Monthly Archive:: July 2014

سندھ میں مذھبی انتہا پسندی کا پھیلاؤ، نیویارک ٹائمز کے ڈیکلن والش اور صبا امتیاز کے فکری مغالطے – از علی عباس تاج: ادارتی نوٹ: امریکی اخبار روزنامہ نیویارک ٹائمز کی 16 جولائی 2014ء کی اشاعت میں اس کے نمائندے ڈیکلان والش جن کو پاکستان سے ناپسندیدہ صحافی قرار دیکر نکال دیا گيا تھا نے خیر پور سندھ سے تعلق رکھنے والے

A Helpless Girl’s Suicide under Patriarchal Oppression – By A.Z: Seventeen years old Haleema Rafique was left with no option but to take her own life to rid herself and her family of continued misery as a result of her daring to seek justice. To explain the backdrop for

ضرب عضب کی کامیابی سے بوکھلا کر القاعدہ نے پشتون قوم پرستی کا نعرہ لگا دیا: شمالی وزیرستان میں طالبان اور لشکر جھنگوی کے تکفیری دیوبندی خوارج کے خلاف کامیاب آپریشن سے بوکھلا کرالقاعدہ نے پشتون عصبیت کے نام پر پاکستان کے خلاف گھناؤنا پراپیگنڈہ شروع کر دیا کچھ پشتون قومیت پرست جو

BBC’s dubious coverage of Israeli aggression on Gaza – by Aamir Hussaini: I have been monitoring BBC, CNN and other leading TV channels and newspapers of the West and am surprised that they are reporting that Gaza and other Middle Eastern conflicts (eg Iraq, Syria) with neocons agenda. They termed Syria

حماس اور ایران کے تعلقات کی کہانی – از عبدالقادر و عرفان قادری: شامی خانہ جنگی کے دوران حماس نے عرب سلفی اور وہابی شیوخ کے اشاروں ہر شامی حکومت (یاد رہے کہ شامی حکومت مدتوں حماس کی اخلاقی، مالی اور سٹریٹیجک مدد کرتی رہی تھی) کے خلاف بر سرپیکار باغیوں، دنیا

In Imran Khan’s Naya KP, fathers and sons of ‘a community’ continue to die: Four days ago, a father and son were target killed in Abbottabad. Now, a father and son have been target killed in Hangu. Syed Hussain Shah gunned down along with his son Syed Qaiser Abbas in Hangu (15 July

اگر اس ملک میں کسی کو سستا اور فوری انصاف ملا ہے تو وہ نجم سیٹھی ہے: Thus spoke Najam Sethi, the Quaid-e-Azam of Pakistan’s fake liberals: نجم سیٹھی کا کہنا تھا کہ اگر وزیر اعظم کہیں گے تو وہ کرکٹ بورڈ کے سربراہ کے انتخابات میں حصہ لیں گے۔ اُنھوں نے کہا کہ بورڈ نے

Condolences to Deobandi Khawarij and “liberals” on Adnan Rasheed’s arrest: Adnan Rasheed arrested! Condolences to Bushra Gohar, Ahmed Ludhyanvi, other opponents of Operation ZarbEAzb against Deobandi Khawarij hiding in North Waziristan. Condolences to “liberals” and Deobandi apologists of the TTP-ASWJ Khawarij, those who blatantly or subtly oppose the ZarbEAzb

Selective human rights causes of Iran and its Pakistani Shia blind followers – by Abdul Nishapuri: A few Pakistani (and other) Shia blind followers of Iranian Ayatollahs who claim that they support Hamas and Palestinians based on principles (justice, resistance to oppression etc) must answer this: Why are they silent when China bans fasting for

داعش نے قطر کے خلاف نیا محاذ کھول دیا: میڈیا رپورٹس کے مطابق شدت پسند گروپ داعش نے عالمی فٹ بال فیڈریشن (فیفا) کے سربراہ ”سپ بلٹر“ کے نام دھمکی آمیز خط لکھا ہے جس میں کہا گیا ہے کہ قطر میں ورلڈ کپ کا انعقاد

SOS from Iraq: 15,000 residents of Amirli under siege of death by ISIS terrorists: A small town in Kirkuk Iraq with a population of 15000 residents, most of them are Shia Turkemen and Sufi Sunni, is surrounded by the Islamic State (IS/ISIS) Salafi Wahhabi militants vowing to kill every man, woman and child.

Ex-Mossad chief calls for Israel-Hamas talks: ‘There are worse options than Hamas’: The former Israeli Intelligence Minister called for negotiations with Hamas in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday (15 July 2014). “Hamas is a very bad option, undoubtedly. But there are worse options than Hamas,” Efraim Halevy, former

The IDF doesn’t only aim at Hamas targets – by Haggai Matar: Editor’s note: This article was originally written in Hebrew by a Israeli Jewish blogger. It was then translated into English for the 972 website, which is an anti establishment news and opinion site in Israel similar to LUBP in

DISPATCHES: Della Mae in Pakistan – by Amy Reitnouer: Our favorite ‘grass gals, DELLA MAE, are traveling through Central Asia as part of the U.S. State Department’s American Music Abroad program. Bassist SHELBY MEANS sent the Sitch an update on their journey and time spent in

Daniel Pipes : Two classic articles on Saudi US relations: The Scandal of U.S.-Saudi Relations “When it comes to the Saudi-American relationship, the White House should be called the ‘White Tent.'” – Mohammed Al-Khilewi, a Saudi diplomat who defected to the United States[1] Consider two symbolic moments in the U.S.-Saudi

وہابیت نقطہ تاریک جھان اسلام -مولانا طارق علی قادری: امریکہ میں وہابی نجدی فرقہ کی سرگرمیوں میں بہت تیزی سے اضافہ ہورہا ہے اور امریکی معاشرے میں جہاں مسلمانوں کے مختلف مکاتب فکر عرصہ دراز سے پرامن اور مذھبی ہم آہنگی کے ساتھ رہ رہے تھے وہابی

Anti-Semitism: what it is and is not – by Alan Hart: “An anti-Semite used to be a person who disliked Jews. Now it is a person who Jews dislike “ Those are the words of my dear Jewish friend, Nazi (Auschwitz) holocaust survivor Dr Hajo Myer. They are taken

Four men from Mumbai believed to have joined Iraq jihad, a father appeals for help – by Praveen Swami: Families of the four have filed missing persons complaints with the police station in Kalyan. (Source: Express photo by Prashant Nadkar) From the window of his apartment, Ejaz Badruddin Majeed stares out over the grimy suburban heights

Is ISIS another master stroke by the western intelligence services? – by Ali Hashim: In the last 15 years a variety of Islamist Jihadi movements have erupted across the world in response to inequities, e.g. those in Israel, Chechnya, Palestine, Kashmir and against local despots such as those in Libya, Syria, Egypt, Saudi

#ShiaGenocide : Sectarianism is the Last Refuge of a Terrorist – by AZ: While Pakistan Army is on the offensive to eradicate the safe havens of terror in the northern areas of Pakistan, the target killing of Shias continues unabated in the cities of Pakistan. During the last two days a renowned

Lebanese Sunni cleric Sheikh Maher Hammoud exposes Salafi hypocrisy: Arabs will fight Israel if it’s a Shia entity: Sunni Imam of Al-Quds Mosque in Sidon (Lebanon), Sheikh Maher Hammoud, has claimed that “if you want Arabs to fight Israel, tell them Israel converted to Shi’ism”. Hammoud said: “اذا اردتم للعرب ان يقاتلوا اسرئيل قولوا لهم ان إسرائيل

Islamic State rounds up ex-Baathists to eliminate potential rivals in Iraq’s Mosul – by Maggie Fick and Ahmed Rasheed: (Reuters) – One night last week, Islamic State militants in an SUV with tinted windows pulled up at the home of a former Iraqi army officer, one of the men they see as an obstacle to

Israel, ISIS and Iran – by Ali Khan Mahmudabad: In 1871 in the small north Indian town of Bareilly Richard Bourke, the Governor General and 6th Earl of Mayo, made a speech in the presence of the Nawab of Rampur and other notables. This came in the

Fox News: ISIS destroys Sunni shrines and Shia mosques, may be targeting Mecca: ISIS is leaving a path of destroyed churches, shrines and mosques in its wake as it storms across Syria and Iraq, and has even set its sights on Mecca — Islam’s holiest site. The nihilistic jihadis, led

Former US ambassador to Iraq says: It’s not Washington’s job to tell Iraq who its leaders should be: James F. Jeffrey has served as U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Turkey and Albania. He is the Philip Solondz visiting fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. As the U.S. ambassador to Iraq from 2010 to 2012,

Washington Post’s Editorial: The U.S. must take a stronger stand on Bahrain after it expels a senior official: ARAB STATES dependent on the United States for military and economic support once went out of their way to avoid public conflict with Washington. More than five years into the Obama administration, there has been a reversal: Now

The Communist Party of Israel strongly condemns Israeli aggression in Gaza and Hamas’s attack on Israeli civilians: The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) expresses its strong resentment and condemnation to the vicious and murderous terrorist war that the government of Israel has been waging on the people of Gaza and on the Arab-Palestinian People at

Chakwal’s lone Hindu family leads peaceful but secluded life – by Nabeel Anwar Dhakku: Ravindar Kumar with his mother Sudesh Kumari and daughter Manisha Chhiber. CHAKWAL: “When I first went to a local college two years ago, students and teachers gave me a strange look,” recalls 18-year-old Manisha Chhiber, a Hindu girl

Sunni And Shiite British Imams Denounce Wahabi/Deobandi ISIS Together In New Video – by Yasmine Hafiz: Sunni and Shiite Muslim leaders in the United Kingdom have come together to denounce the Islamic militant group ISIS in a video posted by a group called Imams Online, reports the BBC. A statement on the Imams Online website

Radical Salafis/Deobandis face jail for attack on group of Shi’ites ‘in first case of Muslim sectarian violence in Britain’ – by Lucy Crossley: Radical Salafi/Deobandi Muslims are facing jail for attacking a group of Shi’ites in what is believed to be the first case of Muslim sectarian violence on the streets of Britain. Violence broke out on London’s Edgware Road, a

Pashtun tribes reject Deobandi militants’ call for Jihad – by Mian Saifur Rehman (The News): Despite the fact that militants launched effective and misleading propaganda against forces through Fatwas urging the tribesmen to wage Jihad against the country’s security forces in retaliation for the Operation Zarbe Azb, vast majority of tribal people have

Iraq crisis: How Saudi Arabia helped Isis take over the north of the country – by Patrick Cockburn: How far is Saudi Arabia complicit in the Isis takeover of much of northern Iraq, and is it stoking an escalating Sunni-Shia conflict across the Islamic world? Some time before 9/11, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, once the powerful

Stephen Hawking’s boycott hits Israel where it hurts: Science: Stephen Hawking‘s decision to boycott the Israeli president’s conference has gone viral. Over 100,000 Facebook shares of the Guardian report at last count. Whatever the subsequent fuss, Hawking’s letter is unequivocal. His refusal was made because of requests

Twitter uproar over pic of ‘applauding’ Israelis watching night attacks on Gaza: An image of Israelis in Sderot who gathered on a hill to watch and celebrate Gaza being bombed has gone viral on Twitter. The photo posted by a Danish journalist caused uproar online. Allan Sørensen, the Middle Eastern

Sunni is not my enemy: A Pakistani Shia’s perspective – by Abdul Nishapuri: Lately I have noticed a trend in a few Shia activists of Pakistan, Iraq and elsewhere who seem to categorize or perceive all Sunnis as their enemies holding them responsible for Shia genocide and persecution. This trend is worrying

From a life-saver to a life-taker: A Saudi Salafi doctor joins ISIS as a suicide bomber, kills 30 Sunnis and Shias in Kirkuk, Iraq: From a life-saver to a life-taker: A Saudi Salafi doctor joins ISIS as a suicide bomber attacks a checkpoint south of Kirkuk, Iraq, killing 30 innocent Sunni and Shia Muslims. This is not the first time that Salafi Wahhabi

بلیک ستمبر، صابرہ شتیلہ اور غزہ: الله کا شکر ہے میں منافق نھیں ہوں۔میں فلسطینیوں کے قتل عام کی اتنی ہی شدت سے مذمت کرتا ہوں جتنا اپنے وطن میں قتل ہونے والےسنیوں, شیعوں،احمدیوں،عیسائیوں اور دیگر اقلیتوں کے قتل کی کرتا ہوں۔میں اپنے وطن میں

Israeli aggression vs Salafi Wahhabi and Deobandi aggression: A perspective from Pakistan – by Abdul Nishapuri: According to media and other direct reports from Gaza, Israeli army often gives clear warnings (date, time, area) to Gaza civilians to evacuate clearly identified areas. Simultaneously, Israel phones independent civilians asking them to leave their home within a minute or

Abbottabad: Shia scholar Waseem Shirazi and his father killed by Deobandi terrorists: I love no one other than Ali [a] I love everyone for the sake of Ali [a] This was the last post of Martyr Allama Waseem Sherazi on his Facebook account. Martyr Waseem Sherazi and his father, Mustafa

Leaked audio features Al Nusrah Front emir discussing creation of an Islamic emirate – by Thomas Joc: A leaked recording of Abu Muhammad al Julani, the emir of the Al Nusrah Front, giving an impassioned speech to his fighters surfaced online late yesterday. While the audio appears to be a real recording of Julani, The Long War