Destruction of Sunni Sufi and Shia cultural property and state structures in Iraq by the ISIS Salafi terrorists
JP (@AgenerationXer) tipped me off that the Islamic State had released another brochure of ethnic cleansing/politicide/urbicide. This time, it’s Bashir village, Kirkuk province, Iraq. As far as I can tell, the images are genuine – the release is consistent with the brochure for Mosul, Muhallabiyah and Tal Afar, the targets are consistent with the campaign in Guba and Shireekhan, there are no comparable images in Google’s records, the claims are consistent with experts’ records of violence, etc.
Islamic State activist Abu Umar (@AbuUmar8246) publicised that the Caliphate had ‘remove[d] all symbols of Shirk [idolatry] and polytheism‘; it had ‘destroy[ed]‘ ‘a Huseiniya for Mirza Jawad Al-Tabrizi‘, ‘the office of the #Shia Badr Militia‘ (the ‘political party headquarters‘ of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI)?), ‘an Iraqi government building‘, ‘an Iraqi #army building‘, ‘a den of Shirk which the pagan Shia use for their worship’, ‘a[nother] #Shia Husseiniya temple‘, ‘[yet] a[nother] #Shia Husseiniya temple‘ and ‘a centre used to imprison and murder #Sunnis’.
(Husseiniyas are Shia ceremonial commemoration halls, but the IS use the term to identify any “idolatrous” religious building.)

The #Islamic_State destroy a Huseiniya for Mirza Jawad Al-Tabrizi in Bashir village, Kirkuk (#IS #KhilafaRestored)
(c) @AbuUmar8246, Twitter, 17th July 2014

The #Islamic_State destroy the office of the #Shia Badr Militia in Bashir village, Kirkuk (#IS #KhilafaRestored)
(c) Abu Umar, Twitter, 17th July 2014

The #Islamic_State destroy an Iraqi government building in Bashir town, Kirkuk: (#IS #KhilafaRestored #Islam #Quran)
(c) Abu Umar, Twitter, 17th July 2014

The #Islamic_State destroy an Iraqi #army building in Bashir village, Kirkuk: (#IS #KhilafaRestored #Islam #Quran)
(c) Abu Umar, Twitter, 17th July 2014

The #Islamic_State destroy a den of Shirk which the pagan Shia use for their worship in Bashir village, #Kirkuk (#IS)
(c) Abu Umar, Twitter, 17th July 2014

The #Islamic_State destroy a #Shia Husseiniya temple in Bashir village, #Kirkuk (#IS #KhilafaRestored #Islam #Quran)
(c) Abu Umar, Twitter, 17th July 2014

The #Islamic_State destroy a #Shia Husseiniya temple in Bashir village, #Kirkuk (#IS #KhilafaRestored #Islam #Quran)
(c) Abu Umar, Twitter, 17th July 2014

The #Islamic_State destroy a centre used to imprison and murder #Sunnis in Bashir village, #Kirkuk (#IS #Islam)
(c) Abu Umar, Twitter, 17th July 2014
The Islamic State/Caliphate used to be known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) – or, in Arabic, Da’ash, Da’esh or Da’ish.
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