’s Caliphate: Eminent figures of Deobandi sect of Pakistan divided on the self-proclaimed Caliph Abu Bakar Baghdadi of notorious terrorist outfit ISIL. Pro-Bakar graffiti was daubed in Bannu and a Deobandi cleric thinks Taliban ringleader Mulla Omar will decide

اسرائیل صرف حماس کو نشانہ نہیں بنا رہا، مرنے والوں میں اکثریت سویلینز کی ہے – اسرائیلی صحافی ہگائی ماٹر: ایڈیٹر نوٹ : یہ آرٹیکل عبرانی زبان میں اسرائیل کے معروف بلاگر ہگائی ماٹر نے لکھا ہے – یہ آرٹیکل انگریزی میں ایک سیکولر ویب سائٹ نے ترجمہ کیا ہے – یہ اینٹی اسٹیبلشمنٹ ویب سائٹ اسرائیل میں وہی

61% of Americans favor cooperating with Iran to contain Islamic State Deobandi/Wahabi militants: A new poll has found that the majority of Americans are in favor of cooperating with Iran to help the Iraqi government beat back militants from the Islamic State. The poll, conducted by the University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy and

مخالفت یہود و مخالفت صہیونیت میں فرق کیا ہے ؟ – از عامر حسینی: ایک صاحب ہیں ایلن ہارٹ جوکہ کبهی انڈی پینڈنٹ ٹیلی ویژن نیٹ ورک برطانیہ اور بی بی سی سے وابستہ رہے اور مڈل ایسٹ پر ان کو خاصی مہارت حاصل ہے اور اسرائیلی و فلسطینی قیادتوں کو بہت قریب