Monthly Archive:: July 2014

To Brazil with love from Pakistan – by Paul Rockower: In 2012, the Grammy-nominated Bluegrass band Della Mae visited Pakistan and Central Asia as part of their American Music Abroad tour. While visiting Islamabad and Lahore, Della Mae conducted performances, music collaborations with local musicians and bluegrass workshops at universities. The American Music Abroad

فلسطین کے انقلابیو! کہاں ہو تم – از عامر حسینی: ہندوستان میں جب اندراگاندهی نے ایمرجینسی نافذ کی اور کمیونسٹ پارٹی آف انڈیا نے اس ایمرجنسی کی حمائت کرڈالی تو کیفی اعظمی سخت بیمار تهے اور بستر مرگ پر تهے ،انهیں جب اس اقدام کا پتہ چلا تو بہت

Exposing LUBP and its pro-Zionist and pro-Qadiyani narrative – by Political Shia Pakistan: Political Shia Pakistan, a facebook page run by Iran-loyalist Pakistani Shias, has published a post critical of the Let Us Build Pakistan (LUBP) web magazine in criticism of one of LUBP’s articles in which Hamas militants were criticized. Previously,

Dawn’s report: Startling facts about Deobandi suicide bombers’ training den in North Waziristan – by Ismail Khan: A copy of the form containing details of a trainee suicide bomber found at the centre. MIRAMSHAH: It was one of the many non-descript buildings around, located at the dead-end of a small street inside Serai Darpakhel.

دیوبندی تکفیری خود کش بمباروں کی تربیت گاہ کے بارے میں چونکا دینے والے حقائق: میران شاہ: یہ سرائی درپہ خیل کے اندر ایک چھوٹی گلی کے آخری سرے پر موجود عمارتوں میں سے ایک تھی۔گلی کے باہر موجود ایک گارڈ نے ہمیں بتایا کہ ‘پہلے ہم سیدھا جائیں پھر بائیں جانب ایک دروازہ

Witnesses describe how Salafi & Deobandi fascist leveled Sunni village as a warning – by Mohammed al Dulaimy and Hannah Allam: BAGHDAD — To the villagers who fled, Zowiya is now a graveyard for all they’ve ever known. Their houses have been razed, their neighbors are dead, and their tribal codes have been violated in ways they never

فلسطینیوں کے غم میں رونے والے الباکستانیوں کی منافقت – ازعبدالقادر: یہ بات حقیقت ہے کہ اسرائیل فلسطینیوں کے ساتھ ظلم کر رہا ہے لیکن قطع نظر اس کے کیا آپ نے میڈیا پر کبھی اس قسم کی رپورٹنگ اس وقت بھی دیکھی جب دیوبندی دہشتگردوں نے کوئٹہ میں خودکش

The Human Side of Israel Palestine Conflict : No to hate speech and Fascism or Takfir – by Syed Farrukh Abbas: Banner: The occupation kills us All – Israelis protesting in Tel Aviv against Netanyahu’s assault on Gaza. Posting Hitler’s made up quote to try and prove that “Jews Are Bad People” and praising him for killing millions,

The true Gaza back-story that the Israelis aren’t telling this week – by Robert Fisk: OK, so by this afternoon (8 July 2014), the exchange rate of death in two days was 40-0 in favour of Israel. But now for the Gaza story you won’t be hearing from anyone else in the next few

In Pakistan, Deobandi militants pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi: In daily Telegraph (11 Jul 2014), Rob Crilly reports: This week a Pakistani militant group declared its allegiance to the Islamic State (IS or Daish) and its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Salafi. In Pakistan and Afghanistan, the Islamic State

BBC and CNN’s Sectarian Agenda – by Faheem Raza: I have been monitoring BBC, CNN and other leading newspapers of west surprised for me that they reported that Gaza and Arab conflicts with neocons agenda. They termed Syria war Shia –Sunni conflict but never tell the truth

ISIS Salafi and Deobandi militants take sledgehammers to tomb of Prophet Jonah in Mosul, Iraq: Editor’s note: The Western press should answer the question: Is Prophet Jonah Sunni or Shia or Christian? The Western press keeps making an inaccurate false Shia Sunni Binary thereby obfuscating the Saudi Inspired Salafi and Deobandi identity of

Who are the Salafi and Deobandi women fighting in Syria – by Abigail R. Esman: For years she was a mother of 10 young children, keeping a good, Muslim home. Now she’s a rebel commander with a gun, fighting, she says, for her honor and her religion. Her children battle at her side. Speaking

In Pakistan, it’s our own radicalism that produces religious hatred and violence – by Ayesha Siddiqa: A few days ago, Pakistani newspapers published results of a PEW opinion poll for 2013 and 2014 indicating a large percentage of Pakistanis being perturbed with violent extremism in the country. According to the report of this

Two British Deobandi Jihadist admit to linking up with extremist group ISIS in Syria – by Vikram Dodd: Mohammed Ahmed, left, and Yusuf Sarwar were arrested on their return to Britain in January. Photograph: West Midlands police/PA Two Birmingham men admitted on Tuesday to linking up with an extremist group fighting jihad in Syria, after

Islamic State rounds up ex-Baathists to eliminate potential rivals in Iraq’s Mosul: A man purported to be the reclusive leader of the militant Islamic State Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has made what would be his first public appearance at a mosque in the centre of Iraq’s second city, Mosul, according

ISIS Links with Pakistan: Past and Present – by Syed Ali Abbas Zaidi: The entire world has been gripped by news of ISIS – Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (also known as Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham; now just Islamic State) – declaring on 29th June 2014

Can Nouri Al Maliki save Baghdad from ISIS? – by Patrick Cockburn: In early June, Abbas Saddam, a private soldier from a Shia district in Baghdad serving in the 11th Division of the Iraqi army, was transferred from Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province in western Iraq, to Mosul

کامران خان دیوبندی دہشت گردوں کے ہاتھوں شیعہ ڈاکٹرز کی ٹارگٹ کلنگ کی پردہ پوشی کیوں کر رہے ہیں ؟ – از عامر حسینی: کامران خان دی نیوز انوسٹی گیشن ڈیسک سے جیو کے ڈائریکٹر نیوز افئیر کے عهدے تک جو سفر کرچکے ہیں اس میں ان کی رپورٹوں کے کهرے کبهی تو راولپنڈی کے جی ایچ کیو تک جاتے رہے تو کبهی

داعش کے جنگجووں نے حضرت یونس علیہ السلام کا مزار تباہ کر دیا: بغداد (نیوز ڈیسک) عراق میں شدت پسند گروپ الدولۃ اسلامی فی العراق والشام (داعش) کے جنگجو ہتھیاروں اور بھاری ہتھوڑوں سے مسلح ہوکر موصل میں واقع حضرت یونس علیہ السلام کے مزار مقدس پر ٹوٹ پڑے اور قبر مبارک،

Pro-army wall chalking by sectarian outfits in Bannu – by Taha Siddiqui: Editor’s note: Awaami Baghi Group is an alias used used by banned deobandi militant outfit jaish-e-muhammad another name for the same group is al rehmat trust. At a time when the Pakistan Army claims to be waging a “decisive” and

Homegrown Islamist terrorism: How should we understand the teenage jihadists’ mind?: ‘Invading armies, bloodthirsty occupations and drone bombings have been extremism’s most potent recruiting sergeants.’ Illustration by Satoshi Kambayashi A friend of mine once gazed at her wayward teenagers and told me she could handle the usual drugs and

Bengal madrasah with more Hindu students draws eyes, President’s award for teacher: اورگرام چتسپلّي کے اس مدرسے کو صدر جمہوریہ کی جانب سے انعام سے بھی نوازا جا چکا ہے بھارت کی مغربی بنگال ریاست کے بردھمان ضلعے کے ایک مدرسے میں ایک مولوی طالب علموں کو قرآن اور اسلام کے

We condemn ASWJ terrorists’ brutal attack on Pashtun nationalist students in Science College, Quetta: Two students were injured when members of banned Deobandi terrorist outfit Sipah-e-Sahaba (aka ASWJ) attacked Pashtun nationalist students of PSO in Government Science College here on Thursday (11 July 2014), police said. (Source) Members of the banned Ahle

The late King of Saudi Arabia, his ‘secret’ Christian wife and the missing £12 million: Janan Harb threatens to ‘spill the beans’ if ‘promised’ money isn’t paid: The “secret” Christian wife of the late King of Saudi Arabia has won the right to pursue his son for a vast sum of cash and properties that she says he promised her before he died. Janan Harb,

Crime spree helps Pakistani Taliban squirrel away cash before raids begin: A Pakistani soldier stands in front of closed shops during a military operation against Taliban militants in the town of Miranshah in North Waziristan July 9, 2014. — Photo by Reuters PESHAWAR: In the months before Pakistan jets

Iran Pursues Subtle Strategy on Iraq Without Pushing Sectarian Conflict – by Bill Spindle: An Iraqi Shiite prays at the Imam Hussein Shrine in the holy Shiite city of Karbala, the fate of which is of great concern to Iran’s government. Getty Images QOM, Iran—Iran is pursuing a delicate strategy of supporting

سعودی عرب عالم اسلام میں سب سے بڑا فرقہ پرست ملک ہے – انسٹی ٹیوٹ فار گلف افئیرز: آل علی احمد انسٹی ٹیوٹ فار گلف سٹیٹس کے نامور محقق اور دانشور ہیں ،انھوں نے حال ہی میں ایک اور سماجی سائنس دان کرسٹوفر ڈینیوب کے ساتھ ملکر عراق اور سعودیہ عرب کے درمیان ایک تحقیقی تقابلی مطالعہ

ISIS Threatens Holocaust Against Jews – by John Rossomando: A Twitter post Thursday by supporters of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), now calling itself the Islamic State (IS), has promised a Holocaust against the Jews. “The Real Zionist Holocaust is Predicted in the Hadiths!

Hamas, an ally of Al Nusra – by Abdul Nishapuri: Between an Israeli Jew and a Palestinian Takfiri Jihadist, I will prefer Israeli Jew any day. He won’t slaughter me for my faith. Hamas must stop firing rockets while hiding behind civilians and then using civilian casualties to blame

US drone strike kills 6 ‘militants’ in North Waziristan – Bill Roggio: The US launched its first drone strike inside Pakistan’s tribal agencies in more than three weeks, killing six “militants” in an area that in the past has served as a command and control center for al Qaeda’s military. Today’s

Analyst Zahid Hussain is completely off base: Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa says ISIS Al Qaeda & Deobandi Taliban are fruits of the same tree: Zahid Hussain goes to great lengths to show ISIS is very different from Punjabi Taliban Takfiri Deobandi Sipah e Sahaba or the TTP. Zahid Hussain is maligning Sunni Muslims by saying that the Takfiri Deobandi or Salafi (Wahhabi) doctrines

U.S. Official Ordered Out of Bahrain After Meeting – by Michael R. Gordon and Kareem Faheem: WASHINGTON — Bahrain on Monday ordered the senior United States official on human rights to cut short his visit and leave the country after he met with the nation’s main Shiite opposition group. Bahrain’s Foreign Ministry said that

The 7/7 bombing memorial in London vandalised just hours before commemorations – by Richard Spillett: Relatives of those killed in the July 7 bombings joined survivors for an emotional ceremony to remember the 52 people who died nine years ago today. A minute’s silence was held at the 7/7 memorial in London’s

The sheepification of Bakistan – by Mina Malik-Hussain: When we were small, there was a month and it used to be called Ramzan. It was Ramzan on television, it was Ramzan in the newspaper with the sehr-o-iftar timings and while nobody had a cell phone

ملا عمر مسلمانوں کو ابوبکر البغدادی کی بیعت کرنے کا حکم دین، مولانا طاہر اشرفی: داعش کی عراق میں دہشتگردی کے بعد موصل اور نیوا میں عارضی کامیابیوں کے بعد اس گروہ کے سربراہ ابوبکر البغدادی نے خلافت کا اعلان کردیا اور ایک حالیہ ویڈیو میں دنیا بھر کے مسلمانوں سے اطاعت کی اپیل

عرب دنیا کے بُرے بانسری باز – از خالد المعینا: دمشق اور بغداد ایک زمانے میں علم و تہذیب وتمدّن کا گہوارہ ہوا کرتے تھے۔ آج ان شہروں پر تاریکی اتر چکی ہے اور درحقیقت عرب دنیا کہلانے والے تمام علاقے تاریکی، طوائف الملوکی اور کنفیوژن میں ڈوبے ہوئے

Pakistan’s Secular Sectarians and the “Anti-Establishment” Debate: The most recent operation by the Pakistan military in North Waziristan has revealed both the fissures in the establishment as well as the intellectual dishonesty of much of Pakistan’s so-called “liberal intelligentsia” In particular, the interview of former D

Life of a Canadian Salafi Jihadi Wife in the ‘Caliphate’. She went to Syria to provide sex to ISIS’s Salafi fighters & is now a widow: Eight months ago, Umm Haritha, a 20-year-old woman from Canada, made her way to Turkey against her parents’ wishes with a half-empty suitcase and $1,500. Within a week she was in Syria, and a few weeks later she

Political Islam: Why Salafi and Deobandi militants now symbolise Muslims – by Anwar Iqbal: The most recognizable face of political Islam today is neither a mullah nor a religious scholar. It is a militant. Until 2001, spellchecks did not recognise the word Taliban and suggested changing it to “tally bone.” Now it