Turkey Archive

سال دو ہزار سولہ : تکفیری دہشت گردوں کے ہاتھوں 7 ہزار عراقی شہری ہلاک ، 12678 عراقی شہری زخمی ہوئے۔اقوام متحدہ: ادارتی نوٹ: پاکستان میں تکفیری دہشت گردوں کے حامی سلفی، دیوبندی اور جماعت اسلامی جیسی تںطیمیں اور گروپ آج کل شام کے شہر حلب کے مشرقی حصّے میں سعودی عرب،ترکی، قطر کی حمائت یافتہ سلفی تکفیری دہشت گرد تنظیم

Maria Saadeh, Syrian Christian former member of parliament, speaks at IDC Side Event: “Syrian Women in politics faced with war and double standards.” By Maria Saadeh, Member of the Syrian Parliament IDC Side Event, UN Geneva, 16 June 2016 I would like to talk about my experience as a Syrian woman facing

The assassination of Russian Ambassador in Turkey: A few points to ponder – by Syed Hasnain Baqri: Words of condolences and condemnations are pouring in from around the world after an off-duty Turkish riot Police Officer Mevlut Altintas shot dead the Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov, 62, in Ankara, Turkey yesterday, as he delivered a speech.

Erdogan had nothing to gain From murder of Russian ambassador To Ankara: What this means is one of two things: Version 1: there was nobody in charge of security at this exhibition Version 2: the room where this murder happened was considered ‘safe/sterile’ because it was inside an outer security

Erdogan’s Son-in Law involved in oil trade with Salafi & Deobandi Terrorists: On Monday Wikileaks published a searchable archive of the 58,000 leaked emails from Turkey’s energy minister and son-in-law of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Berat Albayrak. The emails contain vast amounts of evidence linking Albayrak to the disgraced Turkish

ترکی کا وزیر توانائی اور ٹرکش صدر طیب رجب اردوگان کا داماد داعش کے ساتھ تیل کی تجارت میں ملوث نکلا۔وکی لیکس کا انکشاف: سوموار کے دن ویکی لیکس نے ترکی کے وزیر توانائی اور صدر ترکی طیب رجب اردوگان کی 58 ہزار ای میلز آن لائن کردیں۔ان ای میلز میں ایسے شواہد وافر تعداد میں موجود ہیں جو ٹرکش وزیر توانائی بیرات

Who is coming to address joint session of parliament in Pakistan?: In Pakistan Farce Free Media is totally blacking out cruelty and dictatorial policies of Turkish President and Turkish state. This is Turkish President which played very important role in creating #ISIS and destruction of Iraqi and Syrian cities.

Israel and the western alliance with Al-Qaeda in Syria: Earlier this year, former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy granted a telling interview to Al-Jazeera’s Mehdi Hassan. In it, he confirmed much of what I have been reporting in this column for years: Israel has been in a tactical alliance

Very interesting criticism on poistion of some left circles on Syrian war: This was a passage from an article in the Socialist Worker. Which is titled Anti Imperialism and the Syrian Revolution. In which described why the left should support the so called “Syrian Revolution” to bring democracy to Syria

آپریشن فرات شیلڈ : ترکی آگ سے کھیل رہا ہے – عامر حسینی: ترکی نے شام میں اپنی سرحد کے نزدیک داعش کے قبضے میں موجود علاقوں کو واگزار کرانے کے نام پہ باقاعدہ زمینی کاروائی کا آغاز کرڈالا ہے-ترکی نے شام میں اپنے نئے فوجی ایڈونچر کو ” آپریشن فرات شیلڈ

شامی خانہ جنگی کا نیا موڑ – ترکی کی کھیل میں واپسی – پیٹرک کوک برن : ترجمہ وتلخیص : عامر حسینی: نوٹ: پیٹرک کوک برن برطانوی انٹیلی جنس ایجنسی ایم آئی سکس کے سابق اہلکار رہے ہیں اور بطور صحافی آج کل وہ برطانوی اخبار ڈیلی انڈی پینڈیٹ کے لئے مڈل ایسٹ کے امور پہ رپورٹنگ و تجزیہ کاری کرتے

The Wahhabi (Deobandi & Salafi) of the Gulf have a lot to answer for – Robert Fisk: THE US-Iranian photo op that followed the signing of the nuclear deal with Iran last year and the footage just released — by the Russian defence ministry, no less — showing Moscow’s Tupolev Tu-22M3 bombers flying out of the

Is Turkey Following Pakistan’s Descent Into Islamization? #GeneralErdoganUlHaq: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s oppressive response to July’s failed coup attempt – in which he sacked thousands of government officials and journalists in a sweeping purge – threatens to drive the nominally secular Turkish state further down

Clinton Email: We must destroy Syria for Israel: A leaked Hillary Clinton email confirms that the Obama administration, with Hillary at the helm, orchestrated a civil war in Syria to benefit Israel. The new Wikileaks release shows the then Secretary of State ordering a war in

Turkey’s secret pact with Islamic State exposed by operative behind wave of ISIS attacks: New evidence has emerged that the Turkish government under President Erdogan is covertly providing direct military, financial and logistical support to ISIS, even while claiming to fight the terror network. The evidence comes in the form of testimony

The echos of July 20th – by Waseem Altaf: The bomb plot of July 20th,1944 to assassinate Adolf Hitler failed. As a consequence,7000 people were arrested by the Gestapo out of which 4980 were executed-only to prolong Hitler’s stay in power for another 288 days. The plot

پاک ترک سکول اور ترک سفارت خانہ – سید مجاہد علی: ترکی نے پاکستان سے درخواست کی ہے کہ ترک مذہبی رہنما فتح اللہ گولن کی تنظیم ہزمت کے زیر انتظام چلنے والے اسکول اور دیگر ادارے بند کئے جائیں۔ ترک حکومت گزشتہ ہفتے کے دوران ناکام بغاوت کے بعد

Takfiri Shadow lenghtens from Pakistan to Turkey – by Peja Mistry: The failed long march/dharna by Imran Khan last year was as dangerous for Pakistan as is the failed coup in Turkey. The results in AJK are clear indication that just like Turkey Pakistan’s urban middle class now has

Gauging the pulse of Erdogan’s Post-Coup Turkey – by Abe Reja: In 1953, the United States along with its allies namely Great Britain decided to pull the plug on the ever popular and challenging democratically-elected prime minister of Iran, Mohammed Mosaddegh. They orchestrated a coup d’état replacing the newly

Syria conflict: US backed ” moderate rebels ” filmed beheading a Palestinian boy in Aleppo – Janice Kortkamp: I don’t do this very often, but Americans really must see what we are paying for who we are arming, who we are training, and who we are calling our “moderate rebels” fighting for “freedom and democracy” in

ترک وزیراعظم کو شام سے تعلقات کی بحالی کے بیان پر سعودی عرب کی دھمکی: ریاض (مانیٹرنگ ڈیسک) ترک وزیر اعظم کی جانب سے شام سے تعلقات کی بحالی کی بابت بیان دیئے جانے پر سعودی عرب نے اسے دھمکی دی ہے۔تفصیلات کے مطابق سعودی وزیر خارجہ عادل الجبیر اور ان کے امریکی

ترکی: بغاوت فوجیوں نے کی، گرفتار ہزاروں جج ہوئے – عدنان خان کاکڑ: ترکی میں فوجی بغاوت ناکام ہونے کے بعد صدر ایردوان کی حکومت نے 2745 ججوں اور سرکاری وکلا کی گرفتاری کا حکم دے دیا ہے۔ ان میں اعلی عدلیہ کے جج بھی شامل ہیں۔ سپریم کورٹ آف اپیل کے

Caliph Erdogan and his “God sent” Coup – Khalid Umar: Erdogan is a Salafi Ikhwanist. He is at the centre of power for 14 years. He is wielding more autocratic powers with every day. He is as democrat as was Hitler when he won elections in Germany. Erdogan

Turkey coup wasn’t a military coup against a civilian authority – Saqlain Imam: Editor’s note: Erdogan’s support for Al Qaeda and ISIS against the Syrian Government is a continued cause for concern. It would not be outlandish to suggest that this failed coup attempt could be another False Flag operation by

Coup Against Erdogan represents Plan B for the U.S., EU and Saudi-Qatar: #CoupAgainstErdogan represents Plan B for the U.S., EU and Saudi-Qatar. Having failed in regime change in Syria using Salafi Al Qaeda proxies, Kurdish proxies will now be used to further destabilise the region. Erdogan is Turkey’s Nawaz Sharif

Uyghur Militants in Syria: The Turkish Connection: The Chinese authorities have claimed that since 2013, “hundreds” of Uyghurs have travelled to Syria and Iraq to join the Islamic State and other jihadist organizations; such claims have been used as justification for new counter-terrorism policies (Xinhua, July

Turkish border guards ‘shoot eight Syrian refugees dead’ including women and children trying to reach safety: Abdmunem Kashkash, a lawyer from Aleppo who was with the group but escaped injury, said they had been repelled by gunfire several times before attempting the crossing near the Syrian town of Khirbet. “There was one little girl

Turkey’s seizure of churches and land alarms Armenians: ISTANBUL — The Turkish government has seized the historic Armenian Surp Giragos Church, a number of other churches and large swaths of property in the heavily damaged Kurdish city of Diyarbakir, saying it wants to restore the area

Turkey is deliberately ‘unleashing’ Isis terrorists into Europe, says Jordan’s King Abdullah: Turkey is exporting Isis-linked terrorists to Europe, according to King Abdullah of Jordan. The monarch’s remarks came in a meeting with members of the US Congress, in which he said that Islamist militants were being “manufactured in Turkey”

ترکی کے سب سے کثیر الاشاعت اخبار زمان کے خلاف صدر رجب طیب اردوان کی ریاستی دہشت گردی – بی بی سی اردو: کچھ دیر پہلے میں نے صحافی مظہر عباس سے پوچھا کہ ترکی کے سب سے بڑے اخبار زمان پر دن دہاڑے سرکاری قبضے کو پاکستانی میڈیا اور صحافتی تنظیمیں کیسے دیکھتے ہیں۔ مظہر نے ہنستے ہوئے کہا کہ تمہیں

The case against Qatar: The tiny, gas-rich emirate has pumped tens of millions of dollars through obscure funding networks to hard-line Syrian rebels and extremist Salafists, building a foreign policy that punches above its weight. After years of acquiescing — even taking advantage

ایک ہاتھ میں بندوق ، دوسرے میں وائلن تھامے اپنے ملک کی بقا کی جنگ لڑنے والا غیث مصطفی – عامر حسینی: یہ تصویر حمص سے تعلق رکھنے والے گٹارسٹ غیث مصطفی کی ہے جو ایک طرف تو اپنے وطن شام کی حفاظت کی جنگ لڑرہا ہے جس کے ایک ہاتھ میں بندوق ہے تو کندھے پر اس کا وائلن

Military progress in Syria and its Wider Political Consequences. Reality and the Price of Prejudice: President Obama is cornered: He faces a decision that, whatever course he opts to pursue, he is pretty sure to anger someone (maybe everyone). But he cannot – with any justice – just blame Russia (or President Putin).

Syria Invasion: Obama Is about to make the biggest decision of his presidency: Exclusive: President Obama must decide if he will let the Syrian civil war come to an end with Russian-backed President Assad still in power or if he will escalate by supporting a Turkish-Saudi invasion, which could push the world

Erdogan’s endless lust for power – Agha Shaukat Jafri: The New York Times editorial board did not need much effort in uncovering the real character of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the most autocratic and despised leader of Turkey, who has, after being on the helm of his country

Chickens coming home to roost – by Zara Abidi: Jan 12, 2016, A suicide bomber blew himself up in Sultanahmet Square, Istanbul, killing 10 and wounding 15. President Erdogan and his deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmuş, a bit too quick to point fingers, blamed the

استنبول میں سنپولیے: نئے سال کی رات شام سے پناہ گزین کے طور پرجرمنی جانے والے وہابی خوارج نے عورتوں پر منظم جنسی حملے کیے چند روز بعد جرمنی نے چند وہابی خوارج کو اپنے ملک سے نکال دیا اس کے

Saudi Arabi and Turkey planning to create a new Salafi state in parts of Iraq and Syria – Counter Punch: What is the connection between the US bombing of a Syrian military base in Ayyash, Syria, and the Turkish invasion of northern Iraq? Both of these seemingly isolated events are part of a larger plan to Balkanize the Middle East, to strengthen Washington’s